Dr. Phil is on the case?! Amazing ... but great news. This scandal - how our own government and all these NGOs are funding and facilitating this invasion - is HUGE. Or should be. I think more people are starting to pick up on this ... "this" being that this is a highly-coordinated PLAN.

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The fact that essentially NO politicians from either party mention the United Nations aspect to all of this is VERY telling.

Both parties, well, there's really just one Uni-Party, but everyone for the most part in Washington keeps voting to fund the UN, and these efforts!

Americans need to start looking around at what's being done here.


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We need to not fund the WHO and encourage no one to provide this agency funding. But the easier solution would be to just disband or withdraw from the UN. Also, the CDC, NIH, DHS, FBI, CIA, etc.

If this Great Purge doesn't happen, the other solution is for X number of states to simply opt out of the entire union of states and secede.

How would the WHO or UN or WEF control citizens in, say, the free country of Florida (or Texas or South Dakota)? They couldn't do it.

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I could potentially see the US exiting the UN, or perhaps the WHO, but the 3-letter agencies are always going to be there.

I wrote about this before. The 3-letter agencies are tied in with private contractors now, to the extent that even if you disbanded them. The private contractors would keep performing the same tasks. They would be added back into the scheme under some organization with a different name.

The only solution I see is having amendments to the Constitution that expressly limit the federal government's ability to form organizations which require congress to abdicate their authority. Because that's where most of this mess started.

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The Constitution itself expressly forbids Federal activity outside it's (18 I think ) specifically enumerated powers. Problem is States have let them do whatever they wanted. Any way they pleased. ie there's no legality to EO's that effectively have the power of law. Same goes for NDAA's. All that bullshit is NOT law. TN is working to bring Nullification legislation (SB2775-HB2795) this session. It failed in Committee last year. Same for LA. It will give us the express legislative ability to tell the Fed NO, we're not doing that in TN. It could start an avalanche.

At least we're trying to do something. You want to help, contact TNCSS.

Tennessee Citizens for State Sovereignty.

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I like your solution. Also, we all know once a government agency is created, it's impossible to abolish it.

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True TIL TRUMP = why they're throwing everything at him including the kitchen sink and the toilet...!

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Saw Dr. Phil have LILA ROSE [on her site] as a guest = then come against her in favor of abortion:

- she more then held her own as he attacked her position...!

This surprised me in that it seemed he felt forced to push that position on his show; not just let her say her peace without pushing back -> it looked awkward...!

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Haven’t listened, but I have a problem with anything “Dr Phil” says. He’s a self important, self serving media personality that has uttered some really bad advice and downright disgusting opinions over the years.

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I agree. But I think the point is things are so absurd that even insane Dr. Phil has a fleeting moment of clarity...

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What kind of messenger would you prefer? It's the message getting out that is important, and if that comes from a media darling or a dolt or whatever, hey, at least it's getting out. And maybe will reach people who wouldn't hear it if it came from a real stand-up conservative guy. If a screwball can see something's not right, surely that says something. If someone who is always on it says something's not right, only his crowd will listen anyway.

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ALL by design, who really knows why all of a sudden he sees reality.

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He's been off of mainstream media and it has taken some time but he has created his OWN media company to do what HE believes is right, not the narratives and illusions. MSM wouldn't allow him to do certain shows or at least if he did, he had to give the lion's share to the activists and those pushing the "narrative" So he left. Created his own.

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not buying it at all. People just began to see through the bs and dropped him. He's a puppet and will always be. Rebranding is just par for the cabal course.

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someone gave him a script.

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even more likely!

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He lives in TX.

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Might be part of the design. Or serendipity. Who knows for sure?

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Feb 22·edited Feb 22

I noticed so many people today drop their news source if they don't like the news they bring. Very common with pro-vaxxers

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Jamie, my mother was like that! She turned Ofrah (intentional typo) on when she was home. She got so brainwashed by the “nice senator from Illinois”…Obama. She voted for him. I knew he was all bad from the Reverand Wright fiasco.

This was 2007, she’s been dead 16 years.

I threw my television away 20+ years ago.

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I hear you. I have sisters like that. But what if ofrah had said ANYTHING that actually was right and true? Might your mother then have been swayed by it? I have a TV. Didn't for many many years. But I do like to put on some Salieri or calming sounds for your dog videos so I keep it for that kind of thing. Now and then I watch something else, but with a jaundiced eye for sure.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21

I’ve turned off Ofrah a couple decades ago. While Dr Phil has widened the gap between them he talks more common sense and truth imho. Yes, media is always to be scrutinized but his common sense perspectives have always stayed the same. Ofrah has gone to the dark side of elites, money, power and greed.

No matter what people say or think at LEAST many are much more discerning, skeptical and eyes open about the layers of cabal politically medically and psychologically. People are more and more waking up (not “woke”) and yes, having their own opinions and that’s ok. The freedom to be different facets of eyes open and finding own authenticity in this life has been obstructed covered up and manipulated for too long. And MSM serving as propaganda machine.

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That resonates.

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I listened. Dr Phil speaking the truth. Good. If Texas was smart, they pull a little switcheroo and start also wearing green uniforms or at least jackets too. Fool the illegals into running to them as well so we can send them back. I still think we need alligators in the river. Hungry ones.

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He's being allowed to speak, and the result of his speak is fear.......

Just saying....

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yes, i'm sceptical about the both of them actually.

