My response on Robert Malone’s recent substack article: Testimony in UK Parliament: Show us the data! https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/testimony-in-uk-parliament-show-us

Re: “There is an unmet need for a rapid response capability to allow a global capacity to mitigate the risks of emerging infectious disease and engineered pathogens. That is a valid concern. The technology has developed to the state where almost anyone with an undergraduate degree in biology can weaponize pathogens. We know, here in the United States, speaking as somebody with DoD security clearance in the bio-industrial complex area, that the binary weapons that were developed by US military for deployment, as a countermeasure against the threat of a USSR tank blitzkreig, can currently be readily reproduced by virtually any biologist in their garage.”


Are you saying SARS-CoV-2 is a ‘weaponized pathogen’ Robert Malone?

This virus it was known from the beginning wasn’t a serious threat to most people…

What is ‘weaponized’ is the response to the supposed threat. It’s the assault by needles and their contents upon the population, this physical assault via pressure, coercion, manipulation and even MANDATES!

The global population was deliberately terrified about a threat that wasn’t real, the ‘threat’ of ‘Covid-19’, the disease symptoms supposedly caused by SARS-CoV-2. These are common symptoms - fever, coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath.

For this, a mass population ‘vaccine solution’ was implemented with astonishing and reckless haste.

This is the real scandal that continues to be covered up.

There was no need for a vaccine…but it was always the real plan, to capture the people and make them submit to lucrative vaccinations on demand and control them via a social credit system.

The real crime is the theft of freedom.

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Controlling the "limits of acceptable discourse" is part of Malone's role.

Perpetuating the narrative that there was a unique and deadly pathogen is reifying the big lie. Lots of that going around with some of these supposed "thought leaders" of the health freedom movement who purposefully ignore the evidence that illustrate clearly no unique pathogen and no pandemic- it was mass murder in hospitals and staged events amidst massive data fraud to create the ILLUSION of an event.

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Come on vigilant!

Why not point out that he is simply a cover for the federal governments role in the acquisition/contracting of the countermeasure program and for the “fall guy” Pharma companies…

all of Pfizer and Moderna’s lies mean very little when considering they are essentially expendable in the big picture of what’s really going on on a global tyrannical level

Please take a deep look into the data and damning evidence provided by Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, Todd Callender, Tim Renz and many others…

Malone and Kirsch seem so be doing their level best to pin the crimes against humanity on the pill pushers and not where it belongs

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I actually agree with you that there was no need for a vaccine, certainly not in the Operation Warp Speed timeframe. If the institutions didn't ban OTC drugs and drug studies, if they didn't ban and ridicule supplementation & lifestyle & dietary interventions, we would arguably have had cheap medication and supplementation & outbreaks no more severe than a seasonal influenza outbreak. Seniors in nursing homes were murdered in multiple ways thru government policies, including NO early treatment, contraindicated intubation, and housing infected patients in nursing care facilities, especially in NYC.

The initial cases -- as contaminated as the datasets and statistics were for what, exactly, constituted a Covid-19 case -- were arguably more severe than later cases, even after just a few months. It is normal for a disease agent to mutate (or be selected for) a more benign infectious course as it progresses through the population, left entirely to its own devices and to our immune systems. The Swedish experience demonstrated that. It is not an effective strategy for a parasite to rapidly kill its host. It's scary and disturbing, but also a lousy way to propagate itself. Omicron showed that. It was highly contagious, but essentially a bad head cold. Been there. Had that. At that point, an honest medical establishment would have acknowledged that the threat was over, even if we were to grant that it had BEEN a serious threat.

They did NOT grant that; this was obviously about compliance and getting shots into arms.

So even granting the argument that this alleged "pandemic" might have required some intelligent treatment up front -- what we got was always a VAX agenda, a COMPLIANCE agenda, a digital ID agenda. And, all that granting of their premise aside, EVENT201 convinces me that whatever the truth of the threat -- whether from the actual virus or all-cause mortality inflating PCR testing results -- this was part of a plan that is still going on to this day. We are being screwed with, clamped down on, by co-opted goverments & rapacious, sociopathic Pharm & Med interests whose interests are in direct conflict with our lives and well-being.

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"Seniors in nursing homes were murdered in multiple ways thru government policies, including NO early treatment, contraindicated intubation, and housing infected patients in nursing care facilities, especially in NYC."

This is false- you haven't looked at the data if you believe this.

The vast majority of deaths occurred in hospitals in NYC Spring 2020 and were in-patient deaths. The 2nd greatest percent increase in deaths in NYC in Spring 2020 were at-home deaths- mostly cardiac arrest.

This is from FOIA requests from NYC Dept. of Public Health data.

There are also significant signs that there was plenty of data fraud.

There was no need for "early treatment" of anything as there was nothing to be treated outside normal respiratory problems which occur every year.

