I’m truly sorry to have to write this.

Very depressing.

This piece maintains the falsehood that there’s been a pandemic.

I can’t believe the conversationalists are unaware of Prof Denis Rancourt’s epidemiological analyses showing no pandemic, no public health emergency.

The entire event is a deception.

This piece fails to puncture the frightening global virus deception and you must make up your own mind what the motivations are of those failing to do so.

“Early treatment” as a concept is fine for any illness but here it’s used to reinforce the falsehood of a new disease.

Obviously, there was no need for any intervention into society. The fake pandemic, which this piece connives to sustain, had injury and destruction to society, the economy and to individuals as it’s goals.

No lockdowns or masks, no business closures or border restrictions, no digital monitoring of “vaccine passports” were ever needed. Nor are they ever appropriate, for two reasons.

First, technically, they don’t work in any way, even if the underlying narrative was truth, and it isn’t.

Second, who are these people who have taken it upon themselves to tell you what level of risk you’re willing to accept in exchange for a free existence?

Think: the purpose of the fear & restrictions running up to the absurd pretence of expediting a “vaccine” in 11 months was to plunge a needle into every arm.

I’ve spent over 30 years in pharmaceutical R&D, working with design teams to install by design, particular features, seeking effectiveness and avoiding safety risks. I’m also a formally-trained mechanistic toxicologist.

So I think you should believe me when I tell you that these superfluous injections were designed explicitly & intentionally to injure, kill & reduce fertility in survivors.

This isn’t a guess or a hunch. I am absolutely certain of it. I swear on my life. I have filed technically detailed legal affidavits to this effect. It’s a serious offence to deliberately lie in giving evidence to a properly constituted courtroom.

Think: the purpose of the fakery & truly dreadful military grade propaganda and fear provoking “PsyOps” was ultimately to get to this intense, totalitarian, digital control over every one of us. To coerce, force you to accept intentionally toxic materials.

I wish I didn’t think this, but I believe the utterly fake pandemic was not the full attack we’ve yet to face. You might see it as part 1 of many attacks on humanity, with The West initially being the prime target.

I don’t think the perpetrators had any intention to takeover & have the gloves taken off at that early time. Resistance was probably calculated to be too great.

But once you’ve read my post here, and checked me out, you don’t think they’ve given up, do you?

In one important respect, I’m on the same page as Brett Weinstein and Alex Jones: the unknown “they”, those who I collectively call “the perpetrators”, fully intend to permanently deprive us of our liberty AND to kill very large numbers of innocent people.

There’s no reason for “them” to do this. All the propaganda about a climate change crisis, the mock overpopulation crisis & the direct lying about escalating pandemic risks, are all contributory elements to prompt you in your quieter moments to perhaps think these evil people might have a point. These lies too have been created by the same, multigenerational perpetrators. I have receipts.

Nobody “needs” to be committing a long-planned global mass murder program in order to save the survivors.

To conclude, the discussants in my opinion are knowingly misleading you into believing several known lies.

1. That pandemics of severe acute respiratory illnesses happen, and are at all times an extremely serious population level threat to a carefree existence.


2. That these acute respiratory illness are contagious and so “countermeasures” applied by the state, or even by supranational bodies who have absolutely no authority over our lives, are essential.


3. That even with some side effects, these gene-based injections have merit in the elderly or chronically ill people.


4. It’s not so much what these people say as what they leave out. It’s unsafe to assume that just because a person has said something that I know is true does not mean I can trust everything else they say. This method of deception is particularly despicable, in my opinion.

Do not automatically believe or trust anyone, not even me. Please do not place people on pedestals. We don’t need leaders to ensure some of our children & grandchildren survive this, to bear witness & to truly create something new from the wreckage of our civilisation.

Best wishes


Ps: I greatly dislike personal attacks. So please know that I’d have written this message regardless of who was writing knowingly false statements. If called upon to do so, I would happily record a conversation with Dr Weinstein.

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Brilliantly said Dr Yeadon, I wish I was as eloquent as you in you reply. I’ve been saying this to people since I lost my job as a nurse three years ago, to blank stares and turned heads. There are many people who are controlled opposition like Bret and Alex, telling some truths but steering people as well into half truths. Dennis Rancourt and you are my go to people when I want to know the absolute truth. Thankyou for your unfailing support and honesty. I am facing reality this year and I do have hope for humanity and pray to God we can make progress but I also am fully aware that we could be facing extinction and very very soon.

God bless 🙏🙏

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I don’t think we face extinction, but I do think their madcap plans will cause the deaths of very many people.

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Mike, thanks for all you've done. I prefer to maintain a belief that these people are well meaning and simply believe differently, or that the 'pandemic was a lie' is not critical to their fight. And that seems fair - we all have to fight this in our own way. We will all make mistakes doing so.

That being said, can you comment on 2 points:

Marik's disease - a disease that, allegedly, carries 100% fatality for chickens (domesticated, at least) unless vaxxed, which carries 0% fatalities. Is Marik's a lie, a half-truth, or what? Because it seems relevant, at least as example.

2) (related) Geert Vanden Bossche's claims that a real pandemic is inevitable because of vaccine induced immune refocusing, which will allow an actual pandemic to occur in those whose immune systems cannot adapt to a genuinely virulent, highly transmissible form of Sars-COV2. Could the mass vax program have reprogrammed the global human immune system to be susceptible to a pandemic, when it was impossible before?

thanks - I've been wanting to ask you this for a while. I hope you can take some time to comment. Both of these topics are overly technical for us laypersons and we need some expert analysis.


