Jun 22Liked by The Vigilant Fox

“If we want this thing to end, companies will be responsible for the products that they make, period. And then they’ll stop. The minute Pfizer and the minute Moderna have fiscal and civil and criminal liability for the things that they actually are producing ... We will not have a pandemic.”


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Japan has returned its batches and is demanding the company be held responsible. This could be the beginning of the fall of the dominoes. Let' hope.

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Japan may have returned batches, but they're in the process of rolling out even worse spike protein, modified RNA, self spreading jabs. Guess you haven't been following the coverage Michael Yon did in Japan and the scientists blowing the whistle on what's going to be rolled out in Japan in Oct.

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They dont want to be hit with another Tsunami for non compliance.

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RemovedJun 23·edited Jun 23
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Excellent. And very comprehensive. Well done. It's hard to believe there are sheople out there unfamiliar with the references you make.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

How on earth do you convince boomer military people who have been jabbed beyond the beyond and are just used to getting anything put into their arms? And they believe anything they're told by the lying excuse for a government. They are in the late 60's and early 70's.

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May not be possible. Give them the info (so you have a clear conscience); and what they do with it, is on them. Some people are so committed to the BS indoctrination they've received in the matrix they reside in, they can't be "saved". They're in love with the psyop of the Truman Show they live in, they won't give up worshipping at the altar of the cult. Plus most are severely cognitively and mentally impaired... not just from drinking the kool-aid, but from actual brain damage from participating in the white-coat culture they adore of pills, more pills, followed by jabs and then more pills, from the ills inflected upon them from the "experts" they hold in high esteem who destroyed them in the first place. Mass formation psychosis.

Stockholm Syndrome. But mostly they're lazy, very lazy, and weak, very weak; and too invested in their false reality, victim mentality, sports teams, beer, and lamestream whore media narratives to take responsibility for themselves or their actions/choices. There are those who can't be awakened or saved, so you leave them behind.

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A lot of the elderly in that age group are still caught up in the "What About Polio" nonsense where they believe that the shots they got as kids stopped a polio epidemic. What the shots actually did was introduce into the human population the virulent monkey cancer virus SV40 which some people think is at least partly responsible for the cancer crisis we are having today.

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James Bryson, the immunity for these companies is exactly why I will never take a shot. And I'm very, very careful with medication, if I'm prescribed. Having no liability makes you untrustworthy in my eyes. If these companies were held accountable, this never would've happened.

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The whole allopathic medical system, set up by Rockefeller and his assistant reverend Gates, neither were doctors, both had an empire agenda, is a fraud and not intended to heal. You need to read my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH. subtitled THE GROWTH AND MECHANISMS OF THE ROMERICAN EMPIRE

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The problem is when they are fined for deliberately killing people it's never enough.

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exactly .. they have paid billions out and still it goes on and progressively worse than last time .

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Let’s do like the French people. Guillotine time. One and done.

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The people who work for Big Pharma really don't care if the company gets sued. They still get their paychecks and their bonuses regardless and the executives get a pay increase and stock options.

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Yes. And Government Agencies like NIH, Fauci’s Agency (can’t remember the acronym), CDC, FDA should be defunded and disposed of and Fauci and his cohorts MUST be brought up on serious charges. They CREATED this gain of function, not of the natural world so-called virus. They CALLED it that so they could SELL a Vaccine. But it was NOT a vaccine. It is a genetic modifying nightmare. I want Pharma and their so-called Government regulators in prison. People died, people are seriously injured and our kids are totally screwed up because of these MONSTERS. Nuremberg 2.0 time.

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Yes. Amen. Hopefully ending childhood vaccines along with pandemics. This is the way forward!

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Autism is now 1 in 36 children and some people think the ratio is a lot less than that. Every 1 in 6 school children has some sort of mild to profound disability believed to be caused by the childhood vaccine schedule such as: Allergies, ADD, ADHD, Diabetes T2,

Delayed Speech, Tourette's Syndrome, Anxiety, Obesity, Autism...... For more information, https://vaccines.procon.org/vaccine-ingredients-and-manufacturer-information/

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No the people who lied and plotted the death jab need to be prosecuted and punished, the companies will just hire good lawyers and fight it out forever and NEVER pay.

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Jun 22Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Boom 💥 direct and to the point… ❤️❤️❤️

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Trump was indeed responsible for closing down the country by calling a national state of emergency. Instead of manning up, he blamed governors. I exposed that the hospitals were empty, that protocols followed by doctors were deadly, that the real cause of death was 5G, all before the production of the bioweapons. Furthermore, back in May 2016, I exposed that Gates would depopulate the planet using vaccines in my book EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE. I have evidence that my parole officer showed him my information. In addition that book exposed that the ballot machines are owned by the Bush family and operated by the CIA. We don't know who we voted for for decades. Trump was selected like all the rest, not elected. Furthermore, trump like other politicians, is a puppet chosen for his acting and deceiving capabilities. Legislation is created in the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. The circus showing charges against tRump are phony indeed, they are created to make him appear to be battling the hated establishment, as if they hate him and are trying to stop him. BULLSHIT.