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You need to look into the amounts of remdesivir that was given to nyc residents in hospitals and care homes ….they were murdered there was no covid just fake tests

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Have done so and worked with this group:


Remedsivir did not come into play until later in 2020 though it was being "trialed" earlier.

In Spring 2020 it was midazolam, propofol and fentanyl- a few other drugs as well.

The care homes was not where the mass deaths were occuring though there was some uptick there. It was inside the hospitals where the murders were taking place- including nursing home residents that were brought to hospitals- about the opposite of what we were told. Unilateral DNR's also played a role.

EMT's were mandated NOT to treat individuals that they were being called (911) to treat hence the big uptick in at-home deaths. That order has been FOIA'ed.

Agree- murdered and no covid with fake tests.

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I’m in the Uk they used midazolam here 😭is there anything like this set up for the Uk ? All countries citizens should join really

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Because the cost of getting energy out of the ground now makes us facing armageddon in both our lifestyle and the Central bankers grift.

Easier to just kill us all.

And they are not done yet.

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I think it is only the case that it is expensive to gather and convert energy if we conform with net-zero ideology or underuse nuclear power

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I agree with Duchess, in that, by all current petroleum reserve projections, we are past peak oil and it will become progressively more expensive to get oil out of the ground.

And, yeah, the Elite are pushing the Climate Change Emergency agenda to shut down production and increase cost to the consumer. I also agree with you that modernized nuclear power would be a logical, economical response, but look around the world, esp. Germany & the EU, where nuclear power plants are being decommissioned, in favor of a ridiculous focus on "green" wind & solar energy, which produces orders of magnitude less energy and massively less reliable energy. Speaking as a former contractor doing analytics for the Department of Energy, I observed these subsidized, mandated programs, where grid levels had to be reduced substantially to prevent surges, due to the unpredictability of the wind farms. Hydroelectric power generation could and did, previously, provide enough power for the region all by itself. Hydro power can be forecasted out to 20 years, geothermal out to 10 years, while the forecasting horizon for solar is maybe 1/2 day, wind is 45 minutes. In other words, unreliable, unpredictable to any reasonable extent. So they had to reduce hydro (river) production, by policy not need, to replace it with far less productive wind & solar. That means that the Pacific Northwest states' system ended up lowering its grid below capacity, "wheeling in" (buying & importing) energy from other states. These policies are destructive and, now, I believe there is evidence that it is not just sincere fear of global warming, but an agenda designed, deliberately, to degrade quality of life, to justify "15-minute cities", limited travel, digital passes to control that, surveillance to enforce it, etc.

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Natural gas worldwide is virtually 100's of yrs of use in just whats known of at this time...!

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It was genocide of the elderly; worse was they weren't allowed to see family so died alone...!

This gained medical facility's $39k to $100k from each death for ""Covid-19 treatments"" as listed on their toe-tags...!

PLUS saving Gubmints $100's of thousands per patient in payments over 5-10 more yrs each; totaling $100's of billions a yr by genociding 10's of millions every yr of those over 70yrs old worldwide eliminating $Trillions now NOT paid out for those deceased and the millions more circumbing yearly...!

Makes MAO, Stalin & Adolf combined lightweights!!!

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Well said!

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Elizabeth, loved what you wrote, copies and posted on my facebook page.

But the real crime was CRIMES plural

Theft of Civil Rights

Theft of Freedom

Theft of LIFE

THeft of money/wealth from us taxpayers who paid for both its development (the virus, the bioweapon countermeasure, and the jabs themselves through our taxes, theft of value of our currency through printing to "pay" for social support during the shutdown).

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The real crime is democide.

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This video link is about New Zealand's own government data that was collected regarding the death rate of those who were injected. You will want to listen to this .. and be sure to pass it on.

M.O.A.R. - Mother of all Revelations!


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Great talk if on believes as does Winston that~

Atoms & DNA invented themselves & that WE eminated from a rock 3rd from the Sun...!


"nothing comes from nothing - esp everything"

There IS a Creator Who is clearly outed in the~

First Chapter of John's Gospel & Romans 1:19-32

Point is "WE the People" of the world are facing the true Darkest of Evil that can only be countered by the Greatest of Good in a cataclysmic battle WE cannot win as humanity in the middle but must pick a side...!

WE esp in the West were given by our ancestors the very prophecy's that are now clearly unfolding of these Endtime Evils and horrors to be put upon us all for this is truly a Spiritual battle for mankind...!

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OK, the virus turned out not to be dangerous. But surely gain of function research led to greater viral transmissibility? That's a dangerous step in bioweapon research, isn't it? Next time they could load it with a more dangerous virus ...

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"greater viral transmissibility?"

No evidence for this whatsoever but plenty that disprove it.

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I'm trying to grasp just HOW ineffective a "vaccine" must be if no one is safe until everyone is injected with it. I can't think of a more absurd statement, though way too many others are equally absurd.

