Oct 1, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

I really wish our government worked half as hard to stop fentanyl as they do to stop ivermectin.

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Oct 1, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Yes!! Even a tenth would probably do wonders!! 😂

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You're mistaken.

It's not "your government", it's accountable to World Enslavement Foundation (WEF) Cult, not to you!!!


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Great Reset: Break Back Better - Brandon

 January 6th 2021 – Welcome!


 Afghanistan, August 2021 (Saigon bis) – Disaster!


 Quackcine (Injectable Bioweapons) Edicts 2021 – Miserable Failure!

• Mulitply all stats by 41 to 100 to be accurate.


 Stagflation – >> 8% - The worst is yet to come!

• Do nothing, Yellen thinks that the inflation is temporary

 UkroNaziStan 2022 – Make Russia Great Again!

• Money Laundring


• Bioweapons Stakeholders



• General Sarmat – Maneuverable Nuclear ICBM.


• Grand Chess Master


 Recession? – Inevitable!!!

 Organized US Invasion from the South? – Looks Like it!

 Infanticide (CDC/FDA/NIH/DIC) – In the Making!

 The DOD and DOJ above the law? USSR 2022!!!

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Oct 1, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Great articles! Keep them coming!

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Thank you!

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Oct 1, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Marik’s admission that he did consider the possibility he was wrong/crazy, is all one needs to know, as for who utilizes scientific thinking, and who acts like a condescending narcissist. These people never contemplated the idea that they’re wrong. I see this tendency everywhere.

It’s like TDS symptom is the outTrumping Trump in all the flaws they assigned to him.

Our biggest social problem is this tendency to condemn in others that which we condone in ourselves

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Another excellent article! I love sharing your work with my unbeliever friends, and (so far) have not been booted from Facebook for linking to you. But I'm sure it's just a matter of time..... :-)

One small thing you might want to fix in this post - in the quote at the bottom you forgot the word "for", it should read “You cannot find that FOR which you do not look.”

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Oct 2, 2022·edited Oct 2, 2022Author

Thanks for feedback and shares! Will fix.

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The PCR scam made the Vax look good because they were able to show that all these millions of people had Covid and they didn't end up in hospital. Trouble is, they were not infected to begin with. They used the same scam to support the idea of asymptomatic super spreaders . Funny how you don't hear that anymore.

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Dr Marik makes me have hope that some doctors care and can be trusted.

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Well let's seeing 2019, I'm just a normal person, my doctor said not to pay attention, it's just the flu, there was no proof of an isolated sample in any lab and that she was retiring in 6 months.

What does that tell you?

Read between the lines.

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I ignored it and all msm and social media until it was injection or job for me in Aug 2021. I thought the people masking and plastic barriers were insane, in a silly way. Now it turns out they are insane in a very dangerous and malevolent way.

After I began my research I haven't once thought I was wrong. I began the quest questioning what the truth was and looked around the world. And everywhere I looked, different countries, different measures - all cause mortality, mortuaries booming, various government data organisations, news items from insurance companies, anecdotal evidence from emt personnel, published papers - all said the same thing. And within my tiny social group of 30 people or so, 6 serious adverse events.

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You are not wrong but as long as they continue to make you doubt yourself, your powers of reasoning and striving to achieve more proof, you are wasting valuable time. Go forward “as if”. They are eugenicists, and you will not defeat them with data or verifiable facts. You are the mouse in the mouse trap.

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Live Testimonial (1minute)

 Boris Johnson's Father Wants to Reduce Britain’s Population to Around "10 or 15 million" by 2025. (2012)


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 "The Elites are Planning to Kill Billions of People" -- Prime Minister of Malaysia (2015)

“The Peace of the Graveyard” - Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad


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 'Sudden and Unexpected': At least 11 Vacationers Drop Dead on Italian Beaches in 24 hours


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WRT - https://blog.rootclaim.com/ivermectin-both-sides-are-wrong/#comment-5015

IMO - RootClaim is wrong! Their headline seems ignorant! Ivermectin (and/or) similar are used as a part of a variable treatment protocol which has zero risk (near as damn), when the ETP is followed as per guidelines. The upside being, ETPs appear far more effective, than the experimental drug is, or was, especially when used as an ETP! If you have read up on ETP successes you will likely agree and understand.

The evidence for ETPs when debated/analysed is undeniably positive! Is this why MSM won't engage in any meaningful debate with Doctors who use them successfully?

If RootClaim have not read up on ETPs, then RootClaim have NO business, writing such an ignorant headline! IE. 'Ivermectin: both sides are wrong'


IMO one side is actually wrong because they 'act like' the argument is just about Ivermectin in isolation. That is not generally how medicine and/or innate immunity works, certainly not WRT this virus! There is no one product fix all, despite Pharma/MSM trying to say there was! Ivermectin based ETPs realise this! For example if we agreed eating meat or vegetables helped keep us healthy and strong, we would likely not agree or expect eating 'just' lettuce for the rest of our lives to keep us healthy!

So IMO, the ETP users are highly likely to be legally vindicated (and right), because they understand how to use/vary/adapt a mixture of medicine/nutraceuticals/drugs, as immune boosting protection for Early Treatment of virus! And by using simple techniques of observation this traditional approach seems to be a very powerful and evolving ETP!

In summary the FLCCC and such like seem to be seeking to treat the human body as a intelligent and complex organism with it's own innate immune system and working with that for humanities benefit.

Come on RootClaim, if you want to be on the right side of this battle for truth, then adopt some common sense WRT Ivermectin use!

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Great Work V Fox, as always.

Thanks for all you do!

(Please come & visit my SS page…you might like my stuff too🤓)

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Excellent - short & point on‼️👍

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Thank you, Steve for letting us hear what Dr. Marik has to say.

Honest, reliable, scientific input from our dear colleague.

Keep fighting the good fight! That is the reason of our lives.

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Sadly, I agree with the reactions stated above. People tend to post links to fact-checkers with the comment “I think you'll find you're wrong” or the ones you have stated.

I've just watched series 2 episode 3 of “capture” on Sky, it's the Chinese trying to sell surveillance to the UK. It's exactly what is happening now with the “Social credit system” that's planned. People will believe that it is just us watching too many films. It's so frustrating.

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