Maher has moments of clarity like this. Then he gets high and gushes over newsom. Standard Hollywood commiefornia npc who relies on writers and a platform to appear intellligent.

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Maher is not going to bite the hand that feeds him. He will approach the line from time to time. I know he’s tasted the red pill. I could tell that a couple months after the lockdown started. Once you swallow and digest the first one you cannot stop. You continuously try and find truth (think Russell Brand).

Maher is beholden to his paymasters. No doubt about it. I’m NOT saying that’s a bad thing tho. He is able to reach out and get some of the zombies to question the status quo. Still he’s a bought off piece of shit that deserves what’s coming to him.

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Like most places: he lacks courage.

That’s why we’re in this mess

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I don't blame him for this mess.

He may not help, but I don't think Maher is responsible.

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He's completely bought and paid for.

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He’s smart, IMO. He wants to be honest, I think. But he’s also trying to stay in the middle. He’ll say something true about Islam, then everyone on the Left gets angry. So he says 2 or 3 things that make them happy. Conservatives are angry at him. Then he’ll be honest about a different issue. Lefties get mad, the cycle repeats.

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Nonsense! They diverted and lied!

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Yeah, he seems to have a huge man crush for CA Gov. Patrick Bateman.

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For real, sometimes I really like him and then other times like recently when he kept arguing defiantly that the economy was fine, how can anyone say that with a straight face!

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Your delusional!

Deal with real facts not your ideological devetdions.

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I just described his exact pattern over the last 20 years. He leans more to the Left, but he’s also honest about Islam and a few other issues.

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TBH I don’t know who Maher’s guest is and as soon as I heard it say “mistakes were made,” that is all I needed to hear from that soulless POS.

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The Left's "mantra".........that, and "they didn't know".

Well......" FIND THE "F" OUT ! ", has been "our mantra".

But, well - 'Science', huh?

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Yes, or the constant "We did the best we could with what we knew at the time". They really do bank on the general public being ignorant and lazy and not possessing critical thinking skills. Honestly, they aren't wrong about that fact. That's why they get away with this garbage continually. T

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If I knew the truth about many things, they had to know the truth too. They weren't wrong. They were all lying.

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I knew nothing about conventional thinking about viruses. In Feb 2020 I read for two hours and correctly said ‘this is nothing. People are getting carried away’. After that everything they said I KNEW was a lie. If I could do this in two hours of research, they all knew it before that. Mistakes were not made.

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Yup me too. I had little "background" in the sciences ...College freshman Chemistry is my limit and I barely passed. In those days--a "C" was not a terrible grade...

But just a tiny bit of "research" revealed to me...it was all a big lie--every morsel of it.

So "Why did "they" believe it???" because they are worms with no backbone and no integrity--why else? Does anyone really "believe" they actually did not know?

Rand Paul was in congress and told them to their faces numerous times. Congress proceeded to "follow Pharma's "good ole boy" Tony Fauci....who is a monster and has been revealed as such. He started his career off with his horrifying murder of ORPHANS in the state of New York. You can find all the facts out about this genocidal maniac in Robert F. Kennedy's book The real ANTHONY FAUCI.

He also killed a lot of dogs---by torturing them to death with bags on their heads and infecting them with fleas...


Real nice guy....

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Fauci and many others really have to go down hard. This isn’t to punish them. This is to make other sociopaths think long and hard before they attempt to pull something similar.

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Mar 23·edited Mar 23

U right - "stupid" they are NOT. A-holes they ARE.

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''Mistakes were made ... lessons will be learned'' The standard government mantra when they find out that they have f**ked up bigtime on whatever issue. It's a lie of course.

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The Canadian gooberment is one HUGE mistake (TURDeau)! Canada is going down faster than a...The three top people in our parliament, are WEF minions "Young Global Leaders"; or as I choose to call them - Young Global Infiltrators. Klaus Schwab even uses the phrase; "Penetrate ze cabinets"! Of course, I'm able to back up any claims that I make.


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It's been reported many times. Globalists don't like freedom

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I am going with Justin gets penetrated repeatedly. That I would believe.

