A good run solves about 95% of my problems.

A HIIT--bent-over, mouth-breathing, all I've got kind of speed work, CrossFit-ish type of workout solves 99% of my problems.

I used to chew Copenhagen. I think tobacco, or nicotine, is likely the most effective anti-depressant medication available. Started chewing when I was in the 8th grade--finally stopped when I was 50. Used Zyn, Nic gum, and other nicotine devices for the next 2 years.

Wife learned that I was a liar about quitting...like any good drug addict, I lied about it.

Put her foot down. I stopped using nicotine completely one year ago.

Holy Mother of God!!! WRECKED! My BP skyrocketed. I could not sleep. I was completely unhinged. Anxiety owned me.

I never thought I was anxious until I gave up the nicotine. Holy sheeeeiiiitt was I wrong. My head is ALWAYS on a swivel. Dad died when I was 5. Had a dumb, fat, violent step dad. Bad guy. We would PANIC when he pulled into the driveway. Totally unpredictable.

Took about 120 days--and me calling the VA to say, "Uh, I have anxiety & depression...."

Once I admitted it, everything became easier to manage. I do not take any pills/drugs. Not for me. PT is my medicine. Hot/Cold exposure, meditation, journalling. Reflection.

Sadly only about 20% of Americans exercise. If we could get that to 50%, the use of drugs would drop significantly.


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Go to the head of the class.

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Thanks David. I'm pretty sure tobacco is easier to overcome than anything Big Pharma cooks up in their highly functional, well financed meth labs.


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IMO, street drugs are better than Big pHarma if you must take mind benders to cope with painful emotions. At least street dealers are honest about what they sell.

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Even if they cut it with fentanyl, they are likely still more honest than Big Pharma.

We watched Dope Sick on Hulu a few years ago. I encourage it...but you'll likely want to throw a brick through your television. So corrupt. So deeply, grossly, criminally corrupt.


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Revelation 18.....Sorcery is Pharmakia/Pharmacy/

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No kidding...I like the word!!

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My god we live in a corrupt world where money , greed, power, & pure evil seem to rule

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Im seeing it so clearly myself now. Do these people worship satan?

Or at least they serve self. God help us.

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Oh, they definitely do worship Satan, Maria: Up to their eyeballs in Black Magick, child sacrifice, and adenochrome consumption... Karl Marx and Adolph Hitler were head-over-their-heels into it; both of them... 😱

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I agree 💯!

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i won't comment on hitler other than to offer this surprising 1936 headline as the one thing that began my researching more and finding things not to be as they seem in terms of what we've all been told about him… https://images.app.goo.gl/XvrvMRoSomhHnEGD6

as for karl marx, that is not his real name. his real name was moses mordecai levy.

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It’s such an evils mess! But there has been no suprises for our God!! He knew what we would be up against!

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worship satan. or lucifer (same thing, just practices differ slightly between satanism and luciferianism). in the end they ultimately have the same goals. quite literally the world is being run by satanic pedophiles. as far as i can tell, and i have studied this for quite some time, there are a handful of african leaders who are not cut from this cloth (of whom most mysteriously died after calling out covid-19 as ‘something isn't right here, or calling out {or refusing to accept covid vaccines for their people}). the only other CURRENT world leader who is, in my opinon, not cut from the same cloth, and is totally against the impending ‘new world order’ is Vladimir Putin. he is vilified by western leaders and western newsmedia (the Rothschild/Rockefeller families have very large shares in ALL american/canadian mainstream media) because in 2015 he completely banned the rothschilds from entering Russia, or doing any business in Russia, whatsoever. They despise Putin for this and have done their best to lull the masses into thinking he is a villain when he was absolutely justified in defending russia's sovereignty via the ukraine conflict. by the way, the ukraine is one of the world's most prolific child trafficking hotspots, perhaps to no coincidence!

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Thank you for sharing this important info to help wake up the masses of believers - who can see clearly now and repent for our rebellion against God and fear The Lord God Almighty alone. Jesus Christ alone

is a soul saver!!!!

Glory to Christ alone!!

