Thanks for posting the link.

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Dr Mary’s Monkey is one of the most amazing books I’ve read. Definitely give it a read if you haven’t. You’ll see vaccines and the JFK assassination in a whole new way.

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THANKS for the reminder! Been meaning to read it.

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Thank you VF for bringing this to our attention. I've restacked it. I think it is an important part of the puzzle and a confirmation of the depth of the 'deep state's' black hearted desire to create an ultimate world tyranny. Really fascinating.

It does leave the question, though, of why that witness is still alive? And how is it that this can now be shown? Also, it implies that the CIA and the NIH and DoD are being 'run' or 'controlled' by the same hands? From the beginning days with the 2nd world war?

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Just got done watching … thanks

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Astounding and brave reporting. God bless Shannon Joy!

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Injectable cancer…and here we are.

Great post

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Dr. Tess Lawrie mentioned a while back that some CIA guy on his deathbed, injected Bob Marley with a CIA-formed cancer. He befriended him, went backstage after a show, and gave Bob Marley a pair of Converse tennis shoes which were a coveted thing, at the time. Bob put the shoes on and said, “OUCH!”- The agent knew then that it was only a matter of time before cancer would take Marley down. It wasn’t immediate, but Marley succumbed. In his 30s. Sickening bunch of psychos.

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Very interesting story there.... Bob Marley went to Ethiopia and saw the brutality of the Italians during fascist imperialism

He met King Tafari (Ras Tafari - Haile Selassie) who was supposed to be the resurrected Christ.

Bob Marley brought back RasTafarianism back to Jamaica (but later died a christian)

My dermatologist some weeks ago was studying the bottom of my feet saying we had to be careful because Bob Marley died of cancer on his foot.... then he offered me several prescriptions for skin creams. I refused them all, thanked him and left. The skin issue was easily addressed wth a bit of soap and fresh air.

Funny how all the pieces tie together. Thanks for sharing another piece of the puzzle.

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The rabbit holes are indeed endless. I couldn’t sleep last night after watching the Kill Shot. I wish it had been done more professionally. It was a bit disjointed at times, Ms Joy interrupts her interviewee too much and she mentioned that the Simian virus itself is in the shots… not according to Kevin McKernan or Phillip Buckhaults, PhD who did the DNA contamination evaluations. An SV promoter gene sequence is in the shots, not the virus itself. It’s stuff like this that turns what could be a really good documentary into just a fair one. Still, I’m glad I watched it. She may do better next time. She’s brave to speak up. It’s a scary world out there and it appears the same criminal syndicate running our country back then, is still going strong. Cheers, NJ.

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There are just two flags on the battlefield, Good - Evil (Christ - Devil)

We humans are facing far greater evil than human malfeasance, and the roads to hell (Rabbit holes) are many.

The video is great, and productions like that, especially viewed when one isn't rested, can be disturbing.

I have had the grace to have seen both the angelic and the demonic, with the veil between our life here and the "other side," for lack of better words, "dissolved" or "lifted". There is greater love and beauty on the other side than we can imagine, and there is also hate and evil on the other side greater than we can imagine.

God is in charge, He knows what is happening and as much as it doesn't seem just, it is fair. I was explained this in detail when killed during a medical procedure, as I was being revived one of the last things this someone told me was that the suffering from my procedure wasn't just for me, but for others as well, some I hadn't even met and didn't know.

Suffer well, friend. It has meaning and value. It's just not fun going through it.

Since it's the Feast of S. Francesco di Assisi, I'll share this with you:

(roughly translated)

The same Brother Leonard spoke one day to Blessed Francesco near Santa Maria degli Angeli, calling Brother Leon and saying to him:

“Brother Leone, write” and they responded: “Here I am, I’m ready”

“Write” he said, what is true happiness.

One came and said that all the masters of Paris were in order, write: That is not true happiness.