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You are absolutely correct and thank you for all the links. Directly Over the Target 🎯

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I struggled for ages trying to keep up with the movie of Trump the hero but I’m now in the other camp of they are all in the club and we’re not and even the illusion of God is fading as more and more exposures come regarding the writing of the bible. I should be shattered but I’m angry and pissed off. No plans atm. Just coming to terms with this circus. But it’s been entertaining watching all the acts played out one after the other. Treading water atm.

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RFK Jr is authentically our best bet for a brighter future

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funny, but he supports Israel. Every politician is an actor and liar. RFK went to a Jesuit college. He is no better than the others, just a better liar

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My books would ensure that you keep that knowledge, and confirm what you just related. I never fell for Trump con, but I was CHristian for ten years myself, before thoroughly debunking the bible and exiting the faith very quickly. Jehovah is very real and very evil. THe kingdom of God is hell, and the CHristians invite everybody in. THE Vatican serves Lucifer, and secretlly rules over the US and over every CHristian denomination. The devil is, of course, a liar.

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You are doing exactly what they want...for, in fact, you do not know for absolute certainty about God or Christians. It is simply your belief.

Whether a person "likes" it or not, in North America, we are living in what what was primarily a Christian nation and now that it is being dismantled, you are seeing the results of no morals, ethics and careless attitude for others.

I'll take God loving community any day over the opposite which is basically nihilism and a do whatever the hell you want attitude.

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Christians secretly worship Lucifer. The devil is a liar, and will accuse everybody else of having bad morals, while christians are the biggest phonies and are plastic. They are in hell, and pretend to be virtuous and pure and holy, and like to pretend that it is others who have bad values and character. We need to look at substances over appearances. The phonies evangelize to bring naive innocent people into the kingdom of God, which is in reality hell, and is forever torment. the fire is fine, come on in. The scientific ethical ones are sinners, us CHristians are pure and holy. Come join us and be perfect like us. And in the meantime, the world is evil and sinful, and righteous people observing from the outside see Christianity as a safe haven, and join. Satan tricks them into his kingdom. The whole world and almost everybody is under his rule.

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retarded Christians have belief, better defined as superstition. I have knowledge or lack of knowledge, not belief. I know the Bible inside out, have debunked it thoroughly. From its inception, the Christians murdered native Americans, had slaves, were phonies. Jefferson, who wrote "life, liberty, and the pursuit.." had 180 slaves. The constitution does not address exploitation, oppression, and deception. The founders had full knowledge of the nature of mankind and of rulers, and deliberately developed the nation to go to this destination. the Great Experiment of America was to hold a whole nation in control by deception and illusion of freedom, liberty, and equality, while only a few experienced the good parts. Jim Crow, and in today's prisons are 800,000 slaves with forced labor paying only a few cents an hour.

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you assume I am nihilistic. I am a free thinker and do not fit into any box of thinking that has been provided by an evil establishment. I recently proved that the US was created by freemasons whose American great experiment was to rule over the masses instead of the traditional Christian method of kings and armies and serfdom and feudalism, a brutal and exploitive style as exercised by Christian nations, and instead to impose a prison of lies and deceptions to give the impression of freedom, equality and liberty from the very foundations.

The Vatican rules over every Christian denomination, and they all worship Lucifer


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Excuse me, but I was a devout true believer for ten years, loved God, believed the bible, and applied every part of my life to it. I had ministries, was a pillar in a large church headed by pastor Jonathan Cahn who led the national day of prayer. I studied the bible independently 10,000 hours, and finally after ten years, saw the real nature of the faith and exited real quick, and debunked it thoroughly in my book THE UNTOLD NATURE OF CHRISTIANITY. None of the significant number of pastors, scholars, or seminary professors could defeat me in debate of any of the scores of points I made in that book proving all I had to say with many hundreds of scriptures.

I have a code of ethics to live by at the end of the book= SHARES

Spartan Humanitarian Autonomous Religious Ethical Society.

I prove in that book that the Bible is a book of occult symbolism, bad values, contradicting concepts, spells, and outright lies, and is a portal to hell.

In my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH, subtitled THE GROWTH AND MECHANISMS OF THE ROMERICAN EMPIRE, I prove that the Vatican is the great power, secretly rules over the US, and over every Christian denomination, and serves Lucifer.

I have impeccable integrity, ethics, and morals, and put them to use, living by them. I have been ethical my whole life, before, during, and after being Christian. I do not need commandments from an invisible sky daddy to threaten me with hell or bribe me with heaven to behave exceptionally. IF you do you are not good, you are a sociopath on a leash. I aspire to greatness, righteousness, and goodness. I am righteous for righteousness' sake, not because I fear any God. Jehovah is Satan, dumbass.

