No one in authority is interested because this was a purposeful and planned democide. They are not interested in these facts because they know they will be incriminated. They are not going to prosecute themselves.

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100% this is the problem with our stolen country, we the ppl have no enforcement over “elected servants”

Somehow, Americans must do whatever is necessary to take this power back from the government.

The key lies in the Declaration of Independence. We today are faced with a very similar position as the founders were rejecting the king of England - imho ensuring a maga led government is the beginning to restoring our unalienable rights and keeping it that way.

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Yes but not just the US. Sometimes Americans seem to forget there are other countries/people in the big wide world 🌏

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Yes I’m speaking for and about what’s happening in my country -ppl out in the big world should worry about fixing their own government also and develop their own sovereignty. Do what you can for your own homeland first... best policy

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Many from around the global are and have been sharing the exact same trend. The Data from other countries was being shared before the studies being looked at here in the US because of heavy censorship by big tech, the MSM, and social media on the subject.

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BINGO Lucy. All planned to advance the depopulation agenda. Of the survivors, very few of the jabbed will be able to reproduce, and we're still waiting to see how many will still die from the jabs. They truly wanted a jab that would have a delayed, (but fairly certain) death, because this makes it easier to deny the jabs caused the deaths.

So it could be that this next year or two will be the worst for deaths. They actually published their U.S. population projections for 2025 at less than 100 million. Their plan is to murder well over 60% of us by 2025.

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Dr. Chetty of South Africa

Great explanation of covid and the "vaccine".


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Thank you. They have been tormenting (murdering and sterilizing) Africans with their "help" for quite awhile. Nice to see some of the African leaders standing upright.

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Yes, Joy, this prediction appeared on Deagle - a site associated with the military - before they conveniently removed it more than a year ago. I saw it myself on multiple occasions before it disappeared.

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When I first saw it, I was just studying the population-wide effects of the old vaccines, and just based upon those numbers, it looked like they were well on their way, and would have finished most of us by 2030-35. When covid hit, I knew they needed it in order to reach their goals as stated on deagal.com, about 66% of us GONE by 2025. So this is the "warp speed" version of the vax, i.e., the "hard-kill" rather than the "soft-kill" they were already deep into.

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Do you have a government link for that projection? Thanks.

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It was never published "by the government." It was published on "deagel.com" which is a multinational military and intelligence "consulting" resource for those "in the biz." Once NORMAL people started seeing the website and its projections for the drop in population, (and asking HOW this was supposed to occur) deagel.com (which was founded by a prior U.S. DOD/CIA official who served under Clinton) scrubbed it.

SEE: https://seemorerocks.is/deagel-com-just-removed-2025-forecast/

Here's a PDF someone compiled from the projections on every country: https://seemorerocks.is/deagel-com-just-removed-2025-forecast/

And here's more: https://yournews.com/2023/06/23/2592089/report-pfizer-document-shows-deagels-2025-depopulation-forecast-is-on/

A few years back I saved screenshot of the U.S projections from this website, and it's stored somewhere on an old laptop. MANY other people did the same thing, also publishing their own stories on this. It became very real to me when I found out who the man who started this military/intelligence consulting biz actually was. Clearly he was "in the know."

These population projections also correlate with the U.N.'s "sustainable development" demands (for lowered populations everywhere in the world) and also with the plans of the WEF. Their plan is that the remaining population will "have nothing" and "be happy" eating bugs. Barcoded slaves are the only population they will tolerate on earth, and they do NOT want so many of us;-)

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Are you high? I would NEVER believe the findings from ANY government entity. They want us DEAD!

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That’s why I ask. Why should we believe everything uttered here too- including you, dude. Or whoever you are. I’m well aware but a statement made like that I want to know where it came from. You sound more “high” than I do. Cool your jets.

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When I said "they" published it, I meant the multinational cabal who is CURRENTLY in the process of slaughtering and sterilizing humanity. They published it for OTHER cabal members, not for the average "pleb." And once they saw us "useless eaters" visiting the site and talking about it, they scrubbed it.