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Good questions. I don’t have the answers.

I’ve heard of Marik’s disease but I’ve not looked into it. There may well be a contagious illness. I’m old fashioned and still believe the wrong bacteria or fungi in the wrong place csn make you ill if you’re vulnerable or if you receive a large enough innoculum (# of bugs) in one encounter. Mostly, we thrive in a soup of microorganisms.

I don’t trust or believe Gerrt Vanden Bossche. Not only did he once work directly for Bill Gates, but he turned up fairly late and with an implausible reason to speak out. His interviewer I think also had risen without trace.

Then to his story/ warnings. I don’t believe them though they sound plausible. The most obvious misleading claim is that variants are important. If you study what’s claimed, you’ll see that the difference between variants is laughable small. If there was a pathogen that varied that little, and you’d thrown off the first one, there’s zero possibility that the variants would not be recognized as the same thing again.

I don’t claim no viruses exist though I think that’s possible

My interpretation that there’s been no “new pathogen / virus” arises purely from the fact that there’s no sign of anything arriving into the human population per Rancourt and the early papers, much repeated, that acute respiratory illnesses are not contagious.

Lack of contagion makes the cause irrelevant to public health. I think sterile derangement is a likely trigger, augmented by poverty, loneliness and stress, exacerbated by bacterial pneumonia, a major killer of vulnerable people.

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Not at all God is in control

In the past disease was caused by poor sanitation

We don't have that problem

The only sanitation problem we have is the media

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Poor sanitation or lack of vitamin D? Public sewers have been around for centuries. People lived to 80 years from ancient times.

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Everyone, including you Mike, is leaving out the central fact that this entire op was devised and run **by the DOD.** Why isn't this the lede? In every interview? In every story???? This "pandemic, covid, jabs, mandates, emergency, clinical trials" ... all of it has been from start to finish a lie. Pfizer has explained it all in court. It's in black and white in court documents. Why isn't EVERYONE reporting these facts. All debates about which in the series of lies are more important than other lies are moot. To leave this "Pentagon run op" fact out is the central falseshood by omission.


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I have said this often, though obviously not often enough.

They’re the only organization with the heft to do it.

In terms of no trials but pantomime, I’ve known & have repeated this most weeks on our one hour recording on Truth For Health Foundation (Whistleblower report) with Dr Elizabeth “Lee” Vliet.

I remember specifically being scolded for having said “It’s the military”, because it’s the DOD.

Sasha Latypova and I have both discussed how the fake dossiers were not subject to FDA review because the injections are not human medicinal products but military countermeasures.

They’re doing it at the behest of others who’s names we will never know.

You know, while these are important details, no one who isn’t roused by the extent of the fraud isn’t suddenly going to become so because some of us say “The people taking their marching orders is DOD” as opposed to “…are the pharmaceutical companies”.

Both are just awful to realise.

No pandemic + toxic-by-design injections is an obviously murderous plot.

Nothing else comes close to as good a fit.

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Thank you Mike. We all need to count our blessings, continue to see through the lies and corruption - expose them - get loud - this is the final battle! Live in the moment now with those you love and who love you. Our time is short...GODSPEED.

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I admire your willingness to wade into these waters Mike. For those who have long been pointing out the double speak coming from some in the so-called truth and freedom movement, it's a breath of fresh air to hear someone with your credentials you say these things.

For me this all became apparent when Malone and Kirsch were interviewed by Weinstein several years ago.


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It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.

Thomas Sowell

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Well-done Mike

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So well put. Thank you Dr. Yeadon for your courage and tenacity.

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Mike: I couldn't agree more. Well said!

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Thanks for always being consistent,on point and a truth teller. Rationality is calm, cool and collected in your hands. I am facing a personal crisis at present and will strive to emulate the example you set. All the wasted rhetoric to hype the plandemic never ends. Thanks for your clear concise statements that lay to rest that what we thought it was via propaganda it wasn’t at all. Will carry a print of your statement to share and help inoculate others against mis/mal/disinformation.

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We’ll said, Mike.

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Indeed - well said!

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This has been on your mind for a very long time. Thank you for the advice and for sharing it.

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The first part of this is a poor rhetorical stance, the dumb-sounding "scamdemic!" trope, setting the dissident side up for knock-out punches in the court of public opinion; and later on, Yeadon seems to misrepresent (in his points 1-4) what Weinstein has consistently said. Did you mean to imply that Weinstein meant to let those falsehoods be believed by his audience? That sure is the way it reads.

BTW, I have a doctorate in political science, so I know a thing or two about rhetoric in the political history of republican societies.

Every worthwhile theory about early-spread (see Bill Rice Jr.), or about current limitations of virus-theory, or about whether there is a big conspiracy to mass murder can be hashed out in due time, and the long-agreed-upon point that that this was no pandemic by traditional definitions may be underlined when we have the luxury. But meantime, we've got the fight of our lives on our hands, most of all in public opinion and political arenas, and 2/3 of what you're saying in this comment, Dr. Yeadon, isn't helpful to that fight.

