But its ok for Soros, Gates etc to dictate our media. Are you serious Bernie?!

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Dictate health polices, food, farming, medical policies???? Bernie Sanders is another cog in the oligarchy wheel!

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Don't forget Blackrock and Vanguard

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Pure evil the way they operate.

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And State Street

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Only billionaires that work with the right are oligarchs, right Bernie?

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Good of you to point that out because that is what he tried to get him to agree to the first try. The second attempt he changed his question to just oligarchs but not the ones he first said.

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Actually, when they bankroll a candidate and mysteriously “deliver Pennsylvania,” yes.

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Pharma is the oligarchy

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and BigAg, Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street.

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Just a part of it

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Because Bernie is so interested in "equality" for all, shouldn't he donate one, or more, of his multiple homes for the "good of all". Just saying... What a hypocrite. I am SO disgusted when listening to some of these "virtue signaling" patronizing, lecturing government officials who made their money and became super wealthy from knowing how to "play" the system with OUR taxes, lecturing or preaching to everyone else as to how they should act, while doing exactly what they are preaching not to do. fiddle dee dee!

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🎯🎯🎯 This is not to say that I like America becoming an oligarchy because it’s trending that way . Most of it is due to our lobbying law which allow politician leeches to collude and be corrupted by lobbyists. Thus, they are coddling or subsidizing those they are in cahoots with or, are coerced to be in bed with, while distracting the public by condemning those who defy or don’t align with them. Time to overhaul our lobbying laws and to limit government overreach, particularly federal government.

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Bernie is a career politician who never did anything constructive in his life, just played to the gullible hippies who, like him, moved to what was once a conservative, proud little state, now a nature preserve for the wealthy second homeowners who have encouraged the welfare state, driven up taxes (which they can escape)while reducing quality of life for the people who once were the backbone of our economy. Soros is/was more of a destroyer as well, using his ill-gained wealth to orchestratechaos to do his part in creating division wherever he chose. That's different than the building of positive tech advances that can help people get good jobs and cultivate healthy, happy families.

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Except they're going to import immigrants for those jobs. Considering musk wants a chip in everyones brain with neuralink, to work in conjunction with gates patent, 060606, I'd say let's stop with all of the evil tech advances. We don't need it, bit they do to enslave us.

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I don't think Elon Musk 2.0 is the brain chip guy. We are seeing actors in lifelike masks with voice technology mimicking how he sounds

I will say that I have a friend who received a brain implant that controls his Parkinson's disease. Do be aware we are all being tracked and such brain implants are necessary because we are being doused with graphene oxide in air, good, and injectables, so theoretically we are possibly already being hooked up to the "internet of things" by some unseen pdychopaths

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I'm not even sure musk is a human. He could be a cia borg but whatever he is he does have that patent, as does gates. Most of us will be gone by 2025.

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Some say he is from Venus... Who knows?

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At this point, nothing would surprise me. Truth is stranger than fiction.

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He stopped corruption when he was mayor and supported small businesses. I don’t know what he’s done as senator.

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Bernie actually isn’t that wealthy. I know people with more. They inherited the one house and he made money from his story running in 2016. He’s nothing like a Pelosi doing insider trading.

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Looking down from a pedestle rings in a camp fire song, lol

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Well said!

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Oligarchs for Democrats and their democracy is fine but oligarchs for Republicans and our Republic are not. Sounds like that’s what Bernie Sanders is saying. 🙄🤡

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Same is true for media hacks and celebrities.

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Bernie is making an important point. Two things can be true at the same time. Both parties have corruption weaved throughout them and allow wealthy individuals and corporations to influence policies that benefit them.

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At the same time there was no call out of Biden giving the medal of “freedom” to a multi billionaire.

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That's why my comment stated that two things can be true at the same time. Discounting Bernie's comment because he is a democrat and isn't calling out the Biden administration is the same old partisan playbook that keeps us divided and that keeps us from holding anyone accountable and we just get corrupt administration after corrupt administration while blaming the "other party". They win.

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True but his first attempt he was singling Trump picks out. The second time he said it in general which was more honest.

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My point is not really about Bernie. My comment is about the people who hear what Bernie is saying and discount it because he is a democrat and because he doesn't call out Biden. These people completely ignore what Trump is doing. It's kind of ironic because the people ignoring what Trump is doing are essentially doing the same thing that they are complaining about Bernie doing. And this is how the billionaires control both parties.

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It is a shame how the elite rule us and divide us.

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Put that in your pipe, Bernie bro and smoke it!

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Sanders didn't get schooled because he didn't listen. Evidently the mind virus also affects one's hearing.

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If I am not mistaken, Bernie Sanders owns three houses - none of them inexpensive. The communist is doing quite well in a capitalist society!

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As the leaders of communist movements always do.

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What do you expect him to do, play dough. Bernie Sanders would have been a much better President for the people of USA than the current and former Crew by and for Wall Street and the BANKSTERS mob.

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"What do you expect him to do, play dough". That statement makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. As far as him being a much better president, I guess if you are in favor of socialism, communism, or collectivism, that would be true. I, for one, am not. I am also not in favor of globalism, which would be the next step in this process. Instead of trying to foist this failed system on our country, he should instead move to a country where they already employ it. He should be very happy there. You may want to join him.

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Well, that should come as no surprise since "Communism" was a project of rich cats from the start, and look who supported both the Bolshies and Joey Stalin.

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Sanders has lost his sh*t. Meanwhile corporations who have major shareholders outside the US like Vanguard, Statestreet and Blackrock have been running the show for years. They just do it under the cover of a legal entity. Politicians are morons

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The true oligarchy that has worked tirelessly to destroy this country's constitution and sovereignty has been George Soros and company. This has been the status quo for decades or more. Don't be fooled by the PsyOps being presented by the globalists.

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Interesting 🤔 nobody mentions Bill Gates.

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Isn't that amazing. WEF Dark Lord Gates met with DJT at Mar A Lago weeks ago. Why does Gates have access to world leaders as a private citizen? It's something that should be exposed.

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"This is a must-watch exchange:"

Sanders stinks, but what made this exchange a "must watch?" I resent it when silly junk like that gets hyped. For the two goons' information, this country has long been run by oligarchies and monopolies. For example, one of the worst is the Federal Reserve counterfeiting operation.

Damn all special privilege operations!

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Alex Soros made more visits to the White House than just about anyone else. What hypocrites.

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The Biggest Hypocrisy is those who point out a splinter on a Finger when they have a whole splintered tree in their Eye!

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Sanders is a sellout right out of Animal Farm.

All millionaires bad, billionaires more bad


"Some millionaires (like Bernie) OK, no bilyonaires aloud"

Spoken like a true commie pig.

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No billionaires allowed………….until Bernie becomes one. Then he’ll start bad rapping the trillionaires

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