Attacking people who are telling the truth, just because you refuse to believe anything UNLESS "the government" formally publishes it, well.....it's sort of silly. People who do their own research and find credible data that SHOULD concern us all, are not the problem here. We're just gathering data and trying to let others know what we've seen.

If you're looking for a "government" publication formally telling us that their plan is to murder us before you'll believe that this IS what they're doing, then I can only suggest maybe another booster jab is in order? The government says they're perfectly safe and good for you. And you can find this publication on the CDC's website. So this should be very reassuring for you. You can even "fact check" it with Media Matters, or Snopes. They can be trusted too, right along with CNN.

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Why I asked for a link, my dear. Either way one would be nice. That’s a very troubling claim Cheers😀

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Here’s a serious question about the theory that the vaccines are about depopulation. If that was the case they would be killing the most obedient and compliant with vaccines while leaving the intransigent, and most difficult to control alive. Does that really sound like something our overlords would do?

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YES is DOES sound like something they would do. They had their plans for how to deal with us "anti-vaxxers". And even if these plans didn't work out exactly the way they'd planned or hoped for, they sure gave it a good try.

And "something our overlords would do" ALSO included the duress/extortion they placed resisters under by attempting to deprive us of basic human rights when we refused the jabs, i.e., the right to travel, work, etc. It also explains the legacy-media's massive slander campaigns against the "anti-vaxxers" wherein they actually demanded we be denied life-saving medical care, FOOD, freedom to go to concerts, etc. They called the unvaccinated "killers" and went on about how "selfish" and stupid we are. They called for our IMPRISONMENT. Like a team of rabid hyenas, they raged on and on against us.

How did you miss all of this?

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I didn’t miss any of that. I asked a simple question. If your goal was to dominate humanity why would you winnow humanity down to the people who are going to be the hardest to control? That was a very emotional rant that didn’t really address my question. I think the answer here is much simpler. They half assed a vaccine, skipped years of testing, and are simply hoping for the best. They then invented long covid as a scapegoat if there turn out to be issues.

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They don't ONLY want to "dominate" humanity. They want to MURDER most of humanity. And they're making very good progress in both murdering AND sterilizing the population.

I know you don't want to believe "they" could be so demonic as to ACTULALLY want to depopulate the planet, but this IS what they are CURRENTLY DOING. If it makes you feel better to believe all of this is just an "accident" you are free to continuing believing this.

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They want to murder most of humanity, and leave the portion of the population most likely to fight back, and oh btw they are going to inject and kill the military they hope will protect them. Crackerjack reasoning right there.

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The sad reality is, the sick Satanists behind this program caused people to participate in a form of Initiation into a cult, just as the Hollywood elite do, just as Secret Societies do. People were offered money, promotion, ice cream, sweepstakes, travel, or even just to keep their jobs, if they would do something that violated Conscience, if they would do something they knew to be wrong. Once initiated, once invested and perhaps caused or pushed others to participate, once the deal with Satan was made, for most, the cost of reversing course is too much.

Jesus himself was tempted in the same way by Satan:

"The devil led Jesus up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. If you worship me, it will all be yours.”

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’

Luke 4:5-8

Go to Bitchute And search for the title:


And the answer:

Stay close to God. Give your lives to God each waking day and stop being faithless and full of fear

such that you make deals with Satan for false security (money) or other temptations that Satan holds out to you. Accept the gift that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, gave us of laying down his life for his lambs, his people, to release from the designs Satan and his demon possessed minions have for us.

As Jesus said in John 10:11, 12

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the good shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away."

Satan is that 'Wolf' whom Jesus defeated and released us from through his death and resurrection:

"Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Matthew 20:28

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I believe you summed it up perfectly in your first paragraph and I agree.

I think all we can do is to continue to warn others of the danger’s to come in this life and the one to come by sharing the Good News of the Gospel as that Good News is the most important thing people need to know.

Thanks for sharing and reminding us where our focus should be.

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Spot on.

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“why is no one in a position of authority interested in this pressing issue?” Because they CAUSED it.

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And truly, they really just don't care.

