May 16Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Vigilant Fox and Dr. McCullough

The PM of Slovakia took multiple shots earlier today in an assassination attempt, thought to be because he just announced an official inquiry into the vaccines. He has survived surgery. I knew something like this was going to happen. Big Pharma is like the mafia.

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Thank you for this update! I was concerned. I'm glad he survived to see another day.

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Big Pharma IS the Mafia. I'd sooner take my chances with the Medellín Cartel: They at least were honest as to their intentions and if you stayed out of their way, didn't bother you much.

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RemovedMay 19
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Please don't post garbage links like this on my Substack. 🤨

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He also rejected the WHO and said they would withdraw

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I am glad WHO was rejected, they are part of the Mafia, too.

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Did he! I hadn't seen that, thank you.

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I hadn't heard about it either, until I saw it on Vigilant Fox, while scrolling.

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The video of that assassination attempt brought to mind the murder of Archduke Ferdinand in 1914, the event that launched World War One.

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He was shot for many possible reasons but most likely his refusal to support the EU and his refusal to support Ukraine and he recently said his country will not be supporting the WHO Pandemic Treaty and the amendments to the IHR. He is also against Muslim immigration into his country. So it goes much deeper.

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I read it was because he had announced an investigation would be done into the vaccines.

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From what I understand this is Fauci and Birx! She was the one running the show! Trump was thrown under the bus! Ticks me off to this day! A bunch of lying, conniving, less than human, evil beings! I don’t believe Trump had the same “vaccines” that the public did. He also had access to Hydroxy and IVM until they realized these meds killed the virus. Poof! Gone! No more Hydroxy and IVM! This most recent news of IVM being used to fight cancer is AMAZING! No wonder big Pharma, Fauci, etc didn’t want us to have them, they work! Not only do they work, they are inexpensive to produce! I’m still voting DJT, he is the ONLY option in my mind.

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Yep, they couldn't hand them out, with the sudden side effect of people spontaneously healing from cancer.

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Pfizer employees got a " different", vaXX. So ....

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Y ou call that a mind ?

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Trump was stopped by the Stafford Act once it was called an emergency !

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Only a Republican would be stopped by such a technicality.

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This might have been possible if he hadn't only recently talked the jabs up and taken credit for them. Whatever else Trump is, and he has many stellar qualities as a populist politician, statesman, and warrior against the corrupt elites, he's still a narcissist.

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I don’t know what is real or not real anymore.

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There is plenty that is real. Stay with the independent journalists who do not have corporate sponsors and donors. Read a variety of ideas and opinions. Use common sense and you will be fine.

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Exactly with rubber masked actors and CGI, it is difficult to ascertain what is real. There is so much deception that it is almost impossible to tell fact from fiction and we are in a war, between good and evil.

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That’s where they want us... confused!

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Exactly! Do we want a narcissist in the Whitehouse? That's the broader question. It's not just about vaccines. I am surprised Mccullough is talking such simplistic politics. With Trump it will always revolve around himself. And to a certain extent Mccullough also has a fairly big ego. Bobby Kennedy has tamed his as we all should try to do.

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RFKjr is on target where the jabb is concerned. But other than that he walks the Democrat line....right up to and including abortion on demand right up til birth.


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So you would rather the mRNA (and all the other) poisons injected into your kids' arms in perpetuity?

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Nice try...that's called a strawman argument. RFK doesn't have a chance in China to win this election...in, fact the globslist, cabalist Democrats are trying to figure out how to prevent an election from happening. No politician can save us...not RFK, DJT or the current occupier...Start praying if you haven't already. God is Sovereign, the hour is late, life is precious and Jesus is coming.

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True - about RFKJr. I do not pray.

The globalist cabal are toast. If the WHs are real, they or the RHs will get them - if they haven't already.

If there are no white hats, The People will get them.

They can not do what they have done and get away with it.

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Well....regardless of what you do or don't believe...whether you pray or not...whether there are white hats...sorry I'm not real conversant in Q anon...regardless of anything,

Jesus is going to return. You can take that to the bank....if they are still functioning. Bless you.

