But the bigger question is this: Will those behind these crimes vs humanity be convicted and punished? ... all the way to the top? That I'm not so sure about, at least in this life.
It’s not our job. We need to prep & pray. The greatest thing you can do is love God & love others. The Covid Cartel hate God & want us to be afraid & helpless. They hate our freedoms & love for our country.
I say do everything they hate!
Start going to church, if you don’t. It’s not about religion, it’s about a relationship with God. Read C.S. Lewis
“ Mere Christianity” if you need a nudge. Seriously, you HAVE to get off the fence. It’s a choice of heaven or hell & the fence is starting to burn.
Stay positive & protect your soul from the evil in this world. It’s everywhere right now, so be vigilant. Focus on the good in this world. I never said it’d be easy! It’s out there, I promise.
There’s so much working to divide us by race, politics, religion, finances. The open southern border has created compounded fear & increased crime & homelessness. I get it.
But, this was part of “ their” plan. This group would LOVE us to start a huge civil war so they can swoop in & create police states.
15 min. cities would follow.
THIS is what we should be waking up to now.
Lots of plates spinning, but this is happening & we need to be prepared to know what’s coming.
( or at least, what’s planned)
Rosa Koire wrote a book, “ Behind the Green Mask”. If you’ve ever wondered what the deal is with the W.H.O. & United Nations- Agenda 21,
( now Agenda 30), she does a great job explaining it. The book can be found in a PDF online, and here’s a video of Rosa speaking in Denmark. This was awhile ago but the content is relevant, surprisingly accurate, and it’s happening now all over the world.
Yes, also in Louisiana, even though they just passed legislation to disallow the U.N. & WHO to have any power to implement policies, etc.
How will they achieve this? It’s not that difficult. They use NGO’s to do the dirty work.
Watch Rosa’s video or read her book. It’s indescribably important right now to be aware of this “ Agenda” happening in our cities. Look up your cities “ Comprehensive” or “ Master” plan. Amendments are made yearly, by your city councils, without a vote of citizens. Most people are completely unaware this is happening.
This might be the next big AWAKENING. 😳
It needs to be.
Sorry, I’m all over the place, but this is important stuff. Mostly, stay positive, stay healthy, and get with God. Simple. 😂 Remember there IS more good in the world, and laugh at the ones trying to control us. There are so many more of us & with God on our side, we can’t lose. HE has never lost a battle.
Ok, I’ll give Lord of the Rings a shot. For nothing else but I love C.S. Lewis, and they were best buds. I’ll let you know.
Don’t get too confident about legislation against U.N. I think it’s part of the “ theater” & won’t have much effect. Louisiana is already thick into the U.N. You just have to know where to look.
Check out individual cities there & search their
“ comprehensive” plans. It might be titled differently but anything about future development. Then, search the companies that are involved & most importantly, look at the lingo they use in their goals. Also, look to see who finances these companies. ( gov. grants, & Rockefellers, etc.)
Also, please read Behind the Green Mask, by Rosa Koire. It’s a quick read and it’s free if you search & find a PDF for it, on Google? Barnes & Noble have a few. I know it’s dated but you won’t believe how relevant it is. She also has a talk online in Denmark that’s interesting and follows the book. She’s my her for making this info. more accessible. She died from cancer, but left a legacy. And she’s a Democrat! ( I still love her!)
Thanks for the knowledge. I’m not going to debate what God hates and what we can feasibly do to stop it. God knows my heart. Justice, in this world, will never create closure for what we all went through the last 4 years.
Our government “ agencies” are in place to protect the citizens. That’s what THEY are for.
What makes you think our judicial system isn’t as corrupt and flawed as our social agencies?
Our federal law enforcement certainly isn’t protecting us anymore. God knows. God sees this. Local states and cities internationally have adopted United Nations Agenda 30, and don’t care or realize the harm it will eventually cause.
( in the name of equity, sustainability and conservation.)
All this is happening, including prior passing of the Prep Act that basically creates immunity from anyone involve in the Covid chaos, yet you STILL believe in the judicial
integrity of our courts & judges?
The 11th amendment added to declarations of the Prep Act, added May 2023, don’t expire until Dec. 2024. And I’m sure they will be extended beyond that as well.
The Covid cowards want this long and drawn out. More time to prep for the one world fantasy they have. I’ll take God’s vengeance over our
corrupt justice system any day. If we are lucky enough to get both, then hooray for us!
I never said I thought "our judicial system isn't as corrupt and flawed as our social agencies." They ARE corrupt - the corruption goes deep and wide. However, that doesn't mean we should not bring cases into the system. If they are going to be unjust - then it's on them. But they must be brought. It will bring harder judgment upon them when their time comes. We must at least try to bring evildoers to justice. Take a look at what Louisiana just did! Good for them! Let other States follow their example. And don't think other countries are not going to follow suit as well. They will. And take a look at all the work Meryl Nass is doing. We cannot just roll over and surrender.
Maybe it's time for you to revisit The Lord of the Rings. Such a fabulous quest trilogy!
For you. A scene from The Lord Of The Rings, The Return of the King. Aragorn gives his speech to the armies of Rohan and Gondor before an attack on the armies of Mordor, in front of the Black Gate.
"It's not our job"?? Nothing could be further from the truth. Our world is in the shape it's in because of Christians' apathy & refusal to be the spiritual warriors God intended us to be: www.stopworldcontrol.com/churchdeception
I hear what you’re saying & I consider myself a tireless warrior for the truth. I’m also mad as hell about these monsters. I’m NOT sitting back doing nothing, I’ve been deeply entrenched in this for 4 years. God hates when his children are harmed. I would like nothing more than to explode this truth bomb all over and bring the evil planners & ALL involved to face justice for this.
Do you honestly think, with the courts we have now, this can happen ?? It’s already been attempted & the cases get thrown out without hesitation. I believe in miracles though. I’ve seen many in my life. It could hapoen. “All things are possible”.., right?!
I understand what are judicial courts are for, but I also know the corruption runs deep. Decades were spent planning this. There isn’t going to be true justice until the final judgment day. Death would be too good for the most guilty of this unconscionable genocide we have witnessed.
If God shows me a way to help prosecute the guilty, I would help in a New York minute. But, my soul says to fill my heart with more love, less hate, and stay focused on God’s will, not mine.
There IS no justice that could equal the harms & pain we have all endured. I have heard dozens of heart- wrenching stories, too many to count, about what these evil tyrants did to innocent citizens & families. God knows. God sees them.
You are correct about the courts - we can't depend on them right now for sure. They have all been infiltrated and "captured". But yes, I also believe in miracles, and that when we get off our behinds and take massive action to EXPOSE what's going on, that God will meet us halfway & we will start to see changes in the judicial system.
And you are correct that we need to fill our hearts with love - even for our enemies. I pray each and every day for God to break the spell that is over them, and to lead more and more of them to the Light, and that they will become whistleblowers like so many have already done. There is nothing more powerful than those formerly entrenched in evil coming forward to speak massive truth! Michael Yeadon as one small example...
And lastly, God's will is for us to be His instruments and His tools. For our lives to be about finding, exposing and conquering evil in this world. He is waiting for us to take massive action. Then - and only then - will be see the new world that we dream of.
Love all that you said. Yes! This world is not our forever home but while we’re here, we need to spread truth. Stay close to Him & He will protect you & guide us to where we need to be, and what we should do. I’m so disappointed in our gov., media, & military. Now, so many companies are siding with the U.N. Agenda & accepting the climate change scam without question. It’s gained power by incremental changes that now has successfully enveloped everything.
I'm mad as hell too, @AlmostLast. And agree with all you said about no justice is sufficient for these demons. But I have also been completely bewildered - for years - as to why Christians, and especially pastors, aren't right up there on the front lines of this battle! Why the massive complacency of the church overall??!! The website I posted wonderfully explains the sad truth of how these same demons have deceived the church just like they have everything else, or even more so. But it is not speaking so much to those of us who are already warriors, but to those still asleep, thinking "this is God's job, not mine". Or those whose eyes are still blinded and can't even see that we are in the battle of all battles - Good against Evil!! So part of OUR job as warriors is to wake up the sleeping Christians! The millions who go to church every time the doors open, but think there's nothing else they need to do 😥 😠.