Look at the United States, the Christian nation. THe militaristic bully of the world. rich and greedy and the American Dream is monetary prosperity, not liberty or righteousness or equality or fairness or justice. And Christians love mercy and grace. They like mercy, to be forgiven of sin because they want to sin. They want grace because they don't want to earn favor, they want blessings that they dont' deserve. I want justice and righteousness. Because I am righteous. I don't need forgiveness. America is full of CHristian sinners. And the sad and pathetic part is that they are proud to be Christian and American.

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Blah blah blah blah and blah.

Go away.

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I am soooo insulted that a retarded Christian doesnt like me. Soo sorry and feel so hurt.... make me, motherfucker.

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People keep looking for a saviour. That person is us. Powerful people never give up their power willingly. It MUST be taken from them. This has taken too long and people are too comfortable or too traumatized to revolt. But that's what must happen. Nothing less.

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Could someone answer a question that has been burning in my stomach…we have heard that Dr. David Martin, owning the “patent world”, knew about all of the gof research, the new patented diseases, so why didn’t he come out with all of this crap, so we didn’t have to go through all the crap we went through? Thanks

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He did in May of 2020 on YouTube and the video was promptly removed by the censorship. I heard this video way back then and Dr. Sacharit Bhakdi was also outspoken early, placing his information on Bitchute, In addition, he wrote a book(along with his wife) about the scam way back in 2020. The censorship was the issue, not the revealing of the information. Many tried.

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Thank you. I know many tried, Dr. David Martin has always been a mystery to me. Seeing him at the WEF, the WHO…some times I just wonder. He is an anomaly like Malone.

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Over the target 🎯 🎯 🎯

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I think Lisa means he’s in the club too. Is that it?

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This is true. I was able to access Martin's and Bhakdi's information at the time.

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Dr. David Martin has been sounding the alarm since this bullshit pandemic began. You can thank the powers of information suppression a.k.a. censorship for just learning this.

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I have also, saving millions of lives. But censorship? I am so radical that no glitzy popular high exposure platforms will feature me. I have a newsletter that goes viral daily, and about 100 million read me every day internationally. But only if forwarded by a contact. I exposed all this long before others. Citizen journalists with brains do the real work and expose the plastic fantastic pretend glitzy famous personalities, who are all rich.

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Martin DID come out with this. And much more. He's been shouting from the rooftops since the plandemic got underway. Are you not familiar with his work?

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Hi Liz, I am. I went to his site in 2020, what is it again, Dr.David Martin.world ? I saw all the patents bought by the US military. My question is again, I know I sparked a healthy debate, who is he really? What are his intentions? He waited too long to benefit from gof research! Then he opens his mouth? He should have SHUT IT ALL DOWN WITH SARS COV 1, MERS and the mil knew. BUT WHY DIDNT HE STOP IT? Not mad just extremely confused. Same with Malone. Inventor of mRNA, and people still think he’s the cats meow….he is a murderer. YOU DONT MESS WITH OUT RNA/DNA! I GUESS SCIENCE TOOK GOD OUT OF IT ALL. REMEMBER WHO YOUR CREATOR IS AND ITS NOT MAN!!!!!!!!

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Did you watch this whole video? If not watch the whole thing. David Martin has been warning people for 20 years he says.

David Martin is the only one saying out loud right here that the liable shield needs to be removed from the haxxine makers. RFK, Jr is not saying this out loud. Nor Del Bigtree & Aaron Siri. They are going the slow route of fighting to get exemptions from mandates and for CDC to do studies/trials of vaxxed vs. unvaxxed. Really? Whose CHILDREN should we sacrifice and inject with poison in the trials?

Removing liability shields is the best way as Big Harm knows their injections are harmful and they will get sued for every injection out there. Most parents know nothing of the liability shields. This will alert them all if this gets out.

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I went to his website. Gabriella, look, people are great deceivers. If he was a true whistleblower, and he “owns” the FBI agent office, then why didn’t he step up like Ted Gunderson, who was the head of the FBI in the 1980’s, came out and took led us about chem trails it was done on vhs tape. In less than 1 year, and he knew, they took him out, but it started the whole geo-engineering watch, which we have now. If it wasn’t for Gunderson we would still be in dark about chem trails

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I know about the liabilities. I don’t think the feds are going to change that one. Didn’t they try to do this in the 70’s with the polio vaccine? Just asking…cause that did not get far.

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Exactly! Well stated!

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He was one of the first shouting out. But with censorship, you are shouting into the wind.

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I had videos of him years ago. Would CNN/Fox cover it? nope

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Great question. One he should answer.

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Come out when exactly do you mean? I’ve been watching Dr Martin exposing all of this since the convid began in 2020.

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He knew, as he owns the patent office. And the patents.