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Gesara - Nesara , Duck Duck Go that. T is CIC of Spaceforce DDG that too!

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According to PASCAL NAJADI, we don't have long to wait. He too, mentions the Spaceforce as a big part of the pushback. IF any of it is true, which I'm not sure of:


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Well , there won't BE any kids so I guess it's solved

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I think he may have modified his position on abortion. He has walked back his position on abortions at any point.

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Thank you. That’s a sickening thought but at least he is being honest about it.

People have a choice.

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You do realize that Kennedy chose a George Soros supported and funded running mate and GS is the low level ring leader of this whole shit storm, right?

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Ummm...she's wealthy in her own right , thus doesn't need anyone's money

Did you listen to her acceptance speech ?

It's gives a more fair idea than second hand pundit talk.

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I don’t care if they’re wealthy, I care who is sponsoring them and that’s different! Follow the money 💰

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“Evolutionary psychologists presume all human behaviours reflect the influence of physical and psychological predispositions that helped human ancestors survive and reproduce. In the evolutionary view, any animal’s brain and body are composed of mechanisms designed to work together to facilitate success within the environments that were commonly encountered by that animal’s ancestors.”


I believe that most of what we call 'personality disorders' are perpetrated within our complex social structure by selection pressures within evolved social roles. In my view, narcissists have significant advantages over non-narcissists as politicians for instance.

My first insight into this, as a high school senior, was in the Nixon vs. McGovern race. McGovern was perceived and widely condemned as a 'waffler’ for having changed his position on some important issues. Today, it is just as common to hear people bring up Kennedy's positions from years past and claim that those are his real positions, and that he's only saying what he does now to gain political advantage. Conversely, Trump is seen by many as 'steadfast’ for never changing position on much of anything.

Like it or not, we have a surfeit of narcissists in politics because society selects for that quality in leadership roles.

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Dislike the man (PDT), love most of his policies. I credit his narcissism and street fighting skills with keeping us out of wars. And RFK is the only other viable candidate and he cannot win 270 electoral votes!

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I’m hoping RFK jr is using his run as a chance to talk about the issues, then will bow out. Fingers crossed.

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And in order to overcome election ‘irregularities,’ the R candidate will have to receive overwhelming #s of votes to have any chance of winning. Please don’t split the vote. This election is waay too important.

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These gentlemen are still missing the point. This isn't a vaccine, its a bioweapon developed by the US DOD. That is the issue that needs to be addressed, and soon because the psychopaths working diligently in the bioweapons labs are about to release the next worst thing if we don't stop them NOW!

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Newest negotiated text of the pandemic treaty reveals *nations agree* about rolling out unlicensed vaccines

While there is more disagreement (yellow highlights) than agreement (green highlights) in the draft, the plan to roll out untested or barely tested products got a pass

by MERYL NASS MAY 16, 2024 https://merylnass.substack.com/p/newest-negotiated-test-of-the-pandemic?publication_id=746368&post_id=144688528&isFreemail=true&r=iun8d&triedRedirect=true&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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DEATHVAX™ BLOWBACK: Pastors, Nurses & Other "Vaccine" Pushers Receiving DEATH THREATS by 2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD MAY 16, 2024 https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/deathvax-blowback-pastors-nurses?publication_id=400535&post_id=144688487&isFreemail=true&r=iun8d&triedRedirect=true&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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It would be way too late. And the safety issues of the vaccine were obvious before Biden - in the disastrous clinical trials, the data was there, and if Trump didn't look at, and understand, the clinical trial data BEFORE recommending the shots, that is wrong on Trump's part. (And of course on Biden's also, but No One who understands how terrible these shots are would consider voting Biden).

RFK, Jr was right about this all along, and he's running because he understands how the system is built to not let anyone not part of the same corrupt system to make any real change, and Kennedy is sure he can still get through that.