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A few days ago I got a notice from my younger daughter's elementary school regarding a student death. No details were given other than the name of the student and news that counselers would be on hand. My daughter was homeschooled during Covid lunacy in 2020-summer of 2023, but she was missing having friends and I am not her best teacher so she came back for this school year which started in August. It had me thinking if I had ever heard of such a thing when I was in elementary school. I can't recall it happening, and the very rare student deaths like of two girls at my high school who were involved in a fatal car accident are still remembered and memorialized to this day over 20 years later.This should prompt an immediate investigation. Instead it just seems to be getting normalized...

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True story: back when the bioweapon shots came out for teenagers, a teen football player died on the field at my old high school during a game. "They" said it happened after a tackle. I immediately knew it was a heart attack from the shots because the story was buried IMMEDIATELY. Back in the day, this story would have lasted for months and there would have been outrage that a football tackle led to a death. They probably would have stopped all football games for the entire year in all public schools in the county. Nope. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Everything was forgotten before the poor kid's body was even cold.

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I was pondering this morning how some people's lives matter, in mourning and in death, more than others. It's like it is weaponized in whatever direction is most suitable for the circumstances...

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Once you understand it was all an intentional depopulation effort intended to reduce the birth rate, but caused all manner of death you begin to understand why they accelerated the vaccine rollout as reports of myocarditis came in.

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Weirdly anecdotal, but I just finished my divorce and had my 45th birthday a couple weeks ago and dipped my toes into the online dating thing again... and I could not believe how many women were widowed by their late 30s early 40s! I'm not sure if its my age, but I me my ex online 10 years ago and looking in roughly the same age range and the number of widows has exploded. It was quite shocking, and all I could think of was the deathvax and suicides because young men just don't die in their 30s that much. One of my work duties is to start the death benefits packages when employees pass and I've done a total of 7 in my 11 years with this government agency. But I had 5 die in summer and fall of 2021, the youngest was 38, the oldest was 67 and average was 59-63. I completely get baby boomers passing because of time of life, or people that abuse their bodies over decades and don't take care of themselves succumbing to heart attacks just before retirement (its a trend where I work). This is different though, and not many people connect the dots, and the ones I talk to about it ask me to stop because they took the deathvax and are scared to hear that it could cause them to die. Its the ostrich syndrome for sure. They would rather be ignorant and hope they're one of the lucky ones. Meanwhile cancer rates are up at work too, among employees and their spouses. One coworkers wife is a 42 yo doctor and they found out last week she has stage 3 cancer; my old boss' wife's cancer came roaring back with a vengeance and the prognosis is grim, she's in her late 40s. Death surrounds us, but if you have a small social circle or work in a small organization you might not see it. Its probably a good FOIA request to ask government agencies (or Office of Personnel Management) what their employee death and disability numbers for the last 10 years looks like, that will show similar findings I think.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been a beacon in calling out vax injuries his whole life. Perhaps this information can be sent to him. He is never afraid to speak truth to power.

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They don’t need to get to the bottom

of this. They are too busy getting to the bottom

of what Trump said regarding submarines. 😜

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Submarine sandwiches as well. Highly important to the average trump deranged numbskull democrat.

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Why isn't anyone interested in getting to the bottom of this emerging health crisis? Simply look at who's most affected and you'll have your answer: Liberals working for multinational companies, the government, big Pharma and Big Education.

Did someone just eliminate Big Food, Big Pharma, the Military Industrial Complex and woke education in one brilliant move? It kind of looks that way 🤔

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Saturday, 8th July 2023

Contact Report 852


The majority of the world's rulers only have an overly big mouth and only utter stupid and primitive slogans that have neither hand nor foot, but only worthlessness, so that a valuable and lasting peace cannot really and finally be ensured and exist, but instead ..

Also that there are some 18.5 million human beings worldwide who have been outright murdered by these false vaccinations, as Ptaah explained to me, which of course is vehemently denied, because the truth is not meant to be known.

This, just as it should also not be known how many thousands of human beings suffer from vaccine damage for the rest of their lives.

But what I have to say is that all those in power ...




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There wud be a lot more dead than that if about 50% of them weren't saline.