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Controlled opposition is in play here. Discernment is desperately needed. Dr Martin supports Trump even though it was Trump who shut down the country and handed the USA over to FEMA on 03/13/2020. That action automatically nullified our Constitution and took away our rights. Trump is NOT stupid. He is extremely intelligent. He was not conned by anyone. Trump is the person conning everyone else. He is a major player in the plan to bring in the new world order. His supporters worship him like a god. The antichrist is rising.

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I remember that Trump was only for temporary shut down due to the pressure from Fauci who’s us snake. No dissenting voices or opposition with research proof was allowed to be considered by Trump. Look at what occurred to Dr. Scott Atlas who tried to give the real input but was stopped, denied and defamed for daring to not bow to the burr rat voices.

The long shut down was not Trumps baby it was Fauci and Burkes idea pushing Governors through misleading documents and faux science papers published by NIH and CDC as well as weak kneed doctors who knew better but afraid to go against the loss of job etc.

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RFK Jnr will do this. He’s the answer.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 23

RFJ Jr is a globalist to the hilt, and a [fake] climate narrative zealot. Just because RFK is anti FauciFraud, don't think for one minute he's anti vax and anti pHARMa. (He wants SAFE quackccines. There's no such thing.) He's anti 2A, which means he's not all warm and fuzzy on protecting the Constitution. He's a neocon who is all on board with these insidious, heinous wars and sending our children to die for !srahell and Pukeraine; and he's all in with the military industrial complex. He's as controlled as you can get, which should be clear from his VP pick. And if RFK is so knowledgeable and wants to protect kids, where has he been since 1986 when the liability was removed from big pHARMa for vaxxes so they could be shielded from ANY accountability for their unsafe, deadly products? And if he's so concerned about protecting kids, why would he support abortion all the way post birth? This whole RFK nonsense is getting tiresome and shows how sheople have learned nothing from c0vid about doing their due diligence.

RFK's VP. Real prize. Just like him.

Nicole Shanahan: Globalist stooge


Shanahan's Bia-Echo Foundation:


Shanahan's Strumwasser: Lightning Labs:



ClearAccessIP: Shanahan


Zero Acre: funded by Shanahan:


Shanahan donated $4M to RFK campaign:


And on and on.

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Awesome comment, thank you for the information. RFK Jr. has created some havoc in Western Canada, too, with his Water Keepers GREEN people coming into our country and telling us how to manage our water. Truly has pissed a lot of us off with his Agenda. Control of Canada’s great rivers that flow into America. He is a GREEN menace.

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You are most welcome. Many also seem to ignore that (in his own words, in many speeches) psycho RFK called for imprisonment of ANYONE who's not on board with the "green agenda". What's most disturbing that this "puppet of science" spreads the gospel of "carbon, bad" and that CO2 is a pollutant. First of all, humans are "carbon". Eliminating "carbon" means eliminating humans. Secondly, C02 is necessary for ALL life, including maintaining health and homeostasis in the body. No CO2 equals no life. No photosynthesis. No plant life. No growth or life of any kind. That's RFK Jr's fabulous agenda, while his boot legged, laundered family money puts him securely underground into the "elite" lush cities into which CO2 is being "sequestered" and pumped into. RFK is a demonic puke of the worst kind... typical globalist scum.

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He also said that Israel is not committing genocide and has done nothing but help others. He is in deep with the zionists and juice.

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Exactly. He's a hypocrit and liar extraordinaire. Genocide by ethnisociopaths., especially if committed by the Synagogue of Satan, is a virtue, in RFK Jr's deranged sociopathy.

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In other words he's still a Democrat!

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It is an awesome comment! Thanks!😊

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And why was JJ Couey let go from CHD?

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Just having a casual look at his web site (with broken SSL certificates) I think I too would let him go from wherever he was if I could.

Perhaps he is ahead of the curve but I have some suspicions. He has in his web page the following and it is made up or a dozen interrelated terms and fields that I have never even heard of even on the fringe.

"Research Interest:

My work uses advanced patch clamp techniques, optogenetics, and promotor/enhancer driven gene expression to dissect cortical and subcortical microcircuits. I am particularly interested in the structure-function relationship between local connectivity and the in vivo functional properties of neocortical microcircuits."


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RFK Jr is much closer to fixing this than Trump. RFK's book on Fauci tells the complete tragic story of the corrupt regulators, unchecked pharma and thier media bribery, the whole rotten scam. Regrettably RFK won't become President, but would make an excellent ally in the White House.

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RFK would do so much for this country's infrastructure, we would have safer water and food, no medical mandates. I don't agree with all his positions, but there is no question he would change the trajectory for citizens for the better.

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RFK is a Democrat period. Just because he has it right in Fauci doesn’t mean he’ll stray from Democrat agenda as a whole.

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I think his goal is to bridge the divide causing polarization and such enmity between parties. I envision a constructive general trajectory, no one will get everything they want in a leader.

