So. She's a mass murderer of children. Does anyone feel good about continually reading about these possessed people and then seeing absolutely nothing happen to them? Is that what we've become? What's the point of reading any of this at this point? We have a women in charge of the CDC whose knowingly allowing babies to be murdered. Ho hum. Just another day in the USA. We are all collectively complelely worthless and reading about the truth makes us worse than those with blinders on like her. We are eyes wide open and we do essentially DO NOTIHING.

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What do you suggest we do? All political parties are in on it as are all mainstream medias. They are just the other wing of the same bird.

"When the dust settles after those crimes, those who don't believe in God will have no choice but to belive in the Devil..."

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Make trouble - make noise - keep throwing obstacles their way- terrify them with the numbers of eyes on them...stand steady and defy the lie. Vomit it back up as hope. and be yourself/yourSelf. tough questions...

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I'm not here to give suggestions about a solution, I'm speaking the truth. Furthermore what's needed, most won't do. AND If I said it on their internet here I would in a 6 by 10 cell tomorrow. Who needs to do it are people who took oaths and swore to protect this place. They are ALL in violation of their oaths I didn't take the damn oath, but if you did, you're not doing a damn thing you said you'd do AND they're the ones that should be figuring out. Not a 50 year old man with a family to look after, not easily something I can commit to doing at this point. They'd have to start it at least and give direction.

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Keep preparing for the worst case scenario and quit arguing about who is going to start fighting back. You need weapons, ammo, shelf stable foods, H20, emergency radios, “go bags” packed full of first aid supplies, rations, clothing, tents, hammocks, fishing gear, hunting gear, a plan of action to hold in place and or evade to higher ground / lower based on your current location.

This is just a few things that everyone with a brain should have ready to go today. If you don’t have a garden right now your wrong. Get with the local elected officials and start asking what the plan is during the next presidential election? That’s when shit is going to hit the fan.

Your welcome to join me in constructing a plan and not complaining - RLTW

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I have most of that handled. But what's this about the next election and it getting wild? Why? The commies will continue to slowly take over. It's a long game, been a long game for a long time. I like plans though and I'm good on all that. But again, that's not what the elites want. They want your stored food to go bad as they oush us deeper into hell, and why not. No one stops them.

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That’s a cop out. Keep passing the buck. They’ve scared you into silence.

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You're a fool. I'd love to see a picture of you. I'm sure I'd get a good laugh.

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Kill her. 🤗 what is wrong with you? Drag her out into the street & string her UP! Simple really.

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Oh ✋️ wait! No, bad idea & I reluctantly withdraw it. Howzabout we REWARD her with millions of dollars 💸 and she dies the greatest female murderer since ...? Mary l? Catherine the Great? Gosh, like Mao's wife... but of course, in the NWO, we shan't remember.

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The Muslims have a name for us.

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The Great Satan loves all peoples to kill innocents.

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Protest and marches at all Capital buildings is needed to stop these "kill shots".

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Not so as Senators Ron Johnson and Rand Paul prove. They have been fighting.

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I completely agree with you. I’ve been awake since 1997 and at this point, I’ve just given up on the idea humanity will save itself. There are all kinds of things we could be doing: forming freedom groups, buying billboard ads en masse, doing media blitzes and boycotts, peaceful demonstrations in every capitol, joining school boards in greater numbers, hanging signs everywhere you look, writing more books, infiltrating media platforms, running for office, putting pressure on politicians with well-organized petitions and letter writing campaigns.

There is none of this. January 6 squashed the last vestiges of doing anything constructive. We’re no better than the perps, letting evil stand this way.

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It's really nice to know I am not alone. No one really gave a great response like you but the comment has gotten a lot of likes. People have woken up comparatively but action hasn't followed. And. Maybe people have tried and they've been stopped or snuffed out before we knew. There is a very real dark and ominous force taking us over, that is overtly clear.

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Bingo. I now feel much safer diverting narcotics at work. Maybe it’s the fluoride in the water? It’s said to make us passive.

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Also gives one Alzheimer's.