I don’t believe God wants us to sit back and wait for help. Far from it. HE will help us, but we have to be the hands and feet of all of it. This is undoubtedly spiritual warfare. The darkness and evil in our world is everywhere. I rebuke it every day, in Jesus’ name.
Don’t be too hard on those that stay silent. Do what you can, and let it go. It’s always been that way. There’s only a small percentage that stands up and fights the good fight. Maybe that’s all we need? Of course more is better but maybe true spiritual warriors can fight & win the freedom for others. Imagine non- Christian’s witnessing something like that!
To set an example of God’s love through pain & struggles, possible court battles, etc., might bring more & more people to Jesus. I love HIM more than I hate the cowards that caused all this. And that’s a LOT!
God will help us & we will win. Truth always wins
in the end. Just like small truths are starting to come out. They are “ truth” theories now, not conspiracy theories.
Bravo! Very well said!! The only thing I might respectfully disagree with, is that we do need a substantial amount of people to stand up and fight. Otherwise, the demons will just propaganidize us as being the small minority that we are, and continue with the narrative that the "vast majority" are fine with the status quo. After all, silence is tacit agreement. I think Edmund Burke said it best - "all that is required for evil to triumph in the world is for good men to do nothing."
Heaven is for God’s children. ( the righteous) Not from deeds done, but by accepting God into our hearts & believing Jesus died for our sins. It’s not about religion, it’s about a relationship.
Christians aren’t perfect people, far from it, but God is full of Grace ( forgiveness), as we strive to live our best lives & become more like Jesus.
Heaven and earth were created for the righteous to inhabit forever. The anointed ruling class ascend to Heaven to rule with Jesus. The great crowd inherit the earth. Isaiah 45:18.
Thanks, maybe that’s why the U.S. isn’t in the Bible. We will live here. 😇💕 I’m still new-ish to scripture but I’m learning. Always can learn more. Thanks! See you in heaven!
I venture to propose they'll never admit to it, not in your lifetime or mine. Consider Thalidomide which distributed internationally in the late 50s with immediate and attributable outcomes of birth deformity and death. Chemie Grünenthal never accepted responsibility. Fifty years later those who were harmed unimaginably by that drug got a disproportionate, pathetic apology. Western Governments, like Australia use tax payer money to compensate victims instead of holding pharma to account. No-one went to jail or got hung in the streets. Nobody cares - it helps to know that.
I saw a patient today in the office who does hospice billing the last 10 years . The billing has doubled the last 2 years , she said and patients are getting younger . I asked her what has changed in the last few years and she wasn’t sure. She understood when she left.
Of course they are blaming the virus, but the data says it’s the shots. So many great studies and trials have emerged making the truth that much harder to hide. The only studies blaming the virus are funded by Big Pharma or NIH. And they always say “ more research needs to be done..”
The virus, was basically a flu that has been around for decades. What would make them so much more deadly now?
Also, like Dr. Peter McCullough said, “ if the virus was SO deadly, we would have seen people dropping dead everywhere during the first wave of the pandemic.” We didn’t. They all died in the hospitals. ( they died from bad protocols or died WITH Covid, not CAUSED by Covid)
The vaccine status of Covid deaths clearly shows the greatest number of deaths are vaccinated. Dr. McCullough- Substack, has a post about specific ways for a coroner, to determine Covid vax deaths. If you have a sudden or unexpected death of a loved one, especially younger, ask for a full autopsy. Bottom line, he says, “ Blame the vax, unless ruled otherwise.”
He used to see 2 myocarditis, in young patients a year, now he see 2 in a day. Unreal.
I know doctors who were convinced that you had to take the shot. I'm not a doctor and I knew not to take it. How could so many people be wrong? Those on the top (Gates, Fauci, Obama, etc.) should be hung in a public square.
A combination of DUMBIG DOWN and INDOCTRINATION. Most people, in fact, will not take the trouble in finding out the truth, but are much more inclined to accept the first story they hear.
Most doctors (and nurses) have experienced years of brainwashing in med school…a pill for everything…big pharma is way better than natural healing modalities in their minds. This past few years has been a revelation for many!
Warp Speed was a DoD inception long before Trump became president. It was a plan for bringing together pharma and government to contract mass production in event of a pandemic emergency. Do you really believe that department of defense would overlook planning for any type of emergency that the US government could possibly face? Fauci was the person behind the mRNA vaccine.
The DoD, DARPA has always worked with both Pfizer and Moderna. Do people not recognize military language when they see it? "Lockdown", "Counter Measures", etc.. The military is all over covid, gain of function and everything else that has anything to do with bioweapons.
For the record; "covid" didn't come out of China. The coronavirus was being genetically altered at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill by Ralph Baric and others. They sent it to the Chinese lab for further development. It may have undergone gain of function; but as a bioweapon, it was a very poor one. Myself and millions of other people can attest to that! Are you ready for H5N1?
Yes, the DOD that had 46 bio weapons labs in Ukraine on the border with Russia. That through DARPA funded gain of function, that same DOD that unquestionably required all its personnel to get the full battery of shots or be separated, the DOD that had perhaps the tightest adverse effects reporting system in the world which showed an incredible rise in debilitating and fatal effects from the shots but totally ignored them, that same DOD with its own medical system with highly qualified staff to analyze their damning data that chose to look the other way and cooperate with the murderous sociopaths within the FDA and big pharma. Their failure to hold to the basic tenet of the Hippocratic Oath, “to do no harm,” to ignore the Nuremberg Code’s mandate to provide “informed consent” places the DOD response in the same category of the FDA and all our other formerly respected and trusted institutions which supported this attack on our entire society and its well being. This has been the DOD’s sorriest episode in its history. It showed no institutional courage in spite of its own data showing the shots as killers. It now possesses the
shame and stain on its honor which it will always carry.
Some of those 46 labs, ca 5-6 of them, were hurriedly taken to Sweden (by our globalist) and over here distributed to some universities, among them certainly Umeå university, where Thedros got his degree. The whole thing payed by the state budget. So that explains the number 38 or 39 sometimes seen as referring to these labs.
How people are still distracted by COVID and the jabs is bewildering. LOOK AT THE SOUTHERN BOARDER. LOOK AT THE INVASION. Hello, boomers? Wake the fuck up.
The real rulers of Washington are dual citizens who have allegiance to Israel. It’s Israel first and America last. They hate Whites, especially Christian Whites. It’s a White genocide, we are all watching it in real time. Kalergi Plan.
Those are just employees. This is a very OLD struggle. The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the high financial powers of Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained in one block and as one nation, would attain economic and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds prevailed... Therefore they sent their emissaries into the field to exploit the question of slavery and to open an abyss between the two sections of the Union.
All officials & leaders in 2021 said the vaccines were safe. What’s your point? That Trump KNEW they were deadly? Hmm.. not sure about that. FDA knew, DOD knew, Fauci knew, but somehow I don’t think that links Trump to the knowledge. Why do you hate Trump so much?
The invisible leaders don’t exactly have our best interests in mind. Do you honestly think they are a better choice than Trump at this point? If you do, you haven’t been paying attention.
( and the greatest influx of unvetted migrants ever, in the history of America)
Well it’s complicated but basically the plan was to put people in concentration camps to quarantine, and when the shots were finally developed, people would all be mandated to take them, etc. Agenda 30 would have evolved fast, and surveillance & 15 min. cities - New World Order would have began.
By working to get the shots distributed through Pfizer, and other ( garbage) contractors, Trump kept many more businesses from failing, and kept citizens at home, not in camps. He can’t achieve anything to stop the shots, unless he’s elected. And he’s not going to admit the vaccines are deadly, because he’d lose 1/2 his voters. He’s NOT our savior but he’s better than the alternatives. It’s not hard to see that.
Still, people want to hate on him. That’s what a free country is all about. Hopefully, we can keep it free for awhile.
