Buddy at work just died...had a heart attack last week. 52 years old. unexpected.

Another guy at work didn't show up and we hear he passed out last week while driving and hit a tree.

...nothing to see here.

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All happening in slow motion, one by one, with each denial being a nail in our coffin, or a needle in our eye to wake us up. Sorry for your loss Jericho.

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Sorry to hear that, Jericho; same here, I know of 8 people who died suddenly; the youngest was 30, healthy, had a heart attack, and the youngest brother was found dead!

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So many horrible things that everyone seems to just accept as normal, and we cannot ask questions, or you are the heartless moron? Let's pray those days are coming to an end. Yes...even here in deep dark blue/black Massachusetts. I am sorry for all of our loses. We have to keep speaking up.

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I agree; I had someone the other day say "Bullshit" name the people that died when I said I knew eight people that died from the Jab! Then, in the next breath, he told the people who were getting COVID were the unvaccinated in the Red States!! He politicized a nonpolitical topic! I find that very sad!

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They will literally blame everything except for the poor decisions they made. I believe it's how they cope but deep down inside, I bet it's eating away at them. My sister, BIL, and nephew all took 2 shots of the Moderna. My nephew now knows exactly what's going on but my sister and BIL are clueless. He told me he's certain they all got the placebo shots. We know they did release a lot of these during the 1st 3 months and then scrubbed all those records. However, they took their shots a few months after whole placebo story broke. I let him know and he wouldn't even acknowledge it.

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Sad, stupefying.....and infuriating

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Unfortunately the weak minded are brainwashed with the propaganda the globalists are pushing. One thing they are pushing is depopulation of the planet

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There is no doubt about it; the tide is turning, and more people have less confidence in the bureaucrats.

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Sorry for your loss James.

I've found that ultimately all heart conditions are electrical in nature, and these injections impede our heart's ability to use calcium as EMFs disrupt body voltage, and calcium is absorbed by our organs via voltage:


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Just to chase a rabbit so to speak, couldn't the "electrical in nature" aspect be the result of a catalyst like a Pulmonary Embolism or Pericardial Tamponade? Take care!

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could be...good point, it's all related, but our bodies background EMF/magnetic field is what enables cellular communication as a foundation. Once this is disrupted, a cascade of crap ensues.

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3 family members passed here and 1 more before the end of this year. 2 have cancer and 2 have their memories shot. We have one friend who had a stroke, and his wife has an aneurysm shortly after. Others have clots in their lungs and legs. The one with clots only took one jab. I have a feeling I'll be attending more funerals in the near future. We know others who know others who are having medical issues. It seems those who didn't take it know what's causing it. I live out in the rural area and when someone passes, we all know about it fairly quick. A lot of new fresh graves at the cemeteries. One guy drove to a cemetery and counted over 100 fresh graves within a week. He was angry and I don't blame him. Sorry to hear about your buddy. I know some of these can hit even harder than family.

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Crazy. So sorry to hear this. Are they open to detox/ reducing EMF?

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It is what it is even though it's painful. I really don't know if they're open to it since I haven't spoken to them about it. It's like some of them are zombies and seem to give the impression they don't care except my nephew. He's using food and other supplements to detox. However, if this stuff truly integrates into the DNA and creates unknown proteins, I don't think it's going to end well. Perhaps they could extend their lives a little longer. All I know, is if the SHTF in this country, I know many are going after the cell towers. I even see memes over this now. My router goes off every night and comes back on in the morning when we get up. We place our 4g phones in airplane mode. I refuse to upgrade to 5g. I use an app called Network Cell Info. It shows me the towers and signal strength. All the 5g towers are about 20 miles away from us. I know the radiation can be higher the further away you are. Therefore, I don't carry my phone near me often and rarely talk on it. When I have to, I place it on speaker or use the landline. Leave BT turned off. I know RF/EMF/ELF can cause issues and sickness. I worked on and around it back in the day while living in Turkey at Diyarbakir Air Station. I remember a few of us becoming nauseous when we first got there. It was a classified location but no longer classified since it's no longer there. This tech is from the 60's and here's a video of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmgDxf4xpDI. Even the guy who made the video even stated he knew he was being radiated. These were massive Tx, Rx, and arrays. We had faraday cages all over the place. We knew we were being radiated senseless. I feel okay out in the rural areas but when I have to drive into the cities, I feel ill and want to leave. We just try to stay away from all of this as much as possible. I'm hoping to see the day of retribution coming.

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We turn our router off at night also. The old iPhone I use for my alarm clock is on airplane mode and I have to reach for it at arms length. No 5 g for me. All other devices, including TVs are downstairs. I have a couple of faraday bags. We live in a small town but towers are there. I’ll initiate more protection as time goes by.

