Oh, Dr Phil, but we are a banana republic and have been one since 2008 when the presidential election was rigged and an unvetted manchurian candidate named Barry Barack Hussein Soetero Obama was installed into office under the watchful tutelage of John Brennan, a devout communist, who Obama then appointed CIA director.

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John Brennan who was also a possible muslim. 5th columnists all of them, anti god anti america anti freedom. False religion of islam and their demonic teachings. Obama and co they are the 'defend and fund the criminal' and defund the police and jail the hard working law abidding. Turds in suits. God will judge them in due time. Superficial ersatz malignant cancer on the american people.

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Been saying this since 2008 as well!! 😞

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Too Late Dr. Phil, we became a Banana Republic when Obummer became imposter in Chief with using the IRS to go against the Tea Party and "Fast and Furious" by giving guns to the Mexican Drug Cartel and when he started to spy on "Average" citizens with Verizon with warrantless wire taps! O'Biden and this administration is just finishing the country off!

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It's not too late. Others in media like Dr. Phil should join him and stand up.

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Yes agree 100%! Knew he was a snake in 2008 and never voted for him, didn’t trust him, and hated every word that came out of his lying mouth.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

I guess he has not been paying attention lately

Our nation has become for all intents and purposes a fly by the seat of your pants

entity with lunacy at the helm

and it is widespread. . . . .

ALL 3 branches have for the most part abandoned the oaths they

took (same oath I took but the difference is I took mine in honor, integrity while they obviously

took their oaths as a matter of necessity) and MSM has continually propped it all up gleefully

as has social media by censoring anyone who speaks TRUTH

In many cities across America, Dimwits have managed to turn what were once lovely

cities into unrecognizable abysses

A good example, putrid Portland which regularly features violence, homelessness, drugs etc.

What was once the State of Oregon signed on with sanctuary, NO vote by its residents, just

the knotheads in Salem decided

Portland did same and Portland PD told ICE that would no longer be permitted to train in their

facilities because

"You don't reflect our values"

Portland has none and hasn't for some time anymore than Seattle, San Fran. . .its ugly

step sisters

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one past prez recommended JUDGE LYNCH in wilderness or wild areas without a circuit judge riding.... don't seem we have any law abiding circuit judges available these days.

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God Bless Dr. Phil for his level headed sanity and for espousing his strong belief in our country and its founding principles.

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One of the things that needs to happen for America to heal and such:

Stop calling us a Democracy - and understand we are a REPUBLIC.

Until we start walking the Republic Path ... Democracy will destroy America!

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It’s the Dems that keep pushing the “save our democracy” MYTH. They think if they say it enough, people will believe it. We WON’T. We are a Republic where people are independent unto themselves unlike democrats that depend of government. 😡😡😡

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You are correct, and it's up to US to push hard that we:


. o O ( .. and yes, let them know there is a BIG DIFFERENCE! )

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Biden is a globalist traitor and deserves prosecution. Ah if only.

With passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act (1965) non-Western and Northern European ethnicities were allowed into the US even though they don't share our values. Recall that George Washington wanted immigration from the virtuous: meaning people that share our values of free speech, gun rights and the Bill of Rights. Similar measures were enacted in the EU nations which has led to mass Fundamentalist Muslim immigration worldwide, largely driven by the United Nations to create social division. Activist Eva Vlaardingerbroek recounts the carnage that has resulted from this change of policy in a recent speech she made in Hungary. Her speech is a warning and well worth a watch. The fairest solution would be to deport all Illegal Aliens that have entered the EU, US since January 2021. That would constitute a significant victory in pushing back the Globalist Agenda.

Time for the US and EU to stop immigration from people that don't share our values

The Great Replacement is happening in real time in the US and EU

BRUCE CAIN, MAY 16, 2024


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Too late, Dr. Phil. Too fucking late.

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"They" want a dystopian nightmare.

Why? Once all of us and our whole country takes a deep dive into chaos, they will fill their pockets with anything that there is left. By the time we all wake up, everything will be gone.

Have you ever watched Ocean's Eleven? The pinch (an EMP) causes chaos, which the thieves use to steal $160M. Distractions and chaos are the perfect disguise for a large-scale heist. That not only works in movies, but also in real life. Just open your eyes.

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EMP or Grid Hack, once there isn't Electricity ...... for 3to5 Days TSHTF in the Cities. After 4 to 6 Weeks millions are dead, After 6 months more than 50% are dead, One Year ... only 10% Remain.

From a "military" viewpoint that's a very very effective war, no casualites for your army, the enemy eliminates itself, and the land and natural resources remain for occupation.

To TOP it Off the political Rats in your "Enemy" country are all Treasonous Bastards that Sold out their country for a Seat at your NWO table.

Well it could be preempted, but then that might cause discomfort, better to be "Comfortably Numb"


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“If you let your disgust for Biden make you blind to the inevitable consequences of pursuing revenge”

I dunno. As much of a one way street as our justice system has been the past 7 years I still think there is a public need for a big fat payback against the organized crime ring known as the Democrats.

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Dr Phil , Thank you for speaking out !

We need More Prominent People speaking out against this Banana Republic!!

Against these Globalist Traitors to America!!

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I am wearing my Banana Republic T-shirt and I don’t mean from the chain store of that name. I had a few printed up. I do not think Dr. Phil shares the same reality that most live in.

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We are a Banana Republic Dr. bootlicker

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Y'all know what will fix the warmongering? Stop the paid "color" rebellions and overthrow of foriegn governments? When we, the world, strip the USA of Reserve Currency status. When you can not just abracadabra New Money. D.E.D.O.L.L.A.R.I.S.A.T.I.O.N.

AMERIKA'S House is FILTHY, so leave our countries ALONE.

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All started with Cloward Piven and all appear to be going to plan sadly.

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This is the same Dr. who recently went to Jerusalem to lend his voice to support a genocide. Does America think there are no consequences to such actions? Perhaps becoming a banana republic is one…

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If you were to tune in to real reporting from the battlefield, you’d instantly learn that there is no genocide going on. Hamas is a reliable purveyor of lies, in addition to hiding behind women and children. Would you open fire on the thug that had just gunned your family down, right in front of you?

What if they had an innocent woman or child held captive in front of them?

It’s commonly known as girly man cowardice, not willing to fight toe to toe, like a real man.

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The “real” reporting you refer to are lies reported by the same powers who lied about the pandemic, the vaccines, Ukraine, WMD…you know the list is long. Think about it…

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Dammit I blocked this guy apparently some time ago. Neither that nor muting does me any good. Substack needs an Obliterate option.

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Forgive sure. But accountability and justice had better start at the top and go down sooner than later. Trump forgave and forgot in 2016, look where it got him and our nation!!! We are worse off for not holding these wicked people to account for their crimes. They are atill in office behind the scenes running the Obiden regime. The CIA and uniparty has tried and continues to take Trump out since 2015!! Wake up and smell the rot of corruption that has taken over our once Nation Under God. We are a nation taken over by globalist Marxists, and they do not just step aside willingly. They have dug their heels in now, and must be removed like cancer.

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