. and when they dared say that ivermectin was merely horse paste, they were criminal in doing so

and as usual we, the crazies and conspiracists, stand vindicated

thanks for posting this

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"..as usual we, the crazies and conspiracists, stand vindicated.." ...

but the crazies, conspiracists and everyday run of the mill lab rats are still in the crosshairs of annihilation if we think there is victory in vindication. (my words)

Vindication is a temporary stalemate. It is not victory. It's just the murderers agreeing to let you live a few more days

There is NEVER victory since-reason based vindication makes no difference to those who perp the lies and perp the endless attacks. They are not looking to be convinced. They are looking TO WIN and to win is to have absolute control of the lab rats. Body mind soul and assets. TOTAL control and nothing less.

They knew they were lying when they were lying, NO ONE believed the horse paste lies, even the paid mouth breathers that spouted the lies knew they were lying as they mouth gulped air to spout it. And the fact the lab rats figured it out and broke through the weapons' grade psyop brainwashing in no way changes their goal to loot us penniless, harm us to the point we can't or become too stupid to resist and kill us if necessary. The goal remains the same and any sense of retreat or allowing us "vindication" is merely a tactic on the part of the perps rather than a victory for the vindicated. It just puts the game into overtime but does not decide who wins.

Despite temporary lab rat vindication (notice how Russia Russia Russia never dies no matter how often it is debunked) many are directly harmed and will take it to the grave if they aren't there already. And ALL lab rats have been indirectly harmed. It's not just the seeds of death and chronic illness (including mental illness) they have sown, the fact that mRNA is a gene therapy means they very possibly may have changed the lab rat genetic legacy both in the direct recipients and their children. We may THINK we've escaped only to find out that our children and grand children didn't. The perps play the long game. Just like any zealous religion. The goal spans generations... and the war never ends.

Bottom line is, in the eyes of the perps this is an existential holy war and they will continue to pursue it across generations with commensurate vigor. The lab rats need to treat it the same because the attacks will not stop even if the perps allow the lab rats the occasional vindication. It is nothing more than a strategic retreat same as all the sixties radicals retreated to academia when things got too hot only to re-emerge with vengeance in recent decades after reshaping the lab rat children in the classes the lab rats are extorted to fund.

For example, when murdering bomb enabling Weather Underground founder Bill Ayers and his consort Bernardine Dohrn realized it was getting too hot and very possibly they could pay a price they willingly allowed their foot soldiers to pay they retreated to Academia (as did many of their comrades). It may be just fine for Weather Underground foot soldiers to get themselves and others blown up carrying out Weather Underground dogma but it is ALWAYS beneath the sensibility of the privileged elite leadership to suffer the same consequences such as jail or death. Not as if Ayers and Dohrn were dumb and poor. Nope, they were fortuneate and privileged in almost all spheres, as were many of the other radicals. The leaders always send THEIR lab rat foot soldiers to the gallows but conveniently exempt themselves. It's abstraction to them but a harsh reality to the foot soldiers because the less privileged foot soldiers do the jail and death but the elite leadership always seem to be able to work something out using daddy's money and connections if necessary. So the likes of Bill and Bernadine retreated to Academia to brain wash the next generation while laying low. THEY DID NOT disavow their ideology but what they DID do was "live to fight another day". Eventually re-emerging as an Obama friend and mentor. THEY DON"T STOP, but they may execute a strategic retreat. Allowing the lab rats a sense of vindication is merely a head feint before they land the next upper cut;

Whoever said it (we've all heard it)

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance

So correct

Same could be said for the price of survival

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I did not claim victory, only a minor thing ( a small advance whereby we gained a few yards of ground perhaps?) , namely that our beliefs are vindicated.

what i want is for the malefactors here to stand trial for crimes against humanity genocide, terrorism etc

and be hanged by the neck until dead.

This is a capital crime demanding a capital sentence

until that happens we do NOT have victory and i have never claimed we had, but to be fair my post was all of two or three sentences, one of my shorter efforts

and no i do not approve of vigilante activity. that is to sink to their level, and we do not need to discredit our own case by acting like them, as lawless as they are

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I understand that you did not claim victory and apologize because I knew/suspected that what I said could easily and understandably be construed to be implying that. So I owe you an apology. But I went ahead anyway. To be clear I agreed with everything you said and had/have no problem with it.