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This technology is harmful. All you can do is minimize your exposure as much as possible and it sounds like you're doing this too. The Air Station I was at in the early 90's would have maintenance windows to go out and pick up all the dead birds. One could watch a bird fly near these and fall to the ground dead. It reminds me of all the news reports covering dead birds falling out of the sky all over the world. The US military created 5g as a directed energy weapon. All these towers were not here just 4 years ago. They had some 3g/4g towers spread out but nothing like this. They have 1 to 2 5g towers in some of the smaller towns near me. These are still about 20 miles away since I'm out in the sticks. It does make you wonder why they put up some expensive 5g towers in towns with less than 300 hundred people. They're still putting them up. Even in some of the remote's areas which seem to be the last places they're installing them. I've watched this map grow fairly quick https://www.speedtest.net/ookla-5g-map.

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Seems there will be no place safe from manmade dangers. 😳

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yes, I'm seeing the same. Friends here visiting. A mutual friend of theirs and mine, very athletic guy, has had serious heart problems now for the past 2 years. His wife is on blood pressure meds. Both happened after they took the jabs. But he won't put two and two together and figure out it's the jabs that caused their health problems. He's smart too, retired very young. My visiting friends won't put two and two together and figure out that his heart trouble is from the jabs. They just took the new RSV jab. These people are killing themselves with their blind acceptance of the CDC, FDA, and Pharma lies.

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Were you a close enough buddy to suggest to his family that they consider taking a picture of his vaxx card and send it to me at vaxxdatabaseproject@proton.me so that we can create our own searchable database?

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My niece just had 2 heart attacks in 2 weeks from aortic dissection. Early 40's, she is lucky to be alive but proud to be fully vaccinated. She is not open to the reality of the Covid vaccine. It is too early to tell her that her Dr's did this to her. Perhaps, one day.

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I encourage to plant the seed. With kindness. How? Make sure she knows that you are angry at the institutions for ‘what they did to us’. Why? Because they did this to everyone.

PS I personally know 2 people that experienced aortic dissection. A 26 yo famous skateboarder (told to go home from emergency room) and a 74 yo guy…MDs said it was birth defect only now detected (after army service and a lifetime of physical labor for work).

They are lying now to protect themselves. We must remember human frailty but we must speak the truth and not be part of the lie. If we don’t do this individually, who will?

Pray God have mercy on their souls

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A cute little ancillary benefit for the doctors that will make millions more dollars by treating the people that they injected.

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It’s one helluva “hell”th care “system”, ain’t it? 😣

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As a healthcare professional (RN) with 32 years of acute care hospital experience, my best advice is to read, research and seek alternative care and treatment because our healthcare system has been corrupted and compromised by the federal government and big pharma. They no longer abide by the Hippocratic oath (“above all else do no harm”) and they don’t individualize care. Critical thinking skills are gone.

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Recently retired UK RN here (42 years). I feel exactly the same. I'm now into foraging, fermenting and researching the fantastic benefits of wild food and herbs.

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Wasn't it Deepak Chopra that said that the human body is a fantastic and wonderful pharmaceutical machinery, all we need is the proper nutrients and exercise to help repair our own bodies?

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It is the boiling frogs syndrome at work. This was a predictable - but now is a highly traumatic outcome - of those unintended consequences. I would think everyone is feeling the grief and trauma. This is genocide - slow or fast - it is genocide.

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Many thanks. You touched on something that's often misinterpreted and I believe has been intentionally used to hide vaccine deaths, and that's "deaths due to natural causes".

Most people hearing that would think, "ok, fair enough, nothing to see here", without understanding that a heart attack is a death due to natural causes (as opposed to, say, a suicide or a homicide).

However, unless the doctor knows for sure what caused the attack, the root cause will usually not be stated on the death certificate ... and even if he/she believed it was the vaccine, they'd have to be brave or foolhardly enough to write it down. And we know most doctors haven't been willing to do that either through fear of losing their job or simply through denial of the vaccines being a possible cause in the first place.

Leaving the public thinking, .... well at least it wasn't the jabs, but it may very well have been

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Exactly. Very few autopsies, and you need to do the right tests, too.

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I expect they were incentivised not to look too closely or to do those tests.

Incentivised in two ways perhaps: by their bosses instructing them not to look "just in case" the 'vaccines' were the cause of death, but also incentivised by their own denial, because those doctors almost certainly had the jabs themselves so of course they don't want to confront the possibility that the jabs are to blame, in case a similar fate may befall them. And/or they have to admit to themselves that they advised their patients to get the injections which turned out to have killed some of them

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When does the accountability begin?

"Safe and effective" my ass.

I know Big Pharma sleazed this "experimental non-vaccine" into distribution under a wartime, no accountability clause, HOWEVER, does BIG Pharma own all the lawyers, all the FNM corporations, all the government pimps?

Mass murder and NO accountability? Really?