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Yes. The people who got saline (or expired sludge) should be on their knees thanking the Lord for the reprieve and vowing never to receive another bioweapon shot as well as vowing to apologize to the unshotted. Anyone who voluntary continues to take the shots, deserves what he/she gets as a result.

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They obviously don’t know and will continue getting them until the 1 (ONE) that isn’t saline. My hubs quit after one JNJ. Not getting flu shots either. (I never got those) but uptake is lower so perhaps some are waking up. I am so glad I don’t have to go to bed at night wondering if I will wake up in the morning. I’m old but I didn’t want one more fear factor in my life.

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They don`t know if they got saline or not except the demons. All the jabbed are ticking time bombs

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This is interesting.

Report 86: Pfizer’s Clinical Trial ‘Process 2’ COVID Vaccine Recipients Suffered 2.4X the Adverse Events of Placebo Recipients; ‘Process 2’ Vials Were Contaminated with DNA Plasmids.


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Today I was told that 4 million people in the USA have taken the newest covid booster.

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Poole was diagnosed two years ago with ALS, a progressive neurodegenerative condition also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease.

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Didn’t know about this one. Terrible disease. A woman in my circle just died of ALS.

Duly noted.

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“Needs further investigation”.....sounds like the 20+ years of review about the second New Orleans bridge or a similar time about having some excessive tidal surge controls over the water canals about New Orleans which eventually flood much of the City....OR investigation of the voter frauds in swing States which are either still ongoing or shut down due to politics. When we finally get mail in ballot full certification will be the day we will see this vaccine review...and of course the final final final review on the JFK hit by the political industrial complex...Did I Say Never!... there you have it.

If the Dems ever sense there would be a REAL investigation of COVID they would have another race riot created...another war to attend to... a Chinese invasion of a small island off their coast...AND another COVID style bioweapon scam...The truth about COVID is as tightly covered up as is how much gold we really have in Fort Knox. And those camp followers of the Biden politics never want to know the truth of any of it....just to put their thumb on the control

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....control of the rest of us.

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Thursday, 11th August 2022

Contact Report 816


This is also proven in the case of the Corona epidemic, which is 'fought' with means, lies and empty promises that cause many deaths.

Also the number of deaths due to the Corona virus is set so much lower than what corresponds to the truth as a result of lies.

Our records 6 days ago are known to me in this respect, and they amount to 8,314,088 Earth-humans who have died of the Corona virus, very many of whom have succumbed to death as a result of unsuitable vaccines.

Also, it should be mentioned, our research has shown that various of the Corona vaccines attack the DNA and also cause various types of cancer, as well as damage the nervous system and impair and damage the brain in its functions.



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There was NO VIRUS!!! The latin definition of "virus" still holds... a POISON! and NO, THERE WAS NO EXCESS MORTALITY IN 2020 so "covid" the lie fizzled

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100% correct. They have been spraying us with the kitchen sink and have used EMF's to amplify these poisons. People who supposedly got Covid said that with other illnesses that they never lost their sense of taste and smell. Well, it's been proven that the combo of poisons and radiation can cause this to happen.

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Millions maybe died of the killing TREATMENTS forced upon them in hospitals. This needs to be parsed out of the total as well.

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My sister in law narrowly escaped the protocol in 2021. She woke up once and pulled the vent out and got uout of bed. Refused anything else done to her. She actually doesn’t think she has a story to tell as she survived. No one was allowed in to see her. Her husband was home ith covid and only got phone calls. She was unvaxxed and still is. She is one tough bird—ex military.

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Yes, the vaccines are unsuitable but all vaccines ever were unsuitable for health.

As to the virus well that was the 'flu weaponised to create fear to take the vaxxes.



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Nobody was hit by Covid as there is no such thing.

They lied about everything and initiated an operation using that lie.

Have a look at this graph for NY City weekly deaths occuring in hospitals Jan.-May 2020.


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your focus on the healthiest age group is IDEAL to show the evil of the injections. My goal is to replicate your analyses so I can convince others by saying "I verified the results, ask away". Thus it would be ideal to provide detail on your process analysis including the exact data file downloaded & filtering & cleaning & any relevant excel files if any etc. thanks.

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