Trump had his chance. He did not drain the swamp. He did not stand up for medical ethics. He said some things about getting out of the WHO but the action he took was too late for that to have happened. He knew covid was treatable but he still let Fauci and the media trash HCQ and he still pushed the vaccines, and even years later has been saying they're great vaccines, just should be a choice.

Trump also did not "destroy democracy", and I know much of what the media says about him, and the petty, stupid trials / indictments are bullshit. Someone who won't be honest about vaccine risks pushed on the entire world - or who may start to be honest Years Too Late - is less bad than someone who is that Plus forcing as many as he could to choose between their jobs, school, and poisoning themselves.

But we have a much better option. If Trump even did say this now, could it be trusted he had a real change of heart? Or is it just political strategy?

And RFK Jr will also look at All injections, and drugs, and food chemicals, etc, that are poisoning us all. He has way more integrity than Trump.

I don't think Trump would ever admit being wrong .. if he does, it may not be genuine.

But if Trump wants to have a conversation with RFK, Jr, they will both be at the Libertraian Convention later in May, and Kennedy has asked for a debate.

Trump is now gleeful about debating Biden, but that's on the terms that its only the two of them. That won't tell anyone anything new. What would be actually interesting and helpful for this nation is if the three of them speak together. Biden / Dems would never let that happen.

Trump could show courage and debate RFK in a few weeks. But he probably won't ...

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He relied on his medical advisors, I don't fault him for that, as for saying he did nothing, that is not so. He was in a box fighting to accomplish anything, and he did accomplish a great deal in spite of them. For example: https://lc.org/PDFs/Trump.Accomplishments.FINAL.pdf

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Trump was still “learning the game” of being President. I think if he had time to really think about it, he would have a different stance. I think he was rushed.

That being said, he should correct and fly straight now. He has much going for him per his record while in office, but………….

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The fact he managed to do anything given the forces against him is one for the record books. The entire Deep State, the MSM, most of Congress, the FDA, the CDC, the pentagon all conspired to take him out, take him down, they lied to him, they lied about him, they misled him, they hid information from him and they distorted information as well.

How many troops we really had stationed in Syria is just one example of the lies they told him. I would have been a basket case under such pressure. The fact that he accomplished as much as he did is IMO amazing.

If he gets back in that same govt clown car will be waiting for him with, "all new cheap moves." Yes, this time he will be better prepared, but it still will be very, very rough. Let us wish him well and do what we can for him now and in time to come.

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Nobody would have listened to Trump in 2020 anyhow. So the conversation is mute. They all were lining up for the " vaXX."!

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Totally agree. A side of me wants to support Trump, because he’s the only one who has a chance at beating Biden, but I still have a hard time trusting him.

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Please see my other comments. Easy to get excited about a fresh face with lot to like, but there is simply not a path to 270 electoral votes. Impossible.

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Please read my comments. RFK cannot win 270 electoral votes, esp when States aren’t even required to cast them based on popular vote. Impossible for him to win, even if he smashes the popular vote. And he really can’t do that either. Too many D’s vote party lines, and too many PDT fans for RFK to do anything but split the vote and keep anyone from getting to 270. You trust the House to decide?

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Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai told DJT the vaccines were a bio weapon back in 2020 and that shutting the country down was a disastrous idea. Trump knows.. but he doesn’t care. He’s part of the “Not So Obvious Establishment.”

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Dr. Somebody was trying to overrule the head of the NIAID, part of NIH. Trump had no choice but to listen to the heads of the many government health agencies; when he realized they were wrong (or lying) it was far too late.

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What is the source for this claim that Shiva told Trump they were bio weapons?

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"Donald Trump owns stock in Pfizer and J&J, who bought fancy tickets to his inauguration and placed pharma shills high in his administration. That's how Washington works. It is not the exception, but the rule. It is a form of legalized bribery."

~Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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Big pharma has always, and will continue to support both sides. Donations go to both parties. Please read my other comments. I don’t see a choice.

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That’s actually the first thing RFK has said that makes me NOT trust him. Everyone knows DGAW that big pharm caters to BOTH sides. Always has; always will.