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Go Joe Go! Glad to see Ken Paxton going after federal government funded “NGO’s” helping illegal migrants. It’s almost like our own taxpayer money is going to fund our own invasion. 🤔

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That's exactly what's happening. It's madness.

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Yeah, right. But what happened to the standoff between the Federal troups and the National guard, that was so much talked about a week ago. Not to speak of the truckers coming from Virginia and San Diego to meet up was it Dripping point or something to show support for t he Texans???? We know the problem, but where is t he remedy?

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Well, when “normies” like Dr. Phil talk about the border, maybe the general uninformed public will start getting the picture…

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And if the "normies" start questioning the current border policy there is no telling what else they will question...

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One would surely hope so!

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We are so screwed with mass immigration. Dr.Phil sounded. like it was a light bulb revelation. Lol

Some of these people that come..from. these countries like Somali have there mind blown..I believe these guys will be used somehow against us. There will be so much more crime. This reminds me of Cuba and Castro. He opened the prisons and they screwed Miami and area around. It was such a disaster. This is the same deal here too. Only it's much worse because it's at least 140 countries spreading out all the USA.

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It’s bad! I’m a retired deputy sheriff, who was forced to retire for test/jab refusal.

I dealt with COUNTLESS illegals! And this was 3+ years ago!

People have no idea what’s out there. You think because you live in a red state, you’re immune?

Wake up, seriously.

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Perhaps a light bulb revelation for those who have believed the false paradigms built by their chosen admins - I had to laugh at how “careful” he was being and probably to ease into opening the eyes of those in states far away from the border who rarely hear ANYTHING about the issue because the admin and their politicians are either lying or hiding it all with the help of their 24/7 news media who says nothing.

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You are exactly correct Ki! I hear people all over the USA, yell and scream about blue areas and cities. What they fail to realize, is, these illegal aliens are EVERYWHERE! And there will be many more…everywhere! I was warning people about this 10+ years ago. People have a false sense of security and major complacency…it’s mind boggling!

“Don’t mess with Texas!” Look at your border lately Tex-ass?! You’re all being taken for a ride! This is an invasion!

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People from all over the world crossing the border, many military-aged males, of course...

and let's not forget the northern border, where terrorists are undoubtedly crossing... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/wait-what-about-the-northern-border?r=8ypo0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Fox and all,

Why focus on evil people and issues at this late date?

Aren’t ALL borders open at this most shameful period in America’s history?

Isn’t it time to move on to SOLUTIONS to reclaim America?

NOTHING else matters in America in 2024 unless SOLUTIONS start here…

1. STOPPING THE VACCINES…This issue MUST be solved at 50 state levels…STATE’s RIGHTS!!!


For only Patriotic Lions who understand how important it is to do something at this critical time in America…



No 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY = No More America!

P.S. Are you part of the doable SOLUTIONS or part of America’s problems?

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I have always seen Dr Phil as an arrogant money hungry whore and his wife Robin. I really don't care what he thinks but I watched the video clip anyways. Everyone with functioning braincells knows exactly whats going on at the southern border so why do we care what he says. Sorry but I just feel this way about him and I have for years.

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True. But he might wake up a few of his moronic following.

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Maybe, but if they're watching his show, they're too stupid to be woken up, LOL

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more likely he's pushing an agenda ... to trigger people into what, exactly? Hmmm. Where there's celebrity puppets, there's always an agenda.

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you know Dr Phil is one of the spinners, right? Hello, Oprah. Why is he being trotted out to speak on "the border" anything? What does this guy even know? Sorry Fox, where there's puppet celebrities, there's an agenda. You should know that by now.

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It did get my hairs up when he blamed all the doxxing (“swatting”) on Russia. It’s your own administration who is doing this and blaming EVERYTHING on Russia. Tho I’m sure Russia is involved in a lot of hacking etc, but “who” is allowing access or colluding with Russia and for what payoff? When CNN is now dictating that all “election interference by Russia” it’s just divert and distract from what is going on in our own country

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by "our own people," no less. Yup.

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Can a shocked clinical psychologist be qualified to do clinical psychological work?

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We need a few well-known psychologists to share their professional opinion that the world is now being led by sociopaths and psychopaths.

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Clown world.

I was reading on Zero Hedge the other day. A prominent civil rights attorney thinks it would be a good idea to just legalize crime.

Clown world.

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This has ALREADY happened. The government simply took over ("legalized") all the Mob's best rackets.


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i'm a bit sceptical when it comes to Joe and Phil.

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As you should be...

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About anything. 👍

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Again, SECONDHAND verbiage, a DAY? One can imagine what his 'day' was...

- Isn't Phil a member of 'the club'?

6 Million Californians have supposedly been the "gossip" reason why national real estate prices have increased overall...

7+ million persons would precipitate some sort of economic affect:

Travel, housing, manufacturing, health care...

None of that has been address or considered?

Once again: fear mongering heresay...

Phil is NOT a politician, he is a self made PERSONALITY... his background is Psychology...

NOT economics, or politics...

Take ALL INFO with huge amount of SALT.

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We should have built the wall first, then we should station snipers every 1/4 mile. You cross, you die. They will find other ways, but they won’t be walking across.

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and use drones!

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7.2 million illegals entered the United States under Biden admin, an amount greater than population of 36 states

(Fox News)

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Actually more accurate number 20 million including got-aways.

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