And some of us recall that you made very confident predictions that near-all the vaccinated were going to get Covid repeatedly in the fall of '22--and, it didn't really pan out, did it? Not that concerns in that area don't remain...

In other areas, you've done essential work and remain overall an essential voice--journalists should be lining up to interview you; but please, a little more skeptical humility and team-spirit. Weinstein in particular deserves much greater care on your part with your words.

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I can’t disagree more strongly but I’d defend your right to say what you think.

I will say this: I’m not going to tolerate important untruths.

There’s definitely been no new illness. Nothing. It’s not a debate, unless you think Rancourt is mistaken or lying. So you can park that argument.

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Your voice was the single most important one to light the way through the darkness that was the Governments' actions taken, supposedly, in response to Sars-cov-2.

You helped me face what I saw, which was that every single action taken by Government made the "Pandemic" worse, killed, bankrupted, harmed & disabled. So it had to be intentional- terrible as that reality is.

But, despite that truth, the virus that causes Covid 19 is real. Most get infected and develop immunity without even knowing it. Some get moderately ill, like flu, and get over it. Some very mildly, like a cold, and some few get very, very ill indeed.

The way you know this is by, a) catching it, b) talking with dozens of quality medical practioners who treated it.

Attempting to gaslight these individuals, some of whom are frankly heroic, like deceased Doctor Zelenko of New York, or the team of Fareed &

Tyson in the Imperial Valley of California, is very poor behavior, imho.

I expect much from you, Sir.

This does not mean we had a dangerous Pandemic of a lethal illness, we did not. It was only dangerous to a few, or if left untreated in those who were highly susceptible. But those numbers were low. Please speak with front line Naturopaths, Physicians & those of us who caught the Wuhan Bug. And please read Bobby Kennedy's books. Bio-weapons are real & the wesponizing of Nature must end- it is catastrophic clinical insanity, by sociopaths & psychopaths, to do such things.

Sincerely, Katherine Green

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It sounds really scary, isn't it?

Do we have any use for them?

Do we need Klaus Schwab & co.?

Do we need Bill Gates & co.?

Do we need Lloyd Austin & co.?

Do we need Joe Biden & co.?

Did we need Obama & co.?

Did we need Clinton & co.?



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We certainly don't need any of those you mentioned!!

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We need US … we perpetuate, thru our participation and cooperation … without us, they have ZERO ability to do anything … we can decide where/how/what we want to create, via our participation and cooperation.

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If both Washington DC and Silicon Valley were swallowed whole by earthquakes we would be fine. Some of us would be dancing in the streets.

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But we're lab rats @ their disposal and the "Theysl" have been wanting to do this for centuries, waiting for the technocratic era, to have the technological means.

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Why do they need a vaccine to do it? Why not put that technology into pills without a "pandemic" so no one is any the wiser? Why wake people up through the fear of a pandemic so people are afraid of what they will do next, alerted to it? Finally why slow kill? If you want mass depopulation wouldn't it have been easier to get it all done this first time with a 70-80% kill rate? Does anyone have an answer to this?

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Because the stage is being set for the anti-christ to say "peace and safety" and the masses come flocking in. I used to wonder what would make people willingly line up to take the Mark. Well, now we know.

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my answer/speculation would be: because this is not necessarily supposed to happen overnight and this is also going to be part of the structure going forward in the world….injections for society…. so they are setting up the new system at the same time….. and there are other ways of quick death and destruction too which most people will blindly accept …. WAR….. which seems to be on its way…. among other things….. the planners seem to be Slowly and quickly dismantling the world as we know it….. yet they do need some sort of new system/ strategy to not have us growing in population ever again…. ( saving the planet) so i say…. multiple things are being accomplished the same time??!? another possible goal achieved is maybe infertility going forward on a massive scale….. this seems to be a long game being played out and we seem to be at the latter end of it but not quite the end….

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How do you keep people from rising up against you after you deploy something on them with an 80% kill rate? Don’t they need some people to keep their lifestyle going? Even a small surviving population, if they caught on,would be enough to end their plans?

On your question on the pills, doesn’t the fentanyl crisis fit the bill?

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War against a quality foe does too

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Yes, vaccines give them legal protection that a pill does not. There is liability shield after liability shield protecting the perpetrators and those that administer these shots. Protection includes the PREP act and EUA countermeasures 21 USC 360 bbb. Recommend Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova substack. They go into the legal steps that have been taken to protect the vaccine manufacturers from death and injury.

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Karen Kingston said they have no protection under that gene therapy

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I figured this out in July 2020. The slo-depop allows them to replace us with robots and AI so that they never have any need to give up any of their power and privilege. And they won't have to listen to their annoying slaves.

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Or pay them

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What’s better than depopulation? Making the soon to be depopulated pay for the privilege.

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It has to be a slow depopulation that they control the outcome. Also 90 min or so after injection you go online. Who knows what kind of control over population they have now.

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My personal theory on this is that it is more about control than mass depopulation. If 70 percent died or even 2O percent there would be complete chaos. They control the narrative, they control your mind.

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Yes. "They" feed of fear, negativity and other emotions. They cannot digest joy, love esp. love, hope and wonderment.... only the dark emotions of fear, hate, distrust, anger etc... because this is spiritual energetic and not physical...

