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Cancer DeMystified: The Untold Perspective About the #2 Killer in the World

“There’s no interest of oncologists to actually practice good medicine. It’s not in their financial interest to do so.”

Originally Published on DailyClout

“The current paradigm or current narrative [around cancer] is designed to make money because these drugs are really expensive. And oncologists actually are paid to give cancer drugs, so it’s a big industry. So, there’s no interest of oncologists to actually practice good medicine. It’s not in their financial interest to do so. And so, that’s the tragedy that we face,” attested accomplished physician Dr. Paul Marik during a sit-down interview with Children’s Health Defense.

Dr. Marik is the world’s second-most published critical care physician and has written over 500 peer-reviewed journal articles.

The World Health Organization defines cancer as “a large group of diseases that can start in almost any organ or tissue of the body when abnormal cells grow uncontrollably, go beyond their usual boundaries to invade adjoining parts of the body, and/or spread to other organs.” “Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally, accounting for an estimated 9.6 million deaths, or one in six deaths, in 2018.”

As the number two killer in the world, cancer is a big problem. However, “there’s a lot of misconceptions” about it, expressed Dr. Marik.

“So the first thing is, what causes it? Most medical authorities believe that this is a genetic disease, and that’s probably not likely true. So, it’s probably caused by metabolic dysfunction in the cell. There are very few exceptions. The one being one particular type of leukemia is due to a genetic aberration. But almost all other cancers is probably a metabolic disease.”

Dr. Marik continued. “He [Dr. James Watson] has gone on record as saying that he thinks that the whole genetic theory of cancer is completely false and fraudulent. And he believes that it’s due to metabolic dysfunction. So, if that’s what he thinks, who am I to argue with what he has to say?”

Dr. James Watson. Image via

“And if you consider it a metabolic disease, then it becomes easier to understand how you can treat it.”

“There’s something called a tumor microenvironment,” relayed Dr. Marik. “So, the tumor cells are pretty smart. They produce hormones that actually alter the immune function of the microenvironment to promote their survival. So, if you can target the tumor microenvironment, you make the environment of the tumor cells less favorable — then the tumor cells die.”

There’s also something called the “Warburg effect,” Dr. Marik denoted. “Otto Warburg (Nobel Prize Winner), in 1928, discovered that all cancer cells — this is all cancer cells — are metabolically dysfunctional and require glucose as their prime source of fuel. They cannot use their mitochondria to generate energy. So, the consequence of that is if you deprive the cancer cell of glucose, it actually promotes cell death. So, ketosis actually is a very useful intervention if you have cancer because cancer cells can’t use ketones as a source of energy, whereas human cells can. And they’re dependent on glucose. So, if you can starve the cancer cell by limiting glucose, you’re going a long way in controlling cancer.”

Otto Heinrich Warburg. Image via Wikipedia.

Dr. Marik continued. “In fact, there’s a book written by Jane McLelland. She’s a British lady that had end-stage cancer, which she cured herself. And she’s written a book called How to Starve Cancer. So, one of the ways to control cancer is to starve the cancer cell [with] a ketogenic diet. That’s the first thing.”

The second choice of therapy, Dr. Marik detailed, “is there are over 200 repurposed drugs that have been shown to interfere with cancer.” “We’ve [FLCCC] selected out the 20 that are most effective. And what’s really cool about these drugs is that they target both the cancer cell — so they enhance the death of the cell. But they also target the cancer stem cell and the tumor microenvironment. So unlike regular oncological treatments, which only target half the process, these repurposed drugs target the whole package.”

Dr. Marik advises not to abandon chemotherapy altogether but to use it in “much lower doses.”

“If you think about it, you have an immune problem; the body can’t kill the cancer cells. And what you’re doing is you’re using potent drugs, which basically eradicate the immune system. So if you can use lower doses of chemotherapy at more frequent intervals together with our metabolic and repurposed approach, we think it’s the most rational way to treat cancer.”


For more cancer insights from Dr. Paul Marik, please follow the link below, where he unveils strategies with the potential to reduce your cancer risk in half.

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