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All of this was before covid.

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In 2017, Anthony Fauci Warned Trump Administration a 'Surprise Outbreak' Was Coming

A Surprise is Coming?

Coincidentally, a video of Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), back in January 2017.

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Yep, I saw that video at the time. Dr. Martin sees this plan having very early origins back in the '60's I think he said, well formed by the 90's.. This site has a lot of his work. https://totalityofevidence.com/dr-david-martin/

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Thx for the link. See I totally agree with you pertaining to Dr. Martin. I’ve been following him since day one! It’s been a shocker 😳

He is another one never invited to table top discussions. The massive amount of financial exposure via patents he can bring to the table should be crucial but it doesn’t seem to strike Congress or Senator Johnson! Why is that!

He caught my attention because I was in PL for years and little did I know I was wrapped up in dirty politics that screws the entrepreneur, the little man, because the system is stacked up against them through legal maneuvers by bankrupting them into submission and NDAs never to tell their story of what they signed and what is really going on!

Then have the nerve to play Christian every freaking Sunday!


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Welcome! Now Martin does get a lot of hearings, for example he presented to the EU, but I just did a quick search and apparently he has never spoken in DC.

Could be because he outed Rand Paul as a fraud. He said Paul had all the information on the govt development of the bioweapon from day one and sat on it.


Paul's recent attack on EcoHealth Alliance just made his fraud even more obvious. Shame, his father is and was the real deal. Bit narrow in his thinking, but the real deal.

You say you were in PL, what is that? Sincere question

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Yeah, I saw Dr. Martin’s speech at the EU and wouldn’t have missed that for the world! 😃

That’s a great point about RP. I guess I don’t follow him as much as you. However, I think I did hear Dr. Martin indicate he gave a letter to RP and did nothing about it. You may be on to something here. Sounds like Paul may be taking some 💰and just another shit show taking place like Comer does!

Dr. Martin also exposed that Vivek W. (Spelling🧐) …did you hear that one? This man is with Trump 24/7🧐hummmm.

(Let me add something about the Dr. McCullough conversation we had. You may be correct and I may be wrong about the political aspects of it. But like I tell all intelligent people…if I’m wrong I’ll admit I’m wrong so I guess we will see how buddy, buddy he becomes with Kennedy and I do hope I’m wrong!)

I may need to follow you…do you write?

PL is an abbreviation for Patent Litigation and the Eastern District has perfected it! They couldn’t operate without their lifelines!

You seem like one hell of an investigating journalist…go dig🧐🥰

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Didn’t Trump say get the vaccine he developed it Warp Speed?

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Yes he did, he said get it, its great, "I did it". And he said it should be a choice, unlike Biden. But we can do far better than two candidates who pretend poison is not poison. RFK, Jr is vaccine literate and has much more integrity than either Trump or Biden.

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Dear Ellen, 1) you have not conducted research this is clear. Moreover, 2) you are being PsyOped. After, you have conducted extensive research on Bobby; and only after you have considered the diabolical game play of the Globalists puppets the “Democrats” I am quite sure you will change your mind. It’s a game. You are being played.

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RFK Jr. is cut of a different cloth -- intelligent and integrity and functional ethics.

RFK Jr. reads, studies, does research, and understands the issues.

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Did I just hear he supports full term abortions? If so those fetus are probably going to pharm for vaccines. 🤬

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They aren't fetus's they are babies and yes he did say he was happy for a woman to murder a full term viable baby and then started back tracking a couple of days later when he found out even some deranged loons on the left thought that was a murderous policy too far.

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No he said he supports early abortions but not after 5 months or so.

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Every election cycle both parties play political theatre regarding abortion. Is this lie of stirring up righteous emotions going to derail another election? We have an opportunity to get new leadership, not the same swamp thugs. Consider someone with the bravery to revamp our healthcare system, clean up our regulatory agencies, our streams, rivers, etc. Neither party is going to outlaw abortions or they already would have. Nothing will improve without new leadership.