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Did I hear something about a cactus mentioned? That could work!

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That whole crock over the last 20 years of its "ok to make mistakes- we can fix it later" comes to .ind

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Kara swisher is a cunt of the highest magnitude

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Hey, let's keep it clean. I invite you to delete this.

Of course Mrs. Swisher deserves ZERO respect for her cynical suppressor-aiding interjection here that "it will take a long time to know," but let's keep it clean.

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She actually said "We are were in the middle of a plague". We were in the middle of a plandemic. Where the hospitals killed people with their protocols ie Remdesivir, ventilators etc.. Financially incentivized to do so by the government. Then the death shots took care of those who trusted the evil ones.

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Exactly! The plague was the plague of the evil government in cahoots with the evil media, in cahoots with the evil globalist cabal they are all the plague.

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Mar 23·edited Mar 24

The truth is that there never was a "pandemic". It was a Planned-demic and if anything; it was a pandemic of lies and fear mongering. I don't know anyone who was even sick from the alleged virus. I haven't been sick with anything for about 14 years. That being said; the hospitals have definitely killed countless people - and they received huge financial rewards for doing so!

I didn't see people getting sick from the phantom virus; however, they are now sick and dying - millions of them - from the mRNA Gene Altering Bioweapon! This was all planned many years ago. Have you watched "Event 201"? Billy boy (Gates) is laughing in the face of humanity!

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If they hadn't vilified and shut down Ivermectin, there never would have been a pandemic. The pharmaceutical companies, the government and the media have the blood of millions on their hands. And not one head will roll.

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Maybe all this will open a few eyes....Did you see Ed Dowd's book CAUSE UNKNOWN....about the epidemic of sudden deaths following the vax. Shocking. I recommend giving this book away to folks still on the cusp of this realization that "Your government wants you dead"...as former vp of Pfizer Dr. Mike Yeadon stated so succinctly. Well, I have to agree....the evidence is on that side. The question is exactly why... "Why is it "they" want us dead" I am starting to see some patterns here....You know insurance companies have something called "death benefits" that don't apply to a deaths we have seen happening ....ummm could that be the answer? Col

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I have many videos with Edward Dowd in my library...lots of charts, slides, etc.; 40% increase in all-cause mortality after the bioweapon shots began rolling out! Just about every person (doctor, lawyer, researcher, scientist...) who's working for humanity, is in my Library of Truth. It's massive. One of the documentaries I have, is called "Died Suddenly". These truths are being systematically removed from the internet one by one - especially youtube and related sites. Many of these videos (which I probably already have in my library) have disappeared; although, you can still find certain ones if you know how. Here's a tip for everyone: If you're searching for any video, document, etc., such as "Died Suddenly" and you see that the search results are mostly "Fact Checkers"; then you know it's something you should be paying attention to. I had to wade through that garbage; but here it is. If people haven't seen it - I suggest they watch it. Like hundreds of videos/documentaries I have on my computer; it's quite revealing:


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I saved 'Died Suddenly' like I saved dozens of other videos I knew would be wiped clean from the internet.

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Good for you. We need more people who are able to think outside the box. The truth is disappearing fast. I can't even begin to list all the valuable info that I have in my library from at least 3-4 hours of research per day since 2009. Every day, I find new material. I do my own research; plus, I have a number of great sources. One of them is the comments on sites such as this, with people providing links to good information. I just watched one of the "Stargate" series movies which (in the movie) is located in the Cheyenne Mountain Complex. It turns out to be a real location. Much can be learned from the movies! There is a lot of "Predictive Programming".


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One look at her (and one listen) told me that she is the enemy!

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BTW: If any of you aren't sure that the covid agenda was planned years in advance and that it's a total PsyOps; simply let me know and I will give you a link to "Event 201", which covered everything that went down during the Plandemic - right down to "anti-maskers" and "vaccine hesitancy"; and yet, this "Table Top Exercise" was conducted at least 6 weeks before there was any public mention of a "Global Threat"! In fact; here's the first segment:


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"Science said we should..."

