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My Favorite Parts Of Covid:


That the doctors think the medical freedom movement is for the freedom to practice medicine.

While the rest of us are shouting “It’s the medicine”, central to your profession, that is killing everyone.



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I pray that the guilty players go down in flames in my lifetime, if Biden/Harris haven’t already pardoned them🙄

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Matthew 5:9

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”

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Jehovah is Satan. Submit, grovel for forgiveness. Or go to hell. Be friends with the devil, make peace with those who murder and lie.

I am no child, and don't shake hands with the devil. HE is a liar. I have proven a hundred times over that the bible is a book of occult symbolism, bad values, contradicting concepts, spells, and outright lies. The devil is a liar. I don't make peace with Satan.

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Shedding is real. I’m vax injured and my ex boyfriend had a heart attack and stroke recently. He was totally healthy. We had broken up because he said that I took the k!LL shot and that I will die.

Blame on -KARMA or SHEDDING!

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Hey, sweet Linda. Don't give up the good fight!

This is breaking news that just aired today:

Sharyl Attkisson who does a show in the USA called "Full measure" just did an amazing show about the vax injured and a doctor who has found a way to help some of the covid and vax injured. This amazing doctor found out that the vax was causing in a subset of patients, major blockages in the Iliac vein which is part of the major arterial venus system in our human bodies. He began putting stents in this vein to unblock this artery which was bringing back people's full health almost to normal!

His name is Dr. Jordan Vaughn.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone told the world that the jab was 'safe & effective'...we've been brainwashed to believe the B.S., I've just always been a skeptic about big medicine and the big school indoctrination system which is why I do a lot of homeopathic medicine and why I home schooled my only child and why I totally refused to take the clot shot.

But, yes, shedding is real. When I had a dentist work on my tooth, I learned he was a big believer in 'the jab' but I didn't want to tell him that his gullability was lethal, because he was working on my outstretched maw with a drill and that's never a good time to give advice (LOL), so I just remained silent on it.

But, sure enough, the next few days...I realized he had shedded exomes of the spike protein on me right into my mouth (oh yay). I started my period again after not having a period in over 9 months (sorry about the overshare haha)...it was scary AF and I started having chest pains. I took ivermectin and lumbrokinase and most of my symptoms subsided even though I do still have nagging but manageable chest pain when I heavily exert myself on my long walks.

Quitting almost all sugar and pre-packaged food helps too. Our bodies are complex miracles that are so dynamic. Just one thing that's off can throw a monkey wrench into our systems and then it takes a lot of sleuthing out to find a cure or remedy but never ever ever give up. Think of the harms to our bodies as learning experiences, our pain can one day save thousands or millions of others by our trial and errors to heal ourselves and share our little victories with the masses.

Take good care and hug yourself,


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Shedding isn't real or else all the people who made the vaccines would be worried and they are not.

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I beg to differ. I have heard people say the same. Some that had no bodily fluids exchange as well. Do remember that every single person is different.

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My very old and retired uterus started acting up again after a hug from some vaccinated girlfriends. Some but not all. I think those who received the Pfizer shots probably shedded the most. But I’m not sure. Nowadays, all’s quiet again, I’m happy to say.

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Well you are free to believe as you wish.

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"...people who made the vaxxines would be worried"

Why? They have the antidote.

They would NEVER release a deadly agent unless they themselves have the antidote.

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So your great logic will say that it was karma? We see soooo much justice in this world. Satan is the god of this world, and those most evil get rich and powerful. Vaccines do indeed spread by touch, they have fibrous synthetic nature to them that jumps from vaccinated to unvaccinated. In addition, hydrogels and toxic metals spewed out by geoengineering chemtrails are suspected to include nanotechnology .

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YES, Dr Ana Mihalcea in Yelm, WA showed me my blood magnified 400 times with a bit of shedding.

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"Shedding" Part 5 - Evidence of Shedding Causing Illness In Others

Here I present an epidemiologic study suggesting population-wide shedding impacts, case notes of patients sensitive to shedding, and social media reports.


