“Cyanide kills you quickly; spike protein kills you slowly.” Here’s what you can do to counteract its negative effects while achieving peak health along the way.
I intermittent fast, and occasionally do a 24-36 hours. It changed my life.
I now actually dread eating, because it brings back some brain fog.
I try to eat healthy, and I do, but I haven’t been able to cut out gluten (I’m an Israeli with a French mom, bread is my life!), so eating means imma feel stupid for a while.
Much more to say, but that’s the big things.
I eat 0700-1500, but I wake up at 0330, and start working at 0500. The most important for me, was not going to bed after eating. So I have ~5 hours from last meal, to laying horizontally... so all the stomach acid and gases are far enough down, and nothing can “come up”
i intermittent fast and after about 16-18 hours my pain from rheumatoid arthritis goes away for the most part.
i mostly fast to keep from getting fatter--I don't lose weight even if I fast 16 hours of every day, but i don't gain anymore at least. If i eat 2-3 meals a day i get fatter and fatter and am in pain too. Is crazy
Not crazy. It’s partly the diet we are forced to consume. I grew up in Israel, where it was expensive to buy fast food and eat out, so my grandma bought vegetables and groceries 2-3 times a week and cooked every meal. Here, it’s the opposite. Buying groceries, which are healthy, is almost not affordable on the national average income...
It’s a crime. Eating healthy should be the lowest bar, and we should have the freedom to compromise our individual health for our personal pleasures.... we’ve completed F’d up our priorities (to the extent we had a choice in the matter)
And in America, even the produce in the grocery stores is not healthy, because our govt so-called health agency, the FDA, allows toxins to be sprayed on our crops. Too, mass-farming methods, where the crops aren't rotated, depletes the soil of nutrients. Combine this with picking produce too early, to allow for transport & sitting in a store, prevents the nutrients from building to the max. It's a crime. With the creation of the FDA, America should've begun being the healthiest nation on earth...but we're one of the fattest & unhealthiest, because we're not eating "real" foods. We're eating foods that the body doesn't even recognize as food, & can't process well.
Have you tried low carb, high-fat diet (Ketogenic diet) to lose weight? You have to use only natural good fats like lots of butter, cream, cheese, olive oil, and coconut oil. Avoid all rancid vegetable oils. And cut out all processed carbs like sugars, flour etc.
I fasted several times for general health in the early '90s. It helped a lot. A friend of mine, the late Grace Swanson, niece of the famous actress Gloria who raised her, fasted many times to heal broken bones, first 4 days at a time in between surgeries from a crushed skull after jumping from a diving board at the deep end of a community pool and cracking her skull on the cement bottom at age 5 or 6, later as an adult to knit broken ankles or tibia/fibula without surgery suffered while tripping over tree roots in the woods near her home during her daily morning 5- to 10-mile runs. The latter were longer water-only fasts of 28, 42, and 50 days. She finally died last year at 96. I miss her. I recommend books by the late Dr. Herbert M. Shelton, DC.
1. The ONLY Dr. I have ever seen get emotional about what this plandemic in its entirety has actually done to human beings is Dr. Marik. For this, a devoted trust was created because only one with a huge heart for humanity would tear up while testifying. Thank you for speaking up Dr. Marik.
2. Well gosh golly gee, Apparently God DID know what He was talking about because it was He who told His people to fast. For their health. For their spirituality. For deep prayer requests. The theory and consequences of fasting have been around for a LONG time.
3. Therefore, I disagree with Dr. Malik on one thing. "Autophagy" hasn't evolved over millions of years, it has always been with us. Plus, Jesus died on the cross 2023 years ago which makes the millions of years illogical. God IS Logical, and so are His creations, including this earth, time, the eyeball, how the heart works, nature and its cycles, and even why there are dandelions. MUCH respect to the doctor, however, he forgot to include God.
4. I had a Great Aunt tell me one time that she eats to live, not lives to eat. I have carried that resounding advice with me ever since. The only times I don't follow it are at family feasts like Christmas dinners and Thanksgiving dinners. That's when that sage advice gets thrown out the window faster than the giblets into the garbage container!! Anyhoo, I digress.
Eat To Live, don't Live To Eat.
5. Thank you again for this great article...it will be shared with many hopes and prayers of helping The People overcome the tragedies of what has occurred on a world wide scale.
same as meditation (contemplation), vocal prayer/chanting (mantras), and solitude.
And, above all, “love thy neighbor [as yourself]” All major spiritual traditions have empathized these practices, as a way of connecting with the divine.
Well said. To correct your #1, though, Dr. Henry Ealy, who is referenced in this article as being a pioneer in autophagy, teared up many times in Jonathan Otto's Absolutely Healing series. He also has a burden for humanity that is heartening.
And you're correct, God designed our bodies, & gave us the foods we need to be healthy...although through mass-farming, we have largely depleted the soil of nutrients. I do believe I've heard Dr. Marik speak of God in the past. Don't know why he didn't in this interview. He did say "we were created to..." referring to God, I'm sure.
I also have a relative who eats to live, rather than living to eat. Started that when she had breast cancer many years ago. I follow that mantra sometimes, then others I don't. But it IS the best way to go, along with fasting.
I did not see that one, but it does not surprise me. He is another man among men who has stood against this the whole time. A wonderful man, a true doctor.
1. This is not a political substack, it is a health one.
2. You need to rise above the "politics" and have a closer look from the 40,000 foot view.
3. Optics are everything at this point in time of literally saving the world.
4. Operation Warp Speed forced the hands of those who wish to do humanity serious harm; there is a lot more involved with it and deserves more research.
5. So glad you have a list of doctors you love and trust, I think by now we all do.
6. Both President Trump AND RFK Jr. have humanity as first and foremost in their hearts, and truly, if it wasn't for them, none of us would know what we now know.