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But he still thinks half of the population that aren't men have the right to commit the murder of defenceless children. If that is what his reading, study and research have led him to no thanks, it is clear that he has no ethics after he said that. He is so trapped in truly evil selfish deluded feminist claptrap that he has lost all sense of right and wrong.

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That’s the way I feel about it too…thx👍

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You are a very compassionate, critical thinker👍👍

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Dear Mary, please see my reply to Ellen in this thread. Think about what I wrote.

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Agreed, but RFK simply cannot win in our electoral system! You trust the newly elected House to decide when no one gets to 270? Please read my other comments. Perot had huge popular support; not a single electoral vote!

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He said that well before the vax was rolled out for the general population. Remember the vax was only introduced to the public in September, Trump was out in December. There was no known evidence that the vax killed.

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There were thousands of deaths the first month of rollout.

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The first vaccine was administered in September, yes there were deaths but they were suppressed by the govt and in the media. Trump moved out of the White House in December. There was still no outcry about vax injuries at that time.

In hindsight there clearly were problems early on, but any attempt to raise an alarm was heavily suppressed. Look at what happened to so many physicians, nurses, researchers, Senator Johnson's Hearing A Second Opinion got into that in detail.


You cannot blame him for not having information that if it were generally available at all, which it wasn't was suppressed by a complicit MSM and govt agencies.

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I was referring to the first batches in January 20

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Thank you, supports my point; Trump was out of office, Biden was inaugurated on January 20th.

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I don’t doubt that, but RFK simply cannot win 270 electoral votes. Impossible. If no one gets to 270, the decision goes to the House and we all know how that will end.

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Trump Makes Shocking Statement on COVID Vaccines

"The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer. Turning setback into comeback! You're welcome, Joe, nine month approval time vs. 12 years, that it would have taken you!”

~Donald J. Trump, bragging about his experimental vaccines

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He obviously is speaking of monoclonal antibodies that were removed as a Covid treatment under the Biden "pretendency." I would say he was also referring to Ivermectin, but why on earth didn't he just come out and say that instead of using the term "vaccine". The covid jab isn't a vaccine by definition anyway, it is a biological operating system.

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It's a bio weapon. DOD Patents are out there AS EARLY AS 2015. IT WAS A JABB IN SEARCH OF A PLANDEMIC.

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"The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense."

~Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

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Good point, I had assumed he was talking about mNDA usage for cancer treatments, they are pushing that now.

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I think he is advised by either idiots or saboteurs. Maybe Paxton can get him to sit down with Peter McCullough.

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There may be a difference between what Trump instructed to be used as vaccines and what was actually delivered?

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"Donald Trump owns stock in Pfizer and J&J, who bought fancy tickets to his inauguration and placed pharma shills high in his administration. That's how Washington works. It is not the exception, but the rule. It is a form of legalized bribery."

~Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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Dec. 24, 2021

In an interview with Candace Owens, President Trump went on the record to promote vaccinations and repeated the mainstream media and government lies that it’s only the unvaccinated who are being hospitalized and dying. Sorry Mr. President but the FACTS show otherwise but since when do facts matter to a serial liar?

Remember that Trump is the self proclaimed “father of the vaccines” as he stated back in April 2021. In that same interview he also said that the pause on the Johnson and Johnson Vaccine was “a stupid thing to do” even though it’s now been proven that the J&J shot causes blood clots that lead to strokes, heart attacks, etc. Here is an article from Newsweek back in November confirming that J&J shot recipients were at least 4x more likely to have issues with clots.

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Trump and Biden are BOTH puppets of Israel and Klaus Schwab and his WEF. Both invaded countries, murdered people in order to steal their resources for the banks and corporations. They BOTH were puppets for the covid plandemic and the vaccines. These are all facts!

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Trump never invaded anybody. He is the only president in recent memory that didn’t start a war, remember?

