Dr Phil has tippy toed out onto a number of thin ice areas lately. If he’s willing to say this in public, in private my bet is he believes like most, the courts have been weaponized for activities that we once believed only happen in banana republics - oh maybe we’re one?

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Phil forgot to mention that the DEI DA raised money and campaigned on “getting Trump.” Nothing to see here, move along.

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I’m sick of this treatment of our President Trump. There is NO reason that he should be going through this. The liberals involved should be hanged for treason , imo. This should never be happen in our country. The Soros regime needs to be totally destroyed and all members hanged. Yes , Soros , I said it. You sorry crooked bastard !!

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May 2·edited May 2

I have noticed he seems troubled by the way things are going in this country. He has said a number of things in the past that were sane, something that is increasing rare. And I think he realizes the ship of state is headed for the rocks. For example:

As early as 2017 he did an expose on pedophile rings operating worldwide. He lost his program because of that exposé.


He spoke out against the covid school closures and the CDC role in them.


And most recently told people to have a plan to resist closures if the govt tried to do them again


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Seems no-one is above the law except all Democrat politicians & their families.

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Maybe the judiciary would be much more believable if they were investigating the alleged criminal activities of the Biden family?????!’!!!!

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This sort of shonkey lawfare against a political opponent certainly makes the US LOOK like a banana republic. Obviously there are still good people there -- just none in the current government. Is there NO mechanism by which American citizens can stop this disgrace? If not, maybe the only option is to let Mr Trump go to jail and elect him POTUS anyway. But of course that would require a free and fair election. And it seems entirely likely that the current sorry crew will initiate a new "deadly virus" scam and have absentee ballots again. The rest of the world out here is left shaking our heads in disbelief.

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Very well put by Dr. Phil. I agree that whatever one's opinion about Trump, common sense must prevail. Further, never ever should the justice system be weaponized against a political opponent. The elephant in the room is why the questions hanging over the head of the sitting president are not being brought out into the open too. Plus many other political figures who have allegedly committed crimes. Investigate everything fairly and in the open.

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Main Street commentators in the US are circling the drain and 'Dr Phil' appears no exception. I suppose it might be likened to 'fiddling while Rome burns'? The Malthusian Marxists aided by the champagne Left, the globalist Uniparty, and self-styled pecksniffian technofascists, swamp dwellers all, overseeing the social, economic, political, biological, moral and ethical destruction of America, and without realising it, themselves to boot. The only survival plan possibly remaining available for the sane appears secession...

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Yeah THEM...lol

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It is all one big show.

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The judicial system has been captured. It is corrupt...

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Pres8dents always have had total immunity. And this is why. There is a thing called impeachment that is reserved for Presidents....and they tried to impeach him 4 times.

The courts doing this need to be arrested and tried for a real crime..interfering with an election.

Not some is opinion that an expense was misclasified. That is not a states jurisdiction.

There is only one crime that would rise to the level of impeachment for Trump. Operation Warp Speed.

Bidens Crime is much more serious. Mandating a Murder shot.

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As Biden said, "Our patients is waning." Get your shots, get your boosters!

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Yes...another wag the dog moment. Where’s Hunter?

Influencing an election? Election interference? Who might that be? Yes...Dr. Phil...was there an actual crime? Stormy’s own, signed confession letter admits no affair ever took place. This is an obvious abuse of the judicial system and taxpayer’s money.

On another note, Pecker witness revealed on stand some interesting hush money payouts for squashing stories on certain mentioned celebs and other high profile individuals in the Enquirer. Interesting 🤔...what did those celebs he mentioned do to require payouts? What did Mark Wahlberg and those others mentioned do? Inquiring minds want to know!!

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Dr. Phil is missing the entire point of this issue, which is that the things he's been accused of in this trial AREN'T EVEN CRIMES!

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Seems most know only what our fake corporate (corrupt) media chooses to write about this trial, unless they follow independent, accurate reporters on Substack, Rumble, or even YT. Not only was there no crime committed, but the supposed "payoff" for an NDA that Trump never even signed (therefore worth nothing, and lying tramp Stormy even admitted that Trump never signed it) was paid by convicted perjurer Michael Cohen, not Trump. Funny how the prosecution's "star witness" (Cohen) is a serial liar who is now actually raising money on social media for his malicious anti-Trump rants. You can't make this absurdity/obscenity up, it's so ridiculous. NOTHING about this case is legitimate, and I can't wait for the whole thing to implode from its own corrosion.

Of course, NYC courts are completely corrupt like the rest of the city, and its denizens deserve everything bad that happens to them as NYC circles the drain. Don't expect any justice out of NYC; only if appeals courts fail is it time to lock and load.

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I don't like Trump, but what is happening to democracy is far more important. Good on you Dr Phil!

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Like Biden??

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LOL - I'm in the UK, I have no dog in this fight... It was an outrage when Colorado banned voting for Trump in order to preserve democracy, so strange!

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I've watched the decline of the UK for decades now. I think it's safe to say that we're both in the same boat when it comes to corruption in government and lack of care on the part of politicians for their constituents. Sad time in history!

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Don't like him and certainly don't trust him. He did whatever was necessary to make his show successful including exposing his audience to a boatload of total crap. Reminds me of Jerry

Springer only a bit more upmarket.

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