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Because evil Rules. Evil feeds off of destructive, negative emotions. I've been a targeted individual most of my 74 years. I've been steered to my destruction continually. Technology has been available to turn me to dust in a nanosecond. but the wielders of such want me to actually finish myself off. See Robert Duncan's Project Soul Catcher

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We are "lab rats"? Since when? Are they not "lab rats" too? Remember all VIPs who bought fake vaccination cards and who got (paid for) placebo "vaccinations"? EVERY TECHNOLOGY HAS LIMITS, AND THIS ONE WAS KNOWN TO INDUCE NEGATIVE IMMUNITY EVEN WELL BEFORE THE "PANDEMIC" (ROBERT MALONE'S WORD in the Joe Rogan interview, for what it's worth).

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We, the ordinaries. Of course the different levels of "elites" will have different levels of value to TPTB, and will receive different levels of treatment. But we're all electronically monitored just like a cell phone, Tagged and soon to be bagged.

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Why are you yelling? Spare me of your opinions, please!

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No lab rats here, Mr Robinson.

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You have just listed the actual useless eaters. Well, the who's who of useless eaters at least.

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Well, this is just the emerging part of the iceberg, the real part is in the "..." - THE LIST IS SEVERAL MILLIONS OF PEOPLE LONG WORLDWIDE

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Well you have nicely narrowed it down for us :)

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God. The One who created all things including mankind. We need Him.

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God, Guns, Gold, Title or Deed.

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Do we need Bret and Heather Weinstein?

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Yes we need hasbara trolls they make us complete

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We need verbal street fighters. The battle for our lives is raging now. Do we lay down on the job and kiss the other cheek or do we get very angry and create a totally new persona to fight those that would gladly murder us all?

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Stop the fairy tale dreams of that happening or nuremburg type trials. Please, wake up to the fact that these demons have control of every aspect of our country: courts, government, schools and churches. The goal is to remove teh last obstacle to the elite's demonic plan: take out the US. That was hatched over 100 years ago. If you don't know the analogy of the frog in a pot of water, look it up. We are the frog.

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Black pilling isn't effective. Spread the word, elect MAGA locally. Spark change. WEF will be defeated. It's our only choice. Being the frog is not an option any longer.

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15

When they first talked about the virus, they said the odds of my dying were less than 5%. I said, ok, I am good with that.

When they announced that Pfizer was going to produce it, Pfizer the drug company that has paid out more in lawsuit fines for malpractice, fraud than any organization in history, I said I'll pass.

When they said that ivermectin was useless, I went out and bought a ton of it. At first I thought all of it was just yet another financial scam, just this time they were operating on a global scale.

Then I realized the vax was a US bioweapon. I tried to stop people from taking it and did what I could for those speaking out. And here we are.

All of us must realize this vax is/was only the First Act, this show has a LOT further to run.

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Diamond Princess, which entered Yokohama Port in February 2020, had 712 infections, 13 deaths, and 3,711 people on board.

= Total infection rate 19%, infection fatality rate 1.8% (some treatment), total infection mortality rate 0.35%

The Wuhan strain was highly pathogenic, and there were many people in the retired age group with weak autoimmunity, and the overall infection mortality rate was 0.35% in a closed ship space population.

Therefore, the rate was probably much higher than the population of open space countries and regions, but it was around this level.

Those who looked at the facts were not afraid of Sarscov2.

Those(including doctors) who relied solely on MSM were deceived by profit-seeking groups.

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Yes, great example, I agree with you on all points.

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I think you are correct, there is a long way to go yet...

If you read the Bible you will see that the first of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, yes that's the ones, is on a white horse, and has a bow. Rev 6:2

The word for bow is "toxin" as that is what they use to put on the arrows "and he went forth conquering, and to conquer."

They have not yet started to ride with their toxic poisons and white coats?!?!?

Just a thought.

Also, as I am not interested in getting these plagues on me, I am very careful not to cross the line of adding to or subtracting from what is said- Rev 22:18.

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‘They have not yet started to ride with their toxic poisons …’

Our air, water, soil, food, most products are increasingly full of toxins.

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Yes, it's all so bizarre to imagine that they are doing this deliberately to reduce the population so that the can save the planet from being destroyed by toxins and war.

I think they are mad, pure and simple crackers, but they closed all the loonly bins and changed the definitions of what "mad" is so we are now ruled by the crazies and this poisoning of the world is the end result.

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They r NOT doing this to ‘save the planet’ … that is part of the narrative they r using to control and manipulate us to carry out their agendas and self destruct … they have ZERO ability to do anything without the participation and cooperation of US the people … They ARE psychopaths … it is ‘mad’ that so many buy into it.

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Yes I understand the narrative they are putting out there.

Not so sure that they have zero ability to do anything if we all resist however.

It seems they have power to manipulate the media through the money and political influence that they have purchased over the years

They also have many of their trained apparatchiks (love that word) in key positions politically and bureaucratically and have been putting themin key positions for many years.

Some of these "useful idiots" may believe they are doing things for a good purpose, others may just be on the gravy train (to their own demise ultimately).

In this way they are able to deceive many people who simply could never believe that anyone would willingly spread a disease which they know could destroy the lives of millions of people.

So yes this madness is run by psychopaths, but how many there are and who they are is not that clear, but there are certainly some in WHO and IMF and UN and the bankers etc.

The trick is to keep out of their way, which won't be easy as they do the digital currency scam and the next scaredemic, along with the restrictions that come with it.