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🤔 Safer food? Coming from a green agenda, "net zero", climate zealot who hates that methane from farting cows; and hates CO2, which is necessary for all life on earth? That's the guy you're counting on for safe food? 😅 Oh, you mean lab-engineered, "climate friendly" GatesOfHell food and "eat zee bugs" food? Because that's what the climate agenda he supports is about. Safe food. You've GOT to be kidding. If your comment isn't satire, you REALLY need to wake up. And find out what the "carbon" BS he supports is really about. Zero carbon= zero humans, zero life. How do people not understand 7th grade CO2 science when it comes to this stuff?🤦‍♀️ Good grief.

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See how the controllers have created chaos in people's minds. It is unbelievable that almost no one agrees on anything. RFK is another actor in the horror/comedy movie that we all are watching. All theatre, all controlled by parasites whom we have no idea who they are.

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He is not going to win. But many green groups have distanced themselves. His advocacy has leaned into clean water, the environment and human rights. His environmental policy focus is on changing agricultural subsidies to support sustainable practices. He wants to encourage industries to reduce toxic waste, and pesticides. He has won against Monsanto and many other vital environmental cases. I think you are wrong in your understanding of pollution and its effects on water, soil, food and health. It is a big deal, not to be minimized because of political bipartisanship.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 26

And I think you've been bamboozled with words like "sustainable", a key word that is used to push the "green" agenda. If he was legitimately concerned about water, food, soil and health, his first "cause" would be to stop geoengineering and the toxic chemtrails that have poisoned the planet. If he had won anything (other than money to line his pockets) against Monsanto, Monsanto/Bayer would be held accountable for crimes against humanity for the poisons that are killing everyone on earth with genetic modification, glyphosate, etc; and, to date, Monsanto continues their atrocities worldwide except for countries where they're banned, like Russia. And when he talks about supporting companies with "sustainable practices" you damn well better understand HOW he's defining that because it means lab-grown cancer-cell cultured "meat", cricket farms, maggot milk, and other frankenfoods (as defined by his globalist cronies; because by their insane, convoluted definition, these frankenfoods are considered "sustainable"). He's not talking about permaculture, regenerative farming, organic practices, heirloom REAL plants, etc. Whenever someone starts using the word "sustainable", you better understand what they mean by that (it's not what you think) and run in the opposite direction. And if you think that RFK is gonna go against the military-industrial complex (that he fully loves and supports) and get rid of chemtrails that are the REAL cause of all the destruction of food, soil, water, etc, you're seriously misguided.

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I have spoken many times to one of his closest friends. You have him wrong I assure you.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

See above comments for what a globalist demon RFK is. The only "allies" of RFK are globalist, neocon agendas of mass genocide and the "green agenda", including putting into prison (his words, not mine) ANYONE who doesn't agree with the climate change psyop for the destruction of humanity. He may talk out of both sides of his mouth about the big pHARMa cartel, but he's sure on board with killing innocent children via bombs or under the guise of "health care" when killing the unborn, up to and including post birth. Yep. He's really an ally to protecting life, as he worships at the altar of "carbon, bad" and getting rid of CO2 which is necessary for ALL life forms, including humans. Sure sounds like someone who's an "ally" to humanity. (He's just anti Pfizer to protect Moderna, the D0D "front company" for the continuance of the bi0weap0n agenda.)

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Agree. I would bring him in and SIC him on Pharma and the Government so-called Regulators. NIH, CDC, FDA - defund and GUT them. I like Trumps idea of putting Federal Agencies in the geographic areas they regulate. OUT of DC! Agriculture Dept into the Great Plains, Energy into Texas/Oklahoma, I could go on but you get the drift. Disperse DC into the Country, so they LIVE with the people and Industries they regulate.

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iread it should be i jail for murdering AIDS victims back then

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I lived with a doctor, as I was so sick. It will be a survival story. She injected men with aids, so Fauci and Gallo could try AZT. Imagine that? Done at Montefiore. It’s sick. Iam extremely traumatized.

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You're a one issue voter and that's not good. RFK loves the Green Agenda and is a believer in Climate Change. We don't need to go to another bad ideas fake Dem.

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Am I the fake dem?????? Look you all, I am the one who screwed up your lives with voting independent! ALL OF MY LIFE!



RFK, jr. Was seen with newly indoctrinated at Bohemian Grove, James O’Keefe. I am going with my gut like I always do and I am NOT A DUMB DEM!!!I GET ENOUGH BACKLASH FROM THE DUMB DEM STATE I LIVE IN, PEOPLE ARE ZOMBIES LITERALLY. (THIS IS A DUMB DEM STATE, BUT MR. TRUMP HAS A GOLF COURSE HERE, OUR STATE IS TRULY RED NOT BLUE),


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Great response. The ONLY thing I like about RFK Jr. is his position on Covid and the Vaccine Agenda (70 shots before 18 years old!!!!) His other positions are GREEN radical.