And if word gets to you that my brothers went among the infidels and converted everyone to the Faith, or that I had received so much grace from God to heal the sick and do miracles, even so I tell you, in all these things there is no true happiness.

“But what is happiness?”

Here, I return from Perugia and, in the depth of night, I get here, in muddy winter and frozen stiff down to the tip of my cloak, icicles hanging down, scraping and drawing blood from my legs. And I, all covered in blood and ice, reach a door and, after knocking and calling a long time, comes a brother who asks, “Who is it?”

I answer, “Brother Francis” and he says, “Beat it! The hour is late, too late to be going around, you will not enter”

And since I insisted further, he said, “Scram! You’re a simpleton and an idiot, understand that you won’t be coming here, we are many and we don’t have need of you”. And I stayed in front of the door saying:

“For the love of God, take me in this night!” and he responded:

“I’m not doing it. Go by the place of Crucifixes and ask there.”

And so I was patient, and undisturbed, and I’ll tell you that true happiness here the true virtue is saving the soul.

Franciscan Sources 278

“Considerate perfetta letizia, miei fratelli, quando subite ogni sorta di prove, sapendo che la prova della vostra fede produce la pazienza. E la pazienza completi l’opera sua in voi, perché siate perfetti e integri, senza mancare di nulla.” Lettera di San Giacomo 1, 2–4

What is perfect happiness, my brothers, when you go under every sort of test, knowing that the test produces faith and patience. And patience completes it work in you (all), to make you perfect and complete, without need of anything. Letter from S. James 1, 2-4

Della vera e Perfetta Letizia

Lo stesso fra Leonardo riferì che un giorno il beato Francesco , presso Santa Maria degli Angeli, chiamò frate Leone e gli disse: “Frate Leone, scrivi” questi rispose: “Eccomi, sono pronto”. “Scrivi- disse – quale è la vera letizia “
”Viene un messo e dice che tutti i maestri di Parigi sono entrati nell’ordine; scrivi: Non è vera letizia. E se ti giunge ancora notizia che i miei frati sono andati tra gli infedeli e li hanno convertiti tutti alla fede, oppure che io ho ricevuto da Dio tanta grazia da sanar gli infermi e da fare molti miracoli; ebbene io ti dico: in tutte queste cose non è la vera letizia”.
”Ma quale è la vera letizia?”
”Ecco, io torno da Perugia e, a notte fonda, giungo qui, ed è inverno fangoso e così rigido che, all’estremità della tonaca, si formano dei ghiacciuoli d’acqua congelata, che mi percuotono continuamente le gambe fino a far uscire il sangue da siffatte ferite. E io tutto nel fango, nel freddo del ghiaccio, giungo alla porta e, dopo aver lungo picchiato e chiamato, viene un frate e chiede: “Chi è?”. Io rispondo: “Frate Francesco”. E quegli dice: “Vattene, non è ora decente, questa, di andare in giro, non entrerai”. E poiché io insisto ancora, l’altro risponde:
”Vattene, tu sei un semplice e un idiota, qui non ci puoi venire ormai; noi siamo tanti e tali che non abbiamo bisogno di te”.
E io sempre resto davanti la porta e dico: “Per amor di Dio, accoglietemi per questa notte”.
E quegli risponde: “Non lo farò. Vattene al luogo dei Crociferi e chiedi là”.
Ebbene, se io avrò avuto pazienza e non mi sarò conturbato, io ti dico che qui è la vera letizia e qui è la vera virtù e la salvezza dell’anima”.

Fonti francescane 278

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As a Cuban refugee of Fidel's, I take exception to the intro suggesting their was an attempted coup against Fidel who performed a coup himself to get into power which harmed US interests and enslaved the Cuban people and still does to this day. The CIA allegedly made multiple assassination attempts on him which failed. Cuba and the world would have beeen a better place without that communist pos in power, may he forever rest in hell.

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listening to dr mary’s monkey. its free for any audible subscribers.

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