I imagine that substack will be the place that they will come hunting for those of the resistance. No doubt they have plenty of spies here already, and they have our number. The question is when will they make their move?

Yes we can do something as individuals, but it could be useless against the tide of deception and money that these crazies have.

God tells us plainly that all this will happen, and the end result of it.

Don't be angry when people make evil plans and succeed. Don't become so angry and upset that you, too, want to do evil.

The wicked will be destroyed, but those who call to the LORD for help will inherit the Earth. In a short time there will be no more evil people.

In a short time there will be no more evil people.

You can look for them all you want, but they will be gone.

Trust in the LORD and wait quietly for his help.

(Psa 37:7-10)

Read the entirety of Psalm 37 and you will see that God is ultimately in charge of everything.

Be patient and he will help you endure the very bad times that are going to come.

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There are some scholars who speculate that the deep time antecedents of todays criminals planted those stories.

Not so much a prophesy as operating to a script.

Me, I’ve no opinion on this. I know my limitations and I’m embarrassingly unread.

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No matter how much we read we will never get the full extent of their deception, and to do so will ultimately drive us mad with panic and frustration.

Psalm 37 gives us a great understanding of these times, and what we can do:

Trust in the LORD and wait quietly for his help.

Don't be angry when people make evil plans and succeed.

Don't become so angry and upset that you, too, want to do evil.

The wicked will be destroyed, but those who call to the LORD for help will inherit the Earth.

In a short time there will be no more evil people.

You can look for them all you want, but they will be gone.

(Psa 37:7-10)

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Deep time antecedents? Appropriately vague. After dwelling on this subject for a few years this makes the most sense to me. I believe covid is only the tip of the iceberg, but I better leave it at that. Revealing’is a process. it requires a progression of steps. Keep you eyes open. Question everything my friend.

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Interesting take on the Horsemen, very possible and yes they definitely have more cards in their deck, thank you! A bit off topic but there is also an interpretation of the Horsemen that postulates they represent the stages of the sun's micronova that reoccurs every 13,000 years or so.

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There are lottttttttttttts of interpretations of the Horsemen!!!

But in this instance it takes a bit more searching to realize that the word "Toxon" in Greek not only means bow, but also arrows, and that the arrows have been dipped in a poison is what is actually implied as that was the standard form the arrows took.

But it is certainly speculation, as I am not interested in getting these plagues on me, I am very careful not to cross the line of adding to or subtracting from what is said- Rev 22:18. But we do need to think about the possibilities.

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Thanks TC

It covers all the possibilities, particularly the comments which are even more detailed.

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I've done more research since last week. Sadly you have been taught by a false teacher. That isn't at all what the bow means for the rider on the white horse. Nothing in the Biblical text says the bow equals a "toxin." Maybe it has been mixed up with another horse that brings pestilence. John MacArthur just gave an excellent sermon on the subject. Encourage you to look it up.

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Where do you get the "word for bow is 'toxin?'"

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You can look it up in any concordance. I use ESword on my computer, as they have the KJV+ version which has all the original words and linked to the original Greek meaning.

But in this instance it takes a bit more searching to realize that the word "Toxon" in Greek not only means bow, but also arrows, and that the arrows have been dipped in a poison is what is actually implied as that was the standard form the arrows took.

But it is certainly speculation, as I am not interested in getting these plagues on me, I am very careful not to cross the line of adding to or subtracting from what is said- Rev 22:18. But we do need to think about the possibilities.

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Echo all that and well done. Courageous good thinking.

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There was never any need for "early treatment" against anything. All facets of the official "covid story" are lies- including the early treatment rubbish and the GoF/lab leak nonsense.

There was no mass medical emergency in Spring 2020 period, except for the mass assault that was happening to the elderly, infirmed and disabled in hospitals and nursing homes and assisted living centers.

People needed to be protected from heavy sedation that killed them, DNR's without witnesses that killed them, neglect and other forms of medical despotism- not some imaginary novel pathogen.

And why do we get Weinstein shoved down our throats constantly when there are plenty of people with a much greater understanding of what happened in 2020 and people who were calling the Covid Con for what it was in real time while Weinstein, Kory, McCullough and the rest of these celebrity "dissidents" were calling for lockdowns, masking and other draconian policies.

Most of these alt-dissidents still reify the lie that there was a pandemic and some have financial stakes in perpetuating that lie.

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Can you share sources for your assertions against those three? The medical practitioners you cite weren’t onboard, to my knowledge.

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I followed McCullough closely throughout this, and he was one of the early voices against the treatment given and especially the vax.

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The “treatment given”?

Peter McCullough was always adamant about early treatment, NOT favoring hospital protocols.


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Yes, I agree. he was always against the treatment given.

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I wasn’t in agreement. I’m not clear on what you mean by “treatment given”. Please specify.

Peter McCullough was, from the outset, very much FOR early treatment with alternative off-label therapies(IVM, HCQ)/doxycycline and corticosteroid inclusion/nutraceutical supplementation, distressed that patients were being turned away/told to “come back later if the condition worsens”, and has vigorously opposed the injections, numbering among the “vaccines’” fiercest detractors.

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Yet we are in agreement, I am referring to the FDA/CDC treatment given when I say he opposed them. You are assuming I am referring to the treatments Peter supported, I am not.

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Start here and look further at various substacks that quote these people directly.