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PEOPLE, it is all theatre. It is all planned. They are already have the next president lined up. They already have everything in place to bring down the USA and every other country will follow. The politicians are basically making a shitload of money to spew nonsense from a script that was given to them. They all have an allegiance to one country and that country is demolishing palestine.

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Odd, his position on energy is that each industry must pay for their external costs to the environment. Beyond that he wants the people to choose the energy that is the cheapest when counting in ALL THE COSTS. That is the most sane energy policy I have heard from the lips of a politician.



Show me any useful energy or environmental policies from the other candidates or parties.

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I doubt it. He believes in vaccines just not this one. I think they are all playing us.

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Exactly. He's part of the "get Pfizer" agenda to protect the REAL little D0D front-puppet, bi0weap0n "darling"... Moderna (Murderna). No. I don't support Pfuckzer. I think they should burn in hell after being repeatedly fed their synthetic poisons -- all of them -- from the D0D bi0weap0n jab to every other poison they've made. But taking down Pfizer is a smokescreen to protect Murderna. Ask yourself why these DA's and others are only going after Pfizer for the bi0weap0n jab WHEN MODERNA MADE THE SAME DEADLY, HORRIFYING PRODUCT? Duh. Who is Moderna... REALLY? if you don't know, find out. And stop getting sucked into these crazy narratives and psyops over and over again. If you don't know who ALL the enemies are and what their war plan is, you're fighting the wrong enemies... and supporting lunatics who've been given a well-crafted script of BS to further confuse you. Alice-in-Wonderland psyop much?

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He is being careful with his words to prevent total shock from the voters.

He wants SAFE vaccines and is on record saying none have been tested and he wants them to be tested to at least the sam degree as other drugs. He knows they will fail these tests.

If he said he was anti-vax then the media would have an excuse to boycott him completely and the sheep would believe the reasons the media gives.

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Really? I agree with most on here. I think he will do the vax thing, but he is a environmental lawyer! For F—-SAKE! Of course he is for the narrative! He fits it perfectly! A falconer, he has, what 10 kids? Welcome to Camelot all over again. But I am sure Hines will have a close connection with him…trust doesn’t go a long way anymore!

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nobody with high exposure is for the people. IF you are authentically and radically good and for the people, thus opposing the establishment, they do not allow for news media coverage, and those who do give you exposure are censored and given penalties. I have penned three world changing books, have ideas that could alter civilization for far far better, uncovered all the lies and started the red pill movement. While I do have readership of 100 million, you cant' find me on the internet, they scrub me. How many others get like treatment?

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I did, sir. I made a huge mistake in 2015. I visited the nsa. I am not on internet either, you can’t find me. That’s what happens when you use your computer science skills!🤣🤣🤣

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I published EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE, subtitled TYRANNY THROUGH GOVERNMENT, RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS, AND MEDIA DECEPTION in May 2016. In July an intelligence agent went through my computer and files. IN September I was charged falsely, went to a kangaroo court, and went to prison. I was told there that they were watching my book sales, were investigating all my acquaintances, asked if I was PLO, had a mossad agent and later military intelligence bunkies. I got out only nine months later, and wrote two much more powerful exposing books.

I have been repeatedly incarcerated(44 months the past nine years), been assaulted thirty times the past ten years, live in one room in a basement, have no AC, no heating vent, no vehicle, no stove, do have rats, have lost all my friends and family, work alone with no assistance, create a newsletter read by over a hundred million people internationally, and do it all for free. I live off a small social security check. I was born 1957. I work to create the newsletter 12-14 hours every day, no weekends, holidays, or vacations off.

I looked on your substack and did not see any powerful revelations or info. VErify your words, give me some evidence. You don't seem so scientifically gifted. but claim to be disabled.



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I knew it was a laughably fake pandemic. Didn’t need to be TOLD!

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I think F & B ensured Scott Atlas was kept in the one down position, and therefore Trump was deprived of real scientific advice. It was a set-up of Trump. Scott Atlas had brought several real expert scientists/doctors to the white house and was told that Birx was not going to attend, so he was only allowed five minutes to advise the President. Trump asked questions for 45 minutes, still not nearly enough time. Atlas was squeezed out; how different things would have been if he was given the leadership he deserved, so many lives would have been saved. So, it is easy to see how all of this was choreographed by F & B.

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This was one of Alex’s best interviews despite his interrupting Dr Martin throughout the interview. Dr Martin is a “national treasure.”

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Executive orders can be rescinded. But he's right. I've been saying since the shot rolled out, Trump will get blamed.

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He should be blamed. He is part of the whole operation. I can’t believe people are so dumb they can’t see what he is.

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And I can't believe how little you know about the history of c0vid and the jab. The truth has been out for years, yet you're still clueless, sucked into the narrative. You're exactly the type of person who should watch the entire Dr Martin Interview, because in that interview, YET AGAIN, for the umpteenth time, everything is clearly reviewed and explained... which you've obviously opted to ignore these last several years, along with understanding what happened, how it happened, and who the bad guys are. But it's likely you won't educate yourself; because if you were inclined to do so, you would've done so by now after all this time that the info has been available.

