"To save our healthcare capacity, we must injure far more people than the virus will!"

Top-level clown world thinking, there.

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You mean, we are saving capacity by injuring more people?

Evil people took over the world

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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😁 there is always a Jew-hater shows up amongst rational people. An old tired drivel.

Back in my neck of the woods, a neighbor blamed CIA and Zionists for her son’s alcoholism. 😁 Of course! Who else? Teachers injected him with vaccines which caused it. Why he was the only one in the whole class never crossed her mind 🤷🏻‍♂️

I bet that, despite your hate, you are using marvelous inventions developed in Israel, from your cell phone to life saving drugs. Hypocrisy?

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Thank you for confirming my worse suspicions 😢

It was great to get to know real you. 🫶🏼

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funny, that both of us brought up the idea of clowns in our comments.


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Is it worth pointing out all the recent data and studies that prove the vaccines actually INCREASE the risks of infection, hospitalisation and death.

Don’t get me wrong... this is a good, concise article. But it always annoys me when we use the bullshit numbers put out by the authorities... even if they still look bad. The reality is much worse than this... because the truth is that the mRNA shots are NEGATIVELY effective, and then we all of the side effects. It’s all negatives... no positives, no matter the age group.

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You did a better job than I did. But same thing. People will look at what the cdv says...prevents death...and thats it. What about the deaths and injuries caused?

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The CDC along with the FDA are murder machines and have been for decades.

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The same with Canada’s Health service. They are in bed with the WEF!

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"The CDC is recommending a shot that causes 1,000 serious adverse events or more per million doses to save maybe one life (12-17 age group)."

The "vaccines" don't save even one in a million lives. Any medical intervention with a claimed success rate that low can only exert incidental effects. If I gave enough people a fifth of vodka and told them all "Drink this and eat nothing else for the next 24 hours," someone in that group would be better off health-wise a day later than before for whatever reason (e.g., they happened to be recovering from an illness and continued to recover despite the blast of booze).

They lie about everything, count people jabbed once and sometimes twice as "unvaccinated" because they feel like it, and trumped wholly fabricated data. This is one more extension of it.

So far, only the confirmed morons in my sphere of operation have opted for the new jab. Very low uptake. So at least people have started to wake up, but consider the level of deceit that's been required to provoke this awakening.

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A modicum of skepticism is all that was necessary to see that this was a sham early on. It wouldn't have required knowing what the truth was but there were so may red flags and indications, that any of them followed by some investigation would have convinced many more not to get the shot.

At this point, though, skepticism isn't needed anymore.

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The NHS statement that caregivers and pregnant women can get the jab is scary. I hope none of them decide to take it.

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One more time. Estimates of lives saved, hospitalizations prevented, or cases prevented are pure fiction given the complete absence any supportive data or even a reasonable case control study.

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pretty sad state of affairs for life on planet earth.

At one time, I thought I might want to understand and "get into the mindset" of these clowns, but I have reached a point now, I just find all of this as "static" and I have no tolerance for listening.

Funny. I do know many that have no tolerance for "we the intolerant" haha

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Malice aforethought, which is a crime.

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The problem is there is no "thought", just pure malice.

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And the risk-benefit assessment is devastating for the elderly as well. In the Pfizer and Moderna gold-standard randomized clinical trials (the only truly unbiased mortality data), the OLDER age groups had EXCESS ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY WITH VACCINATION (compared to placebo), even at the height of the pandemic and at peak vaccine effectiveness. In the two clinical trials combined, among the OLDER age groups, there were 21 deaths in the vaccine groups versus 16 deaths in the placebo groups. A 31% INCREASE in all-cause mortality with the "lifesaving" vaccine, in the OLDER age groups.

Among the older age group (>65) in the Moderna RCT, there were 9 deaths in the vaccine group versus 6 deaths in the placebo group. https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf - see Table S19 on page 53/54

Among the older age group (>55) in the Pfizer RCT, there were 12 deaths in the vaccine group versus 10 deaths in the placebo group. https://www.fda.gov/media/152256/download - see page 57, BOTTOM of Table 25

And finally, the same age-related trend appears in VAERS as well: over 70% of unexpected post-vaccine deaths with known ages were in people aged >65 (and about 90% with known ages were in people over age 50). https://openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality

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Mind boggling. I can’t imagine being a serious person and continuing to work there.

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Apparently they don’t have any or they care more about themselves than they do for others.

It is mind boggling.

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greed is a deadly sin and it is rampant.

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Yup. In most cases, not a lot.

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They're just pure evil money grabbing Do not care how many people they kill as long as they keep making money off of worthless vaccines

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Singularly, this point is extremely annoying and further proof of intent to harm and kill...but when you connect it to all of the other points, i.e., the msm support, the censorship and delicensing of dissenting doctors,, no justice dept investigations, no arrests of the pharma liars, etc, even the refusal to protect RFK Jr from assassination, we have quite a scenario that also proves collusion and a systematic plan involving genocide and takeover of the USA and the world...and we thought we had a failsafe mechanism in our military, but that's apparently been compromised, too!

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It's amazing that even the CDC is participating in the limited-hangout operations that inform the public, when it's already too late for it to make a difference:


The propaganda reminds me of "vaccines" that expire:


What happens at six months? Does the baby suddenly have an immune system? Impossible; that takes the first two years. At least, it's clear what happens over 65: you become redundant and deserve the "grandma treatment":


Intent to harm was possible to substantiate already in November, 2021, based on VAERS data:


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Goddamn criminals. Every one of them. Tar meet feather

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Tree meet rope!

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We must take extreme measures to save one life (if it is threatened by COVID).

But it's ok if simultaneously hundreds of people die from fentanyl.

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023

"But it's ok if simultaneously hundreds of people die from fentanyl."

Nobody says it's "ok" for people to die from fentanyl. The deaths can be attributed to the drug war, which leads to contamination and dilution, which leads to overdose when a particular dose is more pure than expected. Yet most people who wail and moan about fentanyl deaths also support the drug war. Go figure.

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How does one get away with comparing an estimation to an actuality?

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That number, 1000, is a gross underestimate of adverse events per one million shots given. We all know of numerous incidents of harm, including death, post vaccine. Yet, in almost all cases, the victims and their relatives are oblivious to the cause. The so-called “clinical trials” numbers cannot be trusted.

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