When I voted for trump, I thought we were getting another Andrew Jackson, but we got a Jacques Clouseau instead. If a man deceives me once, shame on him; if he deceives me twice, shame on me.
What if a man completely ruins the economy, being lead by others? What if a man stands by as literally millions of unvetted citizens enter your country, many demanding housing & resources we don’t have to give? What if that same man lied to the American people, knowingly or unknowingly, about the safety of the shots & the “ science.”
The FDA clearly knew the dangers.
The DOD knew they harmed and killed.
Fauci knew for decades or longer, that vaccines don’t work for viruses.
Pfizer knew in the beginning, the shots were deadly.
These “ vaccines” WERE NOT fully tested.
Animal studies were halted because they died.
( Yet FDA & DOD accepted this and approved )
What if this man in power tried to fool millions with lies & succeeded? He & his military took part in the greatest holocaust in history??!!
The shots were ready to go and “ discovered”, years ago. I’m not sure Trump knew about all the “ gain of function”, Gates & Fauci collaborations in the past. He’s wasn’t a politician or probably aware of the NIH, FDA, conflict of interest- with vaccine patents & years of testing. Until “ The Real Anthony Fauci” book by Kennedy, I’m not sure most were aware. Should he have been? Should citizens have been aware? Hell yes!
Agreed! trump have should have been aware! The Captain bears ultimate responsibility for the ship. I am not supposed to be an expert in every field. I am supposed to be an expert in picking experts.
Sorry but to this day Trump still promotes his killer ‘fast track’ jabs, that millions were saved (actually killed) so you will deal with round 2 on next Disease X virus (per Davos Elites), & DOD’s next vaccine killing off millions more, and part of WEF & Bill Gates depopulation agenda!😡
Trump doesn’t walk on water he’s controlled opposition! Btw He (Trump) also signed Executive Order # 13887 Sept. 19, 2019 just months before Covid 19 became a household name!
EO had 3 main points!
1) next influenza will be labeled a ‘pandemic’ ☑️
2. Vaccine will be most effective to deal w/ Covid ☑️
3)🇺🇸Gov will be on 5 yr plan to increase vax rates! 🤮Actually took 2 before bad news came out!
So no I won’t vote for the sniffer ‘c b’ but DC Uniparty isn’t the answer! Allan is correct voting has become irrelevant w/ mail ins and drop boxes! Best example is Commiefornia!
Mike Benz ex State Dept. now whistleblower told Tucker C (episode #75) we’re under Deep State military rule. Google/ FB/ Twitter (now X) their fronts! Wake Up Folks.. All Matrix DARPA Psy Opp!
Trump tells us he is the greatest, etc. -- the biggest self-promoting narcissist I've seen. What concerns me after three years of observing the effects of the vaccine rollout, he is still Not informed yet on a subject of the toxic bioweapons that have killed and maimed tens of millions around the world, devastated our economy and was the biggest hoax and corporate/governments overreach in world history. How is that possible to be so uninformed? I surmise he surrounds himself with lousy advisors. Also trump is not a researcher.
He still boasts about his role of Father of the Vaccine. But the poor guy didn't know any better. He was too naive and sweet and gullible so all the big bad swamp critters took the kindly simpleton in. We need that simpleton back in the WH.
Vote Forest Trump 2024. Only he can save the free world. Trust the plan. Eat your popcorn.
Some say we are living out a simulation some say similar to The Truman Show. Others say the dystopian future is of Idiocracy, Brave New World or George Orwell's 1984.
What say you?
We need courageous leaders with critical thinking skills, scholarly thoughtful research-type minds who are qualified to grapple with the complex issues of AI, dismantling the failed government agencies and getting better ones to function with the well-being of American Citizens. Our founding fathers insisted we do this for the healthy function of our Republic. Our 1776 Declaration of Independence reads: '. . . That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
'It Is The Right Of The People'.
I don't see biden or trump up for the task in any measure.
We are now seeing the corruption of ALL existing US institutions and agencies, Trump has plenty of company when it comes to selling out American citizens. Look at all the hospitals, government agencies, doctors, politicians, unelected bureaucrats who perpetrated lies, wrong protocols, lockdowns, mandates, etc. On that note, Trumps's just a very loud self-promoting pea-in-a-pod. I'm not a Trump hater, I just don't see him as a panacea for current political problems.
Most of the 'anti-vaxxers' were Trump/MAGA supporters. For many, taking the 'Phase2PoisonDart' was to spite Trump and his anti-vaxxer MAGA's. Clear now? I'm pretty sure Trump is not part of this evil cult.
We know. Many other people know. Switzerland knows. Germany knows. I think the world, enlarge, knows. But the criminals are fomenting WW lll as a distraction to their crimes & cooking up the next steps in their agendas.
We need more COURAGE to call out exactly what is, and has been happening, and push, push, push law enforcement & the military, if necessary, to TAKE ACTION!
Support the Truth-Tellers! The Del Bigtrees, Ron Johnsons, Dr. Ladapos, Bobby Kennedys, the Naomi Wolfs, the Peter Breggins, the Dr. McCulloughs, Dr. McCairns, Charles Rixeys, Kevin McKernans, Tess Lawries, Sucharit Bhaktis, Meryl Nasses, Reiner Fullmichs, everyone who who has been blowing the whistle since the get go!
The "Beast" of Revelations, imho, against God and all of Creation, but especially against The People, and the concept of a Government that only exists to protect their Inalienable Rights.
There are actually two beasts: "The second beast was permitted to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship it to be killed."
I'm convinced that this has to do with A.I.; and then there's this:
And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name (this will be the Digital I.D. and Digital Currency).
Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666." I find it interesting that Microsoft (Gates) has patented a vaccine/drug "patch" with tiny needles that go into the skin and deliver a dye named "Luciferase" and the patent contains the number pairs 060606. I'm sure that it's merely coincidence...
Nope. The "old" way of warfare is far too destructive to the infrastructure, no, war has changed and they want it intact. The main crime has already been committed (vaccine), but the next phase is financial. Got precious metals?
I'm in the deepest, dark, & devastated Blue State you can think of. Lots of people fled. I have not, and have been doing what I can to fight back with the truth & support of others. Now I'm taking on a more public role than before. If every American who knows what is going down, stood up, spoke up, informed their elected officials, REPEATEDLY, joined one of the hundred + groups fighting this Coup on the Formerly Free World, and refused to comply with any mandates at all, while educating the banking institutions they work with, utilized natural medicine, and boycotted the Bad Actors, (certain Corporations,) we would turn the ship around instantly.
Frankly too many Americans have ignored keeping the Tree Of Liberty alive.
We need to know our local, state & federal officials. Know the bills being passed. Know some biology, enough to recognize all the holes in the mainstream narrative and how to heal ourselves, most of the time.
Everyone is either part of the solution or part of the problem. Time to fight for the Republic we were given by our Forefathers, imho.
Every Good American needs to Stand Up Now.
Ditto the Good People in every nation on Earth. We are all under attack by a Globalist Cabal of Sociopaths. And there's a lot more of us, than there is of them! We should win.
Watch your city gov. closely too. I hear you & I’m sending emails & causing ruckus daily. They know who I am in my gov. Also, blue, blue, blue, but I see a tinge of red in the horizon. People want a change & see the devastation that’s happened all over Wa. State. It’s a state I don’t recognize anymore. I don’t scare easily but going downtown Seattle, makes my head hurt and my knees get weak. It’s a scary place.
We let this happen, with small increments of change that compounded into what we see now.
Gov. Newsom is our governor’s mentor. ( and Trudeau is in there too) They are all buddies working with evil intentions, well subsidized for their efforts.
I believe in all honesty, they knew exactly what they were doing! They knew and they deliberately went ahead with “murder & maiming” millions! Why? Not only money and by this point I’m beginning to believe money was only the symptom, no this was and still is about control & power over the masses!
Klaus Schwabs Chief Hack Yuval Hariri said it best “It’s not about the God in the clouds anymore, it’s about the Microsoft cloud and the google cloud, we now have the ability to hack the human body”!