They were all and still are pimping the lie that there was a pandemic. They were all espousing various versions of needs for protections. Kory and Weinstein were hard advocates of masking and Weinstein wanted total lockdown.

People need to quit looking for heroes- Kory, McCullough, Weinstein etc. people are part of the problem.


Kory: "We're at war with this virus."

Kory: "The severity, morbidity and mortality of COVID-19 must be re-emphasized to all, both young and old, as it spares neither. To avoid a catastrophic repeat of the initial surge, we recommend a population-wide intervention — a significant increase in the use of N95 masks — that might allow for a safer reopening of the U.S economy.

Unfortunately, in some parts of the United States, the proportion of citizens routinely wearing standard masks in at-risk environments is nowhere near what's required to prevent spread. The fact that the maximal exhaled viral load of infected persons occurs before the development of actual symptoms should concern all who might come into close indoor proximity with maskless presymptomatic “super spreaders."

Weinstein's worse.

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Why do you decry early treatment but not mRNA vaccines? How come you don't even mention mRNA vaccines in your rant, which happens to be a rant against three people who have done very much to save lives at the cost of their own careers?

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All mRNA based products will cause lethal autoimmune attack on every cell expressing non self proteins.

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All vaccines are poison- mRNA happen to be extremely toxic.

These three haven't done what you think. They all have lucrative positions. Look into it.

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Have you heard Alex Jones story? Im No where near a fan ever!! But desxribing him as having lucrative position is a very subjective OPINION! His story is the left taking him down and losing everything. Having gone through this myself and still standing is admiral even. I have NEVER subscribed to his opinions either but have some respect with how resilient people can be.

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I rarely watch Alex Jones.

Are you talking here about Kory?

In any case they are both doing quite fine financially. I'm not speaking subjectively or from some opinion. It's all public record.

There is no organized "left" in the US- liberals aren't leftists they are third way capitalists- pack of hyenas.

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You get distracted in the semantics of what we might call those who are taking people down. Doesn't mean it didn't happen. Also "doing fine financially " is not "lucrative" and goes more to one's finamcial prowess and resilience. Not just anyone can do that and they shouldn't be denied rising again just because they have different opinions than you. I'm talking about both of them.

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If they chose a "lucrative" path, then why are 99% of mainstream doctors vehemently opposed to following that path? Having their board certifications revoked and/or being dismissed from prestigious institutions is "lucrative"?




Why is the medical establishment so afraid of them, and so gleeful in their downfalls? Because they committed the "crimes" of a) publicizing ways to reduce COVID deaths (which were proven to actually save lives in many clinical trials in countries all over the world) and b) drawing attention to the dangerousness of mRNA vaccines. For some reason, you seem to be very unhappy that they did those two things, and you seem to view them as a "threat" (which is also what Big Pharma views them as).

Finally, just because COVID was hugely exaggerated doesn't mean it was a "hoax". Try proving that in court. You COULD easily prove in court that COVID was hugely exaggerated and that the vaccines were neither safe nor effective.

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Re-read your first sentence- it is one of the more basic logical fallacies. Deductive reasoning seems to have died.

Kory's salary is over $200,000 in most recent pay period.

McCullough's "new foundation" is awash in money. You think these guys are flying all over the place cause their broke?

Your conflations are not a substitute for a proper argument.

"COVID" was far worse than a hoax it was a massive crime of racketeering and outright murder. The evidence is abundant on this matter unlike the dodgy evidence that the likes of Kory, McCullough toss about concerning the imaginary SARS-CoV-2 bogeyman.

The likes of Kory et al have done nothing but misdirect and validate the premise of the phony pandemic.

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If you would like to share concrete evidence that COVID didn't put millions worldwide in the hospital with serious symptoms such as low oxygen levels (like what happened to Trump), and then around 10% of those hospitalized died because they got deadly hospital treatment (instead of the Trump-style treatment), please share your evidence. I'm genuinely interested in any CONCRETE reality-based evidence (NOT crowd-pleasing fourth-grader style emotionally appealing evidence or "because I say so" evidence). I'm all ears.

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Go here for starters:


The majority of people were not "put in the hospital" in spring 2020. The vast majority were in-patients and the other major subset were people in nursing homes.

These people were all being placed on upper respiratory inhibitors like midazolam and propofol.

Kory's story about "happy hypoxia" being something unique is nonsense. Kory also was an advocate for remedsivir BTW as well as an organizer in NYC urban areas to increase vaccine uptake among urban youth. I forget the years of the latter- I think it was around 2015.

Best never to have any sacred cows. Trump's a crook like the rest of the political class and should be investigated for his involvement in "Warp Speed."

Go here also:


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Weinstein is trying to cover his USELESS ASS...hope he took ALL the boosters

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Agree. He has quite the background, family involved with Palantir etc… many if not most have no idea.

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Why has Weinstein become a household spokesperson. Is it because he stroked Malone by praising mRNA technology? I don't trust him

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When you spout such hate and evil, you have become just like those you fight against.

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Because BIG-PHARMA's pays for the mis-direction by these elite alt-covid talking-heads, besides the USA goyim can't handle the truth about anything.