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I hear you, RLM RLM. Believe me, I hear you. What exactly, am I supposed to do? I don't have access to the Alternate Capt. Kirk's "Tantalus Field" so I can press a button and make Doktor Walensky disappear. I'm not a remarkable (and anonymous) sharpshooter like Frederick Fosythe's "Jackel" nor do I have his custom-made assassin's rifle to take her out from a distance of about 1/4 - 1/3 mile at least so I can easily and safely get away. I'm not Superman, The Flash, or Green Lantern. For crying out loud, I'm not even Batman. I'm 64 years old, I'm weary. I'm 30 pounds overweight and very out of shape. I support a wife, a cat and our vaccine-injured 27-year-old stepdaughter whose life has been ended by the Lethal Injections -- on a Security Guard's wages. Cdn $18.50/hour. Our criminal bastard governments steal 22% of that before I get paid, and 64% of the remainder is eviscerated on my rent, on a shabby 500 square foot apartment.

The last 3 years I have witnessed a horror unfold in The West, easily on a par with Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia or Maoist China. The performance of all our quisling politicians has been an absolute bloody disgrace.

I repeat: What, exactly, am I supposed to do? Because if I could do something about all this, I would have done it long ago.

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Herein lies the problem. You have always been told what to do. Get up at 0600. Be here, go there, shoot at them. Army of one is a bunch of bullshit. If you were in any war you kmew what to do. How is this any different?? You kill them, you end the threat This is why Trump and Q are BS. They keep anyone who would do this at bay. Thinking...they'll handle it. No they won't. Get together with others like you and plan to start ridding the world of these satanic communists. That's what you do. But you won't because you aren't that committed. Let's not skirt the issue and pretend you can't do something. You won't.

And to be fair, I won't either. I have two young kids to look after its absolutely NOT MY time now.

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Exactly. I quote from my blogpost, "Sex Diary of an Oboist":

"My job search was not entirely fruitless; fortuitously enough another Security Company whom I’ll call “Knighthood Security” emailed me out of the blue with “welcome aboard” and I was employed to safeguard “The Hi-Tech Store Formerly Known as Future Shop”, and a Health Food Granola outfit on Douglas. I had the hypocritical job of ensuring the customers were wearing Butcher Bonnie’s idiotic, useless, asinine masks… But alas, and to my lasting shame, “Money Talks, and Money Talks Loud”: $19.50/hour — and I have a wife, a cat and a vaccine-damaged stepdaughter to support."

It is to stick your fingers down your throat.


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Since it's Mother's day I've got to go now but I hear you. Vaccine damaged. I'll be damned you have even more reason to go after them. Total scam and all out attack on us. Its war. No oke is acting like it. Yeah. Seems you're not the one either. Wth are all the men that can do something? Sickening.

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Perhaps she was a liability if she were to be put on trial in an official capacity. She would have likely named names, decisions made, etc.

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Hey Fox! A lot of people agree. Why don't you address it?

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And of course, her announcement came....on a FRIDAY! Just like a few other juicy-bits lately, e.g. Pfizer's response to O'Keefe's outing them

Fridays are starting to look like a good place to view the news really critically.

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Gives them time to scoot out of town before the lynch mob gets wind of it. I've read every comment here and I can agree with wanting to string these murderers up, I get angry when no one seems to be doing anything about them and I feel the muscle tensing frustration as well as the limp helplessness of not knowing what to do. The only thing I can do, is tend to my own corner of the world. Make it the best place I can and work outward from there. Eventually, I will be given a task to do, to work toward making my neighborhood better, then I'll move onto my workspace, my dept, my business, my county, my state, my country...my world. Fuck these evil people. They're functioning psychotics, who are only capable of taking orders. They won't win. The more they're exposed, the more people will see how weak they are, in reality. And I pray, everyday. The Universe hears you. GOD hears you.

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Agree. NOBODY will escape justice or get away with anything at death. That should make us feel redeemed for what is in store for the evil, unrepentant mass murderers. In the meantime society only changes one person at a time. We need to work on ourselves and our families first.

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Walensky's Oath of Office says that she was a "Senior Advisor", not a Director. It was not notarized, so it's legally defective. She was never a CDC Director at all!


It appears that the entire "Biden" cabinet has missing or invalid oaths of office! Quite odd.


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Most important reply here is from “ Shy Boy”.

Please read it. This is more about deceit & corruption, from fake officials. FAKE! As in, weren’t suppose to be there in the first place.

Time to rise up and demand action. Everything else is void of decisions were made illegally. “ Willful Negligence” is a fast pass way to indict & charge for harm & deaths caused by Pfizer & Moderna shots.