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Seems like she is too lazy to read or research. Don’t waste your time.

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It is you who obviously knows nothing. I am a medical professional who called this out in 2017. Please don’t spread any more lies. Educate yourself.

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Martin and many other authors have written ages ago……

In 2012 the USA DOD DAARPA ADEPT P3 program had mRNA vaxxes ready to roll out within 60 days whenever needed!!!!!!

The military was rolling out vaxxes no matter what and regardless of what any studies said!! Moderna/Pfizer were just fronts so people wouldn’t think it was the military.

All the players had their patented viruses ready to go years earlier too.

Many authors have laid out the plan that when years back including having the vials ready to go for mass production.

Trump and his allies initial plan was for the elderly only. Then he was gone!!!!!

Biden mandated the vax and the government hid the bad data for a long time.

There is lots more that most people know. You need to read more and educate yourself. You are spreading 3 year old misinformation. Blah blah blah trump. Omg. You are making yourselves look like paid trolls or foolish.

Catch up. You are years behind.


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Correct. The jab was developed long ago, a D0D operation. This history of this psyop was planned for decades.

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I Don't know why, but I was blocked from liking this comment. It was one of the best.

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@Michael Lewis Kahn

The reply feature on SubStack is barely working for anyone, nothing personal. Sometimes I click and then minutes later or when I return to a thread the Heart is turned on, sometimes it never turns on. It would be great if SubStack fixed it or if it is sometimes restricted for unpaid subscribers they could have it say so.

You wrote of your hardships and I thank you for your service even though I had not hear of you before.

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Guess again. As one medical professional to another, don't embarass yourself with transparent BS.

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Every medical professional is a fraud. You should know by now that pharmaceuticals are harmful and that many are addictive. allopathy is a sham and does more harm than good. Doctors are drug pushers. The only legitimate doctors are naturopaths. Stop advertising that you are a medical professional. It is like advertising that you sell cocaine and other harmful substances. You destroy lives as you tell us that you heal us. Doctors are wrongly respected by some. I have nothing but spit for you.

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Perhaps you should have inquired what KIND of med professional. Haven't been involved with conventional medicine since leaving the Rockefeller/Carnegie pHARMa model field of contrived medical death for profit in the 90's for the reasons you cited... and many more, that would make your self-professed "knowledge" look like kindergarten story hour. So save your rant for someone on the other side of the genocide fence.

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OH MY GOD. PEOPLE, it is all theatre. It is all planned. They are already have the next president lined up. They already have everything in place to bring down the USA and every other country will follow. The politicians are basically making a shitload of money to spew nonsense from a script that was given to them. They all have an allegiance to one country and that country is demolishing palestine. ALL OF THEM HAVE BEEN BOUGHT AND SOLD.

Trump was put in to divide people and boy did it ever work.

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But wasn’t our government (DOD) involved in creating this bioweapon?

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Yep. Watch the entire (recent) Dr Martin Interview with Alex Jones, where he goes over it, AGAIN, as he has for years. (Or search for Dr David Martin's interviews over the years, if that's not enough.) And look into Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt's work. And Todd Callender's. And on and on. It's hard to fathom how people aren't aware of all this at this point in time.

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My frustration is born of too many useless “conversations” with people in that political class that went something like, “No, not everyone has a private jet” or “No, you are not the only person in the state who does not possess a mink coat”. Real sentences I have had to say…so, I do not think for a moment that the District of Clown (DC) crew has any true desire to consider what the American people want for their country or for their families. Not by a long shot aside of Senator Frank Nicely and Representative Bud Halsey of Tennessee and a small smattering of folks I may not be aware of. I already hit my “representatives” up in Colorado and really, we have some lackluster folks in this state. Apparently the cream no longer rises to the top. I am convinced it is up to us.

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Yes, Operation Warp Speed was the name given to the DOD project.

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In addition to the book Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi published early in CovidCon, I purchased the book Dr. Richard Flemming published in early 2021 entitled Is Covid-19 a Bioweapon? A Scientific and Forensic Investigation. His book documents funding via DOD, HHS and myriad organizations so this information has been readily available from essentially the beginning. I looked up patents initially to see who/what held what patents-who would be benefitting, especially after hearing some buffoon from the federal reserve try to promote the “good news” of a way out of lockdown via “daily testing and immunity badges” in April 2020 on Face the Nation. Trump accepted quite a chunk of money from Pfizer, too. I come from the political asshole class….the folks in that group do not give a crap about “the people”. Trump, RFK Jr-seriously? We need to govern ourselves. How well has the left-right lesser of two evils worked out for the general population since I have been alive? Um, not well. Fabulously for the oligarchs and top tier, not at all well for actual working people. I’ll write my garbage collector in before I vote for anyone who was chauffeured to private school. He has more sense and more class.