Did Science say so in a tenor or a baritone? Maybe a soprano? I shouldn't assume Science's gender till I hear how it identifies after all. How tall is Science? What is Science's build, skin tone, hair color? How does Science dress? After all, we can't follow if we don't know what Science looks like.

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Wow, there may be hope for Maher and his lefty friends yet, but I am not holding my breath. Mayer still thinks there is a climate emergency, hope the pieces come together for him soon. 🤣

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There is a climate emergency and it's called Geoengineering, which has been ongoing for the past 70+ years. This agenda is extremely well documented. You can even find pertinent info on RudeTube - if you can get past the fact checkers - or know exactly what you're looking for. Governments (and especially DARPA) have been looking for ways to control the weather and use it as a weapon for many decades.




There; I saved you some time, having to search for the truth.

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I seem to recall Maher lambasting the anti-vaxxers way back. Has he changed his tune to be on song?

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Yeah ....that was the "popular" thing to do....wasn't it....I remember well the phrase..."Pandemic of the unvaccinated"...to shame and hector ...those of us who had the sense not take an untested "vaccine"...for a dubious "pandemic"...a "vaccine" that has now been proven to contain any number of contaminants and toxins. The excuse for this "vaccine" was that those who were "unvaccinated" were somehow a threat to the rest of the fools who airily rushed out and allowed themselves to be injured and harmed and killed. See Ed Dowd's book CAUSE UNKNOWN....quite devastating to see the images of these beautiful and young faces....now dead after their "righteousness" and "social responsibility"....Nothing will bring them back. We owe those who died at the very least...the exposure and punishment of their murderers. It is quite evident they absolutely knew as Dr. Mike Yeadon has told us...that these injections would cause unparalleled death and disease. As cancer rates suddenly spike upwards along with thrombosis and heart disorders of all sorts...we will witness the truth of those words. Killing us and our children was the goal allaying...

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Every now and then he's right on the money.

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If this woman is the 'watchdog', it's no damn wonder we all got screwed on the plannedemic! She s/b in jail!

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FYI: we are all being funneled into the Smart Contract Blockchain world of absolutely No Sharing of Information Period the end. Wake up and share everything while you still can. CIA and 5Eyes are beginning their next lockdowns in Lockstep…just saying.

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There is a reason why there is constant barrage of distractions in this society. Magicians have it down to an art - Distraction/misdirection! Everything is planned by the oligarchs - nothing is left to chance.

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YES!!! This is exactly my latest thought! Good morning! Hey, thanks for the chat! You therefore, get my dangerous idea for today ( Great book “How To be a Pain in the Ass”btw). I would love to bring as many people as possible into the current timeline. I believe that the world was put under a “Time Magic Spell” and the real date is around 5918. The whole BC/AD is utter rubbish. I thank Jason at Archaix.com for Waking me Up! Cheers!

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Hey Bill = WAKE UP times almost up...lol

Now you need a food taster & remote car start...!

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well--speaking for myself--I think death would be an easy way out for these bastards. They need to endlessly confront the grief and suffering of those parents who lost their children to this .... These criminals need a cell with a one way audio in put so the grieving parents could tell him of their irreplaceable losses....We can not forgive or forget what happened. As Vera Sharav has told us....it was a holocaust....of the "vaccinated"....those injections were never "vaccines"....but a bioweapon. I do not know if even this could change these monsters or give them cause for regret. But it might give those who have survived the loss of their loved ones some relief.

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Anyone who says the Covid affair was "mistakes" is ignorant of the truth or is part of the cabal. This affair was designed to KILL US. Check the WEF and their agenda...you'll own nothing, you'll eat bugs (if we give you anything) and you'll like it (because we brainwashed you). This goes much deeper than most people recognize.


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Maher needs to wake up to “Mistakes were not made” (where is Margaret Ann Alice?)

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I haven't watched the video yet; although, I seem to recall him laughing at those of us who choose to think for ourselves. Am I wrong? I suppose that a little support of the truth is better than none at all.

I'm still having trouble wrapping my mind around the fact that so many people still can't see that the purpose of the "masks" is is to measure the degree of "Compliance", as well as to make people even sicker than they already are - of body and of mind. I really do believe that we're living in the Twilight Zone - or "The Matrix", if you prefer.