7. Again, this is FAR beyond the "political" realm. It really is a war of good vs evil in the quest for God's greatest creations - People!
Not everything is as it seems. The news IS fake. The war IS real. NO WAR goes without casualties. Stay vigilant. Remember that this is indeed a psychological information war. If we knew everything, so would the enemy. Optics again, are critical.
"{ It really is a war of good vs evil in the quest for God's greatest creations - People!
Not everything is as it seems. The news IS fake. The war IS real. NO WAR goes without casualties. Stay vigilant. Remember that this is indeed a psychological information war. If we knew everything, so would the enemy. Optics again, are critical."
you need to look at RFK Jr more deeply. You're making some broad statements that tell me you are going by what other people say, not what he says himself. I will say he's changed somewhat over the last 3 years like we all have.
I don't know whether i'll vote for him or not. I'm undecided.
additionally, someone can believe in climate change and still uphold the constitution. The problem isn't whether or not climate change is true or false or human -caused or natural. The real problem is when it's used as an excuse for tyranny.
The same can be said for the germ theory vs terrain theory debate. In a sense it doesn't matter as long as individual liberty is upheld. So don't vote for RFK if you don't want, but a. you might dig deeper and b. he is bringing people into the conversation that otherwise might not participate, so in that sense it's valuable.
I think we have a huge amount of work to do on saying “just get rid of all the bad food first” even before you try intermittent fasting. My mother who is 68 and recovering from rectal cancer just said to me “oh we don’t eat any bad foods , we don’t even have any animal fat in the house”! I cringed. I tried explaining about how amazing these fats are. She has canola oil in her pantry and she argues with me that it’s heart healthy because that’s why the heart association says ! She has been a product of brainwashing and the petroleum mafia. Thanks to the Rockefellers! SMH!!! She contiues to argue with me. How do you undo this???
You must start gradually; show study's of what good foods specifically do for better health = just simply healthy foods and quality supplements on vitamin A B's C + D3 etc
Then how the body is a miracle requiring specific nutrients in certain type "foods" with needed nutrients for a strong immune system, heart + circulation, digestion, brain etc
IF in a while she see's to embrace these basic truths in her health regiment = then break into sharing the base major differences in "Naturophathic" nutritional approach to the strictly "Allopathic" synthetics where nutrion is relegated to 2nd & 3rd place...!
If open then she's likely open learn the 120yr old John D. Rockefeller push of "synthetics" as opposed to real required nutrition for over all healthy lifestyle as basic...l
So rather then once health is Iost by poor nutrition to then merely treating symptoms with patented synthetic drugs made in a lab many from petroleum/chemicals for continual BigPharma prescriptions for profits yearly in the $100's of billions...!
Without having Patent Rights there's NO massive profits to be made in keeping "patients" on a lifelong string of prescriptions for the endless huge profits...!
Working to reach the place of embracing healthy foods and quality supplements seen in athletes requirement for peak performance just as an engine to last must have high quality fuel, oils, coolants, grease in the right places when needed by diligent maintainence on our part or its useful life will wear out faster...!
Don't eat animal fats anymore, with the PTB now, and for the past several years, putting the spike protein "vaccines" in the livestock (making them now "deathstock"---"deathstalk"?; they are, after all, stalking and mass-murdering us)!
I’ve been doing IF for 4 years. And studiously avoiding processed foods for about 2 years now. I was pretty healthy before I started but IF helped me lose 10-15 pounds of post-menopausal weight gain and I’ve had one surprise benefit, my vision improved to the point I almost don’t need correction anymore. I have a hereditary risk of diabetes & dementia and I believe it is helping me avoid both. I didn’t get Covid or the jab.
Yo, "Foxy", would you get a hold of Dr. McCullough (I can't afford being a paid subscriber to his Sub, and so I can't comment on most of his articles), and ask him what he meant in his testimony the other day in Pennsylvania about K2 not being a vitamin? Is he saying that K2 is harmful and/or otherwise not recommended? Does it not really aid the assimilation of D3 without causing the body to leach calcium out of the bones? Do we really need it with D3, or is that stuff about D3 doing that with calcium and the bones, a bunch of hooey? How 'bout an article about it? Thank you, my man. May you be blessed.
I haven’t read it. I’m just sick of all them guessing. Him included. I’m not buying his new pill with all the stuff in it. I feel like a lot of them are making money off of us. And we don’t have it.
I'll never stop taking K2! Whether taking calcium tabs or not, it tells the calcium where to go -- to the bones & teeth, rather than to the soft tissues like the blood vessels (hardening of the arteries is calcification). Maybe it's more of a hormone, like Vit D is. I'll have to look for that article on his substack, to which I don't subscribe, either. I take Mercola Vit D3 & K2. Chris Wark, of Chris Beat Cancer, takes those two separately.
I’ve done all the FLCCC protocols. Completely cut sugar out of my diet. I still have high levels of the vaccine in me. My only faith is in God. Maybe they help with COVID or mild vaccine side effects. It’s done NOTHING for me. I was completely healthy before this poison. Now I’m unable to work and had to give up my career for this bullshit vaccine they knew was poison. I haven’t met one severely vaccine injured person that is back to normal from FLCCC protocols or fasting. If you’re out there please comment. God Bless 🙏
I love Dr Marik. But I don't believe viruses exist. No virus has ever been isolated, not a single one. They only exist as a sequence in a computer. Viruses were created purely to allow for injectable poisons known as 'vaccines'. If the 'Covid' virus hasn't been isolated, then how has a 'spike protein', that is supposedly contained inside such a virus been isolated? As I understand it, 'spike protein' is detected indirectly via detection of a non-specific antibody.
Hence, this non-specific antibody seems to appear with inflammation. Whatever abomination is in the injection is causing widespread inflammation. Inflammation will leads to an escalating oxidant: antioxidant ratio, causing failure. Escalating oxidation is a primary reason liver disease progresses from fatty liver to fibrosis...
