All of these wonderful people listed are a gift to the world and especially to those of us who know the truth and are bombarded with negativity from all angles. Every one of them are true heroes. And I thank each one!
Twitter should amplify all of their posts past and present or provide them with free advertising to compensate them for having been banned. Google/YouTube and Facebook should also provide free advertising to those who were banned, but that would take an order from US Supreme Court.
Twitter is still banning people even now for political incorrectness. I was just banned for the 4th time for posting some of the memes I collect or create.
That's why I moved to Substack, which has been great so far, very accepting of non-Narrative viewpoints.
most folks like that ARE bots. I've learned to expect bots if any comment is inflammatory. Check the number of followers / posts. Twitter is really an intelligence agency surveillance and disinfo psyop spinner disguised as a social sharing network.
And some of us, like the Action Radio Citizen Legislature, who declared the Covid shot completely unnecessary as early as March 2, 2020, we were censored before we could build a huge following, but we are now on Rumble, so maybe now our message of citizen bills to fix the laws will become a movement as intended.
Love the Fox. Sometimes the worst things that can happen to us turn out to be the best. Hard to figure it all out but I’m glad I’m on the real #foxtrain
Thanks for the list. Going to search them up & following them. The last 3 years all I have been doing is researching & I didn’t want to get the shot but was forced to for work.
I’m vaccine injured from the 2 Pfizer shots. My doctor is still unwilling to admit it. I will never get another vaccine ever again.
My physical mobility was perfect now 1 year & 4 months later I am diagnosed with having Polymyalgia rheumatica plus rheumatoid arthritis.
detox detox detox. There are many strategies and protocols emerging for this. And it will depend on your body's needs. It takes some digging and research to determine which practitioner and approach is best for you, but asking "doctors" who refuse to admit the real problem is not one of them. Look up integrative health docs in your area. They likely never bought into the bs to begin with. Mine never did.
Also taking Prednisone that I don’t want to have to take because I know it’s hard on your intestinal organs but my body now seises up without it & extreme pain in the joints & muscles 🥲
I will search up integrative health docs. I hope there is some in my area 🥲
I just finished going through a huge flare that started a little over a year ago -- (I'm not jabbed, but I'm assuming at this point shedding is causing problems for all.) Mold in a farmhouse I'd moved into plus Lyme as secondary infection (which is another bioweapon it turns out), but resulted in extreme pain and inflammation in almost all joints.
Some practices to look for in a integrative health doc include PDTR, Nutrition Response Testing, Applied Kinesiology, among others. I ended up traveling back every month to my integrative health doc in another state because she really knows what she's doing and does all three practices. I did find one locally who focuses on PDTR, which deals with the neurological end.
Your body will tell the doc trained in these practices what it needs and how much it needs via muscle testing. The supplements I was / am taking include homeopathic preparations and various Standard Process (brand) supplements. I had supplements to detox heavy metals. Oh and a keto-type diet is very helpful to reduce inflammation and pain.
It took 5 months, but now I'm 99% pain free, from being 9 out of 10 almost constantly. Lyme infection challenge is completely gone now. I had been diagnosed with RA in previous flares (what I now realize was a chronic Lyme / bioweapon problem that no previous docs had diagnosed ... I'd been "tested" for it 2 or three times with conventional tests - negative).
I'm relaying this so you hear from someone facing this kind of bioweapon-triggered pain who made it through to clearing the infection / challenge and pain with a team of good integrative health docs. No prescription meds!
Here's my main doc's website, so you can see what to look for around you: Hope it helps!
I would add Dr Christiane Northrup to your list. She was outspoken about all this from early 2020 and testified in her hometown of Maine against the jabs. She was put on the governments Disinformation Dozen list as well and booted off FB. Dr Tyna Moore in Oregon also spoke up early 2020 and had the FBI at her house and her lawyer advised her to close her mouth on social media. These two brave women helped get me through the insanity of the last 4 years.
Congratulations, Vigilant Fox. You and your fellow silenced truth-tellers have reached “the words-can-never-hurt-you stage”:
“Once they start calling you all those hideous names, you realize they’re nothing more than magician’s smoke.
”You gradually start to give fewer and fewer f*cks.
“You know you’ve hit zero when you feel the exhilarating liberation that comes from shouting the unfettered truth.
“That’s the words-can-never-hurt-you stage.
”You become untouchable.
“You start collecting libels like Purple Hearts.
“The more scars you can count, the more evidence of your efficacy, your threat to the hegemony.
“That’s when you can truly LIVE. And by truth, not by lies.”
• “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler”:
I love this. Thank you, Margaret Anna Alice!
Thank you for living not by half-lies, TVF!
I adore and value your stack! You are helping us to find and follow the Light in this incredibly dark time. Thank you.
You already said it. Thanks
All of these wonderful people listed are a gift to the world and especially to those of us who know the truth and are bombarded with negativity from all angles. Every one of them are true heroes. And I thank each one!
Twitter should amplify all of their posts past and present or provide them with free advertising to compensate them for having been banned. Google/YouTube and Facebook should also provide free advertising to those who were banned, but that would take an order from US Supreme Court.
