Thank God for believers who are not afraid to stand up for Christianity.


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Whoohoo - hallelujah for the Kansas City NFL kicker, Harrison Butker! 🙌🏈🎉

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You know that we live in a clown world when a man who states his belief that the traditional role for women as a blessed alternative choice for women is made out to be worse than men and women who:

* refuse to define what a woman is because they are not a biologist.

* refuse to defend girls and women's privacy in rest rooms and locker rooms from demented perverts.

* refuse to defend girls and women sports from men who are so desperate for "winning" attention that they say they are a female and carry out their misogyny.

* don't see that their modern "reproductive rights" is as immoral as the 19th century pre-Civil War "states rights for slavery."

* do see the killing of an innocent baby as a moral "choice" or their selfish "reproductive right."

* demonize him for his belief while defending Sharia law's absolute oppression of women that gives them less rights than slaves.

* look down their noses at this humble man while using the "pious" useful idiot currently masquerading as the "Pope" to further destroy Christianity.

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Spot on!

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SO. MUCH. RESPECT…..for this man!

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Harrison is a Catholic too.

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Not much of a sports fan, but I sure like this story! Harrison Butker - a name to remember even if you’re not into football 🏈❤️

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A bit of sanity in an increasingly insane world.

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This is all that matters

Let's take a look at Donald Trump's Ear

Seemingly No Injury...


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Another ignorant moron…And I mean you

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He's just another crazy conspEARicist truthEAR!

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hahaha.... but he was shot... and that meeting two weeks after the shooting ... where is the damage hahahahaha

Recent photos of Trump have raised eyebrows, particularly given his former doctor, Ronny Jackson's statements. The medical practitioner had previously stated that a bullet had severely damaged the ex-president's ear during the assassination attempt.

Despite Jackson's claims that the bullet had blown off part of Trump's ear, the new images of Trump meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu show no visible scarring or damage.

A miracle!!!!

You have company https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-dumbest-species-ever


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Fast Eddy - Why should I place any credence in a Substacker whose handle is “Fast Eddy”?

Ha, Ha! No, nope, nada, nilch!

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Hey fast eddy. You’ve wasted the last eight years of your life living in a trance, the cult of trump derangement syndrome has began eating its own tail. Now go get you some son!

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Hey dick head…this post is about Harrison Butker. Why are you here trying to hijack this thread? Go start you own fucking thread or is hijacking threads your forte?

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You are the antithesis of what the subject of this article, Mr. Butker, is about with your filthy language and attacks on Fast Eddy. Who, by the way, has the First Amendment right to free speech. And, by the way, is spot on about that fraud at the podium with the little blood splat. The world is filled with easily duped non-thinkers who are being set up for the horrors that await.

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You’re skirting the issue. He was hijacking the thread you fucking dick head.

Keep pissing me off by being an ignorant douche bag and I’ll really get down and dirty.

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Get behind me Satan in the name of Jesus Christ.

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Thank you for proving that you are indeed an idiot with an agenda. This post is about Butker and everyone is sharing their opinion about it.

It’s rude and discourteous to jump in and start sounding off about a topic that isn’t pertinent to the subject of the post. It has NOTHING to do about freedom of speech, but has EVERYTHING to do with decorum and staying on subject.

Apparently your sticking up for a person with no class and etiquette and decency doesn’t say much about you either.

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No class or etiquette is YOU calling him a D**k***d and using the F word. Ye Hypocrite!

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Who is harrison buttfucker?

Surely most people prefer to read about how trump faked his shooting.

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Good. Then start your own thread. Hi hacking other people’s threads shows what kind of person you are. GFO

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Harrison is a hero, but I do believe there are a lot of questions about about what happened with Trump. I don’t want them to be. Don’t get me wrong. But he said that he had blood all over his hands in the camera clearly showed he did not and what was it he threw on the podium? It clearly shows he threw something on the podium. If you just got shot, you don’t have the mind to do that. There are many other questions. Aunty doesn’t have a hole in his ear and never did. I really love Trump’s personality actually but when I see something in my face, I can’t just deny it. I can’t do it.

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Consistent with the photos of Trump before dropping to the stage floor and after standing up again. If ear was wounded it should have been bleeding profusely yet no bleeding, no blood on his hand, neck or shirt. Just some caked on red stuff that could easily have been applied as makeup.

Far easier to fool people than convince them that they've been fooled.

All it took was Trump to talk about copious blood for his adoring fans to overlook the evidence that proves otherwise.

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Yep ... never underestimate the stupidity of most people.

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No wonder why they call us the goyim. It does describe most people unfortunately.

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They also refer to us as cockroaches...

I prefer https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/humans-barnyard-animals-and-circus/

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hahaha you got yourself some nice comments here, do not overestimate yourself either

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Guess you're one of them. Please go away.🤮

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Yes, congratulations Harrison the world over! And over again! Great to hear, humanity is still alive and kicking. We must begin “kicking & screaming” for our nation has been under, will continue to be under attack!