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i'm just glad there is now becoming an audience to hear it. it really is information that needs to be spread far and wide, and needs to be known by everyone as to prevent their plans from coming to fruition. sadly, the hardest part has been the 99.9% of people who unequivocally DO NOT WANT to know about any of it. at the front of the line for the 'DNWTK' crowd are my own family. and had they listened to even the slightest amount of it, they would certainly

not be going through the list of adverse event symptoms due to quadruple clot shot injections, each (my parents and a handful of extended relatives as well).

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It seems that way. I do think it's true. So dark, it doesn't make sense otherwise

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Evil thrives because good people do nothing.

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"Seem to"? 🤔

Read up on Bohemian Grove some time, or read this, from December 2, 2016: "PizzaGate" https://www.unz.com/article/pizzagate/

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End times prophecy being fulfilled-

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Pharma fraud In order of fraud from greatest to least:

Covid and jabs



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Followed by “every other damn thing they put out”

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Yeah and now they probably have a billion people worldwide dependant on their antidepressant to get by or else they will go into withdrawals. Everyone needs to think long and hard before they or a loved one gets on one. Some will say only effexor is the hardest to get off of but I will tell you that most antidepressants are really hard to get off of. Especially if the doctor your seeing doesn't know anything about antidepressant withdrawal syndrome. The drug companies tell all the doctors how to wean people off the antidepressants or antipsychotics but it's the wrong way and a very painful way to wean people off their drugs. It's like jumping off a cliff for the brain to put it bluntly. Where as the weaning should be slow and steady. Everyone that's interested in this needs to look up Dr. Mark Horowitz(Outro.com) on YouTube and watch some of the podcasts and interviews on this very widespread worldwide problem. Also take a look at the subreddits, antidepressant withdrawal or antipsychiatry or antidepressants communities, to get a sense of the magnitude of this problem. It's a BIG problem in our world today and people need to be very aware of antidepressant withdrawal and that they are no better than PLACEBO.

This also hits home for me because my dear friend has been on many different kinds of antidepressants and was put on Effexor. That was 16 years ago and he still can't get off of it due to the horrible withdrawals like, brain zaps or electrical shock sensations in his brain and body that come on if he even misses a dose for one day. He desperately wants to get off and has been trying for atleast 14 years to get off the effexor because about the 2nd year of being on it he noticed that he was emotionally numbed out and couldn't hardly laugh anymore or feel anything. I can't imagine living like that. But apparently millions of people do every day of their lives. He has told me that he can't relate to people anymore because of it and it has affected his social and spiritual life in a very negative way. I can only comfort him and be there for him when he wants to talk about it. And of course I pray for him to one day find the right psychiatrist or doctor to wean him off the right way. I actually found Dr. Mark Horowitz for my friend and that led to him finding out about the Dr. Mark Horowitz Outro company where they are helping wean people off the right way and give them counseling. He is on the waiting list as it's not available in the US right now. I hope that if someone reads this that maybe they can create a company just like Outro to help people wean off their drugs the right way. The world definitely needs more companies like that for the billions of people that are stuck on their antidepressant and want to get off. Anyways thanks for reading my story and opinion on this terrible matter. Hopefully by spreading awareness people will start to say no to their PCP when the antidepressant question comes up and seek healthier alternative treatment options. 🙏✌️

I thank you Dr. Mercola for sharing this substack with the world to spread awareness.

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It isn’t new news that antidepressant use does nothing to help those afflicted- but even though it’s been researched and found wanting, providers continue to prescribe the worthless pills.

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Fraudulent science or no science at all? That describes 90% of big pharma drugs. Most clinical trials are data fudged, cut short, misinterpreted, misrepresented or downright faked. Without these regular deceptions, big pharma would go broke very quick because most of their drugs are fake and serve no purpose in creating a healthier human being.

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Show me ONE DRUG that makes someone more healthy. I'll wait.....

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The thyroid synthroid I take, for one. Heart meds, though I haven’t taken my BP recently. I’m still alive, obviously. No murmurs. The aforementioned Luvox. Linzess. Which definitely works. Prune juice would some of what Linzess does, but it wouldn’t reduce the inflammation. Which is, shall we say, “a pain in the ass”, if I don’t take it at least once every 3 days or so.