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AG Paxton is going after them, will go to the Supreme Court is my guess. If he wins, and he may, they will go down.

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Godspeed AG Paxton.

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Yep. No wonder they tried to impeach him.

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Seems like it.

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Yep, "safe" from liability, "effective" at killing and maiming.

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The Big Vaccine boom and Big Tech boom happened in parallel, as digital phone systems were rolled out in the 1990s.

EMF + metals = strokes, heart attacks, cancer, and autism:


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Roman - I think you are over the target

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Oh, did I mention my other coworker who is now diagnosed with some weird blood platelet disorder but no worries....they had him on some $4,000 PER MONTH drug (Rituxan) but now he's been upgraded to the $14,000 per/month drug PROMACTA. (i had to ask him for the names just so I could put it here in the comment section.)

I'm sure all our insurance rates are pitching in....thank us purebloods for our contribution!!!

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All my insurance premiums keep going up. For instance, 3 years ago I was paying a tad less than $300 a month for 4 cars with full coverage, double the coverage, 0 comprehensive deductible, 500 collision deductible, uninsured motorist, PIP, and towing/rental. I got a renewal, and it was going up to $760 about 1.5 years ago. I called to raise my deductible to $1000 on both comprehensive/collision and removed towing and rental. I already had AAA. This got it down to $540 dollars and it recently dropped to $501 since one of my children turned 21. My renewal is next month, and it jumped up to $602. 3 increases in 3 years because the state keeps approving the increases. And they are reporting record profits. How nice. Regardless, I do think premiums are going up to offset the life insurance policies they are paying out on. Like you said, the purebloods are paying for it. I bet these invaders aren't paying insurance, taxes, mortgage/rent, groceries, free cash, etc. but I digress.

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Any chance you could get him to do a video consult with Dr. Peter McCullough, might be worth suggesting it to him, could save him a lot of money in drug costs

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I'll put some thought into how to recommend that. not a bad idea.

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I wish you both the very best of luck!!!

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His next drug is Killantan.

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I think they are hiding even more. Pregnancy losses are very hidden unless you are directly speaking to obgyn and those in the field which we are and they are seeing a lot of this just as the Pfizer study indicated. Majority of test subjects disappeared from the study after the first injection.

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Fox and all,

Unless I have blinders on…over 17 million continuing global vaccine murders are hardly hiding, but EVERYWHERE!!!

Why haven’t the decent doctors and scientists STOPPED THE VACCINE???

Talk time is long over…doing is all we should be seeing!!!

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I think only Iceland has stopped them.

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Denmark did, Switzerland no longer recommends them. I think several Asian countries have as well.

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and Florida

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Decent docs are powerless to stop the killings.

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I disagree as many are sitting silently of just talking instead of uniting with Janci Lindsay, PhD AND working with strategic planners whose expertise is winning wars!

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This is not a difficult project to participate in…


Please help!

Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

NEEDED…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Precisely what was predicted by the real doctors who warned about the dangers of mRNA injections years ago! Prion diseases are rampant as well, big surprise! Big Pharma must be happy as clams…they’ve created generations of chronic diseases to provide treatment for…but NO CURE!!! Can’t have folks getting well…that would be a poor business model if we didn’t need to take their 7 pills everyday! Cash cow….

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I visited a lady who asked me to teach her how to make yogurt. She was probably mid sixties and I think she was mostly lonely. She brought me on a tour of her house and we walked out to see her art studio where she made music and used to teach art lessons to homeschool students before the pandemic started. She wore a surgical face mask the whole time (incorrectly). She was chipper and had energy and seemed not to have any medical problems. I could tell that she was very drawn into the whole narrative though.

A couple of weeks later I went on a trip for my husbands medical care. When we returned, I asked why she wasn’t at church and I was told that she became suddenly ill and when they opened her up on the operating table, she was internally bleeding from so many places that they just stopped the surgery. She passed away before coming out of the surgery because there was nothing they could do.

Of course this sounds exactly like what I assumed was a “vaccine” caused death but no one talked about it. It was just one of those odd things that happened in early 2022. There were about 5 of these stories just among the people I knew from church. Some much younger than her.

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A friend of mine died in his sleep, 62 yr old. Cause of death unknown. He was a lawyer who worked at a Firm....undoubtedly vaxed and boosted.

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From what I have seen, I believe that Beaudoin is correct. But this would have been more stark and visible had there not been some confounding due to steroid hormone overdoses, and very sedentary habits, exacerbated by lockdowns.

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We need a site where everyone who has suffered a lose of a loved one or friend or neighbor can just register the death there as a outlet of reference that they know someone who died over these last three years even if it can not be proven as a jab death. Just saying. People are suffering ... I lost family and friends as well. Thanks and Be Blessed.

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Vitally important information. Those who mandated the experimental vaccines and prevented the use of cheap generic life saving drugs must be investigated

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