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Yes...the masks contained some toxic elements in themselves. I heard they had fibers that get into your lungs....very difficult to get out--as well as actual pathogens or the "eggs" of the pathogens. I think there was a naturopath who actually photographed these buggers in the mask and put it up on-line. I just wrapped an old scarf around my face with only my eyes showing. ha ha.

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Yes; microfibers. You heard correctly. In addition, they block proper oxygen intake (especially the children with their developing brains, causing developmental delays and such), the carbon dioxide gets re-breathed, pathogens are being re-breathed and the longer you wear it, the more bacteria, fungus, etc. accumulates. There are many peer-reviewed papers on the uselessness of masks and the harm they cause, if you know how to find them. There is absolutely no logical or "moral" reason for anyone to be blocking their "Breathing Apparatus" under normal conditions and especially since they're not capable of blocking any nano-sized viral particle. A human hair could almost get through most of those masks. A nano-particle is 1,000 times smaller! Anything that you can "smell" with a mask on - is going up your nose - into your respiratory tract...something to think about. Covid is the biggest con in history. I could go into plastic/plexiglass "barriers" with open space all around them and many other idiotic aspects to ConVid but, if people don't get it by now, they probably never will. Apart from the mRNA Gene Editing bioweapon already maiming and killing millions of people, the "covid measures/mandates" (not the alleged virus, like the media wants you to believe, but the mandates) have caused an ecological disaster. It's amazing that more people haven't thought of this: There are now BILLIONS of filthy discarded masks, plastic signs, barriers, hand sanitizing bottles, plastic gloves, face shields, etc,. etc. polluting planet earth, worse than it was before 2020. The oligarchs couldn't care less! Due to geoengineering and the sheer volume of plastic particles that are even filling our oceans - these nano-plastics are in the air we breath. We weren't being poisoned enough before 2020?!

The shots, masks, distancing, lockdowns...all part of the PsyOps that they call covid; and as I stated from the very beginning; the Plandemics will continue ad infinitum. This is an agenda they came up with decades ago. Stay vigilant!

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YE GODS! how very true and how very sad....

"There are now BILLIONS of filthy discarded masks, plastic signs, barriers, hand sanitizing bottles, plastic gloves, face shields, etc,. etc. polluting planet earth, worse than it was before 2020. The oligarchs couldn't care less!"

No--they never really cared about "saving the planet" only about cleansing the planet of "useless eaters" which they felt they "could no longer afford" because robots will do everything we do and better.

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The evil minions want the planet for themselves; but not before they fulfill all of their agendas. Klaus Schwab's (and definitely Noah Yuval Harari) favorite one is Transhumanism. They want to turn us all into cyborgs! This info is easy to find on the WEF website.



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Thanks...I will read this...when I have the stomach for it--

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You may want to go to the graphic on the left side of the page (in the first link) "Strategic Intelligence" and click on it. Right there, are their plans for the New World Order, in a nutshell...a very BIG nutshell. It's an interactive chart. Just click on any node. Pretend it's a game. ;)

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BTW: Robots have already taken over much of the manufacturing; as well as other areas of society. A.I. is fast creeping up on us! When A.I. takes total control of society; I certainly don't want to be here. There are already hundreds of videos on youtube being narrated by A.I.!

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Millions of masks discarded as litter are washed out to sea, some will be found wrapped on sea turtles, fish & birds = too many people are worse then swines...!

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Why bother with him, he's a parrot, no critical thinker there.

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In dealing with the Far Leftist arguments online I offer for them who believe~

"Be sure to get your boo-sters now"

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"Bill Maher SNAPS on Govt and Social Media Companies for Shutting Down COVID Debate"

Right! He is such a hero now!

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Bill was butt hurt when he did not get invited to Hollywood after party. That is what happens when you go against the herd.

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Their minds were poisoned years before their bodies were poisoned. This is now a computer game. Their Media Masters, who they think love them like a mommy - fucked them up.

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A beautiful little ditty – “We're All Far Right Now”


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