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Donald Trump Bombs Three Countries During His First Weekend As Commander In Chief

Jan. 24, 2017

Donald Trump became President of the United States on Friday, January 20, and by the end of the weekend, the U.S. military under its new commander-in-chief had already dropped bombs on three countries. According to the U.S. Defense Department website, the Trump administration oversaw a total of 31 bombing raids and two drone campaigns in the countries of Iraq, Syria, and Yemen in the days following his inauguration.

In Yemen, targeted drone strikes killed five al-Qaeda operatives in the central Yemen town of Bayda. Six airstrikes around Mosul in Iraq targeted tactical ISIL targets, destroying a mobile bomb factory and other vehicles. A total of 25 bombing raids in Syria also focused on ISIL tactical units, according to the Department of Defense.

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Trump plans to block visas from seven Muslim-majority countries. The U.S. is currently bombing five of them

Jan. 26, 2017

US president Donald Trump's crackdown on immigration has already begun. Two executive orders signed yesterday (Jan. 25)—to begin constructing a border wall between the US and Mexico and loosening restrictions on which immigrants border agents can apprehend and deport—marked some of the biggest single-day changes to American federal immigration policy in recent history.

Trump is expected to sign more immigration-related executive orders this week, which would temporarily stop most refugee admissions to the US for several months and block visas being issued to anyone from seven majority-Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.

Of the seven countries expected to be named in Trump's executive order, the US is currently bombing five of them: Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. In 2016 alone, the country dropped an estimated 26,172 bombs in seven countries, (including Pakistan and Afghanistan), according to the Council of Foreign Relations. This estimate is thought to be on the low-end as each single "strike" can involve multiple bombs, according to the Pentagon's definition. In Barack Obama's last year in office, the US dropped 3,028 more bombs than in 2015.

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Trump's Military Drops a Bomb Every 12 Minutes, and No One Is Talking About It

June 19, 2018

We live in a state of perpetual war, and we never feel it. While you get your gelato at the hip place where they put those cute little mint leaves on the side, someone is being bombed in your name. While you argue with the 17-year-old at the movie theater who gave you a small popcorn when you paid for a large, someone is being obliterated in your name. While we sleep and eat and make love and shield our eyes on a sunny day, someone's home, family, life and body are being blown into a thousand pieces in our names.

Once every 12 minutes.

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Trump is Expanding the U.S. Empire

Jan. 11, 2019

Empire Files

In the first installment of this multi-part series, Trump Expanding the Empire, Abby Martin debunks the notion that Trump is an anti-interventionist president, outlining his first two years of aggressive foreign policy that has expanded US wars and occupations.

From the biggest military budget in history, to removing its restrictions to "bomb the hell out of" Iraq and Syria, to ramping-up brutal economic sanctions, to becoming America's 'Arms Salesman-In-Chief.'

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American Wars Are Off The Charts Under Donald Trump

April 18, 2019

He's failed to deliver his promised withdrawals from Afghanistan and Syria, vetoed an order to get out of Yemen, and expanded the U.S. bombing of Somalia, all while eyeing Iran.

Here's a statement it might be hard to disagree with: American war is off the charts. Still, I'd like to explain — but I'm nervous about doing so. I know perfectly well that the next word I plan to write will send most of you tumbling elsewhere in a universe in which "news" is the latest grotesque mass shooting; the craziest tweet from you-know-who; celebrities marching into court over college-admissions scandals; or even a boy, missing for years, who suddenly turns up only to morph into a 23-year-old impostor with a criminal record.

How can America's wars in distant lands compete with that? Which is why I just can't bring myself to write the next word. So promise me that, after you read it, you'll hang in there for just a minute and give me a chance to explain.

Okay, here goes: Somalia.

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Trump's Plan To Seize Iraq's Oil: 'It's Not Stealing, We're Reimbursing Ourselves'

Sept. 21, 2016

Strategy of taking oil in Iraq and from areas controlled by Isis presents huge issues from almost every angle and 'would amount to a war crime', experts say.

One of the recurring themes of Donald Trump's national security strategy is his plan to "take the oil" in Iraq and from areas controlled by Islamic State (Isis) extremists. It would drain Isis's coffers and reimburse the US for the costs of its military commitments in the Middle East, the candidate insists.