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When Dr. Kory has something to say, people should pay attention.

Excellent article !!!

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Still do not believe in shedding. The vaccine companies would be worried for themselves and their families. And they are not.

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The financiers, implementers and other proponents of chemtrailing also have family and friends, but they also just go on poisoning everything living on earth. The CEO of Dow Chemical for example also continues his production despite knowing it is dangerous to everything that lives.

But even if the shedding phenomenon did not exist, as You know, there remained more than enough other side effects from killer jabs that we are insanely concerned about. And yet Big Pharma goes ahead with it. Because they have signed contracts with the DoD [ as we know thanks to the work of Sasha Latypova ].

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The Evil have the antidote.

They would NEVER release a deadly agent unless they themselves have the antidote.

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The gene therapies weren't made by pfizer but by a bunch of subcontractors (30 or 40 outfits you've probably never even heard of) for the DoD. pfizer just ran the trials and put their stamp on it.

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Check Beck et al. Paper from Seattle. Might make you question what you think you know.

Scary times.

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Not everything we read is true.

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I am so sorry to hear that!

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If they are officially called bioweapons of mass destruction, check your insurance to see if it's covered, because increasingly it is not. Whether called bioweapons or not, accepting something that is stated to have unknown long term effects is a no for me from the get go.

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Yeah, indeed, COVID-19 jabs diabolical experiment with humanity is a threat to the human genome and the future existence of human species

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Call $hots BioWeapns Terrorism Mass Depopulation Crimes Against Humanity Don't forget the DON Warp Speed Agendas Best Buddies with Facist Fauci

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Australia healthcare political types who openly diss all who voice concerns about both the lethality and future harm to ALL human should be investigated whether they themselves were either given “ exemptions” or took just saline to false actual taking the shot they mandated on everyone else. These corrupted folks either are but simply clueless or were manipulated to act against mankind….but their closed minds suggest THEY knew of the harm and could care less for they had the power of Govt…and could do as they willed….they all should be fired or forced to resign for their resistance will only make matters much worse….or are they waiting for another planned-demic to occur very soon to be an anchor on Trump.

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Where is the actual evidence of what's in the Vaccines? AND the actual so called " virus??? Please submit.

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Below is my evidence that there was indeed no virus. I just submitted some evidence on what indeed is in the so-called vaccines, the real bioweapons.

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Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada which ended mandates in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS



35million vaxxed are dead, and THERE NEVER WAS A VIRUS.

So why is Donald Trump still LYING to the American people and telling them there is a deadly virus and to take the genocidal vaccines???

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It’s really to late in my opinion. We’ve had three years of shedding/transmitting to those of us who didn’t take the c19 injection.

They now have the same toxic ingredients in the regular vaccines and injectable medicines. I know this for a fact, as I was shed on by a friend who is against vaccines of any kind, who had insulin injections in the hospital after he had a heart attack. It took 5 months for him to start shedding. He nailed me (I’m super sensitive to the shedding) pretty bad. I also got nail severely by someone who had Botox injections into her stupid face. I firming believe the botulism transferred from shedding/transmitting. I got VERY sick. That was 8 months ago and I’m still recovering from it.

They got us all.. one way or another

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Shedding is not real. Or everyone would be worried and sick or dead. And they aren't.

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90% of the vaccine damage comes from 10% of the batches. www.howbadismybatch.com. So 90% of the people are okay.

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Been hanging with family, coworkers, friends the entire time and most are jabbed! Rarely get a sniffle! Had lunch with mom yesterday. She’s multi jabbed as well! Road trips with jabbed family members caught nothing!

