Nov 23, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

1986 was when the light was first turned on for me. I walked away from the pediatrician’s totally unnecessary “Well care” visits & was done with their ignorance in this field of vaxxx cultish practices. Have not regretted not once that I walked away from this “industry” because they refused to answer my simple questions(one was - “What actually is in these inoculations?”)

Fear does terrible things to people. It has been used for centuries to harm & destroy people. So thankful so many are now waking up to the extreme malfeasance of this industry.

No blame, no shame - they have had a VERY powerful, manipulative message of indoctrination for decades. Everyone daring to simply question was scorned, mocked, silenced. The Truth is finally getting out. Thankful for Dr Yeadon among many others.

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Give thanks tomorrow for Dr. Mike Yeadon and others with integrity.

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022

Give thanks for Dr. Mike Yeardon and others with integrity EVERY DAY!

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The largest incidence of groupthink ever recorded

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Dr. Yeadon is a classic case of "when you see it, you can not unsee it". I give him all the credit in the world for staying true to his realizations. I imagine this has been a very difficult journey but his conscience is clear. I don't know of anything more valuable than that.

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“I Didn’t Do My Homework” – “I’m Ashamed That I Was Pro-Vaccine”

Same! Thanks to very early public warnings from Dr Yeadon on the Covid injections, I immediately started my own homework... now 70 books and counting, on the specific subject-matter and anything I could get my hands on more broadly related to the Covid Plandemic. Yes, those who have investigated deeply know it was all planned, and we know a lot more than that, but returning to the matter of vaccines, that is another learning along the way... Big Pharma and virology itself are swamps of fraud. Dr. Sam Bailey was also instrumental in my awakening. The more they, including a great many so-called freedom fighters, bash her rather than engage on the merits of her arguments, the stronger she looks in my opinion. 'Virus Mania' and 'The Real Anthony Fauci' should be more than enough for ANYONE to see that things are not as they seem in this domain, and they never have been. But there are countless other books that can be cited as well. Meanwhile, I do not know of a single serious book that exculpates Big Pharma of all it stands accused of, let alone any attempt at writing one by someone who is not in pharma's pocket. I would love to read such a book. It. Does. Not. Exist. End of.

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if you are seeing it in a book, you are way too late.

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Seeing it and understanding it are not the same.

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Going the medical freedom route for life (pun intended) is even tougher now that deluded healthcare workers can openly speculate about withholding any type of care for the unvaccinated. (Remember, their income may rely on killing you and their hospital getting a government payout for it)

While not being over-treated with cut/drug medicine is 90% a blessing, the other 10% of emergency needs are real.

We all desperately need a place where ethical, sane healthcare workers can do their work.

You have to be supremely responsible, wealthy, healthy AND plain lucky to never need any type of healthcare at all. Yet, we now face a situation where even a car accident can put us under the thumb of psycho killers who actually "believe" they're right.

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Three take-aways for the Georgia Senate Runoff: Herschel Walker's stand for health freedom contrasts Raphael Warnock's recent "not voting"


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Nov 23, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

It takes a doctor with integrity and humility to admit when a once held belief is no longer valid. Thank you, Dr. Yeadon, for speaking out.

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I don’t take ANY vaccines ! Just good , clean living ! I believe there is a chance the govt will kill you to keep from paying social security , etc. We have to get the Dems out of power and put sanity back into our country. Dems should be mostly arrested , and fake conservatives

ostracized and marginalized.

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This problem has been increasing for 100 years. Most aggressively for the last 40+ years. You are kidding yourself to label it a "Dem" problem.

Both political extremes and their so-called leaders are fully guilty and betray the citizens of this country while getting us to fight with each other--so we don't ever look up to see who is laughing with glee.

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I’ll stick a little closer to Republicans , as the lesser of two evils. The Rinos should be kicked out of the party and replaced , by state, with a new , true Republican. Dems ARE the major problem , but I despise a Rino.

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Not taken a jab since 1991. I regret that I was given them as a child.

The real question for me though is why are doctors so taken in and dismissive of the growing complaints. Arrogance is the only answer I can think of

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Mike Yeadon was the chief scientist and vice-president of Pfizer's allergy and respiratory research unit, NOT the chief scientist of the whole of Pfizer.

If you get this wrong, many readers will not read the very important points in the rest of the article, and that would be a great pity.


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I never meant for it to sound that way. But I made an edit for clarification.

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Yes, there have been many good documentaries, but in my opinion that one is truly outstanding and the best thus far. It is hard to see how it can be topped. It's all there, narrative-believers simply need to watch it with eyes wide open. I was so moved by it I wrote a whole post about it:


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I was always accepting of vaccines until about 10 years ago when I noticed that my children were getting more vaccines the I ever had to get. I also became aware of the moral and ethical concerns regarding the use of fetal cell lines derived from abortions used for the testing and development of vaccines. At that time, I started asking questions about risk/benefit analysis of vaccines and avoiding any vaccines that used the aborted fetal cell lines. However, since the introduction of the mRNA technology being passed off as a vaccine, I took a harder look at the history of vaccine development and use, and have come to the conclusion that none of the manufacturers in this field can be trusted and I am now 100% anti-vaccine.

I expect that that there are many, many others who have been enlightened to the corruption of the pharmaceutical industry over the past three years. That's probably the best thing that has come out of this whole evil fiasco.

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How many people are going to email this clip off to the jabbed and expect that it will be viewed?

It will be deleted before it is ever opened...

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Oh god another ridiculous article. Only an absolute moron would not “unequivocally condemn” the shot for EVERYONE. First off, it’s not a normal vaccine and doesn’t use a “weakened virus” so how can it possible “train the immune system”? ALL VACCINES SHOULD BE UNEQUIVOCALLY CONDEMNED and it looks like Mike needs to do some more studying if he wants to arrive at solid, evidence based conclusions. No

Scientific experiment has ever observed how or if a virus transmits from one person to another. There no way to prove or disprove this ridiculous hypothesis which makes it UNFALSIFIABLE. The philosophy of science teaches us that unfalsifiable hypotheses have NO SCIENTIFIC VALUE.

Furthermore, nobody event knows what COVID-19 is. There are 10 different symptoms now that someone can call “COVID”. 😂😂Diagnoses are based on rigged PCR tests that have NOT BEEN CALIBRATED! These so called tests were issued before anyone had possession of this “scary virus”. How does a test know what to look for if they haven’t been calibrated to the virus!?

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condemn pfizer forever. buy nothing from pfizer.

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