Twitter is still banning people even now for political incorrectness. I was just banned for the 4th time for posting some of the memes I collect or create.
That's why I moved to Substack, which has been great so far, very accepting of non-Narrative viewpoints.
Have you tried Gab yet? That's also free speech, and you have to block the wacko's on there!
A woman (maybe a bot) said that anyone not having the jab should be left to die without medical attention.
I'd had a few that night and remarked that she should receive a swift kick in the c..t , about 5 seconds later, I was out on my arse.
No idea what happened to the fkr that wanted people to die because they were savvy enough not to inject a poison into their body.
They're probably still on it, saying the same things.
most folks like that ARE bots. I've learned to expect bots if any comment is inflammatory. Check the number of followers / posts. Twitter is really an intelligence agency surveillance and disinfo psyop spinner disguised as a social sharing network.
And some of us, like the Action Radio Citizen Legislature, who declared the Covid shot completely unnecessary as early as March 2, 2020, we were censored before we could build a huge following, but we are now on Rumble, so maybe now our message of citizen bills to fix the laws will become a movement as intended.
Greg Penglis - Creator, Host and CEO.
Bill writing site:
Love the Fox. Sometimes the worst things that can happen to us turn out to be the best. Hard to figure it all out but I’m glad I’m on the real #foxtrain
Thanks for the list. Going to search them up & following them. The last 3 years all I have been doing is researching & I didn’t want to get the shot but was forced to for work.
I’m vaccine injured from the 2 Pfizer shots. My doctor is still unwilling to admit it. I will never get another vaccine ever again.
My physical mobility was perfect now 1 year & 4 months later I am diagnosed with having Polymyalgia rheumatica plus rheumatoid arthritis.
It’s disgusting what has happened to trusting people of the world. I just can’t believe this evil lies within our government.
Hope can help you?
detox detox detox. There are many strategies and protocols emerging for this. And it will depend on your body's needs. It takes some digging and research to determine which practitioner and approach is best for you, but asking "doctors" who refuse to admit the real problem is not one of them. Look up integrative health docs in your area. They likely never bought into the bs to begin with. Mine never did.
This is what I have started taking:
Celtic Salt
Nattokinase Spike Support
Omega-3 Fish Oil
Turmeric Curcum
Vitamin C Complex
Vitamin D3
Also taking Prednisone that I don’t want to have to take because I know it’s hard on your intestinal organs but my body now seises up without it & extreme pain in the joints & muscles 🥲
I will search up integrative health docs. I hope there is some in my area 🥲
I just finished going through a huge flare that started a little over a year ago -- (I'm not jabbed, but I'm assuming at this point shedding is causing problems for all.) Mold in a farmhouse I'd moved into plus Lyme as secondary infection (which is another bioweapon it turns out), but resulted in extreme pain and inflammation in almost all joints.
Some practices to look for in a integrative health doc include PDTR, Nutrition Response Testing, Applied Kinesiology, among others. I ended up traveling back every month to my integrative health doc in another state because she really knows what she's doing and does all three practices. I did find one locally who focuses on PDTR, which deals with the neurological end.
Your body will tell the doc trained in these practices what it needs and how much it needs via muscle testing. The supplements I was / am taking include homeopathic preparations and various Standard Process (brand) supplements. I had supplements to detox heavy metals. Oh and a keto-type diet is very helpful to reduce inflammation and pain.
It took 5 months, but now I'm 99% pain free, from being 9 out of 10 almost constantly. Lyme infection challenge is completely gone now. I had been diagnosed with RA in previous flares (what I now realize was a chronic Lyme / bioweapon problem that no previous docs had diagnosed ... I'd been "tested" for it 2 or three times with conventional tests - negative).
I'm relaying this so you hear from someone facing this kind of bioweapon-triggered pain who made it through to clearing the infection / challenge and pain with a team of good integrative health docs. No prescription meds!
Here's my main doc's website, so you can see what to look for around you: Hope it helps!
Here are still more resources:
Hope you find something that helps!
Thank YOU for all your hard work and courage!
I would add Dr Christiane Northrup to your list. She was outspoken about all this from early 2020 and testified in her hometown of Maine against the jabs. She was put on the governments Disinformation Dozen list as well and booted off FB. Dr Tyna Moore in Oregon also spoke up early 2020 and had the FBI at her house and her lawyer advised her to close her mouth on social media. These two brave women helped get me through the insanity of the last 4 years.
All Excellent ,Superior, Truth Warrior’s !!🛡️🤺
God Richly Bless you ALL !! 😇🙏💕💕💕
Keep going - we are all behind you !
The Enemy Of Everyone
Are The Guys Soon To Be Sitting
On Their Super Yachts Out In The Middle Of The Ocean.
Waiting …
For You All To Kill And Injure Each Other On Land.
Enough Of Us See That.
I Hope That You Do.
Everyone Else Are Just Pawns.
We should start calling misinformation that turns out to be true malinformation to distinguish what is destined to become a flood.
Congratulations may 2024 be a bigger year for you. Happy New year in advance ✨️ ☺️ Thank you for your hard work 💖