I couldn't believe it when the 'experts' were telling pregnant women to get jabbed -- my softball buddy's wife got a shot THE DAY BEFORE DELIVERY!!!! I used to link a story stating the jab trials for pregnant women would end in Jan 2023 -- but now the entire article is gone. And you know what that means -- they're afraid of what was in it.

As a sort of an aside here, for a long time a large percentage of our "covid hospitalizations" were pregnant women just going to the hospital because they're pregnant -- when I first noticed, it was just under 30%.

Today that rate is 42.3%.


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Listen up.

See link .

There has NEVER been advice to give any , and I do mean "ANY vaccine" to pregnant mom's.

In fact, this corrupt advice from thugs disguised as doctors. , was a FIRST CLUE of something dearly wrong with the Lying CDC, FDA, NIH, NAID advice to hundreds of professional virologists and vaccininolists. Fauci and Walenski, Tam , Trudeau, Dr. Henry should HANG BECAUSE THEY KNEW THIS and yet used these words over and over. They CONSPIRED, planned and colluded with the Globalist psychopaths and are GUILTY of TREASON.

Dr. Michael Yeadon, UK. (the super brave PFIZER VP insider and LOUD whistleblower) went into "extensive SCIENCE AND MEDICINE detail and history" - ON this exact topic.

Worse, as we ALL KNEW this was an EXPERIMENTAL , RUSHED product without ANY PROPER studies. BUT DID WE THINK?

In fact, rhe scenario only gets worse , because as RFK Jr. , literally the best legal expert (at law) globally on vaccines, has clearly stated it is fraud and ILLEGAL AT LAW to even call these experimental products "SAFE and EFFECTIVE. "


When President Reagan gave total protection contactually and legal impunity to pharma on this topic, , it was because of an ADDMISSION by pharma and drug companies , that "NO vaccines were safe and effective."

Yes that is important and fact. There are ZERO vaccines that are safe or effective . You got hoodwinked!

Prior to the Reagan contractual impunity on vaccines (this was not a vaccine so CDC and WHO changed the definition - it was a gene therapy) , the pharma companies were being sued and bleeding out "nearing bankruptcy" from litigation from injured persons by vaccines .

Many have TRIED litigating pharma vaccines since, and the USA SUPREME COURT has repeatedly UPHELD President Reagan's SIGNED LEGAL CONTRACT.

Reagan wasn't fully stupid !

He asked pharma why they needed full impunity and their ABSWER , - is that they cannot by definition, make ANY VACCINE "safe and effective" . Yes that too is FACT. ASK RFK Jr.!!

So sadly , the repeated use over and over of "safe and effective" (REPETITION) is actually one of the KEY METHODOLOGIES of military grade brainwashing (HINT - study neuro linguistic programming - yes you are stupid and brainwashing WORKS !) .

Why do you think "Advertising and marketing are TRILLION dollar industries globally , used today mostly by BIG PHARMA ! If you watch TV , you are being brainwashed by those very commercials !


I could write a book on this topic because picking on, brainwashing, and leveling fear points at pregnant mothers and the most post precious commodity this planet has; " infants" using military BRAINWASHING, FEAR etc., when there was literally NO RISK (any worse than influenza or common cold ) makes me want to SCREAM.

Where the F#CK are the good police and good judiciary?

When the judiciary protects the thugs and corrupt - our future, our country , our basic rights, our lives are in vast peril.

The RULE OF LAW is gone.!

Yet, we must have hope!

Somehow, Someway, Something, Someday, must be DONE.... to hold these LYING MASS MURDERERS and TORTURE ACCOMPLICES culpable. YES THIS IS TORTURE, murder, malfeasance, nefarious genocide of fraud.

It amazes me how stupid ALL we humans are. Is this what capitalism and money and greed gave humanity?

Yes, are we stupid- that includes ALL OF US . I am mad as hell and not going to take it

Wake up. and start to ASK QUESTIONS . Finally , the very last person or organization you should trust is GOVERNMENT .

Clearly it is war , the weapons are invisible. Highly advanced technologies are being used to KILL YOU. ....and governments globally are killing us as if we were stupid ANTS .

So, what are you doing about this?


STUDY HISTORY. ... because it ALWAYS REPEATS if you forget it. SEE LINK !


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So, in their headlong rush to "save" themselves from covid as advised by the government and the medical profession, women killed themselves and their babies. That adds a whole new dimension to the meaning of "safe."

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Oh dear. . . The bad news just keeps coming . . Just as many had forewarned. . .

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How utterly and completely sad. Heart-wrenching. 💔😭

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Apparently the “speed of science” has us hurtling towards the dark ages. Leading the world in infant and maternal deaths. Go USA!!!!

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Killer Walensky

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What’s the difference between maternal death rate up 50% and 50% of women with the maternal death?

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criminal and no-one will be held accountable

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For those that would like to connect with like-minded individuals.

Focus on America is hosting PUP (Patriots Unite & Push) on September 17th from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Jackson Center in Huntsville, AL. Topics to be covered include Election Integrity, Health Care, Education in Crisis, Constitutional Rights, New World Order. There will be 20 speakers; the keynote speaker is James O’Keefe. There will also be a Meet & Greet with Speakers from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. For more info about the event or to purchase tickets: https://www.focusonamerica.us/event-details/pup-patriots-unite-and-push

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Do I understand correctly that maternal deaths are up because women (all humans) are dying for taking the jab, and not specifically because they’re pregnant, or suffering a complication in L&D related to the jab, like, say, hemhorraging, or trickle bleeding post-partum?

If so, this is kinda...not news. I *hate that mothers and babies are dying, or families are losing their mothers with 6 weeks of receiving their newborn, but unless I’m misunderstanding what I’m reading (sometimes I do), this article is like publishing two different stories to say employed people are dying--and another one to say unemployed people are too. Everyone is dying who took the jabs.

My apologies if I missed the point.

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