The real issue is when temperatures go up its climate change, when temperatures go down its climate change, when fires increase in numbers its climate change, when fires decrease in numbers its climate change, when it snows more its climate change, when it snows less its climate change ......... when in fact what it really is is scientific fraud on a massive scale to make oligarchs like Al Gore and self-confessed war criminal John Kerry even richer whilst they go around the world in private jets and huge yachts spewing out lovely plant food.

When you see rolling hills covered with trees and dairy cattle nestling beneath them as a problem to be solved and billions of tons of concrete and steel towers and toxic solar panels as the solution you have been duped and you are a bigger danger to the planet than Bill and Melinda Gates ever could be and Bill Maher pretty much fits that description.

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The problem begins with lack of God in their lives. God controls all, not t climate change and once you have faith and believe, all will be as it was meant to be.

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I have said it before and I shall say it again “One day everyone will think like us (conservative). One heartbreak at a time.”

Yes that’s my quote lol. Any lefty hold outs at this point must experience some hurt. No other way around it.

Lol Bill used the word “normie” tehehe 🤭

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Sadly, he'll be on the air next week talking about what a danger Trump is.

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Never forget that Trump gave us Warp Speed and he is still singing its praises to this very day as our friends and family continue to drop dead around us 30 years before their time. Someone needs to tell the truth about Trump.

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All this time, and you still don't get it.

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Hey, John’s got a point and I voted for the guy. Trump should never, ever, ever again, praise Warp Speed. It was and continues to be a disaster of epic proportions.

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The real villain is Fauci and big pharma. President Trumps trusted him and he should not have done!

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Of course, it goes without saying Fauci is an evil, despicable sociopath. But Trump needs to put aside his continued pride, praising Warp Speed. It was and still IS, nothing to brag about. He needs to stop bragging about it!!!

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You apparently aren't aware of what probably would have happened had Trump not implemented warp speed. He acted to avert what he thought to be a far worse scenario — YEARS of lockdowns, social distancing and mandates. Having a vaccine available (even a terrible one) allowed us to open up the country. MANDATING them was the horrible part, but that was the Democrats..

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This person..or bot ..drank the Demo/WEF Kool aid.

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I think Trump is changing his mind on the mRNA vaccines and all other vaccines. Wait for Kennedy to release the Covid vaccine death status vs vaccinated status data the CDC refuses to give congress for the last 4 years. Fauci lied to us all and should be in prison the rest of his life at a minimum.

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Exactly right! And Trump meeting with Bill Gates to discuss "vaccines" is a bad sign that Trump has not learned the lessons of history or his last presidency; Trump has promised US withdrawal from the WHO which is a corrupt and criminal organization which is largely funded by the Gates foundation; so is this the beginning of capitulation and "ass-kissing" of one of the big money players or has it always been that way; expect RFK Jr to follow suit and support "vaccine development" using the latest gene technology by Big Pharma as long as they can be shown to be "safe and effective"; once again, the joke's on us!

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WEF Dark Lord Bill Ghate$...a private citizen who meets with world leaders.

Makes you think some. I didn't vote for the Dark Lord.

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How do you know that DJT “capitulated” to Gates? Doubtful IMO

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What did they talk about for 3 hours that made Bill so happy when he came out?

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Trump aka "Mr. Operation Warp Speed" bought and paid for by Big Pharma as well; who do you trust anymore, ANSWER; Jesus Christ/God!!

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I'm certainly not forgetting.

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It was either that or YEARS of lockdowns and mandates.

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Yup, Bill will run to the voting polls and pull the lever for the most liberal candidate who is running for office!! Communist liberals operate under the guise of insanity; repeat the same behavior and expect different results!! They believe that operating under common sense edicts of society takes away from their so-called freedoms when, in fact, it is the opposite! It makes me laugh when I see a middle age (40-60 Y.O.) white female with purple hair, tattoos and an attitude; I know exactly what party and candidate they voted for.

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Not only will he run to the polls and pull the lever for the most liberal candidate, he will also FUND that candidate.

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Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.

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Wokeness has pulled itself through their own sphincter.

Newscum, Bass, and the Lesbo chief shouldn’t be in charge of a lemonade stand.

