It's not a freakin question of process. This weasel is dodging the question. This is why i dislike those so called 'out of nowhere'-truth fighters. This poison has to be pulled asap, period.

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Yes this guy is a weasel, you got it right.

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Sasha called him/them out from the beginning: propagandists!

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I agree.

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there was and still is information about what IT really is and was earlier

There WAS and still IS an alternative protocol

but they blew it away as barnyard paste

when Merck won a Nobel in '15 for human use

I smelled a rat early in '20 and my naturopath was already networking with

reputable who were shoved aside in order to accommodate $$$$$$$

and a monster who was the SOLE voice with his stooges in CDC and WHO etc

THEY still advertise 'if you get COVID somebody will be left alone'

and hound me in any grocery store or drug store to protect myself and my

loved ones by stepping up for the booster

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And watch out for how that newly minted slogan might circulate now:

“We should have truth and reconciliation”

(uttered twice by mr. Means in this clip)

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That was a litmus test. He did not pass.

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did anyone really care in '20 early on?


Individuals who refused, as I did, were targeted like pariahs

They destroyed lives through

lockdowns (some committed suicide as they were robbed of all income by it)



NONE of that contained Spanish Flu, also a virus

yet they dragged it all out promising it would save lives

Perhaps one of most egregious what it did to family and friends

I can forgive and have, but I will never forget what THEY said to me

The scar it left in my soul will never go away

Some even walked away from years of friendship because I would NOT


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Of course he didn't pass - he's (was) a lobbyist, he moves in the direction of money unfettered by ethics.

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Congress needs to reinstate that drug manufacturers can and should be sued for the devastation against humanity!!! Period!!

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It was highly orchestrated and deliberate genocide!!!

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Designed to thin the population, which they stupidly see as the root of their deluded existential crisis. The WHO, NIH, CDC, etc. have said so in so many words.

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Currently and internationally the "no liability" jargon is failing. Instead of accepting this as a given, there is lawful remedy.

It is true that Pfizer and Moderna manufactured NO mRNA Quaxcine, they distributed.

The Gubmint manufactured them...

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Bingo BIG TIME !!!!

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There have been 1,652,230 reports to the VAERS through 10/25/2024 from the covid "vaccines"; 38,068 deaths, 218,646 hospitalizations, 155, 663 urgent care visits, 245, 447 doctor office visits, 10, 908 anaphylaxis, 17, 841 Bell's Palsy. Keep in mind that fewer than 1% of adverse events are actually reported to the system, according to a 3-year study conducted by Harvard Medical School, the results of which were made available to the public at the end of 2010/beginning of 2011. Even if you use the under-reporting factors suggested by Dr. Jessica Rose & Steve Kirsch, which is approximately 30-35%, the actual numbers are staggering. Is Calley Means not aware of this????

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NOBODY wanted even to acknowledge VAERS

They just kept harping and still are that is saves lives

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Adding to that is that the average person doesn't even know what VAERS is. If you were to go into a large grocery store & ask people on a random basis what the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System is, it would be the rare person who could tell you. If the average person doesn't even know what it is, how, on God's green earth are they expected to submit a report. On top of that, doctors were pressured & sometimes threatened if they submitted a report on the patient's behalf. Plus, I understand that the process is tedious & the person submitting the report is timed-out if they take too long to complete it, meaning that they have to start all over again. Everything about it is meant to dissuade one from making a report, even if they are somehow aware of the reporting system itself.

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I am an intensive care doc and anesthesiologist. I can state categorically that no doc I know ever reported to VAERS, and most have never heard of it.

We did see widespread morbidity, death, and destruction from the government shots at our institution.

And for those with Covid, hospitals were actively killing patients by maltreatment and withholding of proven treatment protocols that were essentially ordered from Fauci, Birx, et al. My father was killed this way. Any treatment deviation based on common sense and proven drugs that were safe, cheap, and effective would result in significant persecution for the doc and a huge loss of government money for the hospital.

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Sadly, I am not surprised to hear this. I am a retired RN, a former hospital staff nurse. My husband is a retired anesthesiologist. I thank my lucky stars everyday that I was long retired prior to what occurred in the hospitals during covid, as was my husband. Several nurse whistleblowers have stated that if they reported on the malfeasance that they were seeing, they were either dismissed or threatened in some manner. That essentially left the compliant to carry out hospital murders. One book that highlights some of this is, "What The Nurses Saw", by Ken McCarthy. My father practiced internal medicine in the small town where I grew up, from 1947 - 1975. Just prior to his retirement, is when the HMOs started appearing. He saw the whole disaster as it appeared on the horizon, when government & insurance companies would be dictating everything & he was incensed. I am sure he is now rolling around in his grave as to what has unfolded over the last 50-years. This travesty reached its apex over the last nearly 5-years, in terms of medical malfeasance & it doesn't appear as if anyone will be taken to task for crimes of both omission & commission.

