Originally Published on DailyClout
“Spike protein is probably one of the most toxic compounds that human beings can be exposed to,” remarked accomplished physician and author of 500 peer-reviewed journal articles Dr. Paul Marik.
“And its toxicity is through multiple different pathways that we’re just beginning to understand,” he denoted:
• “Spike causes profound inflammation.”
• “It activates clotting.”
• “It causes autoantibodies.”
• “It causes damage to the endothelium of blood vessels.”
• “And then it has some really bad effects on genes and many of the genes involved in cancer suppression. So we now know that spike protein, and although people want to ignore and deny it, actually activates many genetic pathways which lead to cancer. And it’s a form of cancer called ‘turbo cancers.’”
“And this is related to the spike protein,” he concluded. “Cyanide kills you quickly; spike protein kills you slowly. And so, it’s as toxic as cyanide. But this is a slow, progressive organ dysfunction leading to death.”
So, what can we do to address the harmful effects of spike proteins? And is there a way to get rid of it?
“We have enormous potential of self-repair — self-healing,” attested Dr. Marik. And we do that through an evolutionary process called autophagy, “which is truly astonishing.”

“What the body does is when it detects foreign protein, misfolded protein, dysfunctional protein — it destroys it because it figures out, this is not good, I want to get rid of it,” explained Dr. Marik. Autophagy does the same thing with spike proteins. “It’s like the garbage collection system of the cell. It collects the garbage and then puts the garbage through this garbage-slicing machine and trashes the garbage.”
“It’s an ingenious system,” he praised, “and it’s evolved over millions of years. So, it’s how the cell deals with these toxic proteins. So, what you want to really do is embrace it and enhance the ability of the cell to break down these proteins … What we really want to do is embrace the ability of the host to heal itself.”
How do we activate autophagy?
“The most potent method of activating autophagy is called intermittent fasting or time-related feeding,” relayed Dr. Marik, “because there’s this biological switch we have, and it’s called the mTOR switch. And so, whenever you eat, you switch off autophagy — just switches it off through the mTOR pathway. And so glucose and insulin and proteins switch this process. However, when you deprive the cell of glucose and protein, it switches on autophagy — and it breaks down protein.”

What is intermittent fasting? And how do you go about doing it?
Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting (not eating) and eating. Many who adopt this eating pattern skip breakfast and have an early dinner to reap the benefits of an extended period of no eating.
“People eat all the time,” lamented Dr. Marik. “They snack. Snacking is a Western phenomenon. And what’s even worse, they’ll sit in front of the TV after dinner. So they’ve had dinner, then they’ll sit in front of the TV and snack on processed food and carbohydrates, which is terrible because, first of all, it never allows autophagy to switch on.”
So to properly intermittent fast and activate autophagy, we need to “eat within a six to eight-hour window, and then the rest of the time you don’t eat,” explained Dr. Marik. “And it’s different from starvation,” he stressed.
“If you starve someone, the body adapts by decreasing the basal metabolic rate and decreasing growth hormone to switch things off. Paradoxically, with time-related feeding, you actually maintain or increase basal metabolic rate, and you increase growth hormone. It’s a fascinating phenomenon,” Dr. Marik lauded.
“I think the first step is to start eating food. Okay? It sounds absurd, but to concentrate on eating real food and not processed food,” he emphasized. “And so, what you need to do at your pantry at home is get rid of all the bad food, so you don’t have an opportunity to snack on bad food.”
Next, “What you want to do is maybe miss one meal. Breakfast is probably the best meal to miss. So you still have lunch, and you still have an early dinner — must be early,” Dr. Marik stressed. “And then what you gradually do is increase the window of time-restricted eating. Maybe you start off you eat within a window of 12 hours, then 10 hours, then 8 hours, then 6 hours. But it’s really important that when you eat, you actually have real food that’s good food.”
Dr. Marik also highlights the importance of drinking plenty of fluids when you’re fasting. It’s “really important not to get dehydrated,” he accentuated. “Water is fine — no juices. And coffee is fine.”
“Coffee actually activates autophagy and has really important phytochemicals that are important,” explained Dr. Marik. “Don’t add artificial sweeteners [to your coffee]. Don’t add milk to it.” He says you can add thick cream, but “you want to prevent adding glucose, which will break your ketosis.”
It’s also important to not eat before you sleep — or to get up and eat in the middle of the night.
“Autophagy is really important for brain recovery. When you sleep. You have to consider why do we sleep. It’s not an accident,” Dr. Marik concluded. “It’s really important for brain regeneration. [It] clears out all the metabolic products and allows all these synapses to regenerate.”
“We know that sleep is vital,” he continued. “During sleep, you undergo autophagy. And if you eat before you go to sleep, it does two really bad things. One is it switches off autophagy, so you don’t do it. And then secondly, there’s a remarkable system in the brain called the glymphatic system. So this is the lymphatic of the brain, and it does the same thing. It washes out the metabolic byproducts from metabolism to get rid of them. And impaired glymphatic flow is linked to many neurodegenerative diseases, as is deficient autophagy. So if you eat before you go to sleep, you limit autophagy, and you limit this glymphatic flow.”
Outside of “de-spiking,” there are other “truly astonishing benefits” to autophagy and intermittent fasting, detailed Dr. Marik.
“So, this [autophagy] is really important for getting rid of spike protein. But the implications are much further because we now know that it prevents aging. It prevents Alzheimer’s disease. It likely reduces the risk of cancer. It reduces [the] risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes. So, we started this journey looking at intermittent fasting to get rid of Spike. But as you know, the implications are now far, far-reaching, and that’s why we’ve gone on this new journey.”
Dr. Marik gave two last health tips that are “really good for lymphatics and autophagy.”
The first one is exercise. “Imagine such a thing — exercise,” he smiled.
“And, of course, alcohol is bad.” Try to cut down or avoid it when you can.
So, overall, what we have are “very simple maneuvers that people can do to improve autophagy and improve glymphatic flow. This is really important for getting rid of spike protein.”
For more critical insights from Dr. Paul Marik, the full Epoch Times interview is available via the link below.
‘The Spike Goes to Every Organ System’–Dr. Paul Marik on mRNA in the COVID-19 Vaccine Vs. Natural Infection; Cheap and Effective Treatments and Interventions
FLCCC’s guide to intermittent fasting is available here.
And to really get down to healing at the cellular level, Dr. Henry Ealy, who first pioneered the practice of intermittent fasting to counteract spike protein, has an extensive nine-lesson course to recovery on energetichealthinstitute.org.
Also, if you know a friend or a loved one suffering from a spike-related illness, please share this article with him or her — even if they don’t want to admit what could have caused it.
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