I don't know if it will help and you may have tried all this...but maybe think about smashing the antioxidants to tip the ratio and give your body a fighting chance against this toxin - whatever it is. Glutathione (GSH) - body's master antioxidant; N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) - precursor to Glutathione - and good for lungs; Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) - water and fat soluble, has been able to fairly reliably reverse certain death from poison mushroom induced liver poisoning, and is a limiting factor in glucose conversion to acetyl co-A that allows KREBS cycle and electron transport chain, in other words ATP energy (the body can do a lot given enough energy), get the 'R' isomer, which is the one the body uses; Vitamin-C - get a food based full spectrum one, not just 'ascorbic acid'; Co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10) - Especially found in the heart, and decreases with age. Is the actual transport molecule in complex 3 (I think) in the electron transport chain in the mitochondria, which is the ATP-energy engine; Vitamin-E for endothelial health which is all important here, ensure it is d-tocopherol, not dI-tocopherol (synthetic version), better still get one with both tocopherol and tocotrienols in it. Olive leaf extract is good for endothelial health, and Pycogenol also; Of course Vit-D and Magnesium too and Vitamin-B complex - ensure the B6, B9 and B12 are the active forms in case you have a methylation issue, being pyridoxal phosphate, methylenetetrahydrofolate, and methylcobalamin respectively, and make sure it include Biotin; Lots and lots of colourful veges. All the very best.
Have you followed Dr. Ealy's work? hes done more looking at the MTHFR aspect of damage. Or Dr. Ana? shes lookign at the nanoparticle damage and EDTA chelation...
I LOVE Dr. Ealy! Dr Ana is on top of things, too, & is helping people get back to health from the jabs.
But as I mentioned in my comment, she needs to check out Jonathan Otto's series Absolute Healing (https://absolutehealingseries.com/) & the follow-up, New Hope.
I would encourage you to watch Jonathan Otto's health series, Absolutely Healing & New Hope. They take a deep dive into the plandemic & how to repair the cells. Dr. Ardis talks about how most vials of the vax contained venoms. In fact, do you smoke? I'm guessing not, which of course is good. However, if your jabs had venoms, then your nicotinic receptors at the end of nerves all over your body might be holding on to those venoms.
You can buy a pack of nicotene patches, 14mg, cut them into 6-7 pieces, put one on & change it each day. If there were venoms in your jab, you'll feel better very quickly. Those receptors were created so that if nicotene enters the body, they let go of the venom & grab onto the nicotene -- which is NOT addictive, by the way...the other chemicals in cigarettes are what are addictive. If that works, then you'd need to take something to help get the venoms out of the body, I think he said things like activated charcoal. His website has products designed for this.
Do NOT take more than just a little piece of the patches, or you'll get sick. You can also chew 2 mg of nicotene gum, but I'd rather do the patches. BTW, he, his wife & his kids wear those pieces of patches every single day, to protect them from the shedding of the vaxxed. Anyway, you might check this out. I pray you'll be better soon!
ALSO....check out Retired Lt Col Dr. Pete Chambers. He was badly damaged by the jabs. The myelin sheath on his nerves was deteriorating in his brain. He tells what he did, which included red light cold laser therapy -- he said that helped him feel back to normal! He now works with Patient Advocate Bulldog, as their medical officer, & goes around the country talking about this, & also about how we need to fight what "they're" trying to do -- destroy God's most precious creation -- humankind.
Just remembered, Dr. Edward Group was in the Absolute Healing series, talked about Urotherapy (urine therapy). Said that urine contains stem cells, but that they learned after letting it sit out for 3 days (I think), it had millions of stem cells! I don't know the specifics, as I skipped through a lot of it, but I would definitely check that out, whether on the AH series, or finding Dr. Group & following what he's doing.
not attempting to start an argument or anything - but IVM, just like any other dual-use (human & vet) drug is *almost* always the same formulation & mfgr - just different packaging (and pricing)
For now, anyway. I don't trust the human pills (though I do have a supply), made by the companies that made the jabs. Big pharma is owned by the globalists, ultimately. Hopefully the paste will not be adulterated by them.
You have to try the apple flavored HORSEpaste (Duvet)....never take anything for dogs or cats. I love my apple flavored horsepaste. Better than a pill, better control of dosage also...
I developed rheumatoid arthritis inflammation after the second pfizer shot. I have not had any more shots. I got the two so that I could meet the guidelines set at my dad's place, to see him. You had to get the jab back then. Anyway, now I have RA. So horrible that I was in pain night and day.
i'm so sorry. i developed RA after the only vaccine i've ever taken in 55 years--the Tdap aka "tetanus" shot.
The most helpful thing i've ever found for my RA--not cured but better enough to go off all my medicine --was The Wahl's protocol--developed by Dr Terry (sp?) Wahls who had MS and was non-ambulatory, incontinent, brain-fog and getting worse... long story short , after a year on her own research-developed protocol, she rode her bike 22 miles. Her book is applicable to all autoimmune conditions has different levels of protocol depending on how ill someone is.
long hours of fasting--16+ hours also helps my pain a lot. To the point that if I eat something like gluten that makes it difficult for me to move the next day, I know all i have to do is fast and my pain will leave in a day or less.
I highly recommend Dr Wahls program. It's affordable to almost all, as it involves primarily diet and lifestyle changes.
That's what Dr. Edward Group is working with, as taught in the Absolute Healing series! It sounded amazing, the results he was achieving, as the urine develops millions of stem cells, after sitting out a few days. But I'm not sure if that's the extent of it...that's just the gist I got from the portion I watched.
Download Manav Mootra, a 60-year old book from India. Skip the long rambling first half. Go straight to the testimonies. Amazing stories. All kinds of illnesses from wounds to mild to critical were healed. Gives me much confidence that the harm from Covid vaccinations can be tackled by urine.
