Maher has moments of clarity like this. Then he gets high and gushes over newsom. Standard Hollywood commiefornia npc who relies on writers and a platform to appear intellligent.

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TBH I don’t know who Maher’s guest is and as soon as I heard it say “mistakes were made,” that is all I needed to hear from that soulless POS.

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She actually said "We are were in the middle of a plague". We were in the middle of a plandemic. Where the hospitals killed people with their protocols ie Remdesivir, ventilators etc.. Financially incentivized to do so by the government. Then the death shots took care of those who trusted the evil ones.

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Wow, there may be hope for Maher and his lefty friends yet, but I am not holding my breath. Mayer still thinks there is a climate emergency, hope the pieces come together for him soon. 🤣

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Every now and then he's right on the money.

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If this woman is the 'watchdog', it's no damn wonder we all got screwed on the plannedemic! She s/b in jail!

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FYI: we are all being funneled into the Smart Contract Blockchain world of absolutely No Sharing of Information Period the end. Wake up and share everything while you still can. CIA and 5Eyes are beginning their next lockdowns in Lockstep…just saying.

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Hey Bill = WAKE UP times almost up...lol

Now you need a food taster & remote car start...!

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Anyone who says the Covid affair was "mistakes" is ignorant of the truth or is part of the cabal. This affair was designed to KILL US. Check the WEF and their agenda...you'll own nothing, you'll eat bugs (if we give you anything) and you'll like it (because we brainwashed you). This goes much deeper than most people recognize.


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Maher needs to wake up to “Mistakes were not made” (where is Margaret Ann Alice?)

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I haven't watched the video yet; although, I seem to recall him laughing at those of us who choose to think for ourselves. Am I wrong? I suppose that a little support of the truth is better than none at all.

I'm still having trouble wrapping my mind around the fact that so many people still can't see that the purpose of the "masks" is is to measure the degree of "Compliance", as well as to make people even sicker than they already are - of body and of mind. I really do believe that we're living in the Twilight Zone - or "The Matrix", if you prefer.

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Why bother with him, he's a parrot, no critical thinker there.

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I want to shoot Maher and any cheerleader who got rich off the demise of our country. You know, people who run VIGILANT FOX! and Trump, and Biden and all of the media criminal cunts, from blackrock to raytheon, and government personnel in subcommittees who made millions selling off America to international organizations pretending they were fighting the enemies. THE ENEMY IS WITHIN

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"Bill Maher SNAPS on Govt and Social Media Companies for Shutting Down COVID Debate"

Right! He is such a hero now!

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Bill was butt hurt when he did not get invited to Hollywood after party. That is what happens when you go against the herd.

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Bill Maher is a big part of the problem. Ignore that fraud.

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