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When the same system, that profited from the harm it caused, provides you a ready-made expedient solution, providing you excuse the nexus of trust for being näive, you’re being conned.

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Amazingly great idea. If only he would listen to this advise. I’m still very upset at the fact that Trump won’t admit that he made the wrong decision on doing what he did.

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Trump I would hazard a guess knows little to nothing about biology. Scott Atlas was the person who he should have listened to, but Atlas was shut down by Fauci and Birx, and the rest is atrocious history.

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I have 23 college credits. No advisors. I saw all the evil and conniving long before the vaccine was introduced to naive gullible idiots. Trump is highly informed and was not deceived, he was complicit. What kind of person advises people to take a poison for years after they are known to be deadly? HE is blatantly a mass murderer. the military called in to heal? THey are in the death business. That was not suspicious? Look at my links, one of them shows the childrens names that he raped and paid hush money to. Also shows him friendly with Klaus. Other links shows him stating to be a freemason, and to be a Rothschild puppet.

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I heard Scott Atlas explain how Trump did ask all the right questions. But, F & B made sure that he, Atlas had no 'say' in the protocols adopted. I don't think it mattered who was President, any sitting President would have been manipulated in this way. This isn't about Trump per se, it is about those controlling behind the scenes. I watched the links, the first one is very long, and so many dots to connect, so I got a sense of it, but didn't have the time to study it in detail. Very interesting to read. Again, my whole point is that Fauci and Birx were in charge at that particular time. Birx wants cows to be tested weekly now for Avian flu, same M.O.

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The whole political sphere is a scam. I explain it in my book ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH, free to read attached to my free newsletter


You are right that politicians have no power. Politics is the entertainment division of the government, as I said, they are selected for acting and lying abilities. Look at my website, and at the blog about government, God and the like. Look at how Jesuits are highly present in government positions. Trump was educated at Jesuit Fordham university for two years. RFK, Jesuit trained. Biden is catholic. Obamas' cabinet was Jesuit. The Vatican is in charge, and also rules over every Christian denomination, and they worship Lucifer. That blog will aslo show you that Trump studied Kabalah in Fordham. Occult mysteries and evil. HE also reads a book on Hitlers speeches. Have you noticed his methods of persuasion? A thorough read of my knowledge, which I give for free, is key to navigating the halls of power.

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I will check it out later. I have done some reading already on the Freemasons.

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You are missing the british monarchy in your "speeches".

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The bankers in London are powerful, but the Jesuit general, current one is Sosa Abascal, supervises and runs all banking, freemasonry, and secret intelligence of every nation. My books explain. I show the growth of the Vatican for hundreds of years, and the beginnings of the US, how it all adds up, and the current powers. I provide names dates documents quotes sources. sign up for the free newsletter with books and documents attached.



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The Jesuit general is the most powerful man in the world, he supervises all banking, all freemasonry, and secret intelligence of every nation. Legislation is created in the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS and rubber stamped by congress.

Freemasonry portrays itself as community-minded do-gooders as do Christians, but they worship Satan and have been leading the planet towards destruction. Freemasons, as well as illuminati, are aligned with the Vatican. They have been hiding in plain sight, where the unsuspecting people would not think to look.

Freemasons are secretly within the Christian church, and they teach about the evil Catholics, or the evil freemasons, pointing fingers to mislead the people who do not suspect that most of them are all one and the same. Virtually all United States presidents were freemasons, as are most, if not all, world leaders.

Let me bring it all down home. In EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE, I show how the US legislation is not formed in the congress or senate, but just passes through them after being mandated by the trilateral commission; and that the Council of Foreign Relations decides on the laws for the planet as a whole. Both were founded and their members appointed by David Rockefeller Jr., the immensely wealthy owner of Standard Oil, which is the pinnacle of US mergers and conglomerates.

Rockefeller is the top US illuminati. Allan Greenspan, past head of the Federal Reserve board, was a CFR mason. The director of the NY Federal Reserve Bank is the Jesuit-trained economist and Papal Knight William McDonough. Fox News, the Christian propaganda tool, has as its director, Knight of Malta Robert Murdoch, and Fox is affiliated with the CFR as well. This can go on and on. It is just the tip of the iceberg.

Without connection to freemasonry, without clearly showing that you are bought, you cannot obtain a position of power. This holds true of every nation.


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There was no wrong decision made. It was deliberate and done with full knowledge.

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That fact should tell you he is not a good person.

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Precisely David, and don't worry about pointing the finger, the citizentry will take care of that.

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The USA military did this to its own citizens.

But what’s the excuse for Canada, Australia, Japan, etc for mandating vaxxes? This was a worldwide conspiracy!!!

Money? Eliminating seniors? Not enough care homes for baby boomers? pension plans? Lowering birth rate? All of the above?

Whatever their reason… it was fn evil forces at work.

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