LOL it does make you eat more. 40 mg is a lot. I am taking 5mg a day for about a year, and I have the pain, but I can sleep at night without pain. I can exercise and keep my muscle mass intact
I know my rheumatologist will take this treatment away from me eventually, and I will be back at square one. She kept me on it for now. I am coping with a lot of emotional garbage. Grieving the loss of my 99 year old daddy (he was such a blast) and now the paperwork begins. Additionally, both of my daughters are estranged from me because we have differing opinions. This generation is kooky
You must watch Jonathan Otto's Disease In Reverse. Gloria, one of those who had terrible after-effects from the jabs -- has had most of her health restored, from urotherapy. https://diseaseinreverse.com/ has the trailer, & you can sign up to watch it there. The first person on the trailer is Gloria. I watched the Q&A with Dr. Edward Group, a few days ago -- that's a bonus from the Disease In Reverse series. He is huge into studying urotherapy. There is solid science behind it. Urine is not the body's waste, it's basically blood that's had the things removed from it that the body needs, & it contains what the body didn't need. Putting that back into the body is very healing. There are stem cells in our urine. After sitting on a counter for 21 days, the stem cells multiply by a million! I hope & pray you're better by now, but if not, that you will be.
Bless you. Check out Jonathan Otto's Absolute Healing series (absolutehealingseries.com) -- it's VERY life-changing. Has Dr. Henry Ealy, mentioned in this article, Dr. Bryan Ardis, the late Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Edward Group, & many others on the cutting edge of restoring health to our cells.
I am 73 years old.. all modifications to my daily routine are exhausting to integrate smoothly. Learning synapses are as thin as the hair on my lower legs (which has nearly vanished). My revulsion with this 21st+ Generation is summarized in my CBD {Code Book Designation}. .. ... .. •Greta & the ThumbDumbs•
Breathing so heavily and deeply in such exceeding levels of chemtrails almost everywhere? Thus being exposed to even/much higher levels of the chemicals in said trails; i.e., aluminum, barium, magnesium and biologicals (proven in lab tests of fallout), and now probably spike protein, oxide nanoparticles, and lipid nanoparticles as well? And/or who knows what else? Me thinks not, TY!
Excellent advice. I naturally don’t want to eat an early breakfast but I live in Chile and they have a late lunch ~1:30 and a late dinner. So I’ll start with not eating from 9pm until the afternoon. Great news about the coffee as I love a couple cups in the morning with heavy cream !!!
Fasting is OK but Nicotine patches will detoxify you naturally without depriving your body of necessary nutrients. Many doctors have now documented this. Pureblood here.
I am an unapologetic Urine Therapy devotee. This ancient therapy that dates back thousands of years is probably keeping me alive. Age 74, never went to a doctor for 25 years, in great health. All I have to do is to rub urine on my arms, leg, body for a few minutes each morning. The put just a spoonful or so in the mouth. Out of habit, I swallow that.
That has been my routine for 25 long years. My skin is young looking, I have a full head of hair. No other ailments. All the petty stuff...sinus, piles, gastritis, headaches, fever, etc. have all gone away. I do get mouth sores occasionally or runny nose but over the counter medicine will knock them off.
I have not taken the jab and now I will practice intermittent fasting too.
Like plain water in my case...I drink plenty of fluids (water, tea, coffee). My pee is almost colorless but after a long sleep, it may be a bit yellowish. The yellow pee may taste a bit sourish but you get used to it...it is your healing fluid. But you can always dilute the small amount of urine with water initially.
For newbies to UT, just rub on the body. The skin is the body's largest organ. To me most of the benefits comes from urine absorbed into the skin...gets into the tiny capillaries and enters the blood stream.
Urine is 95% water. 2.5% urea with cancer healing properties. 2.5% of over 2,000 biologic substances in micro and nano grams. Urine is not medicine. It is merely the trigger factor for th e body's immune system and regenerative system. Urine is antiseptic and hence excellent against insect bites, wounds, any skin blemishes, etc.
Remember whether is a tiny wound, a pimple or a major disease, your own body must heal you. Medical intervention only provides the environment for healing plus the medicine can initiate the body to heal. Urine is doing the same for FREE.
we've been experimenting with making our own homeopathic remedies from our urine. that is my bridge to what you discuss. thanks for sharing your experiences! :)
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Do you have experience fasting? How has it improved your health? Do you know anyone who has improved from an injury from fasting?
Epoch Times also wrote a nice article on fasting the other day: https://bit.ly/3CnRcg4
I intermittent fast, and occasionally do a 24-36 hours. It changed my life.
I now actually dread eating, because it brings back some brain fog.
I try to eat healthy, and I do, but I haven’t been able to cut out gluten (I’m an Israeli with a French mom, bread is my life!), so eating means imma feel stupid for a while.
Much more to say, but that’s the big things.
I eat 0700-1500, but I wake up at 0330, and start working at 0500. The most important for me, was not going to bed after eating. So I have ~5 hours from last meal, to laying horizontally... so all the stomach acid and gases are far enough down, and nothing can “come up”
That is how I pretty much cured my acid reflux...by waiting at least 3-4 hours after eating my last meal before going to bed.
i intermittent fast and after about 16-18 hours my pain from rheumatoid arthritis goes away for the most part.
i mostly fast to keep from getting fatter--I don't lose weight even if I fast 16 hours of every day, but i don't gain anymore at least. If i eat 2-3 meals a day i get fatter and fatter and am in pain too. Is crazy
Not crazy. It’s partly the diet we are forced to consume. I grew up in Israel, where it was expensive to buy fast food and eat out, so my grandma bought vegetables and groceries 2-3 times a week and cooked every meal. Here, it’s the opposite. Buying groceries, which are healthy, is almost not affordable on the national average income...
