I’m truly sorry to have to write this.

Very depressing.

This piece maintains the falsehood that there’s been a pandemic.

I can’t believe the conversationalists are unaware of Prof Denis Rancourt’s epidemiological analyses showing no pandemic, no public health emergency.

The entire event is a deception.

This piece fails to puncture the frightening global virus deception and you must make up your own mind what the motivations are of those failing to do so.

“Early treatment” as a concept is fine for any illness but here it’s used to reinforce the falsehood of a new disease.

Obviously, there was no need for any intervention into society. The fake pandemic, which this piece connives to sustain, had injury and destruction to society, the economy and to individuals as it’s goals.

No lockdowns or masks, no business closures or border restrictions, no digital monitoring of “vaccine passports” were ever needed. Nor are they ever appropriate, for two reasons.

First, technically, they don’t work in any way, even if the underlying narrative was truth, and it isn’t.

Second, who are these people who have taken it upon themselves to tell you what level of risk you’re willing to accept in exchange for a free existence?

Think: the purpose of the fear & restrictions running up to the absurd pretence of expediting a “vaccine” in 11 months was to plunge a needle into every arm.

I’ve spent over 30 years in pharmaceutical R&D, working with design teams to install by design, particular features, seeking effectiveness and avoiding safety risks. I’m also a formally-trained mechanistic toxicologist.

So I think you should believe me when I tell you that these superfluous injections were designed explicitly & intentionally to injure, kill & reduce fertility in survivors.

This isn’t a guess or a hunch. I am absolutely certain of it. I swear on my life. I have filed technically detailed legal affidavits to this effect. It’s a serious offence to deliberately lie in giving evidence to a properly constituted courtroom.

Think: the purpose of the fakery & truly dreadful military grade propaganda and fear provoking “PsyOps” was ultimately to get to this intense, totalitarian, digital control over every one of us. To coerce, force you to accept intentionally toxic materials.

I wish I didn’t think this, but I believe the utterly fake pandemic was not the full attack we’ve yet to face. You might see it as part 1 of many attacks on humanity, with The West initially being the prime target.

I don’t think the perpetrators had any intention to takeover & have the gloves taken off at that early time. Resistance was probably calculated to be too great.

But once you’ve read my post here, and checked me out, you don’t think they’ve given up, do you?

In one important respect, I’m on the same page as Brett Weinstein and Alex Jones: the unknown “they”, those who I collectively call “the perpetrators”, fully intend to permanently deprive us of our liberty AND to kill very large numbers of innocent people.

There’s no reason for “them” to do this. All the propaganda about a climate change crisis, the mock overpopulation crisis & the direct lying about escalating pandemic risks, are all contributory elements to prompt you in your quieter moments to perhaps think these evil people might have a point. These lies too have been created by the same, multigenerational perpetrators. I have receipts.

Nobody “needs” to be committing a long-planned global mass murder program in order to save the survivors.

To conclude, the discussants in my opinion are knowingly misleading you into believing several known lies.

1. That pandemics of severe acute respiratory illnesses happen, and are at all times an extremely serious population level threat to a carefree existence.


2. That these acute respiratory illness are contagious and so “countermeasures” applied by the state, or even by supranational bodies who have absolutely no authority over our lives, are essential.


3. That even with some side effects, these gene-based injections have merit in the elderly or chronically ill people.


4. It’s not so much what these people say as what they leave out. It’s unsafe to assume that just because a person has said something that I know is true does not mean I can trust everything else they say. This method of deception is particularly despicable, in my opinion.

Do not automatically believe or trust anyone, not even me. Please do not place people on pedestals. We don’t need leaders to ensure some of our children & grandchildren survive this, to bear witness & to truly create something new from the wreckage of our civilisation.

Best wishes


Ps: I greatly dislike personal attacks. So please know that I’d have written this message regardless of who was writing knowingly false statements. If called upon to do so, I would happily record a conversation with Dr Weinstein.

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It sounds really scary, isn't it?

Do we have any use for them?

Do we need Klaus Schwab & co.?

Do we need Bill Gates & co.?

Do we need Lloyd Austin & co.?

Do we need Joe Biden & co.?

Did we need Obama & co.?

Did we need Clinton & co.?



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Feb 15·edited Feb 15

When they first talked about the virus, they said the odds of my dying were less than 5%. I said, ok, I am good with that.

When they announced that Pfizer was going to produce it, Pfizer the drug company that has paid out more in lawsuit fines for malpractice, fraud than any organization in history, I said I'll pass.