This alone proves calculated & undeniable knowledge that the bioweapons contracted by the DOD were meant to deceive and harm the world. Check out the list of others that may not have “ taken the oath” within 10 days of entering their powerful positions.

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Satanists avoid pledging to God.

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WOW! Bc they know they are SEDITIOUS!

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wtf ... ?!

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Walensky is just like those Nazi doctors.

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FAR FAR worse then that...!

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Yup, she came with all smiles and assurances. At least the Nazis made their intentions known.

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In America she approved & pushed policy's that will not only kill 10's of millions here and the many to come but also10's of millions more harmed and crippled with lifespans cut short worldwide with serious health problems directly tied to trusting her and others who are directly guilty of deadly deception to nations trusting peoples.....!!!!!!!

The woman's truly a Witch = installed for Evil purposes...!

And - *she was never sworn in which is required yet was allowed a position never truly legitimate for her...!!!!,

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Forget Nazi doctors; she's exactly like Dr. Fauci a.k.a. Dr. Evil.

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The original creators of the DARPA/DOD Countermeasure Injection is Richard Sykes of GlaxoSmithKline and Jeremy Farrar of Wellness Trust; both in the U.K. Farrar has clearly been a VERY, VERY GOOD BOY to be recently promoted to Rasputin for Tedros in Geneva currently seeking a W.H.O. Coup of the U.S. for Britain's U.N.

U.S. citizen and DARPA/FACEBOOD R&D DIRECTOR Regina Dugan has also been an EXTRAORDINARILY GOOD GIRL as she's been promoted to the Mothership, Wellness Trust to take Jeremy's place in the U.K.


THEY'RE ALL EVIL PEOPLE AND INFILTRATION TO SATURATION WILL ONLY END WHEN 'THE PEOPLE' HAVE THE COURAGE OF CONVICTIONS TO RISE UP AND END IT...And, it better be quick before they must 'eat ze Graphene and Metals-Laced bugs' and Lab-Produced Tumor-Meat; also Graphene-Laced with Metals...As then, all will be about starvation, disease, weakness and death of anybody having the capacity to independently think.

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Boys and girls, can you say: the Great Reset!?

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I just shared this Substack with our hospital’s community relations director and asked when they would suspend their policy of vaccinating pregnant women and nursing mothers given the information in Report 69. Think I’ll get a reply?

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Thank you! You may not get a reply but that doesn't mean it hasn't had an effect.

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Oh, I dunno. Maybe not from the hospital, but maybe from lawyers of previously pregnant nurses that had to take the shot.

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Glad you’ve kept a sense of humor.

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KNEW on the day this was broadcast of it being a LIE...It didn't meet criteria of any procedural Medicine practiced for women, infants and children; ALL EXHIBITING VIRTUALLY ZERO RISK OF SERIOUS DISEASE/ILLNESS.



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May also want to factor not in past tense, reported excess death toll keeps rising in most heavily vaxxed countries around the world. Estimated to be in play for the next 3 to 5 years, maybe longer...yes, rollout shoulda been closed down by end of Feb 2021. Too much power in hands of too few, opacity, too many conflicts of interest, too much kowtowing to wishes of Executive Branch. Where is the DOJ? Ha! Not doing their job either. MONEY from industrial complex and special interests talking. System of governance has been corrupted, broken for years now, this "staged event" magnifies and brings to surface serious failures of 100 years of Rockefeller Medicine and Pharma across the board. Don't call for govt help because no one is left, except the people themselves.

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Said a MOUTHFUL THERE, Sherman!

Always remember, behind every good TREASONOUS OXFORD INDOCTRINATED MAGGOT fraudulently installed into U.S. Govt., Deep State, Big Pharma/Tech, Media and academia...THERE ARE 10 Colonial Fascists over in the U.K. laughing their collective bums off at THOSE STUPID, NAIVE, GREEDY AMERICANS letting it all happen.

Always knew they were going to DESTROY THE U.S. MIDDLE CLASS AS THE WORST ENEMY OF THE WORLD NEEDING DESTROYED. How dare any slave/serf/peasant ever have a life as those OWNING them.

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This must NOT be forgotten nor forgiven. Walensky, Birx, Collins and Fauci need to be tried and jailed.

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Jail is not sufficient. The appropriate penalty for mass murder is hanging.

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At this point, I'd settle for putting them UNDER the jail. God will settle it all.