It’s a crime. Eating healthy should be the lowest bar, and we should have the freedom to compromise our individual health for our personal pleasures.... we’ve completed F’d up our priorities (to the extent we had a choice in the matter)
And in America, even the produce in the grocery stores is not healthy, because our govt so-called health agency, the FDA, allows toxins to be sprayed on our crops. Too, mass-farming methods, where the crops aren't rotated, depletes the soil of nutrients. Combine this with picking produce too early, to allow for transport & sitting in a store, prevents the nutrients from building to the max. It's a crime. With the creation of the FDA, America should've begun being the healthiest nation on earth...but we're one of the fattest & unhealthiest, because we're not eating "real" foods. We're eating foods that the body doesn't even recognize as food, & can't process well.
Have you tried low carb, high-fat diet (Ketogenic diet) to lose weight? You have to use only natural good fats like lots of butter, cream, cheese, olive oil, and coconut oil. Avoid all rancid vegetable oils. And cut out all processed carbs like sugars, flour etc.
I fasted several times for general health in the early '90s. It helped a lot. A friend of mine, the late Grace Swanson, niece of the famous actress Gloria who raised her, fasted many times to heal broken bones, first 4 days at a time in between surgeries from a crushed skull after jumping from a diving board at the deep end of a community pool and cracking her skull on the cement bottom at age 5 or 6, later as an adult to knit broken ankles or tibia/fibula without surgery suffered while tripping over tree roots in the woods near her home during her daily morning 5- to 10-mile runs. The latter were longer water-only fasts of 28, 42, and 50 days. She finally died last year at 96. I miss her. I recommend books by the late Dr. Herbert M. Shelton, DC.
Great article.
1. The ONLY Dr. I have ever seen get emotional about what this plandemic in its entirety has actually done to human beings is Dr. Marik. For this, a devoted trust was created because only one with a huge heart for humanity would tear up while testifying. Thank you for speaking up Dr. Marik.
2. Well gosh golly gee, Apparently God DID know what He was talking about because it was He who told His people to fast. For their health. For their spirituality. For deep prayer requests. The theory and consequences of fasting have been around for a LONG time.
3. Therefore, I disagree with Dr. Malik on one thing. "Autophagy" hasn't evolved over millions of years, it has always been with us. Plus, Jesus died on the cross 2023 years ago which makes the millions of years illogical. God IS Logical, and so are His creations, including this earth, time, the eyeball, how the heart works, nature and its cycles, and even why there are dandelions. MUCH respect to the doctor, however, he forgot to include God.
4. I had a Great Aunt tell me one time that she eats to live, not lives to eat. I have carried that resounding advice with me ever since. The only times I don't follow it are at family feasts like Christmas dinners and Thanksgiving dinners. That's when that sage advice gets thrown out the window faster than the giblets into the garbage container!! Anyhoo, I digress.
Eat To Live, don't Live To Eat.
5. Thank you again for this great article...it will be shared with many hopes and prayers of helping The People overcome the tragedies of what has occurred on a world wide scale.
Much Love
Agree. When he began tearing up during a conference I felt it in my soul he was a GENUINE MAN and a HERO in my opinion.
Number 2, is 💯
same as meditation (contemplation), vocal prayer/chanting (mantras), and solitude.
And, above all, “love thy neighbor [as yourself]” All major spiritual traditions have empathized these practices, as a way of connecting with the divine.
God is very logical.
Well said. To correct your #1, though, Dr. Henry Ealy, who is referenced in this article as being a pioneer in autophagy, teared up many times in Jonathan Otto's Absolutely Healing series. He also has a burden for humanity that is heartening.
And you're correct, God designed our bodies, & gave us the foods we need to be healthy...although through mass-farming, we have largely depleted the soil of nutrients. I do believe I've heard Dr. Marik speak of God in the past. Don't know why he didn't in this interview. He did say "we were created to..." referring to God, I'm sure.
I also have a relative who eats to live, rather than living to eat. Started that when she had breast cancer many years ago. I follow that mantra sometimes, then others I don't. But it IS the best way to go, along with fasting.
I did not see that one, but it does not surprise me. He is another man among men who has stood against this the whole time. A wonderful man, a true doctor.
I stand corrected.
Thank you my friend.
My friend, (with respect),
1. This is not a political substack, it is a health one.
2. You need to rise above the "politics" and have a closer look from the 40,000 foot view.
3. Optics are everything at this point in time of literally saving the world.
4. Operation Warp Speed forced the hands of those who wish to do humanity serious harm; there is a lot more involved with it and deserves more research.
5. So glad you have a list of doctors you love and trust, I think by now we all do.
6. Both President Trump AND RFK Jr. have humanity as first and foremost in their hearts, and truly, if it wasn't for them, none of us would know what we now know.
7. Again, this is FAR beyond the "political" realm. It really is a war of good vs evil in the quest for God's greatest creations - People!
Not everything is as it seems. The news IS fake. The war IS real. NO WAR goes without casualties. Stay vigilant. Remember that this is indeed a psychological information war. If we knew everything, so would the enemy. Optics again, are critical.
Much Love
"{ It really is a war of good vs evil in the quest for God's greatest creations - People!
Not everything is as it seems. The news IS fake. The war IS real. NO WAR goes without casualties. Stay vigilant. Remember that this is indeed a psychological information war. If we knew everything, so would the enemy. Optics again, are critical."
you need to look at RFK Jr more deeply. You're making some broad statements that tell me you are going by what other people say, not what he says himself. I will say he's changed somewhat over the last 3 years like we all have.
I don't know whether i'll vote for him or not. I'm undecided.
additionally, someone can believe in climate change and still uphold the constitution. The problem isn't whether or not climate change is true or false or human -caused or natural. The real problem is when it's used as an excuse for tyranny.