As long as “bullies bully”, with very little pushback, “Harrison” success stories will be completely destroyed! And so will the rest of “We The People”!


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A society that rewards a person who kicks a ball $6,000.000.00 a year while the minimum wage is <$10 and hundreds of thousands are sleeping in the streets is sick. It's a zero sum game and the majority lose in the land of the Free to exploit your fellow man is lauded. With a little more equal distribution of the wealth to the people, a lot more women would be able to choose being a full time mother.

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Usually actions always bear consequences.

They either bear fruit or remain barren.

Thankful to see Mr Butker being rewarded for his merit, but also for defining himself as a faithful Christian man.

I am a die-hard (and suffering) Dallas Cowboys fan, but I made only one request of a gift for my birthday this year. Thankfully, my request was fulfilled, and I received Mr Butker’s authentic NFL jersey on July 5th.

I am a proud owner of the jersey and even prouder to wear it.

I suggest that if you want to send a message to the NFL, then I would buy one yourselves…

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Yeah, good for Harrison Butker for refusing the covid jabs. And SUCKS to him for casting women as basically brood mares. This attitude is exactly why women in general started the womens liberation movement in the 1970s. Biology is NOT necessarily destiny. This guy is no different from all the other males who force women to wear hijab, or deny them the ability to speak on the Maori marae, I HATE the way some MEN -- usually of the alpha variety -- are quite sure that they are the only ones who should be allowed to go out into the world and have a vocation other than child minder. Yes the morphing of this into the DEI movement has been a disaster. But frankly, this sort of speech still disgusts me.

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I’m tired of the notion that women are being tagged as mere brood mares for choosing motherhood over the corporate ladder. The radical feminist movement has done young women a disservice telling them they surely don’t want to do nothing more than stay home & be a mother raising their offspring. Just maybe if more did so we wouldn’t have such anxiety & insecurity in children these days. God our Creator gave only females the honor & privilege of conceiving, carrying, & giving birth. What a miracle that life cycle is. It’s so important to many hence the willingness to spend 1000’s of $$$ & efforts on IVF these days.

Men such as this young husband & father aren’t denigrating women, but rather defending & honoring them & their God-blessed & unique role as nurturers of the next generation.

Too many young women are pressured into believing they aren’t complete as a person unless they are pursuing a career…. alongside being a mom. Then they find themselves struggling to do both well at the same time so begin to feel like failures. IMHO that’s the tragedy of what this argument has done. By nature women are nurturers. Men aren’t forcing that upon us. We’re wired that way.

If a woman chooses a career path instead that should be her free choice …not because she’s steered to feel her self worth can only be achieved in that choice.

Interesting to see so many young woman start out pursuing that corporate ladder or career & do so well until something kicks in & she feels something is missing. Then she pivots & desires to be a stay-at-home mom. Some realize this & discovery their most fertile years are past & have trouble conceiving. Then they travel the road of fertility drugs & perhaps IVF.

Women have been pressured into believing they can have it all. But some of us who’ve lived a lot of life & years know that you can’t have it all at the same time. Something or someone suffers.

This young husband & father isn’t denigrating women, but rather elevating & honoring them & their unique role in the circle of life.

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Aug 6Edited

Susan Pockett is simply intolerant of a woman's choice to be a stay-at-home mother and likely reaches cat-screech level if a man dare encourages women to consider that as a choice. Liberal women and men think that a man who has no uterus should not have a voice about abortion - er, um, unless he is a man who says he has a uterus and is transitioning which then becomes a protected new species of mentally ill men to have the right to domineer real women thus contorting their "reproductive rights" into a clown world pretzel. https://twitchy.com/amy-curtis/2024/08/05/riley-gaines-hate-mail-n2399259

I wonder if the slave owners ever thought that those who didn't own slave should have no right to express their belief that slave owning was wrong... If only we could ask Kamala's Irish-Jamaican four-times-paternal-great-grandfather Hamilton Brown...


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I love men who will take the responsibility for a family in an almost worship way. if I didn’t put Jesus first, they would be first those kind of men are the best of the best of the best

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I adore you

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Well said thank you.

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It’s sad you feel way as you may be missing some of life’s most wonderful opportunities. As a card carrying member of the NOW in the late 1979s and 1980s I speak from experience. I bought all of the lies.

Fortunately I realized before it was too late that the lies about men and the differences between the sexes were just that - lies.

As I close my 6th decade I’ve had plenty of time to reflect and can tell you I have had a wonderful life. I have been married to a man (alpha type lol) for 42 years who provided me with the opportunity to stay home - that I chose, as we raised four incredible human beings. He supported me (financially and emotionally) as I continued my education, and sought out a career that included much travel. We have each pursued individual interests - and supported one another in those pursuits. We have made all of life’s important decisions together. We are equal and yet different. We are now preparing to enjoy our retirement - together. I have never once felt oppressed or lesser than by his strength. In fact, as a very strong person myself - we have strengthened one another - much as iron sharpens iron

Be well, friend, I hope you find happiness - but please don’t dismiss other paths that could be right in front of you because of some misguided notions - like I almost did

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You are extremely lucky you found a man like that. I did too as far as being able to be responsible for the family, but I literally had to look outside the country and then he wanted to go back because he saw how filthy this awful place was going to get and I didn’t see it at the time. You were lucky you were married to your soulmate forever. God bless you. I wish the feminist did not ruin it for so many people. I would not have had to marry a guy from outside United States the guys here with normal and would take responsibility for a family. But like I said, it started with the feminist.

