United States Department of Defense.

Operation Warp Speed.


Other Transactional Authority.

State of Emergency.

Military Countermeasures.

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Sage Hana, please, explain.

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You need to read the research by Sasha Latypova and Katherine Witt. They have PROVEN the DoD is 100% in charge of the COVID countermeasure injections. The FDA/CDC are just window dressing following orders from the DoD and they have no authority to stop the genocide. Their research is impeccable and many are now recognizing our own government is driving this not only in the US but globally. Here is an interview with them to start. Watt has a Substack called: Bailiwick Sasha has a website called: Due Diligence and Art BUT do not stop with this interview.

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I am extremely familiar with both. Still, some explanation would be most welcome by "Sage Hana." :)

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Tucker Carlson talked about how millions of documents in the DC Swamp are “classified” not to keep them from some imaginary enemy but to keep us from knowing what our Congressional scumbags are doing. I agree but think he didn’t go far enough: We (the “stupid common folk” ARE Congress’ enemy.

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Oh, I’d love to “stop Pfizer.” What exactly can I do? Shake my fists?

Pfizer, while playing a significant role in the worldwide scheme, is only an extension to the 2030 plan.

The crime started in 1688, when the cabal took over and has been controlling the money flow ever since.

Of course, in the US, when the “US ‘government’” got incorporated in 1881 after the (Un)Civil War, whose sole objective was this, the noose became tighter, and the scheme was completed with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 (plus, at the same time, the introduction of federal income tax through the private agency, the “IRS,” that has been collecting the money for the private bank, misleadingly called “Federal Reserve,” ever since), when the private bank was granted exclusive rights to issue the USD as a loan to the taxpayer at an interest (the greatest heist in world history).

Just wait until the CBDC will fully enslave all humans and all living things will be “vaccinated” in order to become part of the IoT...

The path is narrowing and only a couple of things can prevent the globalists' success:


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Putting big pharma out of business is easy. All it takes is for people to REFUSE to ever take another vaccine for any reason. Also, get healthy. Lose weight. Eat good food. Do not eat fast food or processed food. Get off medications. STARVE THE BEAST

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Not eating processed food is indeed essential.

Getting off everything manufactured by Big Pharma is another good idea, especially after it became clear that nobody knows what's in what (e.g. graphene oxide was found already in the 2019 "flu" shot and in November, 2021, in dental Lidocaine).

Not buying their stuff is still unlikely to hurt them.

Please, remember how many people succumbed to pressure (including "healthcare" workers, commercial pilots, nearly everyone among the clergy, and most of the US Armed Forces), because they felt forced by preferring not to lose their jobs.

Governments used the taxpayer's money to buy up huge batches of the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections and got paid even when millions of vials had to be discarded (that only ensured "govt" payments for the next batches).

The roadblocks for forced "vaccinations" are becoming real soon.

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I stick with my statement. I do not care about the rest of your argument. People refusing to take the vaccines WILL eventually hurt them but more importantly people will not be murdered if they refuse to take the poison.

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Not sure what you are talking about, but I'm glad you have your own mind.

My only objective is not to convince people, but to inspire them to make up their own minds and take responsibility for their decisions and actions.

On the other hand, I can assure you, people ARE being murdered (and have been for several decades) on purpose, whether they take the injections or not:


There are many ways to die.

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Absolutely. 100%

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You are correct, however, it appears to me that most Americans are either too lazy, too unconcerned or two stupid to understand that….or too undisciplined to even try.

It’s not our government who are the problem (although they are a big part of it), but the lazy, self-uninformed, greedy, sloven American public. They have taken the bait all the way to the reel!

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Well Gary we are in a war and sadly in all wars there are casualties and those that are to lazy as you say will end up being the casualties of this war but more and more are waking up and that is all we can hope for.

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Actually, already in 2002, the placebo effect exceeded 60 percent. Try telling all those people who expect their redemption from "doctors" not to take the toxic concoctions called "medications."

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Ray - I fully and completely agree with you. What I can never wrap my head around is, "how where these people able to plan for such a long game?" I don't know what I'm doing next week, and these bastards had a plan to take over the world 300 years ago.

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Well, they do have a plan.

...Doesn't mean it's a GOOD plan, hehe.

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No, it doesn't, and it is doomed to fail, but probably for reasons most people would not even know about:


The only question is whether this is going to become an extinction-level event or not that much:


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I don't agree, but I won't rule it out. I think the truth is actually weirder than that. ; )

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Disagree on which part?

Not that it matters; what matter is that it is coming and it ain't gonna be pretty, no matter what.

