Jun 10Liked by The Vigilant Fox

His recent interview with representative Thomas Massie was epic. Out of the 533 members of Congress he's the only one I actually trust across the board. And that's terrifying considering those are the people's medium with regards to governing our country.

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I'm not sure about Massie. But the ones I do trust in the House are MTG, Gaetz and Jordan.

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MTG especially has made cartoon character like comments too often. Gaetz is a tad suspect. Jordan is curious in what he has not helped bring out during covid.

Massie on the other hand is a genius smart guy keeping quiet when possible and compelling the truth from liars repeatedly. Unlike Paul, he has not campaigned on ineffectively fighting Fauci.

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And he doesn't have an AIPAC guy hanging around his neck. 👍🏻

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

Watch/listen to the Massie interview, the whole two hours. Particularly the AIPAC info. If you're not sure at that point something's wrong with you.

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Jun 10Liked by The Vigilant Fox

I couldn’t wait to sign up with Tucker. I’ve learned a million things from him.

Thank you Vigilant Fox for loving him too❣️

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and A LOT of it is NOT new information

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The Thomas Massie interview was stellar. Mr. Massie is a modern-day Abraham Lincoln. Watch this interview and you will see what I mean. The man is a kind-hearted genius- rare combined qualities that man embodies. How lucky we are as Americans to have him in Congress. Too bad I live in South Carolina and can’t vote for him. Here, we have the odious war mongering pest, Lindsey Graham.

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Not from South Carolina so not an expert on Lindsey. Just gut feelings from what I saw.

He & McCain seemed to be such an odd couple other than (I think) they both have some southern roots. What I mostly noticed is what you mention. Both Lindsey & McCain seem to have never seen a war or military operation they were not foaming mouth barking mad in favor of waging or at least escalating. Not even sure what Lindsey's military fetish was about other than being southern. McCain had obvious connections being the son of a military guy & all that war hero stuff. But they sure did look like an odd couple. McCain the actual military vet with the dues behind him for some credibility next to Lindsey who looks like the quintessential chicken-hawk. Lindsey seems like the sort who would've gone to Canada or come out as gay or something during Vietnam before he would serve or allow himself to be drafted. And of course since he has no kids of his own he's more than happy to send YOURS

But what always struck me and stuck me was those clips of McCain & Lindsey in the Ukraine more or less swearing to whomever they were specking that (paraphrasing) "we got your back till death do us part". This was way before the Ukraine mess as we know it now. But all I could think was "these 2 clowns are Senators! Who the hell gave them authority to make PROMISES to a foreign country backed by the lives and treasure of USA citizens? Why the hell aren't they home representing their states instead of selling the nation off to war?" Seems every time we turn around there are senators making promises TO FOREIGNERS rather than minding the home front and the states they represent. It looks grifty as hell and also looks presumptuous. Not a constitutional expert but don't think Senators are empowered to make promises to foreigners without at least saying "I am saying on behalf of the POTUS yada yada". The clips I saw they never had that caveat. It was just a "you have our word" speech. Don't think they have that authority!!

Something about those 2 war mongers making promises on behalf of the nation rather than the states they represented left (and continues to leave) a sour taste in my mouth

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Rumor mill about Graham really isn’t a rumor. Everyone here who dislikes him calls him Miss Lindsey.

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Isn't it more Southern to call him Missy Lindsey? Or does asking that question out me as a dam Yankee?:)

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By the way, every person “raised right” down here is taught to call all women older than they are Ms This or Ms That. For instance, I call my mother in law Ms Colleen. That is truly a Deep South habit, more akin to Louisiana where my Cajun mom is from. It is supposed to show respect and even deference. Old habits die hard sometimes.

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Respect & Deference. How quaint

I miss quaint

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LOL, Ray! Yes, to your second question! Cheers, northern buddy.

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Massie is my congressman, and I really enjoyed Tucker's interview with him. Seeing all that he accomplishes makes me feel like such a slacker.

I keep marveling at how a state as great as South Carolina keeps electing Graham, and then I remember we've put Mitch McConnell up there for 40 years. Sorry.

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Thanks, Joe. Maybe someday those two fossils will be wisps in the mists of history! You are so lucky to have Massie to vote for!!

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Can’t cuck the Tuck. Zyn is not a sin. The Pat Tillman saga is a dark stain on our government and military industrial complex: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/pat-tillman-coverup

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Jun 10Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Wow! This is epic. All these world-altering revelations listed in one article! Thank you, Vigilant Fox!

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I'm glad you found it helpful!

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Jun 10Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Yup, I’m all signed up with TCN and it is awsome- thanks for the ‘Things Learned’ post, it was very interesting!

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Jun 10Liked by The Vigilant Fox

thank you

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Just remember his CIA connections...

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Tucker has changed the terrain on which journalism is played.