At a forum hosted by NBC on 7 September, Trump suggested oil seizure would have been a way to pay for the Iraq war, saying: "We go in, we spend $3tn, we lose thousands and thousands of lives, and then … what happens is we get nothing. You know, it used to be to the victor belong the spoils."

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Trump Has Given Israel Immunity to International Law

Dec. 18, 2019

In Israel's treatment of Occupied Palestine, Israel has been violating international law for decades. Under international law, an occupying power is not permitted to incorporate the occupied land into its own domain. However, Israel has persistently done so, evicting Palestinians from their homes, villages, and farm lands in order to build apartments for Jewish immigrants.

As people learned of the fate suffered by Palestinians at Israel's hands, criticism of Israel's policy toward Palestinians by human rights activists grew, and boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movements arose.

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"People said to me, 'Why are you staying in Syria.' Because I kept the oil, which frankly we should have done in Iraq."

~Donald Trump, comments about stealing Syria oil

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Trump voter: I'd believe President over Jesus

During a panel with Trump voters, one supporter said he likes that the President's cabinet is filled with millionaires and that he would take the President's word even if Jesus were to contradict it.

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Donald Trump 'Very Proud' after dropping 'Mother of All Bombs' on Afghanistan

April 13, 2017

Donald Trump has said he was "very proud of" dropping the "mother of all bombs" on Afghanistan.

US command used a cargo plane to drop the largest non-nuclear weapon ever used in combat by the American military in Nangarhar province near the Pakistan border – a remote area where members of an Isis affiliate were operating.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said the bomb targeted tunnels and caves Isis fighters used to "move around freely."

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Trump calls Afghanistan bombing a 'Very Successful Mission'

April 13, 2017

President Donald Trump said he is very proud of the U.S. military after what he called a "very, very successful mission."

Earlier, U.S. forces dropped the largest non-nuclear bomb on an ISIS tunnel complex in Afghanistan.

"Everybody knows exactly what happened and what I do is I authorize my military. We have the greatest military in the world and they've done their job as usual. So, we have given them total authorization," Trump said after meeting with first responders at the White House on Thursday.

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Trump Has Killed More Civilians with Illegal Drone Strikes in 9 Months Than Obama Did in 8 Years

Oct. 18, 2017

While the mainstream media focuses on anything but the current state of U.S. intervention in the Middle East, the Trump Administration is breaking records by accumulating a horrific number of civilian deaths.

Former President Obama earned the nickname of “Drone King” when he dramatically escalated the use of drone strikes, while also downplaying the number of innocent civilians who became “collateral damage.” In the two years that his administration devoted to publicly spending millions of taxpayer dollars to fight the Islamic State group, the estimated civilian death toll ranged from 2,300 to 3,400, according to Airwars, an organization tracking deaths in the war against ISIS.

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Bombs Away! U.S. Airstrikes Every 12 Minutes?

June 21, 2018

Ron Paul Liberty Report

President Trump is dropping bombs at a record pace. Even though the United States is technically not at war, in the first year of the Trump Administration some 44,000 bombs were dropped overseas.

In the entire eight years of the Bush Administration 70,000 bombs were dropped and under eight years of "Peace President" Obama 100,000 were dropped.

Trump looks to break the record. With so much attention paid to children being taken from their parents, why no attention to how many kids overseas are permanently taken from their parents by U.S. bombs?

The number of U.S. airstrikes overseas has skyrocketed under President Trump, reaching an average of one every 12 minutes. And we're not even officially at war!

Who is being killed by these airstrikes? Who's being separated from their parents (permanently) by these airstrikes?

Why does it seem no one wants to talk about it?

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Trump Kills Top Iranian General, War With Iran Seemingly Imminent

Jan. 2, 2020

Pentagon sources told top radio host that the strikes would be coming

Qasem Soleimani, the Iranian Quds Force commander, was killed Thursday in an airstrike on Baghdad. After much speculation, the Pentagon confirmed Thursday evening that President Donald Trump ordered the attack, which also killed another Iran-affiliated leader.

