I say it’s higher, I see young women who are pregnant with chronic hypertension, gestational hypertension and another 16 week stillborn 150/ 110 bp last week . Birth rate is declining as well, infertility is up . I also see quite a bit of autoimmune diseases. Unfortunately cancer as well . I wish people had better lifestyle habits and supplements.

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I’m currently following the McCullough protocol. Can you please tell me what lab can run a quantitative spike protein level on your blood? I am in Missouri and have been unable to find a lab that will do anything other than the antibody qualitative.

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TWC is truly shameless.

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May 20Edited

Most of us don't trust ANYONE completely, whether it be anyone from "TWC" or whoever else. But why shouldn't we suspect that those hiding behind the crowd-pleasing "viruses are fake" grade-schoolerish nonsense, and putting immense efforts into undermining anyone and anything associated with alternative treatments, are actually canvassing on behalf of the deep state? The deep state says "ivermectin bad, supplements bad", and the "fake viruses" crowd parrots "ivermectin bad, supplements bad" and is more than happy to do the deep state's dirty work for them. If I had to bet, the "fake viruses" movement has EXTREMELY sinister motives, including but not limited to depopulation by dissuading people from seeking potentially beneficial treatments for serious or fatal health issues, and distracting from/covering up murders from mRNA vaccines and hospital protocols by selling the emotionally appealing LIE that "the whole pandemic was a hoax" in order to make people forget the pandemic-era murders. Even though I don't particularly trust entities such as "TWC", I would trust them 1000x more than the "fake viruses" crowd.

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Hey! Have you looked into the virus argument? Unsure if you saw Dr. Denis Rancourt and Kirsh talk about it: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-it-does-matter

Even Dr. Paul Alexander from TWC has disused that “something fishy” occurred that may not have been a virus

Check out my article — curious to your feedback!

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Rancourt is vitally important for accurate information; forget Kirsch!

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LMAO! Isn't there a rock you should be crawling under or another jab to get?

God bless TWC and all the doctors who had the courage to do the right thing when most of society were lemmings

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Did TWC endorse/ sell Tamiflu ever? Though I love the doctors and everyone else that stood.,I think we should always be on our toes about what is and isn't put in our bodies.

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What's TWC's miraculous fix for ADE?

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I personally don’t have a problem with TWC. Freedom of choice in supplements and treatments. Which as a Canadian they are threatening to remove our access to many supplements (which leads me to believe they are probably working well in actually helping out health - but that might just be my cynical take- just saw a video of a Canadian talking about customs confiscating his zinc when he came back from abroad.) (which I can still luckily legally buy zinc in Canada but for how long… I have noticed restrictions on some mail order supplements from US to here, in that I am not allowed more then a 90 day supply… so weird- definitely not moving in the direction of freedom that’s for sure)

Anyway if you don’t like their pricing they tell you the supplements types and amounts-just order from elsewhere if u find it cheaper. Starting a business is hard to make it work so don’t knock others.

Now if your issue is that spike proteins may not be the actual problem and are a concept pushed forward to perpetuate a misunderstanding of the actual problems (maybe, bacteria, toxins, poisons, nanobiotech or just contamination of some batches, heavy metals, parasites- what u see as the possibilities that are more likely to be the true problem?)

Well then in that case, if people are finding relief from issues by using the supplements then there is still some good coming from it and I don’t know what to say, we are all still trying to figure it out. It’s not TWC fault that they kept the ingredients secret of what was in the vaccines and they didn’t let independent scientists look things over first and that the government and the big pharma companies tried to just say safe and effective without actually honestly providing proper trials etc. ya maybe there is a conspiracy or something that’s not TWC fault.

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This is NOT about buying herbal or natural products that have been proven to work; this is about buying these and similar products from TWC and anyone else promoting their own favorite brands for personal and corporate profit.

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Profits are a reasonable expectation. The buying and selling of items is part of capitalism and is preferable to communism.

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They sure are looking that way by ignoring the vaccinated showing up in hospital cath labs everyday in all the hospitals to get those white blood vessel occluding clots removed.

So far NOTHING is dissolving those things so why doesn't Dr McCullough ask his friend Dr Malone the self acclaimed former creator of the mRNA to share the anecdote for those polymer like clots?

See link above........and Dr McMillan's Substack interview with a cath lab whistleblower who claims they remove them from 5 to 10 clients weekly.

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Yeah, right but we don't need any more "anecdotes" but ANTIDOTES would be helpful!

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Mea culpa ,BUT PLEASE Tell me what Paul or Dr McCullough are doing for these poor injures people whose major blood vessels are slowly becoming occluded with un dissolvable UNNATURAL Growing Polymer fibrous clots covered with real clotting blood that can be dissolved ?

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"why doesn't Dr McCullough ask his friend Dr Malone'. I thought Malone sued McCullough so.. not so sure about the "friend' thing. I don't even think McCullough goes on stage anymore with Malone.

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No Dee, McCullough sued Dr Jane Ruby and the Drs Breggin and the judge threw the case out.

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Nope. Not what I heard.

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From who , I would like to know your source.

He sued Ruby and the Breggins and the Judge dismissed the case.


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Who or what is TWC?

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The Wellness Company.

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Do you only approve of financial failures with limited readership? You must be a lefty.