The same can be said for the germ theory vs terrain theory debate. In a sense it doesn't matter as long as individual liberty is upheld. So don't vote for RFK if you don't want, but a. you might dig deeper and b. he is bringing people into the conversation that otherwise might not participate, so in that sense it's valuable.
I think we have a huge amount of work to do on saying “just get rid of all the bad food first” even before you try intermittent fasting. My mother who is 68 and recovering from rectal cancer just said to me “oh we don’t eat any bad foods , we don’t even have any animal fat in the house”! I cringed. I tried explaining about how amazing these fats are. She has canola oil in her pantry and she argues with me that it’s heart healthy because that’s why the heart association says ! She has been a product of brainwashing and the petroleum mafia. Thanks to the Rockefellers! SMH!!! She contiues to argue with me. How do you undo this???
You must start gradually; show study's of what good foods specifically do for better health = just simply healthy foods and quality supplements on vitamin A B's C + D3 etc
Then how the body is a miracle requiring specific nutrients in certain type "foods" with needed nutrients for a strong immune system, heart + circulation, digestion, brain etc
IF in a while she see's to embrace these basic truths in her health regiment = then break into sharing the base major differences in "Naturophathic" nutritional approach to the strictly "Allopathic" synthetics where nutrion is relegated to 2nd & 3rd place...!
If open then she's likely open learn the 120yr old John D. Rockefeller push of "synthetics" as opposed to real required nutrition for over all healthy lifestyle as basic...l
So rather then once health is Iost by poor nutrition to then merely treating symptoms with patented synthetic drugs made in a lab many from petroleum/chemicals for continual BigPharma prescriptions for profits yearly in the $100's of billions...!
Without having Patent Rights there's NO massive profits to be made in keeping "patients" on a lifelong string of prescriptions for the endless huge profits...!
Working to reach the place of embracing healthy foods and quality supplements seen in athletes requirement for peak performance just as an engine to last must have high quality fuel, oils, coolants, grease in the right places when needed by diligent maintainence on our part or its useful life will wear out faster...!
*There's no magic quick fixes in building
& maintaining great health and longevity...!!!
Don't eat animal fats anymore, with the PTB now, and for the past several years, putting the spike protein "vaccines" in the livestock (making them now "deathstock"---"deathstalk"?; they are, after all, stalking and mass-murdering us)!
By local grass fed...!
Yes, those vegetable oils are poison.
An episode of ‘How It’s Made’ where they show corn oil/seed oils being produced (🤮) might help.
I’ve been doing IF for 4 years. And studiously avoiding processed foods for about 2 years now. I was pretty healthy before I started but IF helped me lose 10-15 pounds of post-menopausal weight gain and I’ve had one surprise benefit, my vision improved to the point I almost don’t need correction anymore. I have a hereditary risk of diabetes & dementia and I believe it is helping me avoid both. I didn’t get Covid or the jab.
Lumbrokinase is probably better than nattokinase, and niacin and zinc should be included
I feel better with lumbrokinase also. We are all different...lumbrokinase is quite expensive...but I think it helps my mitochondria...
Yo, "Foxy", would you get a hold of Dr. McCullough (I can't afford being a paid subscriber to his Sub, and so I can't comment on most of his articles), and ask him what he meant in his testimony the other day in Pennsylvania about K2 not being a vitamin? Is he saying that K2 is harmful and/or otherwise not recommended? Does it not really aid the assimilation of D3 without causing the body to leach calcium out of the bones? Do we really need it with D3, or is that stuff about D3 doing that with calcium and the bones, a bunch of hooey? How 'bout an article about it? Thank you, my man. May you be blessed.
I haven’t read it. I’m just sick of all them guessing. Him included. I’m not buying his new pill with all the stuff in it. I feel like a lot of them are making money off of us. And we don’t have it.
Also puts me in mind of.... from the ancient bygone days of the.... 1960s!.... the great song of Maestro Jimi Hendrix, BABY!.... "Foxy Lady"!
Fox is a guy! Just saying.
Thank you, sincerely, for letting me know that. Now I know. Thanks again.
No worries! You're not the first, and I'm sure not the last.
He's a great guy. His background in Healthcare is in his bio.
"Foxy"!, to quote Jimi.
"Fox Lady (and/or Man)"!, to quote Jimi again.
I'll never stop taking K2! Whether taking calcium tabs or not, it tells the calcium where to go -- to the bones & teeth, rather than to the soft tissues like the blood vessels (hardening of the arteries is calcification). Maybe it's more of a hormone, like Vit D is. I'll have to look for that article on his substack, to which I don't subscribe, either. I take Mercola Vit D3 & K2. Chris Wark, of Chris Beat Cancer, takes those two separately.
I’ve done all the FLCCC protocols. Completely cut sugar out of my diet. I still have high levels of the vaccine in me. My only faith is in God. Maybe they help with COVID or mild vaccine side effects. It’s done NOTHING for me. I was completely healthy before this poison. Now I’m unable to work and had to give up my career for this bullshit vaccine they knew was poison. I haven’t met one severely vaccine injured person that is back to normal from FLCCC protocols or fasting. If you’re out there please comment. God Bless 🙏
I'm so sorry Trinna.
I love Dr Marik. But I don't believe viruses exist. No virus has ever been isolated, not a single one. They only exist as a sequence in a computer. Viruses were created purely to allow for injectable poisons known as 'vaccines'. If the 'Covid' virus hasn't been isolated, then how has a 'spike protein', that is supposedly contained inside such a virus been isolated? As I understand it, 'spike protein' is detected indirectly via detection of a non-specific antibody.
Hence, this non-specific antibody seems to appear with inflammation. Whatever abomination is in the injection is causing widespread inflammation. Inflammation will leads to an escalating oxidant: antioxidant ratio, causing failure. Escalating oxidation is a primary reason liver disease progresses from fatty liver to fibrosis...