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the medical community had the same information I had, thankfully I smelled a rat early on, and my physician, one of those dismissed

as 'not reliable' had been networking with REPUTABLE who were

shoved aside in order to accommodate a monster and big pharma

What little trust I had is gone now save for my physician who I have had since early 90s

I also came from a healthcare background. My father was a preventive medicine and my mother RN

Both would NEVER have accepted blindly as I witnessed

in what is called 'the medical community

For the most part, NONE showed brass at the time when there was

and still is an alternative protocol

Lockdowns, distancing and masks did NOTHING to contain

Spanish Flu, a VIRUS, yet when they dragged it all out in '20

the medical community championed the LIE that it would save lives

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Friends of mine died (ALL fully jabbed)

One of them was murdered in ICU when they used Remidisivir

which shut down her kidneys and she died in her own fluid

I have no words to describe what they death meant in terms of

world rejected Remdisivir due to its toxicity but YOU readily used it

on patients who could have survived

However, the medical community assumed the position in support


There is no excuse

I was teetering on the edge already due to what happened

when I had brain surgery, but this finished me off

Thankfully I have a trust physician who was already networking with

REPUTABLE who were shoved aside in order to accommodate big pharma

and a monster.

BTW that barnyard paste YOU ALL supported, won Merck a Nobel in

'15 for human use.

The Hydroxy that was entirely dismissed as too dangerous? My father used it weekly for 8 years when he was an adviser in I Corps Vietnam

I used it for weeks traveling in Africa (weekly)

WE both survived.

While I can forgive friends and family who accused me of being a hard hearted threat to society, I can NEVER forget the comments they made

The scars it left are embedded in my soul

Same goes for the medical community. I no longer trust any but

my physician and other physicians who stepped up to GENOCIDE

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NO excuse for those who bought the GENOCIDE

THEY were too busy pointing a finger 'a threat to society'

at those who did dig for information, e.g. me

I don't let them off and now they ask, and some have asked me

privately, what they can do now

I direct them to sites which WERE available when our govt,

big pharma, and Fauci rolled out cure for

GENOCIDE early '20, the jab

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VAERS is most difficult and cumbersome, government at its best. And, as I remember, if/when you submit a report, you claim, against Penalty of Law, you are not committing Perjury - which is threatening to most of us, knowing it depends on who is doing the judging.

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there are 17 mil dead worldwide directly attributed to the Quaxcine, and far more permanently disabled. Who cares what Means thinks?? Looking to a dolt for information does not bode favorably for the one searching. Steve Kirsch tried to debate and debunk Andrew Kaufman with results making Steve look worse than stupid...

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THAT is okay because GREED and NEED to control were met

and our 'govt' rubber-stamped' it gleefully

accusing anyone who resisted, including me, as pariahs

Some in Congress even suggested we be rounded up and incarcerated to

protect society

It brought back memories of another time AMERICANS were rounded


FDR did that.

Some suggested we be denied of any entrance to any public area.

There was and still is an alternative protocol but the reputable

were shoved aside

Fortunately I had a physician who outlined that protocol

While 3 friends have died, and several have been infected more than once

I have yet to have a sniffle

Their common denominator?

ALL fully jabbed

In 3 days I will be 83, which encourages those to

consider demanding I submit.

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Shouldn’t we care what Means says and how he acts? Isn’t he influencing decision makers who establish policies that affect us all?

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Calley Means to TOTALLY full of shit. Anyone who acts like that and then has the nerve to ask the other person, "Why are you so angry?" is a master manipulator.

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He is skillful, hence very dangerous. He was called out as being full of shit.

I would not have stopped there and would have stripped his blatherfest to shreads...

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Not really a Master manipulator...just a "wannabe"; another sociopath.

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These Johnny come latelys who are grabbing the media spotlight are not to be trusted IMO. Slick opportunists is all.

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Not to defend Means (they do come up with perfect names for the parts they play), but every time I've seen Dr. Kruse he is angry - and who can blame him? People have been lied to, and the lies never end, and no one is held accountable. I wish he would have said something to that effect. Means is a just another operative, a means to an end. It's hard to tolerate them.