The Golden State has been destroyed.

FSilicon Valley and FHollyweird.

Psychopathic, non-leaders... lead NOWHERE.

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My brother visited San Francisco in around the year 2,000 and he said it was still a beautiful city but it was soon after that time the last of the old timers died off to be replaced by the flower children whose idiotic ideas of free love etc etc etc were now indeed free to destroy everything decent. It was they who voted and continue to vote for criminals like Pelosi and Newsom and open borders and sanctuary cities rather than forced remigration. Even Reagan was infected with that nonsense simply by living in California when as president he permitted criminals to stay in the US instead of arresting them and putting them in work camps for ten years apiece and then booting them back across the border into Mexico.

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Bill Maher should just join the republicans.

Today’s republicans are where the democrats were in the early 1990s. Bill, the democrats left you and now almost all of your views are republican. Just admit it and switch parties. The democrats have destroyed this country. I voted democrat my entire life, until recently. I’m 65 years old. Play any video tape of a democrat in the early 1990s. They all sound like a republican today.

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12,000 structures. Where are all the people?

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Looking for places to stay.

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Corruption has consequences from North Carolina to California.

NC's "Culture of Corruption" from Coast to Raleigh to D.C. Damns Asheville Flood Victims.

Nobody cares until it's their house or family that suffers and still zero such victims do ANYTHING to REFORM America's MOST damaging, horrific plague or prevent more victims.

Congress rewards the corrupt, evil officials & institutions, and media, responsible...NEVER holding any of their pals accountable or EVEN holding a hearing when violent anti-democratic attacks or child abuse are involved (unless the US Gymnastics team offers a photo op the victims are less than human unworthy of empathy)!

Ground Zero: North Carolina "The DA Rape, Reformer Lynching State of America" with US DOJ & FBI Partnership


After decades of embezzlement, bribery, rapes, lynching's, child sexual and physical abuse in public schools. and political violence and terrorism by N.C. judicial, law enforcement & government officials, aided by DOJ, FBI, other Federal Agencies & officials.


Sexual abuse of children, violence toward political “threats” to corrupt NC officials, aid to these crimes by NC & Federal government, judicial, law enforcement, “trusted” institutions, media...the traumatized victims and grieving families DO NOT MATTER in NC.

District Attorney Office's used for rape, theft of taxpayer funds, child abuse and sadistic violence are NC's "Culture of Corruption," according to the FBI.

This is the same FBI that has and continues to aid and collude in criminal misconduct "Under color of law," subverting with violence representative democracy, Rule of Law, Constitutional & civil rights, due process, whistleblower protections, protection of minors from abuse & sexual violence trauma, engaging in sadistic brutality, torture, deprivation of basic rights, and deliberate, dehumanizing torment of crime victims (including minors).

Extensive undeniable evidence illustrates US DOJ, FBI, US Attorney for Eastern NC, the corrupt son of a corrupt Governor appointed by a President who LOVES consequence-free Corrupt Political Family Criminality, NC Attorney (soon to be Governor) General Josh Stein & predecessor child rape & DA rapist abettor Gov. Roy Cooper.

The FBI and DOJ along with Congress, State and Local officials, government leaders & personnel in violation of the law and public trust, and bribed media paid with taxpayer dollars to invent purely fictional stories intended to destroy & discredit any “threat” to NC’s pervasive, sadistic, deviant “Culture of Corruption,” together (Fed, State & Local).

The FBI aggressively, criminally, utilizes violence, torture and the corrupt, broken judicial system as evil as the FBI, and officials who are responsible for such evil relish subverting the Rule of Law, legal procedures & Due Process, undermining local democratic government for the corrupt allies of these CORRUPT institutions, and providing for embezzlement of public funds for personal theft, and aiding armed violence, brutality, extortion, retaliation, violent, horrific, persistent, criminal, sinister acts resulting in death, or worse, and subjecting innocent victims to a fate worse than death.

Followed by life-ruining attacks on families, businesses, and reputations, using bribery & aid of media, law enforcement, clergy, both major political parties and officials to torture, brutalize, and compel under penalty of death by armed deputies operating as an armed hit squad under the DA and Sheriff.