I don't know if it will help and you may have tried all this...but maybe think about smashing the antioxidants to tip the ratio and give your body a fighting chance against this toxin - whatever it is. Glutathione (GSH) - body's master antioxidant; N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) - precursor to Glutathione - and good for lungs; Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) - water and fat soluble, has been able to fairly reliably reverse certain death from poison mushroom induced liver poisoning, and is a limiting factor in glucose conversion to acetyl co-A that allows KREBS cycle and electron transport chain, in other words ATP energy (the body can do a lot given enough energy), get the 'R' isomer, which is the one the body uses; Vitamin-C - get a food based full spectrum one, not just 'ascorbic acid'; Co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10) - Especially found in the heart, and decreases with age. Is the actual transport molecule in complex 3 (I think) in the electron transport chain in the mitochondria, which is the ATP-energy engine; Vitamin-E for endothelial health which is all important here, ensure it is d-tocopherol, not dI-tocopherol (synthetic version), better still get one with both tocopherol and tocotrienols in it. Olive leaf extract is good for endothelial health, and Pycogenol also; Of course Vit-D and Magnesium too and Vitamin-B complex - ensure the B6, B9 and B12 are the active forms in case you have a methylation issue, being pyridoxal phosphate, methylenetetrahydrofolate, and methylcobalamin respectively, and make sure it include Biotin; Lots and lots of colourful veges. All the very best.
Have you followed Dr. Ealy's work? hes done more looking at the MTHFR aspect of damage. Or Dr. Ana? shes lookign at the nanoparticle damage and EDTA chelation...
I read and follow them both
I LOVE Dr. Ealy! Dr Ana is on top of things, too, & is helping people get back to health from the jabs.
But as I mentioned in my comment, she needs to check out Jonathan Otto's series Absolute Healing (https://absolutehealingseries.com/) & the follow-up, New Hope.
I would encourage you to watch Jonathan Otto's health series, Absolutely Healing & New Hope. They take a deep dive into the plandemic & how to repair the cells. Dr. Ardis talks about how most vials of the vax contained venoms. In fact, do you smoke? I'm guessing not, which of course is good. However, if your jabs had venoms, then your nicotinic receptors at the end of nerves all over your body might be holding on to those venoms.
You can buy a pack of nicotene patches, 14mg, cut them into 6-7 pieces, put one on & change it each day. If there were venoms in your jab, you'll feel better very quickly. Those receptors were created so that if nicotene enters the body, they let go of the venom & grab onto the nicotene -- which is NOT addictive, by the way...the other chemicals in cigarettes are what are addictive. If that works, then you'd need to take something to help get the venoms out of the body, I think he said things like activated charcoal. His website has products designed for this.
Do NOT take more than just a little piece of the patches, or you'll get sick. You can also chew 2 mg of nicotene gum, but I'd rather do the patches. BTW, he, his wife & his kids wear those pieces of patches every single day, to protect them from the shedding of the vaxxed. Anyway, you might check this out. I pray you'll be better soon!
ALSO....check out Retired Lt Col Dr. Pete Chambers. He was badly damaged by the jabs. The myelin sheath on his nerves was deteriorating in his brain. He tells what he did, which included red light cold laser therapy -- he said that helped him feel back to normal! He now works with Patient Advocate Bulldog, as their medical officer, & goes around the country talking about this, & also about how we need to fight what "they're" trying to do -- destroy God's most precious creation -- humankind.
Just remembered, Dr. Edward Group was in the Absolute Healing series, talked about Urotherapy (urine therapy). Said that urine contains stem cells, but that they learned after letting it sit out for 3 days (I think), it had millions of stem cells! I don't know the specifics, as I skipped through a lot of it, but I would definitely check that out, whether on the AH series, or finding Dr. Group & following what he's doing.
Here is what you can do quickly to neutralize the slow kill weapon injections as combination therapy:
For use in humans?
For "pets."
not attempting to start an argument or anything - but IVM, just like any other dual-use (human & vet) drug is *almost* always the same formulation & mfgr - just different packaging (and pricing)
For now, anyway. I don't trust the human pills (though I do have a supply), made by the companies that made the jabs. Big pharma is owned by the globalists, ultimately. Hopefully the paste will not be adulterated by them.
You have to try the apple flavored HORSEpaste (Duvet)....never take anything for dogs or cats. I love my apple flavored horsepaste. Better than a pill, better control of dosage also...
I use the apple flavored too, but I hardly taste it. I drop it into a small bit of water, down that, then follow with more water.
well I agree I would not want to take that - but it isn't straight IVM so it's sort of an apples vs oranges thing in that specific case
You can get the straight IVM. Has some flavoring, but is just IVM.
I've never seen dog IVM, & have never ingested any meds for dogs. The horse paste? Different story.
I developed rheumatoid arthritis inflammation after the second pfizer shot. I have not had any more shots. I got the two so that I could meet the guidelines set at my dad's place, to see him. You had to get the jab back then. Anyway, now I have RA. So horrible that I was in pain night and day.
I eat properly
I am taking 5 mg of prednisone daily.
i'm so sorry. i developed RA after the only vaccine i've ever taken in 55 years--the Tdap aka "tetanus" shot.
The most helpful thing i've ever found for my RA--not cured but better enough to go off all my medicine --was The Wahl's protocol--developed by Dr Terry (sp?) Wahls who had MS and was non-ambulatory, incontinent, brain-fog and getting worse... long story short , after a year on her own research-developed protocol, she rode her bike 22 miles. Her book is applicable to all autoimmune conditions has different levels of protocol depending on how ill someone is.
long hours of fasting--16+ hours also helps my pain a lot. To the point that if I eat something like gluten that makes it difficult for me to move the next day, I know all i have to do is fast and my pain will leave in a day or less.
I highly recommend Dr Wahls program. It's affordable to almost all, as it involves primarily diet and lifestyle changes.