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May 20Edited
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We all should have a choice but that's not really a choice when these "wellness kits" are being produced and distributed for profit and at prices many can't afford; McCullough and his supporters want us to question the "science" that brought us the fake "vaccines" and plandemic while simultaneously fear mongering about the unproven next pandemic such as birdflu and countless other "disease pathogens" out there; this is NOT the way to promote an effective alternative health model which should be based on healthy life choices and maintenance of natural immunity.

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Dr. MCCullough spent years not profiting at all. He has worked hard and deserves to make a living from that hard work. Don’t like it? Don’t buy it!!

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Yes, and so did many others make enormous sacrifices, both personally and professionally but they are not out there selling their own brand of SH*T!

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I think McCullough has had a rough last couple of years but I don't think he is at all in danger of being financially broke. But yeah don't buy it if you don't like it. It would be nice if it was all more affordable.

If you can't afford the "extras" then try your best to eat a clean, non-processed, anti-inflammatory diet.

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Patti, Dr McCullough garnered thousands traveling around and speaking to the choir.

Drs Zelenko and Chetty were Real heroes.

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Agreed. Zelenko is the one who got me really started oy journey to health freedom. I just don’t think McCullough is a bad guy. I think he’s one of the good ones!

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Maybe he's just clueless about what's going on in cath labs across the country ?

Then again he is a Cardiologist.

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May 20Edited
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boom again...'Look at how many people here on substack are attacking TWC but they're off selling t-shirts and coffee mugs and they saved no lives ever. Not one of these people who tear down Doctor are saving lives or working their butt off to access and sell wholesale kits themselves.'

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Stop being such a shill, Dr Paul!

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May 20Edited
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Oh and by the way ....Look what YOUR friend Dr Ruby had to say.........you Must agree with her because you were on her podcast two or three times.


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Sorry Paul , Selling Fauci's Paxlovid saved no one.

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Red Herring false argument! wholesale kits!? yeah, sure they are!

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I like your spunk and style

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Oh it's an advertisement... Please stop

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You advertise "Steve's Substack" every time you comment, and you have managed to lure in 100 suckers. More power to ya, but please stick to grumpiness and avoid open hypocrisy.

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Thank you Dr. Mc Cullough for your selfless and compassionate efforts to protect Humanity.

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Does McCullough still have Malone on board his TWC ?

Paul are you still flip flopping on Malone too?


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Good question. I think everyone's operating on the assumption that these things are amyloid and then drawing on the evidence that natto can degrade amyloid. But why has that not been tested or proven? Oh that's right, the people who could fund that study actually want us to die. I always forget that part. I slip up sometimes. Always remember: this is hell. This is hell. Funny that David Foster Wallace gave this sermon about it being water and then checked out early leaving us to it. Brackish water. Dark water.

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what could possibly be good about the jab?

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The problem as I see it is this: The real purpose of this shitshow.... to hook Humanity up to AI... and the coming AI war!


This is just the tip of the Iceberg.



Boston Dynamics








They all without consent and without public knowledge because they are pre dominated by false arguments of paid opposition like Dr. McCullogh who is a part of them!

They Implement AI on every Consumer Level at CPU Level without Operating System.

AI IS the Operating System.

Only when there is no way back... and we have the AI war I am warning for 4 years and counting... then you will realize it is all too late.

You have all been fooled incl Vigilante Fox and all the others because you chose to look away when there was still a chance.

Dr. Peter Mc Culloch is a Liar and paid opposition and you been fooled twice over.


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I tend to fully agree!

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Thank you.

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Don't believe it's quite 80%, for so many of us blew the trumpet of warning 24/7...!

Hope it's closer to 60%...?

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Can we start with healthy habits please. There isn’t a single drug out there that beats wise movement, clean eating, healthy social interactions, and sleep. If you’re still think after all that, then and only then seek additional support.

Health is not found in needle or pill form. The End

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Nuremberg 2.0 let's get it done share & copy into a browser. File with local county & sheriff https://5smallstones.com/medical-integrity/

support clouthub.com, it's not cabal controlled🇺🇲 🙏 ❤️

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It seems to me that only a few people won't be affected by the vaccines - back before the vaccines were released, it was reported they were injected into a herd of cattle in Texas - all of the cattle died, with one animal lasting 9 days, the last one, before it died too.

DARPA and Moderna pioneered the idea behind mRNA vaccines

By Rhoda Wilson on October 15, 2022

DARPA has openly bragged on Twitter that Moderna’s mRNA vaccine technology, and by extension Moderna’s Covid vaccine, was a product of their ADEPT program.

The introduction of foreign nucleic acids – RNA or DNA – into the body to generate foreign proteins is, by definition, gene therapy, regardless of whether or not the subject’s own genes are changed by it.

Moderna wins Award for Deadly Covid Vaccine it was able to create prior to 2019 because “Murderna” is responsible for creating the Covid-19 Virus in a BioLab… #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG

In my opinion, it is theorized that not everyone will be injured or die from vaccines - well Gene Therapy Injections and Moderna is building ModRNA factories for the conversion of those injected, who don't die, into something else by Genetic Modifications - better hurry up - the war in the Ukraine is moving to a Russian victory and the carve up of the Western World can begin in earnest by Putin and Xi after that - because of what the Elite in our Western World have done to us - nowhere to run or hide then, right Elite - for the chop for sure - serve you all bloody right. Human Garbage, we are, but no more?

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