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I agree! Things were different then. All but one of my children have been so blessed - she’s looking for a “real man” like her dad, who also appreciates strong women. Slim pickings. Thanks feminists!

I do apologize for my role in those early days, but feminists were also quite a bit different then - we were working to raise up women but not at the expense of men. Guess we should have seen where it was all eventually going 💔

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Be careful.

Methinks your comment tastes strongly of bitterness.

I would ask that you make sure to read through the entire text of his comments before you cast a final verdict on his character or his intent with his comments.

The man is devoted to his wife. She is not a vassal. She chose to be his husband, as he chose to be her husband. The true essence of Christian marriage is one of sacrifice to the other and of the two becoming one (which, usually becomes three, at least…). To speak in terms of “rights” and “self-autonomy” is antithetical to the Christian belief that we die to self, and are born to serve. As husbands, we are clearly charged to love our wives as Christ loved the Church…

Unto death. A real man would, above all else, take a bullet for his wife to protect her.

I think most women would run to a man like this.

From my observation, Mr Butker appears to be that kind of man.

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Right? This sort of moral lecturing is so much worse than what is happening to children in our society benefitting Big Pharma: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/miacathell/2024/08/06/smyal-workshop-n2642852

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You missed the most important thing tho: until such a time as motherhood calls you, IF IT EVER DOES, because that may not be God’s plan for you, but if it IS for you then perusing a higher education and a career in the meantime is THE BEST THING YOU COULD DO because what a better mother you will be when you raise and educate your own children. Smarter, stronger, wiser because of your education and sending into the world smarter, stronger, and wiser children - something gravely lacking today because too few women give reverence to one of the most important and valuable careers in our society: motherhood! And if motherhood doesn’t call you then that education you pursued can lead to a lucrative career just like it would a man. It’s a win-win for society either way.

But your perspective is a big loss for all of us and the very reason we are where we are today. Because we shamed and denigrated motherhood as a valuable choice for some, we created a society that gave all their kids to complete strangers to groom according to some politically motivated standard and those kids lacked the nurturing and security that comes from their own parents, and they lack true emotional intelligence and social maturity. They can’t debate at all without losing it or becoming a bully. The mess we have today is from a few generations of this nonsense against the importance of motherhood.

I have a masters degree. I enjoyed my career for 13 years, so I am NOT a broodmare. But I left my career to be there for my children and make sure they went out into the world equipped with an education that I never got when young, because my mother was uneducated. I did not leave my kids to be raised by “society.” And I never would have had them if I couldn’t sacrifice my own desires for them. No one should.

Woman’s lib was started because many men saw women as “property” to be controlled. NOTHING in Butker’s speech reflected his thinking that way. He sees his wife as an asset, an ace in the hole, a gift, a powerful ally, educated, wonderful, and a plumb line for his own soul. He is proud of her education and grateful that she had it. If all men had treated women as beautifully as Butker treats his own wife, with as much reverence as he does, women’s lib never would have started because we would have been just as valuable as any man in our society, and then those that didn’t have children would have always had equal pay because of that reverence.

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This will be one of the 10 stories that MSM will fail to acknowledge.

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Well I'm glad to see you're all happy with being wives and mothers. Good for you. If you had ever felt that your calling was to be something other than that, you might understand my feelings. But clearly you didn't. Your choice. And as for the male commenter who used the word screeching -- yeah. Zero respect for any different point of view. That's characteristic.

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I don't appreciate moralizing whether it comes from Hollywood leftist scum like George Clooney or spoiled, privileged athletes. Kudos for standing up to the vaccine mandates but the wealthiest .01% is out of touch with reality. The majority of women go after careers for survival rather than for fulfillment. When your husband is a police officer or firefighter making $40K (while football players who make no meaningful contribution to society other than to distract the masses with "bread and circuses" make millions) how do you afford a home in a decent neighborhood and tuition to private "non-woke" schools? Even with both parents working for just above minimum wage, it's not enough. Wake up Mr. Butker!!!!! Pull your Butker from out of dark, ignorant places and take a look around. The reason why fewer women are having kids is income inequality, of which you are a prime example.

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If anyone here would like to help support 39 firefighters who are battling the city of Seattle and federal court over being fired because of a tyrannical vaccine mandate, please share the link below. We were religious objectors who had approved exemptions, but the city refused to reasonably, accommodate many of us are still struggling, but our lives back together, let alone fund illegal battle against unaccountable tyrants with Pete tax air pockets.


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This is disgusting. In what kind of screwed up world is ANYONE worth 30 million dollars just for kicking a stupid ball through a goal. This is disgraceful!!

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