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Crucified would also be suitable

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We don't want to make those murderers look Jesus-like though.

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We should consider going back to some of the more medieval punishments: quartering, disemboweling, the breaking wheel..

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Jail time and financial fines are an inappropriate penalty for what these people did. Yes it’s cruel but cruel is what is needed here otherwise the next group will think that it’s okay to lie to us again.

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Imprisoned? Is that all? Are you sure?

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Holy shit I was going to link to an article showing that the vaccine trials for pregnant women were scheduled to end in January 2023, but the article has been memory holed.


Now redirects to


Archive is here:


Feb. 22, 2021 -- Pfizer and its partner BioNTech have launched clinical trials to study the safety and effectiveness of its coronavirus vaccine on pregnant women.

In a news release, Pfizer said “the first participants have been dosed” in trials that aim to enroll 4,000 women worldwide.

Besides studying whether the vaccine protects pregnant women, researchers will study the safety in infants of vaccinated women and whether protective antibodies were transferred to the infants. Infants will be monitored until they’re about 6 months old, the news release said.

After a baby is born, the study will be unblinded and women who received a placebo will be able to receive the vaccine. The study should conclude in January 2023.

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Scotland got hammered with stillbirths and miscarriages. There’s a living study there already. 🙈

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Mass murderer of children with nary the batting of an eyelash. A true sociopath in the Fauci/Mengele tradition.

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I think we all agree, these people should be punished...but when? It seems like NOTHING is happening or progressing...

Then they declare the ‘Plandemic’ over, everyone goes back to everyday life and people’s’ memories are short. (That’s the ones that even are in the ‘know’ in the first place)!

I feel like I’m the only one in my family, friends or work circle that is even paying any attention anymore...and it’s a lonely place...

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You are not alone. While I really do get what you are saying (most of the people around me are 3x + jabbed and fine with "moving on from the pandemic") that we are alone is an illusion perpetrated by mainstream media and Big Tech social media's censorship and shadow-banning. While they are a minority, in fact many people have been speaking out publically, since early on in this covidian catastrophe, and I try to show this with my transcripts.

Today's post on my Substack spotlights Melissa McKinney, RN, who spoke out before the Lousiana State House of Representatives in 2021 about underreporting to VAERS. (Transcript is here: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/5355.html ) I don't know McKinney personally, but no doubt she's had it tough. She deserves a lot of thanks for speaking out as she did.

Please know that there are many people like her-- my transcripts are the tip of a great mountain-- and, in addition, also almost invisible in the mainstream media and Big Tech social media, there are many city, county, state, and national elected officials who are in fact open to and supportive on counter-narrative information. In fact, after McKinney concluded her testimony, Larry Bagley (Republican, District 7) and Michael Charles Echols (Republican District 14) both made supportive comments, e.g., Nichols: "Thank you. So I am your rep and the reason why I asked for this hearing and I asked for this information is because nobody knows this 800 number [to VAERS]. And it's crazy that medical professionals across this state do not have this phone number. It's an embarrassment for patient safety, for nursing protocol. Any other protocol you have in the hospital, you have protocols for everything, and to not have this is just wrong. And so I'm hoping— now I know LDH [Lousiana Department of Health] has hot-tailed it out of the room. But they need to be talking to their hospitals and their medical providers about this. This is not fair to patient care. So thank you for bringing it to my attention. Again, another brave face showing up down here and doing the right thing for patient safety. It's high time we start trying to protect our patients for every reason, not just specific reasons. Thank you."

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Thank you for your work!

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When will these people go on trial for negligent homicide, infanticide?

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@ AntoniaHall

OK! you made me look it up. "Negligent homicide refers to the killing of another person through reckless or negligent behavior. It differs from other forms of homicide due to the implied lack of malice and intent. Common examples of negligent homicide involve motor vehicle accidents that result in fatalities."

Nope. No. No. No. These deaths do not qualify for negligent homicide. These people KNEW. EXACTLY. WHAT. THEY. WERE. DOING. There is simply NO lack of malice here - at all. They knew what would happen - death - and they made the recommendations to vaccinate at all stages of pregnancy and nursing. I'm pretty sure this qualifies as first degree murder - the willful intent and premeditation. There is no pleading ignorance here. None. Where are the prosecutors? What's this going to take? Where is the organized class action suit?