This is what it’s all about! Hacking the human body!
Controlling the human mind!
Controlling humans! Period!
Biometrics sensor control!
These people should be rounded up and shot! Period! They know they committed “Crimes against humanity” and they’re still laughing about it all the way to their “Enormous Bank Accounts”!
At whose expense? At what cost? Why?
At humanity’s expense, costing millions of lives and millions more to kill!
Costing millions of disabled lives and millions more to disable!
Why? Because “EVIL KNOWS NO BOUNDS”! Evil will always “deceive to destroy”! Look know further then this demented President making a mockery of Easter Sunday! Whether you believe or not, the utter disgrace this “illegitimate president” did was nothing short of EVIL!
The time has come, “We The People” to stand up and fight! metaphorically Speaking! But, if it means physically, so be it!
America, we’re allowing the “Bullies of Society”, spit in our faces! At our expense, using our tax dollars, destroying OUR AMERICA! Not theirs! No, OURS!
Thank you! Loved everything you said. You’re absolutely spot on. We can fight back, we can refuse to comply. We are all going to have to figure out the best way to individually make a difference. Getting involved is so important & does make a difference. Take care of your family’s & prepare with extra food, etc. If / when the Internet crashes, things will get weird. Don’t live in fear, just be smart. Help your neighbors.
Thanks LastRepublicaninSeattle, there’s a silent “storm of storms” brewing! Among good people.
The reality of how quickly destructive evil forces have been moving, beginning with train derailments to Bridge collapse’s to overwhelming “Democratic Cities” with an illegal invasion of criminals, etc.
All deliberate and with one goal in mind, collapse the system of success! Yes the one, not perfect but historically successful, capitalist system! With historically disastrous results time after time, country after country, communism / socialism etc!
These have been preambles for what is inevitably going to happen! As BHO said so eloquently, (Bull Crap, IMO)!
“Fundamentally Transform America”.
One could argue, what we’ve been seeing in the past few years has culminated into a massive economic and societal breakdown! Deliberately! Intentionally!
The only “return to normal”, is by
looking back and realizing all the little things which were being done, “to us not for us”, were part of a larger order, otherwise known as a, “One World Order”!
While evil has always existed, slowly and surely, evil has been working overtime, setting the table for a “Fundamental Transformation of America”! Right Barack and your “narcissistic self-indulging, useful idiots”?
The proverbial “Fox” is out of the hen house! Most people know who and why by now, but don’t know how to stop this madness.
How to stop such “evilness” which attacks the “blind”! Literally they have complete disregard for human life! This is the only way “evil” can win elections or win anything for that matter.
They’re liars and cheats, bullies and criminals, they are opposite everything and everyone good and decent! Which by the way they despise.
These are people who have cheated their entire existence! A great example was / still is, the Harvard President who was recently fired.
Or was “she / he / they /them” really fired / terminated? I think not! She’s still “cheating” her way to the top of the “Evil Empire” of narcissistic psychopaths! Eventually these evil psychopaths will kill themselves!
Good God help us all! When nonsensical evilness is at the helm, well we’ve seen how well they drive, steer or lead warriors to battle, right? NOT!
They will only lead their followers “Straight to Hell”! Which is where they all belong! Every “dog has its day”! Yes, I am convinced their day is coming!
Ultimately, “good defeats evil”, every time and all the time!
Thank you for your post AlmostLastRepublicannSeattle.
I started re-reading "1984" by George Orwell. Last time, I was in high school, I guess. It's amazing that Orwell was only off by 40 years but it's now "1984".
By the time they kill off the billions of “useless” people that eat food, drink water, and breathe air , there won’t be any left to grow their food for them or make nice things for them or wait on them hand and foot. Oh my‼️😳. Now what do they do⁉️🤔🫢. Start killing each other for whatever resources they can scrounge up⁉️
LOL, you’re most likely right AlmostLastRepublicaninSeattle. Though I recently read an article which had been “Peer Reviewed” by Psychologists stating how the leftist have a mental disorder / are more than double the right wing of being narcissistic /Psychopaths and a myriad of other mental illnesses.
When conservatives or sensible people can’t understand why the leftist do the things they do, literally it’s because they have serious mental health problems!
Often times people joke and say something like “what are they nuts”? Or to that effect and after this study the answer is a resounding “YES THEY ARE”!
I think the leftist are far more dangerous than ever because this study 1. Proves they really are nuts and 2. They can use this as an excuse! Which IMO makes them extremely dangerous!
All the agendas that are now being rolled out, have been planned for decades. Everything is done incrementally (think of the frog in the pot of boiling water!). The following documentary is long; but it has logic, reason, truth, facts and has everything that a person could want to know about this "Matrix" that we've all been living in. No news to me; but it puts it all in perspective - one of the best!
Nobody that took the Vax wants to admit they were fooled by the Propaganda Campaign even when they see their Family Members Die. They stay silent. Look at the Royal Family. It Killed Prince Phillip in 4 Months and the Queen in about 18 months. King Charles has Pancreatic Cancer. Sad
But the bigger question is this: Will those behind these crimes vs humanity be convicted and punished? ... all the way to the top? That I'm not so sure about, at least in this life.
It is mine to avenge. Romans 12:19
It’s not our job. We need to prep & pray. The greatest thing you can do is love God & love others. The Covid Cartel hate God & want us to be afraid & helpless. They hate our freedoms & love for our country.
I say do everything they hate!
Start going to church, if you don’t. It’s not about religion, it’s about a relationship with God. Read C.S. Lewis
“ Mere Christianity” if you need a nudge. Seriously, you HAVE to get off the fence. It’s a choice of heaven or hell & the fence is starting to burn.
Stay positive & protect your soul from the evil in this world. It’s everywhere right now, so be vigilant. Focus on the good in this world. I never said it’d be easy! It’s out there, I promise.
There’s so much working to divide us by race, politics, religion, finances. The open southern border has created compounded fear & increased crime & homelessness. I get it.
But, this was part of “ their” plan. This group would LOVE us to start a huge civil war so they can swoop in & create police states.
15 min. cities would follow.
THIS is what we should be waking up to now.
Lots of plates spinning, but this is happening & we need to be prepared to know what’s coming.
( or at least, what’s planned)
Rosa Koire wrote a book, “ Behind the Green Mask”. If you’ve ever wondered what the deal is with the W.H.O. & United Nations- Agenda 21,
( now Agenda 30), she does a great job explaining it. The book can be found in a PDF online, and here’s a video of Rosa speaking in Denmark. This was awhile ago but the content is relevant, surprisingly accurate, and it’s happening now all over the world.
Yes, also in Louisiana, even though they just passed legislation to disallow the U.N. & WHO to have any power to implement policies, etc.
How will they achieve this? It’s not that difficult. They use NGO’s to do the dirty work.
( non- government organizations)
Watch Rosa’s video or read her book. It’s indescribably important right now to be aware of this “ Agenda” happening in our cities. Look up your cities “ Comprehensive” or “ Master” plan. Amendments are made yearly, by your city councils, without a vote of citizens. Most people are completely unaware this is happening.
This might be the next big AWAKENING. 😳
It needs to be.
Sorry, I’m all over the place, but this is important stuff. Mostly, stay positive, stay healthy, and get with God. Simple. 😂 Remember there IS more good in the world, and laugh at the ones trying to control us. There are so many more of us & with God on our side, we can’t lose. HE has never lost a battle.
@ AlmostLastRepublicanInSeattle
You refer to Roman 12:19 . . . Vengence is mine, says the Lord . . .
Do you actually think Vengence and Justice are the same thing?
God forbid!
That is what government and our judicial branch is for - justice.
God hates injustice - if you doubt it - go here:
We ignore it at our peril.
Real justice will never be had in any American courtroom. Too many in the system have been corrupted beyond the point of Correction.
You may be right. If so, it would require a radical correction.
As Dr. Paul says, Many deserve to hang.
Ok, I’ll give Lord of the Rings a shot. For nothing else but I love C.S. Lewis, and they were best buds. I’ll let you know.