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Trump Dramatically Ramping Up Military Invasions (Interventions)

Jan. 15, 2019

The Jimmy Dore Show

Jimmy Dore is one of the only journalists today with a shred of integrity.

In this video, Abby Martin dispels the notion that Trump is 100% anti-war, anti-imperialism, anti-invasionist (anti-interventionist) by pointing out how most of the troops being "withdrawn" from Syria were put there by Trump and not Obama.

In addition, the immoral and illegal drone activity has risen dramatically under Trump, which is the wet dream of the genocidal military industrial complex.

If these concerns are valid, then it's more evidence that Trump is merely a pawn of TPTB and their arm the military industrial complex.

As they successfully whip up the population into a frenzy with Russophobia and Trump Derangement Syndrome, business is continuing as usual for the criminal elite.

Just how Obama distracted the population with "hope," Trump is distracting the population with "hatred," and we continue to descend further into tyranny.

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How Donald Trump is Expanding the U.S. Empire

Jan. 14, 2019

Any corner of the globe we look to, we see that Trump is indeed expanding the US empire's influence and operations––he has ratcheted up, with new fire and veracity, covert and overt regime change operations; expansion of military bases, massive increases in bombings and civilian casualties, and belligerent escalations that put us on the brink of catastrophic war on multiple fronts.

In the first installment of this multi-part series, Trump Expanding the Empire, Abby Martin debunks the notion that Trump is an anti-interventionist president, outlining his first two years of aggressive foreign policy that has expanded US wars and occupations.

From the biggest military budget in history to removing its restrictions to "bomb the hell out of" Iraq and Syria, to ramping-up brutal economic sanctions, to becoming America's 'Arms Salesman-In-Chief.'

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A.You have too much time on your hands

B. You sure know how to suck the air out of a decent thread of substsck comments.

C.You need to develop some online manners otherwise one is inclined to scroll past your entire grenade toss event above.

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Ausar - there’s a lot of legitimate criticisms you can throw at DJT (not a huge fan either), but deep state he is not. Narcissistic and medically uninformed yes. Blind to any criticisms? Absolutely. But I don’t see a choice since RFK cannot possibly win the electoral votes needed to win. Please read my other comments.

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"If you take the vaccine, you're protected. Look, the results of the vaccine are very good. And if you do get [COVID-19], it's a very minor form. People aren't dying when they take their vaccine."

~Donald Trump, the self-proclaimed “Father of the Vaccine”

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Problem is, he wasn't the father of the "vaccine", or more correctly defined as the biological operating system. The drug had been developed years before Trump took office.

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It's a diversionary tactic, a distraction. Trump is simply playing his role in this political theater. They, the establishment wants Trump to remain in corporate media, because they know that people will think that somehow, Trump is "NOW" anti-establishment. They know people, in the U.S. have a poor memory of his history, and his cult has never paid any attention. They see him as their lord and savior.

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That’s the truth. & the amount of people who continuously make excuses for him is crazy!

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Well then Dr McCullough should speak with Trump directly, instead of just via media messaging. He is well known enough to get a direct link to the man.

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"The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense."

~Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

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As a political move - yes.

But the Covid scam is just the beginning and just one of the symptoms of something much bigger looming, bigger than the US eletions and Trump himself, and Trump has secretly already aligned himself with those looming forces because these forces are so powerful, they can make Trump lose.

I can't see Trump going against the Globalists in any meanigful way, sorry. Never did when he was president, why would he now. He is deep establishment, deep elite, deep billionaire club and very good in making stupid working class people believe that he is on their side. That's all. Wake up, stupids or you get bitten hard and bitterly disappointed.

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And you suggest that we vote for…? RFK has zero path to 270 electoral votes, even if he smashes the popular vote. Please read my other comments and think seriously before you split the vote.

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This!! People would follow him off a cliff & ask no questions.

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