Oh yeah, gee... remember all the kids dropping from heart attacks when we were going to school?

Me neither.

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This is heartbreaking! One of them is from my town, I just learned. So glad I would not have ever let my son get this over my dead body. Wish people had done their research.

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Find a way for families to join a class action suit against the pharmaceutical villains Pfizer and Moderna!!

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I wish we knew the vaccine status of these kids. It seems very abnormal.

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I know of a child 9 years old at my children's school that passed away after he had chest pain from playing tennis :( I am unsure of vaccine status, but sadly, there's no open discussion about this to bring awareness of what happened.

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Killing, or impairing the youth, Genocide on a Global Scale.

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"Experts remain baffled."

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#1, are the tests listed on the flyer the correct tests for Peri/Myo?

#2, nice that there is a man child of 21 on the flyer, and of course he was one of HOW MANY EXACTLY in that age group in the year 2000 that had a rare heart attack. Someone should run the numbers of heart attacks in healthy young men 2000 vs 2021/22/23

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If the WORLD isnt AWAKENED ( for lack of a better term) to the pure EVIL of RAMPANT PROFITEERING & PLANNED GENOCIDE we will LOSE EVERYTHING This all Screams for Accountability & PUNISHMENT Life imprisonment these are DEATH PENALTY OFFENCES

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God damn the fuckers responsible for this guillotine is to painless for these scum. How did we let this happen?

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Unfortunately, too many mothers reacted in a knee-jerk fashion to the intial news put out by the MSM regarding the covid virus. They didn't bother to do their research. They over-reacted without thinking or reasoning and dragged their kids in for jabs that may have killed or might kill their own children. This emotional, "play it safe" mindset is deadly. Wise up ladies! Look, read think before you jump!

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My buddies mom is a holistic healer. She strongly advised a mom to NOT jab her son. She didn’t listen. He died 15 minutes later. But those sniffles would have been devastating. And the NextDoor app had a neighbor post about a brain bleed attributed to the jab, confirmed by their family doc. Also a 14 year old. Post was removed within hours. Who da fock was monitoring the NextDoor app? Probably some Karen squealed. “Misinformation spreader!!!!”

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And the parents who must be grief-stricken...are they waking up? are they speaking out? Some people here in NZ were PAID by the govt to keep quiet.

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I suspect, children who got the Covid Vax, will be Sterile, Genocide on a Worldwide scale.

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Miscarriages, and still births are increasing was reading, Women are looking for unvaxxed Men for their sperm. A chance to be a Mother maybe?

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