Don’t get too confident about legislation against U.N. I think it’s part of the “ theater” & won’t have much effect. Louisiana is already thick into the U.N. You just have to know where to look.
Check out individual cities there & search their
“ comprehensive” plans. It might be titled differently but anything about future development. Then, search the companies that are involved & most importantly, look at the lingo they use in their goals. Also, look to see who finances these companies. ( gov. grants, & Rockefellers, etc.)
Also, please read Behind the Green Mask, by Rosa Koire. It’s a quick read and it’s free if you search & find a PDF for it, on Google? Barnes & Noble have a few. I know it’s dated but you won’t believe how relevant it is. She also has a talk online in Denmark that’s interesting and follows the book. She’s my her for making this info. more accessible. She died from cancer, but left a legacy. And she’s a Democrat! ( I still love her!)
Thanks for the knowledge. I’m not going to debate what God hates and what we can feasibly do to stop it. God knows my heart. Justice, in this world, will never create closure for what we all went through the last 4 years.
Our government “ agencies” are in place to protect the citizens. That’s what THEY are for.
What makes you think our judicial system isn’t as corrupt and flawed as our social agencies?
Our federal law enforcement certainly isn’t protecting us anymore. God knows. God sees this. Local states and cities internationally have adopted United Nations Agenda 30, and don’t care or realize the harm it will eventually cause.
( in the name of equity, sustainability and conservation.)
All this is happening, including prior passing of the Prep Act that basically creates immunity from anyone involve in the Covid chaos, yet you STILL believe in the judicial
integrity of our courts & judges?
The 11th amendment added to declarations of the Prep Act, added May 2023, don’t expire until Dec. 2024. And I’m sure they will be extended beyond that as well.
The Covid cowards want this long and drawn out. More time to prep for the one world fantasy they have. I’ll take God’s vengeance over our
corrupt justice system any day. If we are lucky enough to get both, then hooray for us!
to AlmostLastRep -
I never said I thought "our judicial system isn't as corrupt and flawed as our social agencies." They ARE corrupt - the corruption goes deep and wide. However, that doesn't mean we should not bring cases into the system. If they are going to be unjust - then it's on them. But they must be brought. It will bring harder judgment upon them when their time comes. We must at least try to bring evildoers to justice. Take a look at what Louisiana just did! Good for them! Let other States follow their example. And don't think other countries are not going to follow suit as well. They will. And take a look at all the work Meryl Nass is doing. We cannot just roll over and surrender.
Maybe it's time for you to revisit The Lord of the Rings. Such a fabulous quest trilogy!
For you. A scene from The Lord Of The Rings, The Return of the King. Aragorn gives his speech to the armies of Rohan and Gondor before an attack on the armies of Mordor, in front of the Black Gate.
"It's not our job"?? Nothing could be further from the truth. Our world is in the shape it's in because of Christians' apathy & refusal to be the spiritual warriors God intended us to be: www.stopworldcontrol.com/churchdeception
Loved the website. Agree!
I hear what you’re saying & I consider myself a tireless warrior for the truth. I’m also mad as hell about these monsters. I’m NOT sitting back doing nothing, I’ve been deeply entrenched in this for 4 years. God hates when his children are harmed. I would like nothing more than to explode this truth bomb all over and bring the evil planners & ALL involved to face justice for this.
Do you honestly think, with the courts we have now, this can happen ?? It’s already been attempted & the cases get thrown out without hesitation. I believe in miracles though. I’ve seen many in my life. It could hapoen. “All things are possible”.., right?!
I understand what are judicial courts are for, but I also know the corruption runs deep. Decades were spent planning this. There isn’t going to be true justice until the final judgment day. Death would be too good for the most guilty of this unconscionable genocide we have witnessed.
If God shows me a way to help prosecute the guilty, I would help in a New York minute. But, my soul says to fill my heart with more love, less hate, and stay focused on God’s will, not mine.
There IS no justice that could equal the harms & pain we have all endured. I have heard dozens of heart- wrenching stories, too many to count, about what these evil tyrants did to innocent citizens & families. God knows. God sees them.
@ AlmostLastRepInSeattle -- Re your last 2 paragraphs --
God IS love.
God's will IS justice.
Go think on that one for longer than a NewYork minute.
HE will throw some of the worst of the worst in hell’s fire on judgment day. Why??! Because HE loves HIS children. HIS “ will be done.”
Yes, this is love.
Yes, this is justice.
Didn’t take a minute to think about it.
HE loves us that much!
It’s the Lion & the lamb. 😇
You are correct about the courts - we can't depend on them right now for sure. They have all been infiltrated and "captured". But yes, I also believe in miracles, and that when we get off our behinds and take massive action to EXPOSE what's going on, that God will meet us halfway & we will start to see changes in the judicial system.
And you are correct that we need to fill our hearts with love - even for our enemies. I pray each and every day for God to break the spell that is over them, and to lead more and more of them to the Light, and that they will become whistleblowers like so many have already done. There is nothing more powerful than those formerly entrenched in evil coming forward to speak massive truth! Michael Yeadon as one small example...
And lastly, God's will is for us to be His instruments and His tools. For our lives to be about finding, exposing and conquering evil in this world. He is waiting for us to take massive action. Then - and only then - will be see the new world that we dream of.
Love all that you said. Yes! This world is not our forever home but while we’re here, we need to spread truth. Stay close to Him & He will protect you & guide us to where we need to be, and what we should do. I’m so disappointed in our gov., media, & military. Now, so many companies are siding with the U.N. Agenda & accepting the climate change scam without question. It’s gained power by incremental changes that now has successfully enveloped everything.
But I’m not giving up! Do not comply. ✌🏼
I'm mad as hell too, @AlmostLast. And agree with all you said about no justice is sufficient for these demons. But I have also been completely bewildered - for years - as to why Christians, and especially pastors, aren't right up there on the front lines of this battle! Why the massive complacency of the church overall??!! The website I posted wonderfully explains the sad truth of how these same demons have deceived the church just like they have everything else, or even more so. But it is not speaking so much to those of us who are already warriors, but to those still asleep, thinking "this is God's job, not mine". Or those whose eyes are still blinded and can't even see that we are in the battle of all battles - Good against Evil!! So part of OUR job as warriors is to wake up the sleeping Christians! The millions who go to church every time the doors open, but think there's nothing else they need to do 😥 😠.
I don’t believe God wants us to sit back and wait for help. Far from it. HE will help us, but we have to be the hands and feet of all of it. This is undoubtedly spiritual warfare. The darkness and evil in our world is everywhere. I rebuke it every day, in Jesus’ name.
Don’t be too hard on those that stay silent. Do what you can, and let it go. It’s always been that way. There’s only a small percentage that stands up and fights the good fight. Maybe that’s all we need? Of course more is better but maybe true spiritual warriors can fight & win the freedom for others. Imagine non- Christian’s witnessing something like that!
To set an example of God’s love through pain & struggles, possible court battles, etc., might bring more & more people to Jesus. I love HIM more than I hate the cowards that caused all this. And that’s a LOT!
God will help us & we will win. Truth always wins
in the end. Just like small truths are starting to come out. They are “ truth” theories now, not conspiracy theories.
Bravo! Very well said!! The only thing I might respectfully disagree with, is that we do need a substantial amount of people to stand up and fight. Otherwise, the demons will just propaganidize us as being the small minority that we are, and continue with the narrative that the "vast majority" are fine with the status quo. After all, silence is tacit agreement. I think Edmund Burke said it best - "all that is required for evil to triumph in the world is for good men to do nothing."
If the choice is heaven or hell, why does the Bible repeatedly refer to everlasting life as the reward for the righteous?
Heaven is for God’s children. ( the righteous) Not from deeds done, but by accepting God into our hearts & believing Jesus died for our sins. It’s not about religion, it’s about a relationship.
Christians aren’t perfect people, far from it, but God is full of Grace ( forgiveness), as we strive to live our best lives & become more like Jesus.