When they said that ivermectin was useless, I went out and bought a ton of it. At first I thought all of it was just yet another financial scam, just this time they were operating on a global scale.

Then I realized the vax was a US bioweapon. I tried to stop people from taking it and did what I could for those speaking out. And here we are.

All of us must realize this vax is/was only the First Act, this show has a LOT further to run.

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There was never any need for "early treatment" against anything. All facets of the official "covid story" are lies- including the early treatment rubbish and the GoF/lab leak nonsense.

There was no mass medical emergency in Spring 2020 period, except for the mass assault that was happening to the elderly, infirmed and disabled in hospitals and nursing homes and assisted living centers.

People needed to be protected from heavy sedation that killed them, DNR's without witnesses that killed them, neglect and other forms of medical despotism- not some imaginary novel pathogen.

And why do we get Weinstein shoved down our throats constantly when there are plenty of people with a much greater understanding of what happened in 2020 and people who were calling the Covid Con for what it was in real time while Weinstein, Kory, McCullough and the rest of these celebrity "dissidents" were calling for lockdowns, masking and other draconian policies.

Most of these alt-dissidents still reify the lie that there was a pandemic and some have financial stakes in perpetuating that lie.

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Too many people thought their governments were God and obeyed the mandates. Next time people should know that their governments have evil intentions and we should resist, disobey and ignore those who want to harm us. Sometimes we need to be willing to suffer to uphold our convictions.

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History shows for every high crime committed then outed, a new one occurs to distract from the last one. Atrocity, Fear, Atrocity Fear. Repeat. We either stop the atrocities or stop being afraid. That's how the cycle is broken.

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It’s really unfortunate when people attack others who are speaking up about the atrocities, all the while doing nothing productive themselves. Dr. Brett Weinstein may have been mislead, like many were at the beginning, but he’s been speaking truth for quite a while now, out loud and publicly which is more than all the haters are doing.

He seems like a very methodical thinker/scientist, and he doesn’t seem to like making assertions he isn’t 100% convinced of, which I highly respect.

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They’ve been killing people for a long time. You used to have to investigate it and you were called a conspiracy theorist. They’ve grown so brazen that now it’s in your face.

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We’ve known this forever..

question is .. why are they telling us now

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Hello fellow kids, I'm one of you! My name is Bret.

Surely you know me.

I came nowhere to all in your Brain Vector.

See, some kids were mean to me so long ago. And now I'm an expert at Covid.

Who pushed lockdowns and masks. Sure....Welp..now I got to Freedom Conferences with the likes of Steven Hatfill.

My bro worked for CIA Data Mining Billionaire Peter Thiel.

I buried Bobby Kennedy saying FAKED PANDEMICS in 2021 for over a year.

And I did not follow up but grimaced and kept going with no follow up.

"They" have no use for "us"

😅 👍

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If he is an evolutionary biologist, then why does it matter? Who cares if they kill us? ( which I was very close to death in ‘21 thanks to them)

Right?! Aren’t we all just here by accident and we are all animals or mammals or glorified goo from the Big Bang?! We all came out of nothing! Isn’t that what evolution teaches?! So there are no rights and wrongs. Survival of the fittest! If I die, oh well. I was here by accident anyway. It’s all evolution and I just happened by chance so who cares.

No! Evolution is a lie of the devil. We are created by God in His image! Nice try Mr Weinstein but it’s a lie to teach evolution as fact. It’s scientifically impossible for evolution to be true. So, I’d rather hear from a real expert

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The depopulation agenda is a misconception and only buys into the arrogance of the American mind. You could make the argument they want to depopulate the western world, aka, the Caucasian, but that argument never holds any weight on a global scale.

It's about eugenics and the key purpose of eugenics is to encourage Darwinian progression, aka, only the strong survive and eliminate the weakest from the gene pool. Those who rule will always need their play things and there's no logical reasoning that could justify mass extinction style operations.

It's always about money because the greedy rule the world. To satiate greed there must be supply and demand, and if you kill everyone, there is no competition, and these sickos cant get their jollies off.

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FUCK BRET WEINSTEIN..:he was all for masks, lockdowns and MANDATES!


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One thing is for sure is that the pandemic from start to finish and everything in-between made no sense, and all that is left to explain it is very dark.

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I see several comments critical of Bret Weinstein.

ANYONE speaking out that we are in a war commands my attention and respect. We all have sordid parts in our history. Now is NOT the time to highlight these flaws... We are being slaughtered.

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This guy is always on the cutting edge of information that we knew YEARS ago. A couple weeks ago, he was warning us that some of the migrants aren’t good people. What an important, timely source of information this guy is.

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