What do we do with these illegal immigrants? Send them the fuck back to where they came from! I'm barely getting by and I don't want to pay for all the people that come here illegally especially all the military age males who seem to be nothing more than sleeper cells for various terrorists activities. Enough already! And this is exactly why women need to protect themselves with firearms and whatever else they have.
More the former than the latter, IMHO. We are pretty close to the revelation that there is a one-world government and hence, there are no more countries (and thus there are no more political parties).
How to take over a country (continent) without firing a shot. I think the only way out of this mess will be my firing shots. First expel all the illegal aliens then permanently get rid of banking cartel (deep state). The former might fight back and the latter won’t go down without a fight.
It is interesting to speculate a bit. The people arriving at the southern U S boarder are from countries where Authoritarian Regimes seem to be dominant. This suggests that they have been conditioned from birth to accept the "Jack Boot" as "Normal" and may be a lot less hesitant to becoming part of the Authoritarian use of ones own military to subjugate the general population . Makes sense ??
Why not send military age men, (illegal immigrants) many who seem to plenty of built in aggression and fight to Ukraine, instead of billions for weapons that there are few Ukranian men left to use. I mean it's for a war they can't lose, right? And some of those guys are just waiting at the airport already. The women and especialy children?? Who knows where they are.
Key thing about these invaders is that they have no real ties to the American culture and our constitution. Biden and the Dems subbed out the election to the Trump fearing CCP. Biden is simply in debt to China.
In 1989 the CCP slaughtered hundreds of protesting, freedom loving, Chinese. They went into distant provinces and recruited people who were far removed from Tiananmen square and were told that the protestors were trying to overthrow the gov't and other nefarious motivations. That's how they ended the protests. Biden's handlers are following that playbook.
Please call your senators and remind them that the GOP is now the people’s party and must do our bidding. Let them know we can primary them if they go against the will of the people.
Do you seriously still believe that voting is real? That it actually determines who gets elected to and stays in certain positions within government? 🙄 Do you seriously believe it a coincidence that like 80% of all politicians who get "elected" turn out to be criminals who are on the same page? 🙄
All a means to a end: martial law, dollar collapse, universal income, one world nonsense full speed ahead. Biden is following orders from above him like the rest of the political puppets. The 13, are running this and their plans will only be interrupted after they’ve destroyed a great deal.
In Scripture, every single time that this kind of thing happens (and, in its basic form, if not its airline and credit-card particulars, it is by no means new to history) it is revealed to be part of a judgment by the sovereign and holy God on a nation for its rebellion against Him. Every. Single. Time.
Yeah, well, the "larger picture" has been there and evident for a long time now; those Demonic (Demoncrats) power controllers know that they must expand their voting base any way they can because their credibility with much of the American public is at an all-time low or should be; with an election coming the more migrants the better and coming in as fast as possible; it is a recipe for disaster no matter how one looks at it but they just don't give a sh*t! And don't forget how much the collective stupidity of the average voter can always be counted on!
Send whatever troops from around the Texas area to stop the illegals ! Any Conservative state that can send troops there would be great. Post signs at the border saying “ we will shoot to kill “. anybody trespassing on Texas soil ! That is the only way to stop them ; and the majority of Americans want it stopped !
Yeah he knows what the big picture is and it is getting rid of whitey via rising cancer phenomena ( MRNA shots or mongrelizing nations States thru open borders.
if joey banana biden wanted to do something correct for a change, he would go back to the rule of trump for which he ruled out via executive order. Just imagine how little money it wold take to reinstate that law .
My other opinion is that these immigrants will be here to clean up the millions of bodies of those who have taken the juice over the last couple of years. BTW Deagel says 77% of the un United States will toast.
What do we do with these illegal immigrants? Send them the fuck back to where they came from! I'm barely getting by and I don't want to pay for all the people that come here illegally especially all the military age males who seem to be nothing more than sleeper cells for various terrorists activities. Enough already! And this is exactly why women need to protect themselves with firearms and whatever else they have.
I agree. The only payment I want to make is to a hit man …….
Are these military age illegals being brought in to become an army against America? Or is it to buy votes for the Democrats?
Both! But when their free cash cow runs out when financial collapse comes we are in trouble! They will be so angry and chaos! Geez
Speaking of votes: now we understand how important it was for Biden to “ win,” at all costs in 2020.
The finishing touches being put into place.
Seems like all agencies of the government have been hog-tied.
Now there’s only the executive branch.