Heaven and earth were created for the righteous to inhabit forever. The anointed ruling class ascend to Heaven to rule with Jesus. The great crowd inherit the earth. Isaiah 45:18.
Thanks, maybe that’s why the U.S. isn’t in the Bible. We will live here. 😇💕 I’m still new-ish to scripture but I’m learning. Always can learn more. Thanks! See you in heaven!
Only in the afterlife, like the deep state, pedophiles and communists destroying this nation…
It is my opinion that these collectivists are not communists but are Jacobins. Fascism is a caricature of Jacobinism.
Leon Trotsky
absolutely not and currently WHO is fiendishly working on a plan where THEY will
dictate 'protection for humanity'
ie more of the same
I venture to propose they'll never admit to it, not in your lifetime or mine. Consider Thalidomide which distributed internationally in the late 50s with immediate and attributable outcomes of birth deformity and death. Chemie Grünenthal never accepted responsibility. Fifty years later those who were harmed unimaginably by that drug got a disproportionate, pathetic apology. Western Governments, like Australia use tax payer money to compensate victims instead of holding pharma to account. No-one went to jail or got hung in the streets. Nobody cares - it helps to know that.
confido molto nel KARMA !!!!!!!♥
They will if We will embrace the responsibility/accountability We seek.
I saw a patient today in the office who does hospice billing the last 10 years . The billing has doubled the last 2 years , she said and patients are getting younger . I asked her what has changed in the last few years and she wasn’t sure. She understood when she left.
Now they are blaming Covid I find.. Not the shots.
Gives me the opportunity to explain the mechanism of action of the Bioweapon …
Of course they are blaming the virus, but the data says it’s the shots. So many great studies and trials have emerged making the truth that much harder to hide. The only studies blaming the virus are funded by Big Pharma or NIH. And they always say “ more research needs to be done..”
The virus, was basically a flu that has been around for decades. What would make them so much more deadly now?
Also, like Dr. Peter McCullough said, “ if the virus was SO deadly, we would have seen people dropping dead everywhere during the first wave of the pandemic.” We didn’t. They all died in the hospitals. ( they died from bad protocols or died WITH Covid, not CAUSED by Covid)
The vaccine status of Covid deaths clearly shows the greatest number of deaths are vaccinated. Dr. McCullough- Substack, has a post about specific ways for a coroner, to determine Covid vax deaths. If you have a sudden or unexpected death of a loved one, especially younger, ask for a full autopsy. Bottom line, he says, “ Blame the vax, unless ruled otherwise.”
He used to see 2 myocarditis, in young patients a year, now he see 2 in a day. Unreal.
What virus ? - that is the depth of the fraud. https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/sovi/
I tell two friends, they both tell two friends….thats how the world changes 🫶
I know doctors who were convinced that you had to take the shot. I'm not a doctor and I knew not to take it. How could so many people be wrong? Those on the top (Gates, Fauci, Obama, etc.) should be hung in a public square.
Try DoD...
What about Soros and the Clintons?
Of course. Hang 'em all. They think they are so above the rest of humanity and they are really just snakes.
A combination of DUMBIG DOWN and INDOCTRINATION. Most people, in fact, will not take the trouble in finding out the truth, but are much more inclined to accept the first story they hear.
Most doctors (and nurses) have experienced years of brainwashing in med school…a pill for everything…big pharma is way better than natural healing modalities in their minds. This past few years has been a revelation for many!
How can the harm be known with Trump still pimping Warp Speed?
Warp Speed was a DoD inception long before Trump became president. It was a plan for bringing together pharma and government to contract mass production in event of a pandemic emergency. Do you really believe that department of defense would overlook planning for any type of emergency that the US government could possibly face? Fauci was the person behind the mRNA vaccine.
The DoD, DARPA has always worked with both Pfizer and Moderna. Do people not recognize military language when they see it? "Lockdown", "Counter Measures", etc.. The military is all over covid, gain of function and everything else that has anything to do with bioweapons.
For the record; "covid" didn't come out of China. The coronavirus was being genetically altered at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill by Ralph Baric and others. They sent it to the Chinese lab for further development. It may have undergone gain of function; but as a bioweapon, it was a very poor one. Myself and millions of other people can attest to that! Are you ready for H5N1?
Yes, the DOD that had 46 bio weapons labs in Ukraine on the border with Russia. That through DARPA funded gain of function, that same DOD that unquestionably required all its personnel to get the full battery of shots or be separated, the DOD that had perhaps the tightest adverse effects reporting system in the world which showed an incredible rise in debilitating and fatal effects from the shots but totally ignored them, that same DOD with its own medical system with highly qualified staff to analyze their damning data that chose to look the other way and cooperate with the murderous sociopaths within the FDA and big pharma. Their failure to hold to the basic tenet of the Hippocratic Oath, “to do no harm,” to ignore the Nuremberg Code’s mandate to provide “informed consent” places the DOD response in the same category of the FDA and all our other formerly respected and trusted institutions which supported this attack on our entire society and its well being. This has been the DOD’s sorriest episode in its history. It showed no institutional courage in spite of its own data showing the shots as killers. It now possesses the
shame and stain on its honor which it will always carry.
They ALL knew. Mistakes weren’t made. This was intentional, deadly harm, by our government & others.
Some of those 46 labs, ca 5-6 of them, were hurriedly taken to Sweden (by our globalist) and over here distributed to some universities, among them certainly Umeå university, where Thedros got his degree. The whole thing payed by the state budget. So that explains the number 38 or 39 sometimes seen as referring to these labs.
Wow! Thanks for sharing that. Looks like there is more to come.
https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/covid-19/gain-of-function-garbage/ https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/covid-19/gain-of-function-gaslighting/
Nonetheless, your Orange Jesus still pimps it. So no matter who is the next POTUS—Biden or OJ—the pokes will be blessed.
Trump = ZOG
Biden = ZOG
Kennedy = ZOG
You choose, ZOG wins.
How people are still distracted by COVID and the jabs is bewildering. LOOK AT THE SOUTHERN BOARDER. LOOK AT THE INVASION. Hello, boomers? Wake the fuck up.
The invaders are already here; in the U.S. and Canada - and there's no end in sight! Thanks, fearless "leaders"!!!
so buy moor lead for the firesticks.
The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.
Felix Frankfurter
The real rulers of Washington are dual citizens who have allegiance to Israel. It’s Israel first and America last. They hate Whites, especially Christian Whites. It’s a White genocide, we are all watching it in real time. Kalergi Plan.
Those are just employees. This is a very OLD struggle. The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the high financial powers of Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained in one block and as one nation, would attain economic and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds prevailed... Therefore they sent their emissaries into the field to exploit the question of slavery and to open an abyss between the two sections of the Union.
Otto von Bismarck
When you are running a sting, you pretend you are on the side of the enemy. It's not complicated.
"The [COVID-19] vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," Trump
So you have added 'covid-19' vaccine to that statment - how do you know what he was reffering to when he said vaccine?
And why do you DOUBT that he was? Do your own research on this fellows statements, here's a starting point: https://sputnikglobe.com/20211224/youre-protected-trump-touts-efficacy-of-covid-19-vaccines-in-preventing-death-hospitalization-1091762125.html
All officials & leaders in 2021 said the vaccines were safe. What’s your point? That Trump KNEW they were deadly? Hmm.. not sure about that. FDA knew, DOD knew, Fauci knew, but somehow I don’t think that links Trump to the knowledge. Why do you hate Trump so much?
The invisible leaders don’t exactly have our best interests in mind. Do you honestly think they are a better choice than Trump at this point? If you do, you haven’t been paying attention.
( and the greatest influx of unvetted migrants ever, in the history of America)
Well it’s complicated but basically the plan was to put people in concentration camps to quarantine, and when the shots were finally developed, people would all be mandated to take them, etc. Agenda 30 would have evolved fast, and surveillance & 15 min. cities - New World Order would have began.
By working to get the shots distributed through Pfizer, and other ( garbage) contractors, Trump kept many more businesses from failing, and kept citizens at home, not in camps. He can’t achieve anything to stop the shots, unless he’s elected. And he’s not going to admit the vaccines are deadly, because he’d lose 1/2 his voters. He’s NOT our savior but he’s better than the alternatives. It’s not hard to see that.