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These are typically translated into English as “sorcery,” “witchcraft,” or “sorcerer.” Ancient Greek uses of pharmakeia closely mirror the generic modern English word drugs ; the same Greek root word produced English terms such as pharmacy and pharmacist. Revelation 18:23

“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; 👉for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”👈( A Strong Delusion is upon the world) Revelation 13 & 14💉🧬

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Mercola nails it each and every day. When they attack him as ferociously as they do, you have all you need to know.

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Dr Peter Breggin is considered one of the best concerning this topic.


Click on upper tab "Psychiatric Topics".

Followed him for years as I witnessed disturbing trends in family and friends who innocently took 'the meds.' Breggin is a wealth of information.

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I literally have to cite this study to my patients sometimes to convince them that I am privy to the fact that reuptake inhibitors are often unnecessary, in order to convince them to take the TCA (tricyclic antidepressant) I’m prescribing for their migraines or narcolepsy or neuropathic pain or insomnia. I have to argue that it’s not for their grumpy ‘tude, it’s for their neurological condition…. I wish this article would keep specifically to the science, as mutable as it may be, and say the study found that “reuptake inhibitors” are not more effective than exercise, not “antidepressants” in general… the rhetoric is misinformation.

Notably, Luvox and Prozac are excellent medications for numerous disorders that may preclude the depressive symptoms, such as OCD or generalized anxiety.

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Excellent distinction thank you

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An honest benefit to harm analysis of these and pretty much every other drug or other medical product out there would yield results so damning that the people peddling them would all be put in prison.

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Not a surprise. Tried several different antidepressants over the years but they never worked. Just messed with my libido. Exercise much more beneficial.

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Manipulation through statistics. Bill Gates protocol has deceived the whole world. In Rev 18:23, God explains why He destroys Mystery Babylon, because they used sorcery (in the original Greek, sorcery means pharmakeia) to deceive ALL (not some, but ALL!) the nations. Now, what did pharmakeia mean then? And what does it mean now? Drugs and pharmacy are involved, but not by themselves. Trying to keep this short so not doing a deep dive here, but suffice it to say, for our generation alive today, here is the brief history. Pharmakeia began in Babylon with Nimrod (~3000BC), carried on to Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon (~600BC), then to Roman Empire (~200BC-300AD), then to China, Iran, and Western Europe thru secretive knowledge and written pharmacopoeia's (drug recipe books), then to the New World and expansion of Western Culture. These recipe books not only provided good intention medicines, but they also contained concoctions that produced hallucinations and allowed divinations (opening portals to the spirit world) which were abominations to God, they also contained recipes for poisoning enemies (ie, political opponents). The knowledge throughout empires was kept, for the most part, secretive to the public, and geared only for the qualified within the empire (Chaldean Mystery Religions in Babylon for instance). Whomever controls the knowledge, controls the peasant class, a trademark of empire structure. Now for our times, pharmakeia remains, but about 1910 it really took off after Rockefeller controlled the Western Oil futures. Chemical engineering jumped off the charts and synthetic engineering began. Through proxy, Rockefeller established control over medical and chemical science in higher education Universities. So from ~1915-1930'ish, Rockefeller medicine (aka Western Medicine) blossomed. In the very late 1700's through about 1880, medicine and apothecary shops were primarily Dr owned, practices grew and chemists were hired to make common drugs for the Dr's practice, kicking off a specialized chemistry and Pharmacy based off pharmakeia became a recognized profession in a sense until the first official Rx School began around 1895 with the Philadelphia school of Pharmacy. After the oil boom and Rockefeller Western Medicine merged, so to did the modern Pharmacy period kicked off. Because pharmakeia of ancient eras dealt mostly with natural plants and natural source materials, often certain areas could not grow specific plants or herbs and they dealt with what was available,which for some areas, really limited treatments. Since most pharmacopoeia's brought to the Western world we're based off what China and Iran/Macedonia offered was a particular favorite, a little plant called the Poppy produced an extract called opium. Perhaps you heard of it. Well, Brittain sure did, and a new trade route was established. This was far more lucrative than tea or coffee, they found they could control people, direct them, with this opium drug. It's impact today is worse now, you may have heard of other derivatives, morphine, oxycodone, Oxycontin for starters. Let's not forget our South America contribution that led an Atlanta based pharmacist who concocted a once benign beverage known as Coca(aine)-Cola (yes, it originally had cocaine in it).