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"how where these people able to plan for such a long game?"

They keep it in the family(ies), naturally.

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I've been unable to find those alleged incorporation documents. Seems something screwy has gone on behind our backs. Even my phone bill has my name in all capital letters. A lot was done without our knowledge making it null and void due to fraud. And the only reason for taxes when you create all the "money" you want out of thin air is to fool the people into believing it has value which it doesn't. It's all FAITH.

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There have been quite a few weird events since the (Un)Civil War, but everything points in the direction of the 2030 agenda.

The US govt got incorporated in the City of London in 1881. Technically, Washington, DC, is foreign land.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 that also started up the IRS in order to collect money towards the interests for the Fed is public.

Charging a interests on loans inevitably destroys all currencies, but the bankers can buy up just about everything that matters in the meanwhile with their money stolen from the people.

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It is not just that PFIZER KNEW. The FDA and their vaccine subcommittee (VRBPAC) knew and did not let the public know about Myocarditis until several months after they issued the EUA. Please read my report #11, highlighted in this video.

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Love you, Dr Flowers.... I follow you on GETTR!

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We were fooled. Lucky I refused to take the vax and just cannot work, poorer and now. but pleased I took the decision I did.

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Big Pharma and all their evil cohorts have done a good job of instilling fear into people, especially those who only read the MSM.

Last night I attended a classical concert in my small Canadian town, where most of the other attendees were seniors, like I am. 95% of them were wearing masks, encouraged by the organisers!

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Pfffffizer is the pffffffall guy.... (a lotta wind is bein' expelled now!)--and they are indemnified, fully, TEFLON...they just followed (horrific) orders from the Chef an' the recipe (if ya'd call it that) was from DOD/DARPA/BARDA (team Chef)... PV was punked--YES JJ Bozo Looneytunes Walker was legit--but he was fed baloney and that baloney he shared with PV (he was also hopin' ta HIDE some baloney but that didn't happen...shucks). PV didn't play hide the baloney--they exposed it! But baloney it was.

YES Pfffizer is deplorable, despicable and they hire dummies like this dude to pimp, pump, and shill for them (and oopsie, spill beans to impress dates when they're tipsydoodles)... BUT at the end of the day this is NOT about Pffffizer... the contracts and patents were in place YEARS before (see David Martin) -- both Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt have the whole chain of command all laid out (see their respective substacks).

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I must ask, why are we so focused on Pfizer that we are letting Moderna and FDA/USG off so easily?

Pfizer doesn't even own a COVID Vaccine, not they aren't guilty of trial fraud (assisted by FDA)

I am starting to think Pfizer is just the designated patsy to let the others off the hook

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DOD. RAN THE WHOLE THING. but who ran them? Ha ha!

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Atlantic Council and the desire for a high paid job in the Defense Industry (which includes Pharma) after early retirement. Its the same model used with Pharma and their regulatory capture of CDC/FDA, except the MIC has been around longer

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Jan 29, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox


Thank you for all you do to keep us informed. God bless you.

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To be hidden for 75 years ?!?!

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I am beginning to think that the drug companies were paid off by government to market these horrendous mRNA injections. There real culprits are the DOD, DARPA, BARDA and a host of other government agencies all meshed together in ultra corruption never before seen on the planet.

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Not just Pzzzzzzer. They all need to be accountable!!

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E-Book... for Bezos Kindle only... GREAT!

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No, Kindle app on iPhone.

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So use an android tablet or phone instead.

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Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023

... and install the Kindle app, an Alexa to go... right...

The correct solutions:

1. Sell the pdf

2. Publish the book

I don't care having the Amazon DRM on any of my devices.

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Fair enough.

You don't need Alexa though.

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My point is that Amazon will likely use the app to spy on you (turning your device into an ad-hoc Alexa, who listens intently 24/7).

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Not if the device is never online.

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It is too late.

The blood supply is tainted. The food supply is tainted. Hospitals are glorified death chambers. God only knows what has been done to the water. To the air. To the soil.

The jabs are a mere distraction...

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"But if you insist, it is also available on our website."

Yes, I insist. I haven't bought or used Amazon for anything since 2016.

Amazon is a data collector and I'm not interested in sharing my data with them.

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I must ask, why are we so focused on Pfizer that we are letting Moderna and FDA/USG off so easily?

Pfizer doesn't even own a COVID Vaccine, not they aren't guilty of trial fraud (assisted by FDA)

I am starting to think Pfizer is just the designated patsy to let the others off the hook

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And no one has been prosecuted! Fauci has disappeared.😡

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