I am a "conspiracy theorist". I believe men and women of wealth and power conspire. If you don't think so, then you are what is called "an idiot". If you believe stuff but fear the label, you are what is called "a coward".

-David Cullum


The term "conspiracy theory" is remarkably adept at turning off all critical thinking like a light switch in a large portion of the people I have personally met. Conditioning the public to react this way has to have been one of the most effective PSYOPs ever pushed onto the general population.

It is equal parts diabolic and brilliant, and it means that the elites can get away with just about anything with little to no scrutiny because everyone is too afraid to point out that the emperor has no clothes lest they be labeled a "conspiracy theorist".

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It took 60 years for “science” to understand the mechanism of harm engaged by Thalidomide. The mechanism of harm was altering production of proteins inside human cells which lead to the various malformations suffered by babies impacted with Thalidomide. https://www.dana-farber.org/newsroom/news-releases/2018/after-60-years--scientists-uncover-how-thalidomide-produced-birth-defects/

Covid19 shots alter protein production in cells. So.

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You should check out the story on zero hedge about New Zealand fudging numbers and mysteriously revising the numbers on how this injection damages kidneys. They've known all along that this injection damaged kidneys among other organs, yet politicians, corporations and "healthcare" providers tried to force people to get this injection regardless.

My hubby was diagnosed with stage 3B kidney cancer in May 2020 and had one of his kidney's removed in June 2020. Yet, people we knew or associated with told him he (actually both of us, our adult son and my mom who is in her early 80's) selfish, a grandma killer, a conservative a$$hole and didn't deserve healthcare because he/we chose to make the best decision for our personal circumstances and beliefs. He even had to find a new job, we had to sell our dream home and property, relocate when we did not want to and suffered significant financial loss because strangers and politicians and yes, even "friends" felt they knew better than him about his own body. We don't regret for one day that we stood strong and refused to get the shot and we are still happy, healthy and he has a functioning kidney.

In a January 2023 preprint in The Lancet, the New Zealand government released a study showing a 70 percent increased rate of kidney injury following two doses of Pfizer mRNA vaccines.

One dose of Pfizer showed a 60 percent increased rate of injury within three weeks post-injection, while two doses showed a 70 percent increased rate of injury three weeks post-injection.

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I’d add lockdowns to the list. They did tremendous enduring harms with zero benefits.

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I refused to take the vaccine and had very unpleasant results, as well as some very good results. The unpleasant results were that my daughter accused me of not loving her enough to get vaccinated, while I had to stand by begging her not to vaccinate herself, my SIL and 5yo granddaughter at the time, all to no avail. It created a rift that has just begun to heal in our family. Even my granddaughter begged me on the phone to get vaccinated so that I could visit with them and I was accused by my daughter of not loving their family enough to comply. Same with the masks.

I got Covid in 2021, was so sick I wound up in ICU and had to be on oxygen for 2 months when I came home from the hospital. This made things even worse with my daughter. My husband also refused to get the jab and he gave me the Covid. Covid affected my lungs, my kidneys, and gave me a weird lump in the nether reaches that went away.

The real reason, bottom line, that I did not take the jab is that I have a very compromised immune system, no thyroid, have had quite a few surgeries, had pneumonia in HS that turned into mononucleosis, and I inherited pituitary issues from my grandma. I just felt it would be crazy for me to monkey around with my insides. I did get 100% well from Covid and have no lingering problems. I haven't had a cold, flu, sore throat or sniffle since. People around me are sick, but I don't seem to ever get a thing. I'm hoping this holds!

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This is one of the most important posts you’ve done! I read, over and over, on social media, newly awakened people asking for just this type of information. While many of us have been reading up, researching and listening to those that know for the last 3+ years, they are new to this and don’t know where to find the data. This is very helpful to send to them and all of us need to spread this far and wide! Thank you, VF!

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BOOM! Cold comfort to be a 100% accurate conspiracy theorist! And who would listen? Who was made fun of? Who resisted the peer and family pressure? Who was RIGHT??

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Covid 19 came from a bioweapon lab in China partially funded by the US and used technology from US scientists

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Everything is a conspiracy theory until proven otherwise.

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16. Doctor and nurse whistleblowers confirm they were pressured NOT to report adverse events.

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PCR tests cannot diagnose viruses.

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the spike would be gone from arm and not travel through the body

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15 for 15 is pretty good, a 1.000 batting average.

"Spoiler alert" is good, but I prefer "truther".

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Outstanding article by VigilantFox!

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And then there's Big Mike!

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Great list and links. I'm saving it. Thanks.

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