Still, people want to hate on him. That’s what a free country is all about. Hopefully, we can keep it free for awhile.
When I voted for trump, I thought we were getting another Andrew Jackson, but we got a Jacques Clouseau instead. If a man deceives me once, shame on him; if he deceives me twice, shame on me.
Edgar Allan Poe
What if a man completely ruins the economy, being lead by others? What if a man stands by as literally millions of unvetted citizens enter your country, many demanding housing & resources we don’t have to give? What if that same man lied to the American people, knowingly or unknowingly, about the safety of the shots & the “ science.”
The FDA clearly knew the dangers.
The DOD knew they harmed and killed.
Fauci knew for decades or longer, that vaccines don’t work for viruses.
Pfizer knew in the beginning, the shots were deadly.
These “ vaccines” WERE NOT fully tested.
Animal studies were halted because they died.
( Yet FDA & DOD accepted this and approved )
What if this man in power tried to fool millions with lies & succeeded? He & his military took part in the greatest holocaust in history??!!
Many are unable to be “ fooled” by Biden again. They are dead.
You’re free to judge, but don’t stop at Trump.
God will be the final judge of culpability & sin.
Revenge is HIS.
Romans 12:19-21
The shots were ready to go and “ discovered”, years ago. I’m not sure Trump knew about all the “ gain of function”, Gates & Fauci collaborations in the past. He’s wasn’t a politician or probably aware of the NIH, FDA, conflict of interest- with vaccine patents & years of testing. Until “ The Real Anthony Fauci” book by Kennedy, I’m not sure most were aware. Should he have been? Should citizens have been aware? Hell yes!
Agreed! trump have should have been aware! The Captain bears ultimate responsibility for the ship. I am not supposed to be an expert in every field. I am supposed to be an expert in picking experts.
Moshe Dayan
You might have overlooked "Hillary"!
Fauci reported to Trump.
I think it's safe to say that he wasn't entirely honest with Trump. On a number of points.
And Trump was too stupid to do 15 minutes of internet research. Not my Orange Jesus.
we get you're not for Trump. so go vote for the child sniffer.
Sorry but to this day Trump still promotes his killer ‘fast track’ jabs, that millions were saved (actually killed) so you will deal with round 2 on next Disease X virus (per Davos Elites), & DOD’s next vaccine killing off millions more, and part of WEF & Bill Gates depopulation agenda!😡
Trump doesn’t walk on water he’s controlled opposition! Btw He (Trump) also signed Executive Order # 13887 Sept. 19, 2019 just months before Covid 19 became a household name!
EO had 3 main points!
1) next influenza will be labeled a ‘pandemic’ ☑️
2. Vaccine will be most effective to deal w/ Covid ☑️
3)🇺🇸Gov will be on 5 yr plan to increase vax rates! 🤮Actually took 2 before bad news came out!
So no I won’t vote for the sniffer ‘c b’ but DC Uniparty isn’t the answer! Allan is correct voting has become irrelevant w/ mail ins and drop boxes! Best example is Commiefornia!
Mike Benz ex State Dept. now whistleblower told Tucker C (episode #75) we’re under Deep State military rule. Google/ FB/ Twitter (now X) their fronts! Wake Up Folks.. All Matrix DARPA Psy Opp!
What if voting is irrelevant?
to allow ONE person to dictate and that person is not even fully credentialed to do
Also, Spanish Flu was NEVER contained with what they rolled out in terms of
distancing, masking and lockdowns
but THEY dragged it all out assuring the gullible that it would protect them
AND finally, never mind how it tore apart families and friends, mine included
because I refused
While I can forgive them, I can NEVER forget what they said
They have all moved on as though it never happened.
And Biden‼️
"The [COVID-19] vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," Trump
How do you know the statement reffered to the 'COVID-19' vaccine?
Trump tells us he is the greatest, etc. -- the biggest self-promoting narcissist I've seen. What concerns me after three years of observing the effects of the vaccine rollout, he is still Not informed yet on a subject of the toxic bioweapons that have killed and maimed tens of millions around the world, devastated our economy and was the biggest hoax and corporate/governments overreach in world history. How is that possible to be so uninformed? I surmise he surrounds himself with lousy advisors. Also trump is not a researcher.
He still boasts about his role of Father of the Vaccine. But the poor guy didn't know any better. He was too naive and sweet and gullible so all the big bad swamp critters took the kindly simpleton in. We need that simpleton back in the WH.
Vote Forest Trump 2024. Only he can save the free world. Trust the plan. Eat your popcorn.
Some say we are living out a simulation some say similar to The Truman Show. Others say the dystopian future is of Idiocracy, Brave New World or George Orwell's 1984.
What say you?
We need courageous leaders with critical thinking skills, scholarly thoughtful research-type minds who are qualified to grapple with the complex issues of AI, dismantling the failed government agencies and getting better ones to function with the well-being of American Citizens. Our founding fathers insisted we do this for the healthy function of our Republic. Our 1776 Declaration of Independence reads: '. . . That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
'It Is The Right Of The People'.
I don't see biden or trump up for the task in any measure.
Vote RFK Jr. 2024.
Barry could see trump coming: The fellow has absolutely no principles."Money and gall" is all he has.
Barry Goldwater
We are now seeing the corruption of ALL existing US institutions and agencies, Trump has plenty of company when it comes to selling out American citizens. Look at all the hospitals, government agencies, doctors, politicians, unelected bureaucrats who perpetrated lies, wrong protocols, lockdowns, mandates, etc. On that note, Trumps's just a very loud self-promoting pea-in-a-pod. I'm not a Trump hater, I just don't see him as a panacea for current political problems.
When it comes to trump, Eric says it best: We cannot hate those who we despise.
Eric Hoffer
Precisely. Trump cannot become president or these people will skate.
When you are running a sting, you pretend you are on the side of the enemy. It's not complicated.
Six-D chess right? Trump LOVES his Warp Speed!
Are MAGA supporters dying from the poison dart? No doubt many of his rabid enemies took it just to spite him. It's not what you say, it's who you are.
I have no idea what you’re communicating. I did 15 minutes of independent research to know the pokes were high risk, and I’m fiercely independent.
Most of the 'anti-vaxxers' were Trump/MAGA supporters. For many, taking the 'Phase2PoisonDart' was to spite Trump and his anti-vaxxer MAGA's. Clear now? I'm pretty sure Trump is not part of this evil cult.
You think Trump is running a sting operation so he pretends he is with the vaxers?
See above.
We know. Many other people know. Switzerland knows. Germany knows. I think the world, enlarge, knows. But the criminals are fomenting WW lll as a distraction to their crimes & cooking up the next steps in their agendas.
We need more COURAGE to call out exactly what is, and has been happening, and push, push, push law enforcement & the military, if necessary, to TAKE ACTION!
Support the Truth-Tellers! The Del Bigtrees, Ron Johnsons, Dr. Ladapos, Bobby Kennedys, the Naomi Wolfs, the Peter Breggins, the Dr. McCulloughs, Dr. McCairns, Charles Rixeys, Kevin McKernans, Tess Lawries, Sucharit Bhaktis, Meryl Nasses, Reiner Fullmichs, everyone who who has been blowing the whistle since the get go!
Not WW3, financial war. People must be decimated financially to accept CBDC'S and digital ID.
Both. All. Unrestricted WARFARE.
The "Beast" of Revelations, imho, against God and all of Creation, but especially against The People, and the concept of a Government that only exists to protect their Inalienable Rights.
There are actually two beasts: "The second beast was permitted to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship it to be killed."
I'm convinced that this has to do with A.I.; and then there's this:
And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name (this will be the Digital I.D. and Digital Currency).
Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666." I find it interesting that Microsoft (Gates) has patented a vaccine/drug "patch" with tiny needles that go into the skin and deliver a dye named "Luciferase" and the patent contains the number pairs 060606. I'm sure that it's merely coincidence...