Well.... I'll leave this brief history lesson here for now, it's quite a bit to ponder over since we've only scratched the surface of the 20th century. It gets much worse, calms down for awhile, then the madness takes over that puts us in the pharmaceutical quandary we face today, where we decide we want to take it as individuals, and what God is going to do with it within, my guesstimate, the next 7 years.

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I say we go back to the days of Coca Cola having a “tiny” smidgen of cocaine in each serving. But since I prefer Pepsi, what shall we add to that? Or RC?

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Might help 😂🤪!!

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Terrific explanation!!!

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Thanks, appreciate that. Actually been an RPh 43 years and have watched the transformation of an industry morph from "pretty honorable" (70's-mid 80's), bare in mind I'm hardly out of highschool and aside from a regular church attendee, I now am getting caught up in worldly things and living away from parents. In 1986 Reagan passed the Vax Safety Act relieving Vax mftr off the hook for ANY liability/culpability - this will eventually become monumental, but at the time, had nothing to do with my job per se' (at least not then), from "honorable" it started turning to "greedy" (90's-2000's), this is when little red flags/questionable decisions in the profession started popping up. In about 2005 (retail Rx started it's role in flu vaccines)-ok at first, but since this was a new era in the profession, I had to study a side of BigPharma that was new to most pharmacists (now the nefarious side starts to rear it's ugly head) . Need to back-up just for a second and let's take a quick look at the vaccine recommended schedules: in the 60's when I was grade school, we had 5-6 shots/jabs. By the 70's, it jumped to around 10-12, now the safety act is in play, by the late 80's, it jumped to about 36 CDC Recommend jabs, by the 90's it jumped to about 80 jabs, and from 2000-2024 it's skyrocketed to about 120!! And that's the childhood schedule. From the 90's fwd, I had patients and Rx techs that had kids who now had Autism at an astronomical rate (we didn't even hear or know of anyone who had this in the 60's to 70's!). The common denominator? Vaccine schedules, proof? Some, but it's sketchy at best, but call it a coincidence or not, but from around 2010-2015, there were over a hundred deaths of Dr's (mostly natural or Homeopathic practicioners with many studying the affects or potential risks of jabs in children), they had irrefutable proof of the significance of the number of vax's received increased dramatically the rise of autism. Another huge Red flag. About 2017, after having renewed my commitment to God around 2008, I started connecting the dots to Rev 18:23 and down the rabbit holes I went. That's the Readers Digest version.

I will be writing a mostly free book in a couple months exploring this subject in much more detail and you can be keeping your eyes peeled for it. Tentative title will be similar to "Rev 18:23 a career RPh's perspective". It'll go out to many Bible prophecy podcasters to start, a couple secular ones as well (for perspective purposes). Bottom line, as Dr. mercola addresses the antidepressants, and all kinds of MD's are jumping on SARS-CoV-2 jabs are significantly worse than the disease that was created for the jab. Sadly, my angle, is going to show what is commonly been missed along with a plethora of other makings as well.

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Thank you all for the kind support. Please read my addendum added to the next reply in this thread --and stay tuned!😁, much more to come!

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No doubt about it! Just another way to make big Pharma more powerful and richer!

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I know the Luvox that I take helps. Because I know my body, my symptoms, how was feeling both before and after, how I felt when I skipped taking it for up to 1 month.

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Dangerous to suddenly go off it. Wean your way off.

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I won’t be doing that.

The Lord moves in mysterious ways. Physical health meds, mental health meds.

I probably have 30 years left, 40 if I’m lucky (or unlucky, whichever). My salvation in Jesus Christ is numero uno. I’ll listen to him and the docs. Advice from strangers, especially on the Internets, will be taken under advisement.

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