Jul 30, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

This all makes me want to PUKE!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

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Gane of funchon vaccine disease enhancement. This evidence demands a verdict.

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Yo, check out this old 30 second Pfauci video:

Dr. Anthony Fauci "12 Years after vaccine all hell breaks loose" (1999)

In a 1999 episode of NOVA "Surviving AIDS", Anthony Fauci warned that the potential harms of a new vaccine may only become apparent after more than a decade. And we have the footage.


He is such a dishonest hypocrite, and this video shows that.

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It should have age brackets as well. May be an overrepresentation of old people with the 4th dose and so on.

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Indeed, without a breakdown of vax rates in each age group, we cannot do much with this data. It does seem as though the vax are overrepresented even so.

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The graphs used here in this video and by Joel Smiley are actually the work of LCHF_Matt on Twitter, although he said he doesn't want any credit as long as the truth is getting out there, I think he deserves a little acknowledgement for his work : https://twitter.com/LCHF_Matt

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Our premier, Mark McGowan, here in Western Australia, is squirming his way out of - he hopes - culpability, by rewriting his tyrannical history of the past two-plus years, using carefully curated words in his TV grabs. He mandated hundreds of thousands of Western Australians to be injected three times or lose their jobs.

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