I am not a doctor but I issue this warning: Stay way from all big pharma drugs as much as possible. Avoid the medical system as much as possible. Unless you are in an emergency situation, the chances of surviving your disease and illnesses are much worse if using drugs and doctors. Your body knows how to repair itself in most cases and all you need to do is allow it to do so by avoiding doctors and their harmful drugs. Trust yourself first.

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Two of my previously healthy, in fact both remarkably robust, friends (not elderly) have been killed by sudden aggressive cancers since November; both dead less than a year after diagnosis (one just three months). Although there is no way to be certain I have little doubt that COVID injections killed them. Prior to this, over numerous decades, I've only ever had one friend die of cancer and, sadly, even as a young person she always seemed rather frail.

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NOBODY but reputable physicians, epidemiologists, and virologists who were shoved aside in order

to accommodate Fauci and his evil entourage, would care

Same is true of those who were courageous enough to reject it all.

My physician who outlined an alternative protocol for me, warned "The fallout from it all will

be far worse than the virus would ever have been"

I have been following the protocol now for 4 years. Two friends have died, NEEDLESSLY,

and many have been sick with COVID more than once

Their common denominator?

ALL fully jabbed

Meanwhile, I have had not so much as a sniffle and am 82 years old

I credit God in leading me a reputable naturopath long before this all happened

four years ago

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Looking at my second surgery today. Why aren’t the people responsible for this ashamed!

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How many took the jab BECAUSE of a past cancer diagnosis?

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Wow, we live in a huge 55 and over community and just met a lady this afternoon being treated for the cov jab injuries. She just spent eight weeks in the hospital and just got out. We have a literate bioweapon cov 19 Physician here who treats over 2000 jab injured patients. . This poor lady confided that she had stomach cancer, re emergence of epstien barr aka mononucleeosis, memory problems like dementia but not dementia and severe fatigue.

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Why hasn’t anyone been affected at the government agency I used to work at? The whole building got vaccinated, save a handful of us, who were forced to do a nasal swab every day for about a year. I’m pretty sure the division I worked for ostracized me because of the fact I was not vaxxed, and eventually I lost my job for other made up reasons. I’m glad to be out of there, but not one of those people have suffered from the vax. And well, I can’t help but wish they would.

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Dr. John Campbell.... you mean the guy who was the Jab cheerleader .... turned convert once the wind's direction changed? That John Campbell?.....spare me! Pax

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We knew all about the SP120 and 1P36 gene deletion, 4 years ago when those that call themselves ‘Science’ tried to manipulate all of humanity to inject these lethal gene therapy death shots into our bodies. Wake up people, it’s life or death with the mad scientists driving us all to self destruct! They want to be Gods, but we know who has the ultimate power, and that one is God.

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I believe this flaw has been quite deliberate since the introduction of the gene modification masquerading as a vaccine to prevent a nonexistent disease pathogen. Could there be a better time to inoculate subjects, some of which may be perfectly healthy, with the CRISPR genome?

After hearing Dr. Robert Malone, developer of the mRNA, state again and again that it should never be used as a vaccine, yet this is what was done to large segments of the world's population in 2020-22. In addition, lockdowns and vaccine passports were issued as result of Dr. Anthony Fauci lying to the public (RFK Jr. wrote a book and produced a documentary both called "The Real Anthony Fauci" to awaken the public to this major fraud in the medical community). Sadly, this was ignored and many remain ignorant of their deception.

Today, more 'frontline' professionals are coming forth with important information about vaccine injuries and among them Dr. Peter McCullough and the doctors in this presentation. Perhaps, the public will listen to them all, one day.

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John Campbell is a straight shooter everyone should watch his videos if you want to understand reality.

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My sisters Husband, not elderly, all of a sudden out of the blue has Bone Cancer stage 4. He's never been sick! Always healthy. But fully VAXED with the mRNA shots. I'm waiting for my sisters to call me,...they all took 8 SHOTS! And still, they can't wait for another one. They refuse to listen,....and maybe it's too late any way. Just very sad. They were completely fooled by the SCAM.

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Don’t forget Lynch syndrome

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No vaccines ever, and a healthy 80 yrs old here.

No one is mentioning the attack one does to one's own immune system by relinquishing one's authority. Don't allow anyone, no matter their "qualifications", to make your decisions. Listen to everything, do the research, then accept the responsibility for the decision you make. This is what makes you strong, and in addition, it eliminates blame, so you don't have to spend time condemning those who would choose to profit from your actions or non-actions.

Take responsibility for everything you do. Blame is stupid game.

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Has there been any research done in the past on the amount of antigen that the human body can tolerate? Shot for Covid19 was done without researching this basic premise.

I think using human cells to produce antigens is dangerous because the amount of antigen that can be produced for any infectious disease is unknown, and the tolerance level is also unknown.

This is a fundamental flaw in the mRNA method.

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Too many times I’ve seen damaged people from small issues to major issues.

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