Try cutting wheat/bread. It will be tough to do.
Try urine therapy...simple, effective https://autourine3.wixsite.com/main/gallery
That's what Dr. Edward Group is working with, as taught in the Absolute Healing series! It sounded amazing, the results he was achieving, as the urine develops millions of stem cells, after sitting out a few days. But I'm not sure if that's the extent of it...that's just the gist I got from the portion I watched.
Download Manav Mootra, a 60-year old book from India. Skip the long rambling first half. Go straight to the testimonies. Amazing stories. All kinds of illnesses from wounds to mild to critical were healed. Gives me much confidence that the harm from Covid vaccinations can be tackled by urine.
God Bless you. They had me on 40 mg of prednisone for 4 months. Never again! Did nothing but made me fat and had crazy insomnia
LOL it does make you eat more. 40 mg is a lot. I am taking 5mg a day for about a year, and I have the pain, but I can sleep at night without pain. I can exercise and keep my muscle mass intact
I know my rheumatologist will take this treatment away from me eventually, and I will be back at square one. She kept me on it for now. I am coping with a lot of emotional garbage. Grieving the loss of my 99 year old daddy (he was such a blast) and now the paperwork begins. Additionally, both of my daughters are estranged from me because we have differing opinions. This generation is kooky
I'm so sorry.
Have you tried the FLCCC protocol?
You must watch Jonathan Otto's Disease In Reverse. Gloria, one of those who had terrible after-effects from the jabs -- has had most of her health restored, from urotherapy. https://diseaseinreverse.com/ has the trailer, & you can sign up to watch it there. The first person on the trailer is Gloria. I watched the Q&A with Dr. Edward Group, a few days ago -- that's a bonus from the Disease In Reverse series. He is huge into studying urotherapy. There is solid science behind it. Urine is not the body's waste, it's basically blood that's had the things removed from it that the body needs, & it contains what the body didn't need. Putting that back into the body is very healing. There are stem cells in our urine. After sitting on a counter for 21 days, the stem cells multiply by a million! I hope & pray you're better by now, but if not, that you will be.
Bless you. Check out Jonathan Otto's Absolute Healing series (absolutehealingseries.com) -- it's VERY life-changing. Has Dr. Henry Ealy, mentioned in this article, Dr. Bryan Ardis, the late Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Edward Group, & many others on the cutting edge of restoring health to our cells.
I am 73 years old.. all modifications to my daily routine are exhausting to integrate smoothly. Learning synapses are as thin as the hair on my lower legs (which has nearly vanished). My revulsion with this 21st+ Generation is summarized in my CBD {Code Book Designation}. .. ... .. •Greta & the ThumbDumbs•
Keto, fasting, sunshine, sun gazing, movement.... hyberbaric... BOOM!
Breathing so heavily and deeply in such exceeding levels of chemtrails almost everywhere? Thus being exposed to even/much higher levels of the chemicals in said trails; i.e., aluminum, barium, magnesium and biologicals (proven in lab tests of fallout), and now probably spike protein, oxide nanoparticles, and lipid nanoparticles as well? And/or who knows what else? Me thinks not, TY!
Excellent advice. I naturally don’t want to eat an early breakfast but I live in Chile and they have a late lunch ~1:30 and a late dinner. So I’ll start with not eating from 9pm until the afternoon. Great news about the coffee as I love a couple cups in the morning with heavy cream !!!
I am so with you on coffee and heavy cream!
I’ve intermittent fasted (eat between 11-6pm) for about ten years. I’ve never been hungry for breakfast, so for me it’s easy.
Fasting is OK but Nicotine patches will detoxify you naturally without depriving your body of necessary nutrients. Many doctors have now documented this. Pureblood here.
That's interesting. I use a little bit of pure nicotine occasionally on the skin but didn't know it is detoxifying. Have to google that.
I am an unapologetic Urine Therapy devotee. This ancient therapy that dates back thousands of years is probably keeping me alive. Age 74, never went to a doctor for 25 years, in great health. All I have to do is to rub urine on my arms, leg, body for a few minutes each morning. The put just a spoonful or so in the mouth. Out of habit, I swallow that.
That has been my routine for 25 long years. My skin is young looking, I have a full head of hair. No other ailments. All the petty stuff...sinus, piles, gastritis, headaches, fever, etc. have all gone away. I do get mouth sores occasionally or runny nose but over the counter medicine will knock them off.
I have not taken the jab and now I will practice intermittent fasting too.
what does it taste like? just curious.
i have often heard of urine therapy but I'm not sure I buy the value of something the body was designed to eliminate. Just me. Haven't researched it.
Like plain water in my case...I drink plenty of fluids (water, tea, coffee). My pee is almost colorless but after a long sleep, it may be a bit yellowish. The yellow pee may taste a bit sourish but you get used to it...it is your healing fluid. But you can always dilute the small amount of urine with water initially.
For newbies to UT, just rub on the body. The skin is the body's largest organ. To me most of the benefits comes from urine absorbed into the skin...gets into the tiny capillaries and enters the blood stream.
Urine is 95% water. 2.5% urea with cancer healing properties. 2.5% of over 2,000 biologic substances in micro and nano grams. Urine is not medicine. It is merely the trigger factor for th e body's immune system and regenerative system. Urine is antiseptic and hence excellent against insect bites, wounds, any skin blemishes, etc.
Remember whether is a tiny wound, a pimple or a major disease, your own body must heal you. Medical intervention only provides the environment for healing plus the medicine can initiate the body to heal. Urine is doing the same for FREE.
we've been experimenting with making our own homeopathic remedies from our urine. that is my bridge to what you discuss. thanks for sharing your experiences! :)
Do you let it sit for 3 days before doing that? Dr. Group said that after it sits, the stem cells in it increase into the millions!
Thanks VF & Dr. Marik.