This is excellent, thank you for your continued coverage.

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Every class action attorney should be all over this. Especially if they were good little sheeple and got jabbed.

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what constitutes a covid19 death ?

the term covid19 death is meaningless as different states may have different criteria to qualify for covid19 death.

all cause mortality is what counts, all the rest is just numbers.

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Thats a great question because that has been a very subjective designation, dare I say, a manipulated category. Using the pcr tests in a bogus way highly inflated those numbers along with categorizing any death with a positive test as a covid death.

Now, why haven't they adjusted their manipulation in a way that shows the shots are working? Unless it is a higher priority to keep people afraid, it doesn't make sense to me.

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they have been manipulating the numbers so the shots look to be working.

they still are.

and they need the people to be afraid to get them to take more shots.

so they switch from vaccines working to fear just as needed for the moment.

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Its amazing they can do that and get away with it as transparent as it looks to me

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Japan is waking up too late!

Japanese Prof Fukushima Calls Out the Covid “Vaccine” BS:


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We have bumped up against a ice berg of death... and we cannot fathom its size or what lies beneath the waves.

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Yes... they are having a WTF moment (it appears). Which could be significant, I think. It will be hard for the MSM to hide Japan losing it's mind over their people are dying from the vaccine. They will most likely try to "do something" to find out what is happening and try to find ways to mitigate the vaccine damage. Japan was already in trouble with it's population numbers.... and now they are really screwed... they are beginning to realize it. We can only hope they blow the lid off what the vaccine is doing and has done to billions on the planet.

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I've been monitoring Japan since December 2020 because I knew their population problem. It peaks at 128 million and is down to less than 126million. The growth has been very negative for more than 1 decade and the don't want immigration as the solution to their problems. How in the hell could they not see what I saw coming in 2020 for them?

I had only one explanation - they participated in the Obama TPP meetings (10-12 countries) in 2015 where the participants discussed drastic population reduction as reported live below by the Malaysian PM and I thought they were aware of what they were doing by injecting 126million people with known bioweapons!!

 "The Elites are Planning to Kill Billions of People" -- Prime Minister of Malaysia (2015)


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PUBLIC COMPLAINT AGAINST GOVERNMENTS 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


תלונת ציבור נגד ממשלות 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


DENUNCIA PUBBLICA CONTRO I GOVERNI 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


PLAINTE DU PUBLIC CONTRE LES GOUVERNEMENTS 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


DENUNCIA PÚBLICA CONTRA GOBIERNOS 12/01/2022 - Action, legal action


Please substitute your state's criminal law codes, disseminate and act in all procedures, send me a copy with the penal codes similar to these Italians


buffa.andrea.salvatore@protonmail.com; andreabuffa@yandex.com

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Thank you !!

FBI deliberately lied to social media companies about Hunter Biden laptop (actually three water-damaged laptops - not just one) – FBI knew the truth exactly – laptops were in their possession for one (1) year



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For AZ it says that the 3rd leading cause of death was Covid. It is actually medical errors. It has always been medical errors,

When you compare the Infant Mortality Rate of 0.005 to the Covid Death rate of 0.0019, why isn't the CDC more concerned about that? Why isn't that declared a national crisis? Why are so many babies dying? Could it be because of injections?

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In the section Life Expectancy at Birth by State, in the giving of the age (of the 4 listings) no notification was made that that number was of the 2019 life expectancy listing, before this dosing began, at least no plain and readily noticeable notation is shown there.

Point: if the desire is to reduce the population by 7.1 Billion (7,600,000,000 - 500,000,000 = 7,100,000,000!!!!) and the term for completion be 30 years, then without any new people being added the 'death' rate must be over six hundred thousand per day, and just how ya gonna do it without the masses striving to be doing something about it??? Quickly. That's how.

Guess they just love the thought of a charnel house.

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Thank you! Shared far and wide. As I do with many of your stacks

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Employers better pay attention. The top racketeers may be immune, but not necessarily the "middlemen".

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It never WAS a pandemic, was NEVER a pandemic of the 'unvaxxed'. SO tired of seeing those terms! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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The problem, from my understanding, with the shots data is that it also presumes no background immunity level. This is naive. SARS Cov2 shares many non-structural proteins with other coronaviruses that are always present (eg oc43). These proteins are expressed early during infection on cell receptors which are targeted by Nk and tcells. These are not on the spike and are functionally constrained across many viruses. The shots do not initiate immune memory to those. Previous infections do and generate nk cell and tcell recognition. The fact that many unvaccinated people are asymptomatic or only have had mild illness demonstrates that they were not naive in the absolute sense. Why should anyone presume that someone who took the shot and only had mild symptoms was due to the shot and not due to previous immune memory?

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Doctors: UN Vaccines in Kenya Used to Sterilize Women

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What do you make of the Hong Kong case fatality rate data Fox? The data seem to be showing a massive positive effect of the jab in the 80+ age bracket with a still substantial effect in others. The data are the best advertisement for the shots I've seen.

From the official government website of Hong Kong:


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I'm sure there is more to analyze of this data but a quick perusal shows that in the 80+ age group that showed such a positive result, only around 1.5% of the population got the mRNA shots. The huge majority got the Sinovac vaccine which is a traditional (deactivated virus) vaccine.

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