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He refused to answer the simple question.

“Yes, or no.” He provided word salad, which equates to “no”.

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Dec 26Edited

Anyone who is "excited" about having Dr. Bhattacharya and Dr. Makary (and now we sadly have to add Dr. Means to the list) being nominated is just falling for their crowd-pleasing smooth-talking tactics. A major thing those "social media rockstar" doctors have in common is that they are clear mRNA vaccine supporters, dangerously (and almost criminally at this point, given their eagerness to question everything else) advocating for mRNA vaccines and boosters for the elderly. Another thing those doctors have in common is extremely hostile and ridiculing views towards lifesaving inexpensive alternative treatments such as ivermectin etc. But what REALLY sets these doctors apart from others is their frank OBSESSION with popularity and stardom on social media and elsewhere. Crowd pleasing and attention seeking appear to be their greatest strengths, while they seem to have shockingly little interest in saving lives and improving health, unlike someone like RFK Jr. for example.

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I don't have a problem with Battacharya. He co-authored the Great Barrington Declaration, at detriment to his career, and is solid. He was against lockdowns from the start.

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We can agree to disagree on that. The problem with Bhattacharya etc and their crowd-pleasing "anti covid countermeasures BUT PRO EXPERIMENTAL mRNA VACCINE" stance is the stunning and obvious hypocrisy. How can they claim on one hand that the pandemic is a nothingburger that doesn't warrant any significant countermeasures and doesn't even warrant safe treatments like ivermectin with plenty of promising data, but then claim on the other hand that the pandemic is serious enough to push experimental mRNA vaccines on millions of people? That stance certainly does not pass the smell test at all.

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While jay pished vaccines as a totality in the beginning when he was warning about mrna safety, after a live on air questioning by del big tree on a panel , he quietly stopped pushing all the other vaccines .

No one can argue against infant and children vaccines having zero “true” placebo control studies during their pre authorization clinical trials

And worse still, some of them having a safety monitoring periods of a ludicrous 5 days only while simultaneously being tested against another vaccine and not a real placebo .

No one can argue for that garbage , not even jay.

And most likely he looked into out and that’s why his push vanished into thin air afterwards

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You make a very strong case. The case is that this Doc is either clueless or incompetant, or both.

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You forget that the vast majority of medicos were trained with a totally pro-vax education that was/is dominated by big pharmaceutical influence. It has taken the Covid vaccine tragedy to break through the corrupt censorship and fraudulent science imposed by vested media interests to begin to reveal that medical education requires a complete review. Unfortunately that will not happen without extreme resistance.

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Intensive care doc and anesthesiologist here with 39 years in practice. I smelled a rat from day 1.

I also had done research in DNA transcription of viral (T4) DNA. It was patently obvious to me that everything being said and done was a totally unscientific farce.

BTW, I receive no vaccines whatsoever and almost never get even a mild cold. Never missed a day of work in 39 years.

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Dr. Bhattacharya is actually pretty good...I like him. Not familiar with the others.

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Was he for jabbing pregnant women?

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I disagree about Jay and Marty. Jay was author of the GBD and Marty tore a strip off the medical profession for denying natural immunity.

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Marty is a fool, but worse a genocidal one. The medical cartel has self destructed for better and worse...

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Except that is not almost criminal, it is the worst crime ever committed, and it is and was deliberate. RFK is a bit of a wildcard as he has waffled on many important issues. Still the fact that he is so hated by Big P and the Oligarchs is noteworthy.

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RFK is good on vaccines and processed food. A disaster on everything else. That's why Trump keeps saying that he needs to stay in his lane ("Keep away from my oil, Bobby", etc.).

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From Scottish Covid Inquiry and Denis Rancourt, plus others, Pandata, Wood House 76, Jonathan Englers, Trust the Evidence, Where are the numbers, all on substack, all dispute there ever was a novel killer virus, and the GBD was just more psyops to reinforce pandemic retoric.

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It wasn't novel as it had a "2" behind it. That means there was one before it (2002-3). It did exist. We have electron microscope views of it. Now does it cause the disease attributed to it? That's a whole other question.

I do agree with Denis that the vast majority of the deaths in 2020 onward were government intervention deaths. Even if the CDC's IFR of 0.3% was correct (they are always at the high end) that is only 3 times the regular influenza+pneumonia deaths which is about 50k-60k a year. All deaths over 150k-180k were government caused.