I guess I just took it as an opportunity to go on a rant that needed ranting (at least IMO:) but it wasn't really about anything you said. It just seemed like a good opportunity to remind the peeps (other than you because I'm sure you need no reminding) that we must never get complacent about ANY perceived victory because evil never gives up and I happen to view the adversary as power mad evil that adhere to the "by any means necessary" rule of warfare. Even if we get public hangings we should never be complacent because the survivors will start planning how to avoid the noose next time they plan a genocide. THEY ARE NOT EASILY DETERRED. Short of a spiritual awakening few every really repent and for every one that does there are 10 to take their place. And for sure it's a war. An eternal war and a spiritual war and if necessary throw in a little or a lot of genocide to fit the "any means necessary" paradigm. These SOBs will NEVER rest but the lab rat targets may rest because they think that they managed to reach the "the better nature" of an adversary that at its core has no better nature.

All you have to do is witness and acknowledge how casually and guilt free they unleashed genocidal bio weapons and clot shots to achieve their aims (coincidently before an election that needed stealing). So if an election needs to be stolen or WHATEVER lunatic excuse there is literally NOTHING that will redirect them from their goals. Mess with the weather, poison the food, poison the peeps, WHATEVER IT TAKES. They'll not be stopped just because they pretend they saw the light.

So I'm in agreement with you. We need to go the full measure and chase the SOBs down LAWFULLY and make sure they receive the proper consequence while retaining full awareness that the appearance of "proper consequence" may just be providing cover for the planning phase of the next attack. (I often wonder how many people (like me) were lulled into complacency about bio weapons because "Our government would not do that because it was outlawed at Nuremburg and we along with the rest of the west signed that stuff". Was a HUGE wake up late in life to realize that the vaunted "rule of law" is often, perhaps primarily, just a placating illusion).

IMO As it is, it is always the same and it boils down to something like this

"It appears that you've temporarily agreed to stop overtly trying to kill us so let's let bygones be bygones and you can keep the BILLIONS you got from shamelessly looting and killing us (if you throw us a few bone$$$ for being so understanding that would be nice), and if you clandestinely feel you want to continue what you've been doing during the "ceasefire" (which of course you will) we'll pretend it is not happening till it gets uncomfortable for us to pretend anymore. But rest assured, you will NEVER be held accountable in any way near the accountability you visited on those you looted and killed"

A slap with a noodle for some (a noodle could even entail execution) and Operation Paper Clip rehabilitation for others. Don't worry be happy

So I agree with you in spades. We should take them to the woodshed far beyond anything that was stage managed at the Nuremburg trials because truth be told, a lot of the really consequential guilty, the foot soldiers who did the actual dirty work, were reborn in operation paperclip. The jail time and executions were on people like Hess and Goring but IMO those people while fully deserving of their fates were beyond their utility because unlike the paperclip crews they did not have the chemical, bio and conventional weapons knowledge to pass on to OUR government thus helping them to attack US citizens in the fullness of time. The executions of "the big boys" in the end served as stage craft to convince the world "we're doing something about it" while allowing the high tech mentors of the future be Operation Paper Clipped into genocidal utility. Same deal in the Pacific. Shiro Iishi the Mengele of Japan was saved BY THE USA because we wanted to pick their bio weapon brains. Had the Russians had their way the outcome would have been way different.

Sadly, I suspect that if we get the illusion of victory it will be as it almost always is, the big time criminals of this last genocidal operation will skate and if we're lucky the J6 people may FINALLY be released and everyone will say "justice has prevailed".

We settle for far too little when it comes to accountability. Accountability in wall street for example is you're forced/encouraged to take a $100+ million parachute and go "suffer" for the rest of your life on a Caribbean yacht surrounded by bikini clad women.

What we saw happen was as if the constitution and the Nuremburg treaty (and similar laws) did not exist. Besides punishing the perps to the full measure we should swing for the bleachers and try to reinstate the primacy of our constitution and the whole concept of the rule of law and consent of the governed. What we saw instead was rampant coerced needle rape with the population so manipulated that many if not most were OK with it. So much for body sovereignty. Appears Rape is OK if it's to protect granny. For that manipulation alone a lot of heads should fly.