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There are slow acting features. The immune system is targeted by the spike protein. In addition, there is nanotechnology said to be in them, which is growing at a very fast rate. Real research journalists, will tell you. The CIA dominates the establishment news, and most Christian alternative journalists. I know this will sound crazy to those only exposed to establishment journalism, but the nanotechnology is creating transhumanism. Inside our bodies unnoticed. There are hydrogels with toxic metals as sprayed from the skies in chemtrails= geoengineering. Terraforming. I go into this kind of information with evidence daily. Free newsletter with free books attached.


You don't realize how bad the situation is. You need to think on this. Remember who God is. Satan. Now the creator is trying to "upgrade" to more servile and programmable slaves.


This is not fear porn. Jehovah gives the fear porn, hell was created by him. Grovel to be forgiven for being human or go to hell. (In reality, it is the belief that brings hell into your life, another realm of forever torture. I survived it and came out. It does not come after you die. It is sourced in belief in occult symbolism as found in the bible. My book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY uses hundreds of scriptures proving scores of points to debunk the bible and quran. God (satan) is very real and very evil. But fear not and you survive. Do not have superstition (belief) in bullcrap.

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And parasites.

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You're right. Everything on the planet had been and is exposed to these particles etc. Animals, plants, humans, atmosphere, water etc. Hopefully our amazing world is going to recover and excel. We need to stop the attacks.

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Thanks for bringing forth Dr Sansones work, t hat he has been doing endlessly since the Covid start in an easy read and but serious an entertaining way. Also his experts are very learned and happened to know early on about the dna, the hiv, the graffeen in the injections, long before this knowledge came up in debate. Canadian Jessica Rose is another not-everyday scientist, who with her manifold doctorates is able to put things together and draw conclusions others will not see.

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They know full well these injections are killing people yet it profit before people it’s pre meditated murder then why are they pardoning fauci for gain of function after murdering 1 million innocent children in America

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Because traitor joe and hunter have been working to build Bioweapon Labs globally since 2014-15. There is no pardon for them. One can NOT be pardoned for crimes they "May have committed". The Constitution doesn't work that way. Traitor joe, hunter and many others will surely face either Public Execution for crimes against humanity or MOB JUSTICE. AMEN

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"They know full well these injections are killing people"

So why is Donald Trump still LYING to the American people and telling them the genocidal vaxxines are safe, and to take them???

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Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone

Breaking: Former Trump Administration HHS Senior Advisor Provides Affidavit: "mRNA nanoparticle injections, are in fact biological and technological weapons of mass destruction"

Dr. Joseph Sansone

Former Trump Administration Health and Human Services (HHS) Senior Advisor, and epidemiologist, Dr. Paul Alexander, provided an affidavit stating that mRNA nanoparticle injections are biological and technological weapons. Dr. Alexander, a Trump loyalist, provided the affidavit in a new case in the State of Florida.

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"...mRNA nanoparticle injections are biological and technological weapons"

So why is Donald Trump still LYING to the American people and telling them the genocidal vaxxines are safe, and to take them?

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Thank you Dr. Paul for never letting up. Keep the pressure on the ignorance that brought US to this moment.

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I am one of the experts as part of that lawsuit in Florida, can you correct the listed names, thanks much.


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The SOLE and ONLY reason for Covid which was a hoax... MK Ultra operation


Was to Inject people with NEURAL LACE BCI Nanotechnology made by Klaus Schwab DARPA Rlin Musk the CIA and MOSSAD.

I wrotr this 4 years ago...

the Harvard Wyss Foundation outlining the capabilities of Nanotechnology in a world that is out of balance and out of control, a world of their making by design not coincidence.

They are in line with what Klaus Schwab describes as the merging between man and machine.

And since they are of the Wyss family and their colaboration with the Nazis is well documented (as is Klaus Schwab) we really do face a re-emergence of the Nazis.

Programmable Nanotechnology is already delivered through the vaxxination program of Covid.

Covid is the smokescreen for them to control the human race, all of it.

This programmable nanoparticles form a web inside the human body so it can be controlled from the outside.

Elon Musk names this technology Neural Lace.


All that in preparation for the AI war which we are now living in.




Project Omega they call this...




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