DOCTORS admit that US-MIL came into Hospital and put guns to Doctors head and told them to kill patients on their lists with ventilators and remesidivir, doctors say they have quit medicine, because the business is now kill patients and that US-MIL is now Running USA-Healthcare since TRUMP did an EO authorizing 'fast-track' in March 2020


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ONCE you understand that the US-MIL DOD/CIA now runs health-care in USA post March 2020, you need to ask why?? It was NOT COVID, like we see today in ISRAEL the US-MIL needs to control all hospitals they have a civil-war planned with the millions of wetbacks dumped into USA, an they want to be able to monitor anybody who goes to the doctor, so they put their OWN into all the hospitals BEFORE the civil-war begins, then like Israel if an enemy combatant enters the hospital they kill them and their visitors


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The real reason they want to kill everybody in the western world? Because the elite ponzi is going to blow and the elite rich all collected insurance premiums past 40 years for all assets traded on wall-street and then the economy blows all the worlds elite will have to sell all their assets to cover the insurance claims, the only way out is to kill all the investors and pension claimants before they can make a claim;


COVID19 is just one of many tools in the works to drop USA population by 90% by 2025;

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DOD is the muscle of the NWO, along with CIA, FBI and every OTHER Alphabet Agency. All are focused on an agenda for the destruction of mankind

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Feb 17·edited Feb 17

And why are these new & fake celebrities parroted by most if not all of the so called "alt media" like this fox? It's the new FOX news for you guys!

They are hijacking ppl's attention. = Vampires of attention.

NB. I don't follow them, it's Mike's shared reply that brought me here, then I saw your reply Allen.

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Basic questions no?

Where did they get all this money and despite their protestations how is it they seem to have wall to wall coverage?

To think this is some organic process is to stretch the imagination.

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Too many people thought their governments were God and obeyed the mandates. Next time people should know that their governments have evil intentions and we should resist, disobey and ignore those who want to harm us. Sometimes we need to be willing to suffer to uphold our convictions.

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If it weren't for this idolatry of the state, there would be a lot fewer fatal heart attacks right now. Seems like a judgment on our civilization. The elitists did it. But God let them do it to punish America.

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When God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked leaders. (John Calvin). Canada too has wicked leaders.

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And a lot of fools who worship them too.

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And we're being murdered, anyway

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History shows for every high crime committed then outed, a new one occurs to distract from the last one. Atrocity, Fear, Atrocity Fear. Repeat. We either stop the atrocities or stop being afraid. That's how the cycle is broken.

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Exactly right. Most people don't even know the WEF met the middle of January. So many were too distracted because the Princess of Wales had "planned abdominal surgery" and King Charles had a prostate procedure. All a "look over here."

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Didn't Taylor Swift blow her nose last weekend?

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It’s really unfortunate when people attack others who are speaking up about the atrocities, all the while doing nothing productive themselves. Dr. Brett Weinstein may have been mislead, like many were at the beginning, but he’s been speaking truth for quite a while now, out loud and publicly which is more than all the haters are doing.

He seems like a very methodical thinker/scientist, and he doesn’t seem to like making assertions he isn’t 100% convinced of, which I highly respect.

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They’ve been killing people for a long time. You used to have to investigate it and you were called a conspiracy theorist. They’ve grown so brazen that now it’s in your face.

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We’ve known this forever..

question is .. why are they telling us now

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Because, "the illusion of freedom" has, "become too expensive to maintain" as Frank Zappa said.

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

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Yes CJ Hopkins used this quote in his book which I mentioned above

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It is a valuable and thought provoking statement, I reflect on it often.

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FRAK Lives! Thanks!

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Technology has advanced so much they now can pretty much know every thing we do and say. So the ability to control us is here. Hitler would have loved this. If the ability to control us is here they will take it.

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Hello fellow kids, I'm one of you! My name is Bret.

Surely you know me.

I came nowhere to all in your Brain Vector.

See, some kids were mean to me so long ago. And now I'm an expert at Covid.

Who pushed lockdowns and masks. Sure....Welp..now I got to Freedom Conferences with the likes of Steven Hatfill.

My bro worked for CIA Data Mining Billionaire Peter Thiel.

I buried Bobby Kennedy saying FAKED PANDEMICS in 2021 for over a year.

And I did not follow up but grimaced and kept going with no follow up.

"They" have no use for "us"

😅 👍

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The depopulation agenda is a misconception and only buys into the arrogance of the American mind. You could make the argument they want to depopulate the western world, aka, the Caucasian, but that argument never holds any weight on a global scale.

It's about eugenics and the key purpose of eugenics is to encourage Darwinian progression, aka, only the strong survive and eliminate the weakest from the gene pool. Those who rule will always need their play things and there's no logical reasoning that could justify mass extinction style operations.

It's always about money because the greedy rule the world. To satiate greed there must be supply and demand, and if you kill everyone, there is no competition, and these sickos cant get their jollies off.

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I believe the depopulation agenda is quite real. They do intend to keep some people around, but they do plan a mass extinction IMO.

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The main topic of discussion at the yearly Davos meeting is about saving the planet from the useless eaters ie we the people. Theres no question that the rulers want to reduce the population. Eugenics 101 This is not the rulers first rodeo, they’ve been culling us for centuries. The smart rebellious people that refused their bs are the heroes. I gave all of them the finger from day one ie masking, isolating and poison jabs. I told all of them to get fucked and will continue to do so regardless…

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Most people have no idea the WEF met the middle of January because they were so distracted because the Princess of Wales had (shock horror) planned abdominal surgery and needs 3 months to recover. Then Charles needed a prostate procedure. All a "look over here" to not see what was happening in Davos.