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Really? so you drank the e microscope kool aid. You Dead Pool are dead wrong...

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None of the nominated personalities that you refer above to are promoters of unsafe medical products. They all are dedicated to transparency, scientific and commercial, and will work to bring common sense and truth to bear in preventing future plandemic tragedies from recurring.

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Calley IS FULL OF SHIT! The hosts are 100% CORRECT! mRNA LNP should’ve been banned from the onset! This poison has nothing to do with our health! It’s totally destroying humanity as we speak. And everyone knows it! Just like GMO’s. F’n BS!!! We didn’t ask for any of this! They’re harming our children & all of us! Including our animals. This is infuriating. These people are evil!

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You right. Stephen Hawking got something in there when he said "Science will eliminate the specie". Any science that play with Nature is a deadly science.

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no need to candy coat it, these genocidal maniacs know exactly what they are doing

It is the worst evil imaginable, and is widespread

The only good news is the People know and are very very angry

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Yes, they put Hitler to shame for the greatest crime against humanity committed on global scale.

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and the harm hardly began with the mRNA offering, there is no Vax that has ever been

safe or effective. The whold deck of cards is massive fraud, and the doctors who have perpetuated this ( regardless of their reason) are unfit to serve...

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Pull the plug on that damn shot!!

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And pull the plug on that opportunist attempting to position himself with Bobby and all that that offers!

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Well, that's disappointing. Now I have to reconsider everything he says. I expected better of Callie.

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Both show up out of nowhere, call themself experts and don't even question the poisons publicly. They're a distraction from what is actually going on.

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Why? As Sasha has said: They came out of nowhere,as "freedom fighters". Credibility from where?? She refers to them as propagandists. Might they have a connection to "Nutty"...?

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And pay attention to how that newly minted slogan might circulate now:

“We should have truth and reconciliation”

(uttered twice by mr. Means in this clip)

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A person of integrity will answer questions truthfully and transparently unless it some kind of national security topic that is illegal to discuss. Once the word salad starts, it’s the signal to everyone the lies have begun.

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If you can't answer a simple yes or no question, the answer is no. We hear it and you don't have to even say it.

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Exactly!! Calley is a total shill and political snake

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Oh my gosh, I love this. The Means siblings have suddenly been everywhere and I think they’re full of themselves with their unearned virtue. Means has a health company and has a vested interest in pushing his views. His sister likes to have her face on everything and be looked at as an expert on every health-related topic. I’ve been suspicious of them for a long time.

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I mistakenly subscribed to emails from Casey Means. Her health advice is weird, at best: drum circles and other very California New Age stuff. I unsubscribed and no longer think she’s even rational.

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You do not want to play games intellectually or otherwise with Kruse or Bowden, especially Kruse..

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Calley and Dr. Casey Means explain the link of metabolic health to disease yet the big ugly beast of cause of disease is Vaccines. Scolding people to eat right but neglecting to mention a powerful driver of these diseases is ingenuous at best and calculating and playing both political sides at worst.

Most people have taken vaccines and have damaged immune systems.

The comparison of health outcomes between the unvaccinated and vaccinated have been documented and are astounding. This is why we don't see the studies published and celebrated.

The good news (read data in: thecontrolgroup.org) shows that the unvaccinated had 0.00 percent diabetes and 0.00 heart disease.

Vaccines cause autoimmunity and can cause a variety of disease symptoms.

James Lyons-Weiler and Portland, OR pediatrician, Dr. Paul Thomas, did a comparison research study of the unvaccinated, partial vaccinated, and fully vaccinated patients according to the CDC schedule and compared their amount of doctor office visits. Their results were similar to the control group. Dr. Paul Thomas lost his medical license due to publishing this truth.

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On target, Mary Lou. I agree completely. The Means siblings don't mention vaccines and their impact on the mitochondria or our immune systems AT ALL. It's difficult to trust them because of this.

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There is always room at the party or table for more truth tellers who will hopefully reach a new and wider audience.

Gary Null PhD. has been a nutrition and supplement educator for 50+ and has never held back on the vaccine truth and how vaccines effect health.

You can hear Gary Null on Progressive Radio Network ( https://prn.live/) or go to his website: https://garynull.com/

My hope is Calley and Dr. Casey Means will embrace the whole truth and not just parts that are expedient. Not knowing something is different than suppressing information, so want to give both the benefit of the doubt.

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Kruse is correct! Period.

The young guy is so full of baloney, it shows when he parrots the deep state, WHO, NIH bullshit.

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