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Yes. Bravo. I agree. Somehow in my mind, I wanted not to believe it. Let’s move it to Murder One.

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Not if WE are all dead first. Action is needed fast.

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i so appreciate the depth of your report here Vigilant. i had seen the information and Dr Wolf's video, but that doesn't matter - THIS is so hideous and urgent and blatantly obvious where can they hide any more?

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A random thought...since her oath "issues" have come to light, any thoughts on her being set up by the administration as a fall guy?

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Dr. Zelenko Schools Israeli Rabbinic court

Posted August 4, 2021


also posted at:



DR. VLADILIR ZELENKO: So I'll just summarize it that there is no need for this vaccine. And there's actually no need for anyone, and I'll explain. Children, I already told you, they have a 99.998 % chance of getting better. Young adults from 18 to 45 have a 99.95% of getting better. This is according to the CDC. Same concept. Someone who has already has covid and has antibodies, naturally induced immunity is a billion times more effective than artificially-induced immunity through vaccine. So why would I vaccinate someone with a poison death shot that makes inferior or dangerous antibodies when I already have healthy antibodies?

And then if you look at the high risk population that has a 7.5% death rate– So my data which was the first in the world which I published in a peer-reviewed journal which has become the basis of over 200 other studies and that have corroborated my observations that if you treat time frame you reduce death rate by 85%. So out of 600,000 Americans we could have prevented 510,000 from going to the hospital and dying. And by the way I presented this information to Bibi Netanyahu*** directly into his hands by way of [inaudible] in April 2020. And I informed every single member of your Ministry of Health as well.

So my question to you is, if I can reduce the death rate from 7.5% to less than a half a percent, why would I use a poison death shot that doesn't work and has tremendous and horrific side effects?

Now I'll do one more mind experiment with you. If everyone on the planet were to get covid and not get treated, the death rate globally will be less than a half a percent. Now I'm not advocating for that, that's a lot of people, that's 35 million people would die. However if we follow the advice of some of the quote-unquote global leaders, let's say like Bill Gates said last year, 7 billion people need to be vaccinated, the death rate would be over 2 billion people.

So wake up! This is World War III. This is a level of malfeasance and malevolence that we have not seen probably in the history of humanity.

So I'm against child sacrifice. I'm against Abodah Zarah.*** And I really believe that God is testing every human being. And here is the test. Are you going to bow down to me, to the Shem?**** Are you going to ask for protection from me? Are you going to take your fears and ask me to help?

Or are you going to run to the Abodah Zarah, the egel hazahav [golden calf] of the vaccine of your governments of despots and tyrants, like sociopaths who want to be deities. There's nothing new under the sun. These people are no different than [inaudible]. They think they're God. And you're going to bow down to them? If you're going to bow down to them, OK, let them protect you. Let's see how that's going to work out for you.

I've seen fear drive people to do things that are completely irrational, do not make sense, and they sacrifice their own children.

And yes, your Ministry of Health is lying to you. Your statistics are absolutely skewed. If you want to see something real there's the website called Worldometers.info*****, go to Israel and you can see at December 20th there's a huge spike in the curve of death in Israel. Do you know what happened in Israel December 20th? National immunization started. And these are numbers being reported by the Israeli government. They're just too stupid to hide it.

There is zero justification, zero justification for using this poison death shot. Unless you want to sacrifice human beings. I think I'm done.



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Dr. Zelenko was a hero and leader from the very start of this mayhem. May God bless his soul. Thanks Vigilant Fox for tying together this report highlighted here.

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A longer excerpt and the footnotes can be found at this link:


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Searching matchyourbatch.com VAERS records for: ( Type: Covid19, Covid19-2 ) ( Manufacturer: Janssen, Pfizer-Biontech, Moderna, Novavax, Unknown ) ( Show only: possible miscarriage or stillbirth )

5,428 events reported through April 28, 2023

Of which: 143 died 2.6% | 176 life-threatening 3.2% | 145 permanently disabled 2.7% | 5,428 possible miscarriage or stillbirth 100.0%

NOTE: VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. (Source: CDC)

You can visualize results by batch number or symptoms, as well as manufacturer, location, age, vax date, days to death, and more. Individual full reports can also be accessed.

Share with anyone wondering if their batch(es) had VAERS reports submitted and the associated symptoms or severity. You can enter multiple batch numbers at the same time.


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Let the warp speed ass covering begin!!

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