I think the fact that the 'experts' weren't doing these types of studies points to the fact that know exactly what would find if they did. We're starting to see (or at least notice) this pattern everywhere, aren't we?

As an aside, VIGILANT NEWS IS AWESOME! So excited to see what's next for you!!!

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Thank you!

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Exactamundo. 12 babies died in trials yet they pushed it out.

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These people routinely murder babies at abortion clinics and with their pills at people's homes so what do they care about babies?

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"These people routinely murder babies at abortion clinics"

You need to learn the meaning of words, so you don't use them incorrectly. A fetus and a baby are not the same thing. A baby is a living, breathing human being. A fetus is a lump of ectoplasm. Only one of these two is aborted; can you guess which?

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I have four children and every one of them was scanned at 12 weeks and in every case the doctor doing the scanning called what we were looking at a baby. Can you guess why?

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This is a very important paper, but unfortunately it only seems to be looking at the IMMEDIATE or very short-term deaths after vaccination. The thing is, the evidence (along with common sense) tells us that the vast majority of vaccine-induced deaths are DELAYED by at least weeks or months, rather than immediate. Both the Pfizer and Moderna gold-standard clinical trials showed excess non-COVID deaths compared to placebo at 6 months post-vaccine, but NOT at 1 month post-vaccine.

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Agree. WSe do know that "all-cause mortality rates" capture all causes of death and they have been rising steeply in every heavily vaxxed nation. SO we can infer that something, which happens to correlate in time with the roll out of the jabs, is killing many people, especially in the 18-45 cohort based in the actuarial data. However, I am not expecting authorities responsible for the greatest crime against humanity in history to ever admit and accept responsibility.

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Pfizer Clinical Trial used the Process 1 jab with highly purified mRNA made by RT-PCR.

Mass jabbing used Process 2 from E. coli, resulting in Lipid A in every vial. Pfizer lists this supertoxin as its preferred Adjuvant in its Covid19 patent.


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exactly as is the case with the childhood schedule

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The truth is coming out more and more! I'm here for it.

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Me too but it’s also heartbreaking because I feel like everybody I know all my family members and friends all have been jabbed

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I'm sure you warned them and they ignored you so not your fault.

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Believing those two Damming words; "Safe & Effective" regretting now, their choices....

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It truly is heartbreaking. I also have several family members that refuse to see it as dangerous. I pray every day that they'll figure it out before it's too late.

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This is going to resemble Mao's Great Leap Forward or the Cultural Revolution. 70 years from now we will still be trying to figure out the actual body count, and for the same reasons: govt propaganda will throw shade on it for as long as they can. Which can be a very long time (see JFK, assassination coverup).

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But they are pushing these bio weapons on TV commercials here in Tucson, AZ.

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I was just at the Dr. for a wellness visit, and she didn't mention anything about the bio weapons.

If she did it would have been my last time there.

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All Google search to my inquiry ( “FDA approval of Ivermectin” ) states that FDA approval of Ivermectin for Covid is not true -- literally 100s of items explicitly state it is NOT true to my inquiry.



• On Tuesday, August 8th, a DOJ attorney testified in a Louisiana courtroom at an FDA hearing that the FDA had always allowed physicians to prescribe ivermectin for COVID-19. For some in the courtroom it was a startling untruth to unexpectedly hear, but she did state that.

• A lawyer representing the FDA said “FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe Ivermectin to treat COVID.” That lawyer is Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA. She made her comments during oral arguments on August 8 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.

We live in an Empire of Lies as intelligent Putin calls US…

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023

I read Mark Crispen Millers substack where he focuses on sudden death cases and I can say without any doubt that so many are dying. Such a tragedy. What's sick, is we tried to warn them and few listened.

For every generation there will be tragic events. My wife and I are now heading into the Twilight of ours. I truly fear for my children though. What will happen when this wave of death ends? What will be left? Will there be stable governments?

Every day I pray that this dying will end, and that people will wake up, deal with what they now know and carry on with their lives. It's a hope and a prayer anyway.

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It isn't just Pfizer that knew, the "British" government (WEF controlled actually) put out bids for the design of a yellow cardsystem that could could deal with huge numbers of adverse effects as the present system at that time wouldn't be able to cope. So the "British" government knowingly killed and maimed huge numbers of British people and other WEF controlled governments did exactly the same to the people they were preying on.

I don't know about you but I don't ditch my rowing boat and build an Ark every time a new rain shower comes along unless I was told by someone in the know that I absolutely needed to do so.

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There's this: "There’s a decent chance that this man now has pretty good protection against the SARS-CoV-2."

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I don't mean to take the subject away from the injections, but consider that the continuing rollout of small cells across the globe for the fifth & later generations of wireless communication, data harvesting, AI, geofencing & other applications may well massively increase the incidence of heart related (& other) conditions. There's an anecdote in Arthur Firstenberg's book The Invisible Rainbow about Marconi & if I remember correctly he suffered numerous heart attacks (around 9) before eventually dying from one. He was apparently working with that part of the electromagnetic spectrum (microwaves).

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I've read that there's been a 400% increase in myocarditis & pericarditis since the jabs and that 50% of those that have it will die in within 5 yrs.😢🙏

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A Question: There have apparently been reports on Substack that Ivermectin has now been approved for Covid treatment. Is this correct or not?

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On Tuesday, August 8th, a DOJ attorney testified in a Louisiana courtroom at an FDA hearing that the FDA had always allowed physicians to prescribe ivermectin for COVID-19. For some in the courtroom it was a startling untruth to unexpectedly hear, but she did state that.

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Thank you very much but -- this is likely not sufficient -- D0J people lie a lot ;-))

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The fun thing is the FDA does not even have the authority to approve or disapprove for a particular medical situation. This is solely to the doctor, as long as the medication is listed for anything at all - which Ivermectin is and has been. Off-label use is ubiquitous for many medicines and part of everyday medical practice.

So if anything, it is the insurers and hospitals who pressured doctors that need to be sued out of existence and their decision makers put behind bars.

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Medical 'mistake'


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NZ and Au- Good old state funded depopulation.

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