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If only Jr wasn't pro Israel

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Tucker has his own network, which one can join for merely $9.00 per month. There are many extras. For me, it is well worth the money. https//www.tuckercarlson.com

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There is NOTHING he could possibly say that would interest me

NOT after he carried water in when they rolled out

MURDER, MAIMING, LOCKDOWNS that destroyed livelihoods of some so severe

they took their own lives

He went right along with it all because a FAT PAY CHECK was his greatest need

NO respect for him anymore than the rest of the toads on Fox

Speaking of, I heard that when Kilmeade was asked why they did NOT investigate what

REPUTABLE healthcare providers, who were shoved aside, were sharing about

the GENOCIDE, he said they had no way to investigate


There was endless information

In fact, when I smelled a rat early in '20 my naturopath shared a ton of it with me

but Kilmeade and his fellow toads at Fox

'we be all about pushing SELF while we crow whatever we are told

but our fat paychecks make up for it ;-) ;-) ;-)

were just too busy

Particularly laughable is Tucker now says he never took the jab

just like the many in Congress who were scarfing down Ivermectin

and yet demanding WE take the jab

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A little too desperate aren't you Rosalee? A mere 15-second search brings up numerous MSM articles from March, 2021 about Tucker being called out by colleagues at Fox for his skepticism of the covid shot. Over THREE years ago. The guy got himself shit-canned from that network for God's sake.

Everyone here saw through it all and acted accordingly. Get over yourself.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

Desperate? Get over yourself?

Your utter failure to understand what my issue is primarily with Carlson

is evident in pleading for some understanding

What counted for me was how


went along with what killed, maimed and destroyed livelihood because too busy

focusing on a fat paycheck

and the insult continues as he now claims to never have had the jab

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As I so effortlessly pointed out to you - he was speaking out about it, on Fox News, a couple of months after the rollout. Of course he never had the jab - don't you imagine, in the current environment, if he were lying someone would make it their business to expose it? You're literally nuts, or owned, or both.

I imagine you can't stand Massie either. Perhaps something to do with AIPAC.

I won't be replying further - but I'd bet my house that you will. Folks like you crave the last word. 😂

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yes sir....how easily people forget. can a weasel change its spots? really?

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Moderna's Patented virus #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG patented 2013: DARPA has openly bragged on Twitter that Moderna’s mRNA vaccine technology, and by extension Moderna’s Covid vaccine, was a product of their ADEPT program

So why do I have a PDF Contracting with Pfizer to deliver their vaccine for

DOD-ATI-Pfizer-Technical-Direction-Letter-OTA-W15QKN-16-9-1002-21July2020 (7.86mb)

The Department Of The Army US Army Contracting Command – New Jersey Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey 07806-5000 for a Large Scale Vaccine Manufacturing Demonstration (Pfizer, Inc) for the total approved cost to the Government for $1,950,097,500.00 if the virus “Just” escaped from a BioLab?

Provide me with an eMail address and I’ll send a copy to you

Covid mRNA Shots Are NOT Vaccines, Appeals Court Rules


Legal Precedent June 7, 2024 for U.S. Citizens to Deny Medical Treatment.

“forced medical treatment” , “safe and effective for what?”

“JUST IN – Dr. Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated law professor that drafted the Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act of 1989, Provides Affidavit that COVID 19 mRNA injections are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Dr. Boyle stated that the COVID-19 injections violate Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175 and Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023).

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None of these 8 lessons were new to me nor came from Tucker Carlson. In fact Tucker could and should have brought these out years earlier. When is he going to fess up to helping to cover up Gary Webb's murder and its meaning? Probably never since his family support Iran Contra.

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None of these 8 lessons were new to me nor came from Tucker Carlson

Thank you

He reminds me of Dick Wolfe who does crime tv series ALL based on real stories taken from headlines and yet

crows about himself and how original they are

Tucker also failed miserably in exposing, in order to save his fat pay check, the

scam that was so costly to lives in early '20 when there was considerable information available through

REPUTABLE healthcare providers re:


I thank God every day that I had one of the reputable

It is now more than 4 years later and I have not had so much as a sniffle (am 82)

2 friends are dead, many sick more than once and one has long term


The common denominator? ALL fully jabbed

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Poor, poor Rosalee.

She thinks that Tucker Carlson’s incredible journalism is useless — she knew it all and way earlier… - she just didn’t tell anybody.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

THAT is not what I said

I said for the most part what he has exposed has been around for some time

Perhaps his greatest failure was in addressing, early in '20 what was

well known among reputable healthcare providers.

That is why I no longer watch him

Poor you Boris, that when you read something, it does not

compute for you

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Thank you for explaining just how silly you are ;-)) Have a nice day.

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Boris. Who is Gary Webb. What did Tucker Carlson say about Gary Webb when Webb exposed the CIA running drugs into the US for Iran Contra? What was Tucker's relationship to the Contras? What did Tucker tell you that you did not already know?

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Even worse - you don’t even mentioned what he once said while in high school ;-))

Unlike most of public figures he can’t stop saying how many things he believed were wrong, including, e.g., about Iraq illegal war.

Appreciate people who apologize for their ignorant mistakes — there are unforgiving “purists” among us who often never contributed anything to society.

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When the co-dependent addiction to the nonsensical, scientifically bankrupt theory of "viruses" is dispatched to the oblivion it, and its perpetrators and instigators deserve, then and only then will a rebirth of liberty be possible. For therein lies the trembling fear at the heart of the globalist myth, the exposure of their greatest lie and their utter dependence upon of the mythology that enables assault by a barrelled needle.

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