Oct 20·edited Oct 20

Bill Gates....Civil War...."Bring it all to an end?"

They deform the country, relative to the one in which we grew up, with sick, "progressive" ideology; a manufactured democide; a fomented invasion; treasonous surrender of national sovereignty via unconstitutional treaties; etc. And they have the absolute cheek to implicitly or explicitly suggest it's "far-right extremists" who are responsible for our undoing.

These people are revolting monsters, and I hope they face their reckoning.

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"I hope they face their reckoning."

That would need to come from 'We the People' as no one else is going to take them to task.

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Let’s build the gallows!

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Don’t, I repeat don’t fight each other. Both sides have been stoked. Snap out and refocus on real enemies.

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Y3p!! Don't kill each other. Take out everyone in the deep staye who commits treason!!!

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However bad the predictions are, the reality will be worse.

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The country is toast, done, kaput. I cannot see how a country as divided as this one can ever walk back from this precipice. The goons have been incredibly successful in their efforts to topple the Land of the free and the home of the Brave. It has gone down without so much as a whimper. This generation has been molly coddled right into the hands of the satanists. I pray God have mercy on the country and my own soul as I prepare for my exit.

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All by design. It's the Bolshevik way

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maybe God's mercy may be the bringing o hard times...so far we have not had hard times across the entire nation. that has a way of waking people up.

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One could only hope. I have thought all along that this evil is nothing less than a Divine invitation for humanity to repent and amend itself. God, Almighty does not ask perfection as He knows we are flawed; thus His Son taking flesh and becoming one of us; just that we try. Question remains as to how many will answer that invite.

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" I have thought all along that this evil is nothing less than a Divine invitation for humanity to repent and amend itself. " So, if you do not amend yourself you are a part of the work of the devil? Really simplistic. I do not rely on the being you call "the G-d." I respect it. But I think we need to do some real WORK to get out of this situation we are in and that work involves the social context. Each of those persons who accept the COVID lies and believe in the messages aimed at them, from what they think of as experts exist in a social context. So I think American society must be changed. For that you need more SOCIAL-ism. Not less. You need real social policies that save all Americans from the terrible conditions poor persons have to live in.

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"Really simplistic."


Perhaps; and that is the beauty of it.

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The local police here have already had riot gear issued to them.

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So they're working on a bill to cripple Trumps ability to respond, but also giving the US military a free hand in killing Americans who cause trouble.

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reminds one of "who will police the police." Because, look: We do not have a military to retaliate to the military. They are doing something like trying to destroy us, I believe it! And they they will get no resistance. From who? What army is there, within the United States, to fight the U. S. Army when the U. S. Army receives its unbelievable interior orders ordering it to attack the people? Who will stop these military persons, when they become opposed to the national interest? How will it happen? Where will they strike? Will they strike at all? I haven't a clue.

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That’s the democratic way..that’s what the establishment has been working towards for decades and now want to finish us off z

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If Blumenthal has his way and the legislation passes before the election, it will apply to Biden and Kamala first because of the interregnum period.

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Dont submit to fear porn. We will interceed before Jesus Christ and expect good to come. Good does not necessarily mean that things will go well--I believe this nation needs tough times in order to clarify the purposes of the wheat from the agenda of the chaff.

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Blumethal’s actions and 5240.01 are acts of treason.

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Yep. Hes a total traitor. He needs to be hung by neck until dead!!!

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They’ve been passing acts of treason for decades turning them into laws so they can act legally and not be prosecuted as they sell out the American public and using us to pick up the tab.

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Amen to that, Dolly.

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The American Communists (aka Democrats) know only one thing: power (especially the violent kind). There is only one way to deal with violent “civil unrest”, government violence. Especially the top ring leaders among the Dems and RINOs.

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The deep state comes in two shades…Red and Blue.

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@Dolly White That’s correct. Nobody with a clear head would believe it only comes from the Blue. But the Dems are far more evil and dangerous than almost any Republicans you can find (with a handful of exceptions, of course).

If we cannot distinguish their differences, we are deluded. Many people correctly point out the problems of Donald Trump, but fatally wrong in dismissing Trump as a “controlled opposition”. That’s a fallacy the Dems have been promoting in the Substack community.

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So counties with sheriffs and rednecks will probably be OK, and Trump will not be able to help people in blue cities because of Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut).

This will be an exciting sociological experiment. I am looking forward to watching it unfold.

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Snakes always turn on themselves..

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Create a crisis to mitigate….engineering another nail in the coffin of our Republic

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Bill Gates is a mass murderer and deserves the Death Penalty


As for the rest... I am tired of all of this negativity...

Here is my plan how to change things and eliminate the Government.

Everyone is welcome to help and rid the world from the parasites that possess us.


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What’s with all these American “Patriots” witnessing, step by step, destroying the constitution, ignoring human rights, ignoring personal autonomy, forcing genetic injections, inventing viruses, emptying national coffers , war mongering on and on… and the Patriots are claiming, wilfully, “confused, don’t know what’s going on. Soon, by flicking on a switch, when the lights come on, Americans will be slaved in a killing cage. Wake the phuck up. The entire world, 8 Billion, depend on the American results.

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McCain, back around June 2008 ago passed a bill making it legal for the military to use lethal force against American citizens…the establishment been planning events like this for a long time.

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Bill Gates is suggesting the end of the US is nigh, because of an election, but because oligarchs such as he have an undue and corrupt influence on a supposed democratic society, due to their undeserved and outsized accumulation of wealth?

Without society, money is worthless and meaningless, especially our current currency, composed of cotton and nickel. We have the right to deem someone, especially a predatory capitalist like Gates, is not actually worth billions more than the average person.

That’s essentially what net worth means. The current system is so corrupt and unbalanced that it makes re-revolutionary France look like an egalitarian utopia. It’s going to collapse and it’s going to be ugly, because the people gaming the system think they will be in power forever.

The Sun king probably thought his family would rule forever, because he believed more than anyone in his own divine right. How many more generations of french kings were there after him though?

Hopefully, “job creator” goes the way of divine right and people realize that we don’t need special people to create jobs for us anymore than we need special families to breed leaders for us.

Economies arise when people live in communities. Successful economies arise in equitable and fair communities with some system that checks the power of any one person or class of persons. It’s not magic.

The US used to respect the power of the jury to nullify unfair and unjust laws and to topple criminal corporations with punitive damages. Mandatory sentencing guidelines and torte reform have neutered this traditional and ultimate power of the people. Excluding pharma from damaging suits entirely has isolated them from consequences.

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