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Excellent stack👍

A keeper!❤️

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Why can't we say "cured." Why must we use waffle words like "remission" and "complete remission." The reason we cannot is simply that cancer "cured" claims are not permitted. If a cancer can be cured, we would need to take some important steps, like searching for the cause of the "cured" and that terrifies the chemotherapy establishment, the modern medicine establishment.

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thx 🌹🌻🌸💐💚💛💜❤️🌼😍🥰

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Solid work, as always. 👏👏👏

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With All the circulating fake news, The Vigilant Fox continues to knock it out of the park. Touche

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My perception of Mike Johnson has improved immensely since watching that clip (#8). He did well.

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Agreed. I can now more comfortably call him, Mr. Speaker.

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All Anti Parasites work, because CANCER is caused by PARASITES.... Take note, you need a Binary Detox, one for the body and one that crosses the blood brain barrier ... CBD and THC are Excellent for the brain. Now you know why they throw people in cages for smoking a PLANT don't you????


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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago

Kamala Harris as "Uniquely unqualified" is the polite term for...retarded.😁

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Differently Able would be the retort of the peak DEI promoting administration

The clown world circus contingent always wins when they make the rules

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You can be sure the next time there wont be any questions or use of any Ivermectin. They are learning and adapting to every set back they experience, so with a complacent and inadequate response to every one of their horrors, we are really forcing them to be better at their crimes and allowing ourselves less and less avenue for escape and survival. At this point I'm sure a statistical software suite could probably manage our survival probabilities and be terrifyingly accurate! Would that information make the powers that be move their collective ass any faster, more intelligently or even in the best interests of the average citizen? I'm not sure it would matter, because America (Just as an example) and the American dream, in my lifetime thus far, seems to be very difficult to get any sort of real grasp upon. The idea of liberty, freedom and justice seem to be the stuff of movies and books and not so much real world occurrence. And it no longer takes any imagination to realize were only experiencing what they aren't able to completely remove or prevent from our eventually discovering. Eventually being a term they see as having multiple centuries attributed to it by default!

Real quick, because i am presently doing my best to keep my comments and responses on point and less than the size of a bestselling novel...

What do you think were the original plans for the Covid vaccine and the inescapable aftermath of WTF that would obviously follow. What is currently happening is often truly hard to accept as happening, but hardly befits the time, energy, money, power and personnel involved to pull off this kind of mind-fuckery and compliance from the victims as well as the on-boarded medical, law enforcement and literal armies of others necessary! I'm thinking that at more than one point someone seriously dropped the ball and why were any of us still here to talk about it at all.

And for that matter, why go vaccines at all? Why not water supply? it's completely mapped out with literal pipelines delivering to everyone and you avoid the all the mess of mandating and resistance, yadda yadda yadda! I'm sure there are reasons why for it all, but my point being they had to have known it would be noticed and their go to response seems to have been simply to ignore and censor, and not so much the truth, but that its NOT safe and effective. Sure it makes sense to keep up the lie once unleashed, but if they knew they would get caught, they also had to know to keep pumping 'safe and effective' is to only tighten the noose around their necks for having not a drop of remorse among all of them, if my understanding of how the court system works is correct.

But the reality of it all is that much more of this vaccines lethality has come out in recent scientific studies that are the gold standard for such and I'm seeing eminent medical professionals who normally carry with them the power to instantly sway governments into action having to practically beg for them to even listen to a YouTube video they sent them, seemingly letting us all know that the best of us are being actively ignored and so would seem to make all the governments of the world complicit! So, where does all of our struggle and millions of deaths, billions of injuries and occasional vindication leave us in the food chain of this most unfortunate of worldwide events? At best, distracted and made complacent while they reformulate the plan to accommodate the screw-ups and so actually finish the job! I mean halfway is never a good look for a contractor, especially when the job site has hundreds of millions of clients

I don't know, but it seems there's an awful lot of distractions these days and none of them seem to be about getting the vaccines pulled from every pharmacy worldwide and arresting the people responsible. I'm thinking maybe the limits of the law are showing through, what do you do when the law isn't backed by the nation that's purports to be it's champion, but then tries to murder everyone? Who is supposed to arrest the law-givers. I know I am probably not going to lie the answer, but tactics so far don't really feel like they're being taken seriously. I think we should focus more on being able to know when the alarm has sounded and so offer a coordinated response. Definitely feels like we're being handled so far

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