One year ago, my account was restored on X after a 9-month ban for sharing dangerous “COVID misinformation.”
However, the “misinformation” that got me banned actually turned out to be true.
Up from 44K last December, we’re now over 700K followers strong. I cannot thank you enough for your support.
Here are some more freedom fighters who also got banned for being on the right side of history:
• Dr. Naomi Wolf (@naomirwolf) – CEO of @DailyClout & investigative journalist doing amazing work with the Pfizer documents.
• Dr. Mary Bowden (@MdBreathe) – brave medical doctor who had her privileges suspended after promoting ivermectin.
• Dr. Claire Craig (@ClareCraigPath) - diagnostic pathologist.
• Chief Nerd (@thechiefnerd) – Engineer and citizen journalist.
• Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (@DrJBhattacharya) – Stanford professor of medicine.
• Dr. Lynn Fynn (@Fynnderella1) – highly-censored medical doctor.
• DailyClout (@DailyClout) - company led by @naomirwolf—uncovering all within the Pfizer documents.
• The Wellness Company (@twc_health) - healthcare with an alternative approach to "a pill for every ill."
• Dr. Seneff (@stephanieseneff) - Senior research scientist at MIT.
• Dr. McCullough (@P_McCulloughMD) - one of the most published cardiologists ever.
• Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (@RobertKennedyJr) - lawyer & author of "The Real Anthony Fauci"
• Children's Health Defense (@ChildrensHD) - organization shedding light on harmful medical practices.
• Dr. "Zev" Zelenko (@zelenkozev) - family doctor no longer with us who created the world-famous Zelenko protocol for Covid-19.
• Steve Kirsch (@stkirsch) - entrepreneur and founder of VSRF (@VacSafety).
• Dr. Ryan Cole (@drcole12) - brilliant and outspoken pathologist.
• Dr. Kelly Victory (@DrKellyVictory) - fierce medical doctor. "The virus is real. The statistics are not."
• Dr. Robert Malone (@RWMaloneMD) - mRNA pioneer & prominent C19 vax critic.
• Political Moonshine (@PoliticalMoons2) - one of the finest fraud investigators around.
• Edward Dowd (@DowdEdward) – former Blackrock asset manager and freedom activist.
• Texas Lindsay (@TexasLindsay_) – fierce medical freedom and freedom of speech activist.
• KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) – highly skilled independent and investigative journalist.
• Dr. Pierre Kory (@PierreKory) - an esteemed ICU & lung doctor. No one knows more about ivermectin than he does.
• Brian O'Shea (@BrianOSheaSPI) – investigator & defender of liberty.
• Brian Tyson (@btysonmd) - medical doctor who has saved thousands of Covid-19 patients.
• Tom Renz (@RenzTom) - Attorney. He claims himself to be a nobody from Ohio, but he has risen to become a very special SOMEBODY through his actions during Covid-19.
• Derrick Broze (@DBrozeLiveFree) - journalist, filmmaker, author, and anti-Great Reset activist.
Congratulations, Vigilant Fox. You and your fellow silenced truth-tellers have reached “the words-can-never-hurt-you stage”:
“Once they start calling you all those hideous names, you realize they’re nothing more than magician’s smoke.
”You gradually start to give fewer and fewer f*cks.
“You know you’ve hit zero when you feel the exhilarating liberation that comes from shouting the unfettered truth.
“That’s the words-can-never-hurt-you stage.
”You become untouchable.
“You start collecting libels like Purple Hearts.
“The more scars you can count, the more evidence of your efficacy, your threat to the hegemony.
“That’s when you can truly LIVE. And by truth, not by lies.”
• “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler”:
I adore and value your stack! You are helping us to find and follow the Light in this incredibly dark time. Thank you.