More the former than the latter, IMHO. We are pretty close to the revelation that there is a one-world government and hence, there are no more countries (and thus there are no more political parties).
It sounds like the end times of Revelations
Both but impregnate the native women and replace Americans with foreigners. Happening all over Europe too!
How to take over a country (continent) without firing a shot. I think the only way out of this mess will be my firing shots. First expel all the illegal aliens then permanently get rid of banking cartel (deep state). The former might fight back and the latter won’t go down without a fight.
God help us
Both , IMO.
It is interesting to speculate a bit. The people arriving at the southern U S boarder are from countries where Authoritarian Regimes seem to be dominant. This suggests that they have been conditioned from birth to accept the "Jack Boot" as "Normal" and may be a lot less hesitant to becoming part of the Authoritarian use of ones own military to subjugate the general population . Makes sense ??
Also, all the 'travel trauma' you think they gonna be appreciative and open to "Americans" since their arrival?
Ohhh, think again...
Why not send military age men, (illegal immigrants) many who seem to plenty of built in aggression and fight to Ukraine, instead of billions for weapons that there are few Ukranian men left to use. I mean it's for a war they can't lose, right? And some of those guys are just waiting at the airport already. The women and especialy children?? Who knows where they are.
Key thing about these invaders is that they have no real ties to the American culture and our constitution. Biden and the Dems subbed out the election to the Trump fearing CCP. Biden is simply in debt to China.
In 1989 the CCP slaughtered hundreds of protesting, freedom loving, Chinese. They went into distant provinces and recruited people who were far removed from Tiananmen square and were told that the protestors were trying to overthrow the gov't and other nefarious motivations. That's how they ended the protests. Biden's handlers are following that playbook.
good point.
Please call your senators and remind them that the GOP is now the people’s party and must do our bidding. Let them know we can primary them if they go against the will of the people.
Do you seriously still believe that voting is real? That it actually determines who gets elected to and stays in certain positions within government? 🙄 Do you seriously believe it a coincidence that like 80% of all politicians who get "elected" turn out to be criminals who are on the same page? 🙄
It’s all a farce. Nothing we’ve grown up believing is accurate.
There are too many liberal states that cheat in elections.
All a means to a end: martial law, dollar collapse, universal income, one world nonsense full speed ahead. Biden is following orders from above him like the rest of the political puppets. The 13, are running this and their plans will only be interrupted after they’ve destroyed a great deal.
In Scripture, every single time that this kind of thing happens (and, in its basic form, if not its airline and credit-card particulars, it is by no means new to history) it is revealed to be part of a judgment by the sovereign and holy God on a nation for its rebellion against Him. Every. Single. Time.
Why would we think we were the exception?
Yeah, well, the "larger picture" has been there and evident for a long time now; those Demonic (Demoncrats) power controllers know that they must expand their voting base any way they can because their credibility with much of the American public is at an all-time low or should be; with an election coming the more migrants the better and coming in as fast as possible; it is a recipe for disaster no matter how one looks at it but they just don't give a sh*t! And don't forget how much the collective stupidity of the average voter can always be counted on!
Send whatever troops from around the Texas area to stop the illegals ! Any Conservative state that can send troops there would be great. Post signs at the border saying “ we will shoot to kill “. anybody trespassing on Texas soil ! That is the only way to stop them ; and the majority of Americans want it stopped !
Kem-that is the goal...
Then civil unrest
Then Martial Law...
All a long term plan.
Don't feed the bear...
Locked and loaded…..
Hey, we're gonna need a bigger country.
Can we claim discrimination in Latino America… wondering how much free money Americans can get in Costa Rica or Mexico 💭https://youtu.be/HAkv9GA1AZg?si=gurs6-3udv0LfYW2
Interesting this is happening in Voting year...
Abbot sure dragged his feet on this one, AND we know he too... is connected to part of the hydra....
a set up, if you ask me.
I have been following Brett and Heather for a long time. I wish more people would. They are both brilliant and see things very clearly.
Yeah he knows what the big picture is and it is getting rid of whitey via rising cancer phenomena ( MRNA shots or mongrelizing nations States thru open borders.
if joey banana biden wanted to do something correct for a change, he would go back to the rule of trump for which he ruled out via executive order. Just imagine how little money it wold take to reinstate that law .
My other opinion is that these immigrants will be here to clean up the millions of bodies of those who have taken the juice over the last couple of years. BTW Deagel says 77% of the un United States will toast.
Training and arming illegal immigrants that could then be used against the People seems like a very nasty possibility. Likewise in the UK.