He is evil.
Nope. The "old" way of warfare is far too destructive to the infrastructure, no, war has changed and they want it intact. The main crime has already been committed (vaccine), but the next phase is financial. Got precious metals?
Try living in a blue state. I have been blowing the whistle since the very beginning. I’m still considered over reactive at best.
I'm in the deepest, dark, & devastated Blue State you can think of. Lots of people fled. I have not, and have been doing what I can to fight back with the truth & support of others. Now I'm taking on a more public role than before. If every American who knows what is going down, stood up, spoke up, informed their elected officials, REPEATEDLY, joined one of the hundred + groups fighting this Coup on the Formerly Free World, and refused to comply with any mandates at all, while educating the banking institutions they work with, utilized natural medicine, and boycotted the Bad Actors, (certain Corporations,) we would turn the ship around instantly.
Frankly too many Americans have ignored keeping the Tree Of Liberty alive.
We need to know our local, state & federal officials. Know the bills being passed. Know some biology, enough to recognize all the holes in the mainstream narrative and how to heal ourselves, most of the time.
Everyone is either part of the solution or part of the problem. Time to fight for the Republic we were given by our Forefathers, imho.
Every Good American needs to Stand Up Now.
Ditto the Good People in every nation on Earth. We are all under attack by a Globalist Cabal of Sociopaths. And there's a lot more of us, than there is of them! We should win.
Watch your city gov. closely too. I hear you & I’m sending emails & causing ruckus daily. They know who I am in my gov. Also, blue, blue, blue, but I see a tinge of red in the horizon. People want a change & see the devastation that’s happened all over Wa. State. It’s a state I don’t recognize anymore. I don’t scare easily but going downtown Seattle, makes my head hurt and my knees get weak. It’s a scary place.
We let this happen, with small increments of change that compounded into what we see now.
Gov. Newsom is our governor’s mentor. ( and Trudeau is in there too) They are all buddies working with evil intentions, well subsidized for their efforts.
Dr. Robert Malone I would add.
I believe in all honesty, they knew exactly what they were doing! They knew and they deliberately went ahead with “murder & maiming” millions! Why? Not only money and by this point I’m beginning to believe money was only the symptom, no this was and still is about control & power over the masses!
Klaus Schwabs Chief Hack Yuval Hariri said it best “It’s not about the God in the clouds anymore, it’s about the Microsoft cloud and the google cloud, we now have the ability to hack the human body”!
This is what it’s all about! Hacking the human body!
Controlling the human mind!
Controlling humans! Period!
Biometrics sensor control!
These people should be rounded up and shot! Period! They know they committed “Crimes against humanity” and they’re still laughing about it all the way to their “Enormous Bank Accounts”!
At whose expense? At what cost? Why?
At humanity’s expense, costing millions of lives and millions more to kill!
Costing millions of disabled lives and millions more to disable!
Why? Because “EVIL KNOWS NO BOUNDS”! Evil will always “deceive to destroy”! Look know further then this demented President making a mockery of Easter Sunday! Whether you believe or not, the utter disgrace this “illegitimate president” did was nothing short of EVIL!
The time has come, “We The People” to stand up and fight! metaphorically Speaking! But, if it means physically, so be it!
America, we’re allowing the “Bullies of Society”, spit in our faces! At our expense, using our tax dollars, destroying OUR AMERICA! Not theirs! No, OURS!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Thank you! Loved everything you said. You’re absolutely spot on. We can fight back, we can refuse to comply. We are all going to have to figure out the best way to individually make a difference. Getting involved is so important & does make a difference. Take care of your family’s & prepare with extra food, etc. If / when the Internet crashes, things will get weird. Don’t live in fear, just be smart. Help your neighbors.
Thanks LastRepublicaninSeattle, there’s a silent “storm of storms” brewing! Among good people.
The reality of how quickly destructive evil forces have been moving, beginning with train derailments to Bridge collapse’s to overwhelming “Democratic Cities” with an illegal invasion of criminals, etc.
All deliberate and with one goal in mind, collapse the system of success! Yes the one, not perfect but historically successful, capitalist system! With historically disastrous results time after time, country after country, communism / socialism etc!
These have been preambles for what is inevitably going to happen! As BHO said so eloquently, (Bull Crap, IMO)!
“Fundamentally Transform America”.
One could argue, what we’ve been seeing in the past few years has culminated into a massive economic and societal breakdown! Deliberately! Intentionally!
The only “return to normal”, is by
looking back and realizing all the little things which were being done, “to us not for us”, were part of a larger order, otherwise known as a, “One World Order”!
While evil has always existed, slowly and surely, evil has been working overtime, setting the table for a “Fundamental Transformation of America”! Right Barack and your “narcissistic self-indulging, useful idiots”?
The proverbial “Fox” is out of the hen house! Most people know who and why by now, but don’t know how to stop this madness.
How to stop such “evilness” which attacks the “blind”! Literally they have complete disregard for human life! This is the only way “evil” can win elections or win anything for that matter.
They’re liars and cheats, bullies and criminals, they are opposite everything and everyone good and decent! Which by the way they despise.
These are people who have cheated their entire existence! A great example was / still is, the Harvard President who was recently fired.
Or was “she / he / they /them” really fired / terminated? I think not! She’s still “cheating” her way to the top of the “Evil Empire” of narcissistic psychopaths! Eventually these evil psychopaths will kill themselves!
Good God help us all! When nonsensical evilness is at the helm, well we’ve seen how well they drive, steer or lead warriors to battle, right? NOT!
They will only lead their followers “Straight to Hell”! Which is where they all belong! Every “dog has its day”! Yes, I am convinced their day is coming!
Ultimately, “good defeats evil”, every time and all the time!
Thank you for your post AlmostLastRepublicannSeattle.
I started re-reading "1984" by George Orwell. Last time, I was in high school, I guess. It's amazing that Orwell was only off by 40 years but it's now "1984".
And Orwell was then, is today an inspiration to many if not all those who seek power and control, want forced enslavement, at any cost!
Remember, “We The People” are enable of thinking for ourselves.
All we’re witnessing today is for the better, right? Good God NO!
By the time they kill off the billions of “useless” people that eat food, drink water, and breathe air , there won’t be any left to grow their food for them or make nice things for them or wait on them hand and foot. Oh my‼️😳. Now what do they do⁉️🤔🫢. Start killing each other for whatever resources they can scrounge up⁉️
I agree Cherre, I’m not sure how “evil” rationalizes anything, other than “The Means Justify The Ends”!
Their moronic ideologies are so far out in left field, they’re on a different planet than the rest of the world!
They weren’t held enough as babies. And learned evil was good. 🙈
LOL, you’re most likely right AlmostLastRepublicaninSeattle. Though I recently read an article which had been “Peer Reviewed” by Psychologists stating how the leftist have a mental disorder / are more than double the right wing of being narcissistic /Psychopaths and a myriad of other mental illnesses.
When conservatives or sensible people can’t understand why the leftist do the things they do, literally it’s because they have serious mental health problems!
Often times people joke and say something like “what are they nuts”? Or to that effect and after this study the answer is a resounding “YES THEY ARE”!
I think the leftist are far more dangerous than ever because this study 1. Proves they really are nuts and 2. They can use this as an excuse! Which IMO makes them extremely dangerous!
It's unsustainable. Ironic considering how they love to use that word. But what will be left when their world collapses?
All the agendas that are now being rolled out, have been planned for decades. Everything is done incrementally (think of the frog in the pot of boiling water!). The following documentary is long; but it has logic, reason, truth, facts and has everything that a person could want to know about this "Matrix" that we've all been living in. No news to me; but it puts it all in perspective - one of the best!
Any time! I have hundreds of these in my library...irrefutable truth.
Nobody that took the Vax wants to admit they were fooled by the Propaganda Campaign even when they see their Family Members Die. They stay silent. Look at the Royal Family. It Killed Prince Phillip in 4 Months and the Queen in about 18 months. King Charles has Pancreatic Cancer. Sad
Why would King Charlie not qualify for the saline shot?