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True, but the problem they had with that tactic is very few care any longer about that bunch of inbred, mega wealthy people. Killing off Princess Diana was their undoing. You can see they buy into their own hype, their own Focus groups in creating their distractions. They are very, very out of touch. Not sure why, but they are.

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Unfortunately, there are many braindead people who still fawn at the feet of all the royals throughout Europe not realizing every single of them want to enslave the masses.

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True, that is what they show you in the Press, and there are certainly some. But not as many as they would like you to believe. Polls on getting rid of the monarchy used to be done fairly frequently, all designed to show you that "the people" wanted them. You don't see those polls any more, I suspect they are still run but the results are not what they want known :)

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Yes, and their main topic was about "rebuilding trust", hah. The way they intend to do so is to shut down all free speech aka "disinformation" as well as to push their WHO and UN control agendas. They also intend to create worldwide water shortages as the Climate Change is getting so much pushback. You will know when they reach peak desperation, they will announce the Aliens are here. THAT is their end times scam and if we take that one down, they will have no cards left to play. Well, other than nuclear war of course, they could always go that route.

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This is the mass extinction event - It's already happening. The Western world are abandoning traditional families and we aren't hitting the reproduction rate. We are doing it to ourselves without the need for a violent culling. It's the same people who pushed the jabs that push the anti family/children narrative. They know the Caucasian will breed itself out of existence within a few generations - exactly like the Neanderthal.

It's a 'depopulation agenda' for the developed world but the rest of the world will continue breeding at a lightning pace, and based solely on the pressure we exert on them through financial coercion. They will be the slaves and playthings for the 1% of Caucasians left who have everything. aka- the American deep state.

You need to remember that these people believe in dynasty's and they literally do not need to rush their plan. We think in lifetimes where as they think in generations. They are preparing the world for their grandkids to rule.

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Yep, we are on the same page, I see the same agenda, I see it well underway and yes, they plan much like China, in one hundred, five hundred year plans. I also believe they have super huge problems of their own making; 1. they believe their own hype an example of that is their missteps with the vax 2. they clearly interbreed always a huge mistake 3. they fear death and the efforts they take to lengthen their lives will ultimately destroy them.

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Extinction? More like engineered societies, I would guess.

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Hmmmm, you have a point. I like the different way of thinking. Give me something new to think about. Thank you, my friend.

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Where in the freaking world does it say the depopulation movement wants to get rid of white people "aka Caucasian?" Is this why I seem so many black run run to mask up the second their "leaders" tell them this is coming for them? All lies. If you aren't part of the global elite (the club), you are useless and have no purpose. Period. And I'll put this out there - when does the black community stop being slaves to their self selected "masters" who lie, cheat and steal from them? Moronic female "pastor" of a large black church in my town lives in the most expensive neighborhood in town in a brand new home which of course is owned by the church's corporation. Guess who doesn't pay property tax? She recently told her church members that they should give their tax refunds to the church. I used to feel sorry for these people, but when you allow yourself to be conned again and again, I don't feel sorry for you anymore.

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then, there'll be fights to the end, and elimination of some of the elites

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FUCK BRET WEINSTEIN..:he was all for masks, lockdowns and MANDATES!


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Why has Weinstein become a household spokesperson. Is it because he stroked Malone by praising mRNA technology? I don't trust him

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No its because his brother Eric worksfor Terry thiel of palanatir.

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One thing is for sure is that the pandemic from start to finish and everything in-between made no sense, and all that is left to explain it is very dark.

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I see several comments critical of Bret Weinstein.

ANYONE speaking out that we are in a war commands my attention and respect. We all have sordid parts in our history. Now is NOT the time to highlight these flaws... We are being slaughtered.

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I’m happy that he’s calling out the attack upon humanity.

It was obvious over 3.5y ago.

But he’s perpetuating the myth of the virulent pandemic and that the vulnerable should get the jabs.

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Is there any record of Bret Weinstein saying that "the vulnerable should get the jabs"? I never saw anything like that but of course I might have missed it. My impression is that Weinstein is entirely against mRNA jabs and believes that they have killed on the order of "17 million". Am I wrong?

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Bret is a shill. Who cares what that cnut thinks.

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I am sure Dr. Weinstein is a nice man--and I am sure you are too--and all due respect to the gentleman. This comment is not about Bret Weinstein, per se. But may I ask, why in God's name do you need Dr. Weinstein to "confirm" what perfectly serious and authoritative scientists, physicians and statisticians have been telling you for four years now---if not longer?

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This guy was was an alt covidian priest during the pandemic pontificating about the very opposite thing he’s saying here. Alex Jones would know too.

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I thought the same thing. Those of us with a brain have known about the depopulation agenda for years and the plandemic was a huge step forward to accomplishing their goals. It was successful beyond TPTB's wildest dreams. I tell people in church who still fall for the "boosters" how the devil danced with glee when churches shut down in March 2020. Just get blank stares. Our children were damaged by those lockdowns in a way that hasn't come to full frution yet.

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Yes. Essentially, every institution, organization and agency has been captured. Even the people advertised as being our voices our saviors and our thought leaders in the thought rebellion are, I speculate, part of the Borg who brought us the problem in the first place.

Extricate now!

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