This pattern has been repeated for decades, but none of the smeared victims has ever committed any crimes prior to or after this collusion to destroy any opponent to corruption and proponent of democracy, justice, law-and-order & public service by the US DOJ and its FBI and relevant divisions in violation of its mission and claimed purpose.

Evidence provided upon request and the US DOJ, FBI & corrupt Biden-Harris appointed US Attorney for Eastern District North Carolina.



Chickens come home to roost eventually…maybe imminently, often years or decades after pervasive, cherished citizen and clergy indifference to corruption, injustice and evil criminal cultural & political values.

Disdain for Christian virtues, Judeo-Christian values, justice, Rule of Law, empathy, Constitutional & civil rights, government & media accountability. Secular shared lack of basic decency, ethics, accountability & empathy, and cheered, rewarded violence targeting anyone courageous enough to fight for public not selfish interests AND OPPOSE corrupt, criminal government, public & community institutional corruption.


Child sexual abuse and lynching rewarded by North Carolina, aided by Federal “partners” US DOJ, FBI, Congress and media, Rapes by DAs and Gov. Roy Cooper, Josh Stein and others, theft and smear campaigns using public funds that could have prevented recent tragedies, promoted justice and fixing a broken justice system, and other benefits in policy.

Citizen preference for persecution, hatred and torture, unspeakable sadism to DESTROY any “threat” to what the FBI called a “Culture of Corruption” has consequences beyond providing laughter for these sins of N.C. and other CORRUPT populations!


Replace the U.S. Dept. of Justice and FBI for being too complicit in corruption, child sexual abuse, habitual government & criminal justice system misconduct with the aid of DOJ & FBI at every level from the top-down.



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An investigation into ballot harvesting in California should be initiated by the Federals.....oh well....I can dream...

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Neglect breeds neglect 5:5 it's 5:39am somewhere? Hello 👋🙌🙏🙌🎺

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People don’t realize the origins of California politics . https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-MGbkDGOAC8

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The head of the snake … follow the money 💰

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Maybe some common sense is finally coming back to the left!!

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Depends upon which day of the week, which side of the bed, and what coffee mug Bill used that particular morning. Consistently non consistent. Works for press though, right?

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Lets not overlook that ALLSTATE (the good neighbor) cancelled fire ins 3 months before the "Natural Disaster" wonder who warned them? Owners of FIJI water own 60 % of the water in CA. They were not about to waste it on you LA.

WHO SOLD THEM Americas water? Take it back CA!

CA city of LA to be first "All SMART CITY" predicted before fire? Geeeee what a coincidence? Someone should ask who is contracted to build the "Smart City of LA" before it burned down to create a clean slate. Open the books and lets read the plans!! Turn everything to shit and then build a smart city where no dummies can afford to live right on the coast there. Looks like that plan is coming true???? Again we see BLACKROCK and VANGUARD are the two biggest shareholders of ALLSTATE...hmmm Both Assassins of TRUMPs, worked in Blackrock Commercials. Blackrock profiting from the UKRAINE war as well with contracts to rebuild the country as they sell off the farmland to ?. A scheme concocted and a war produced to steal Ukraine Farmland using tax payer money and NEVER to be paid back plus Blackrock makes Billions maybe Trillions. Who is Blackrock? The five wealthiest families, that who. The Puppet Masters own Blackrock. It all makes sense. Its part of the "You will own nothing and be happy" plan of Klaus Swab/Gates/and Blackrock investors who own the world. The "New World Order"


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I’m so fed up with it all. But the snake, having many heads with rampant, systemic corruption globally, all you can do is run. There certainly are no hiding places.

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Remember in 2017 president warned Gov Newsom that the forests need to be cleaned. Get rid of dead wood and old trees. But he chose to ignore it. Then Mayor Bass added her ineptitude slashing $17 million from the fire dept full well knowing the reservoirs were empty and 100 trucks were in disrepair. Did she or Newsom care? No they were not interested in DEI lessons and pushing unsafe drugs!

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We have heard a lot about Scuttle’s Butt, but who is Scuttle? Has his butt been wiped like Joe Biden’s? Does he use a cloth to wipe like Hillary Clinton? What are Scuttle’s pronouns?

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