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Another absurd statement was made during the 7 hour FDA Meeting on covid shots for kids 5-12. At around the 6:33 mark one of the FDA voters said,"We're never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it. "


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Also, thanks for the link and the time of the comment. I had heard it months ago on thehighwire.com, but it's nice to have a way to get back to it easily.

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I had the time of comment because I sent it to a friend to try to convince her not to get her kids the covid shots. I know that she's had at least 3 covid shots. She's 42 years old. She had a double mastectomy in January 2023 because of breast cancer. Will soon have a complete hysterectomy because abnormal/concerning cells were found during routine pap exam. I do not know if she ever got her kids the covid shot. I cannot ask.

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I've already sent it, with the time, to my few like-minded friends in case they can do just what you did for someone or someone who is just open-minded. It's not much, but it's about all you can do when you're not an expert. Thanks again!

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Not to mention shameless beyond belief. If only enough people would take the time to see what a sham it all was/is. They might realize, then, why inferring malintent is not crazy. Though I still think they could conceivably be hoping to maintain confidence in vaccines in the case of a real bioweapon release in the future per some speculative utilitarian calculation. But even then, we're dealing with delusional folk. That's such a gamble with innocent life, it's mind-boggling. There is no good or neutral explanation of it. Nor with our legislators' silence.

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A sure sign of either an imbecile speaking or actually believes WE are...!

Tho the Globalist cabal pays well to employ "useful idiots" to manipulate "WE the masses" as Sheople

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Injection with a radical new technology which had never been used as a vaccine with no medium or long term track record or testing for a virus which posed no meaningful risk of mortality for the vast majority (clearly evident from infection fatality rate data by mid 2020!) was clearly reckless. Individuals and institutions which mislead or coerced those who were injected should be held liable civilly and, where appropriate, criminally for the huge number of maimings and killings which have resulted and will result in the future.

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There is our DOD/DARPA/BARDA for you.

The pentagon flunked its audit again...trillions missing.

I don't think they used the money to develop alternative energy sources like thorium, or help anyone here in this country, do you?

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At the top they full well knew what they were doing...! Realize this has been in the planning and even directly stated so over 40yrs ago the same yr the Georgia Guidstones were put up...!

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Since 1945, how many people have been killed by car crashes or lung cancer?

Tens of millions. Maybe hundreds of millions?

How many tobacco or car companies executives have been jailed?


I rest my point.

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Malone is hardly "red-pilling" anyone as he perpetuates the lies about GoF and bioweapons.

"Oh no anyone in their garage with a bachelors degree in biology can create the virus bomb!"

Utter nonsense.

He also repeated characterizations of SARS-CoV-2 as a bioweapon wrought in a lab and then leaked/released- this is complete nonsense.

Who do you think benefits from such a characterization and from the entire Lab Leak Global Pandemic narrative?

The Government and the Biosecurity establishment.

If the public believes a lab created a pathogen that leaked, jumped, was released or whatever and trigger mass casualty events around the globe, then the average member of public thinks, "OF COURSE the Pandemic Declaration was legit!" and "NOW I understand why the government broke the law and shut everything down! Because they knew a dangerous bioweapon out of a lab was on the loose!"

"We better be ready for the big one!"

See how that works for Them?

What rubbish. Everyone perpetuating the lab leak lie is part of the problem including RFK.

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I don't agree. Just because this 'virus' was not particularly dangerous does not mean that bioweapon research is a fiction.

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Bioweapons research IS real- it's called money laundering.

You've taken the bait as they intended.

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The intent of approving the PLATFORM ITSELF as "safe & effective" was to free the vax manufacturers from EVER AGAIN having to prove the safety & effectiveness of their products before releasing them to market (or, more correctly, FORCING them on the public through government coercion).

Even if you bought the idea that these shots were "safe & effective", if you don't see the danger in that blanket approval of the platform itself (LNP, mRNA generation process), only a complete ignoramus or paid-off shill would see no issue with any future product as requiring no testing whatsoever, before injecting it into mass populations.

You can't have NO PRE-DISTRIBUTION TESTING WHATSOEVER, coupled with the PREP Act categorical liability waiver of all vaccines, without abuse. We have seen that. Moderna is new, never distributed a product before the Covid-19 vax, which, in itself, should demand rigorous testing of their product, but Pfizer is well-known for multiple frauds and misrprepresentations and has been fined for those violations in the past. THESE are the major beneficiaries of this government cover-up & protection.

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And the initial “trials” (or more accurately described demonstrations), were only conducted for about 2 months. On top of that, they didn’t demonstrate anything that is actually useful, just a slight reduction of mild/moderate symptoms, which was statistically insignificant. They actually increased ACM (considered statistically insignificant but so was the supposed benefit of efficacy). They didn’t show reduction in hospitalization or transmission. How anyone in the FDA, CDC, NIH, HHS or anyone in the medical industrial complex can look at this situation and promote mRNA technology being deployed is beyond me. There’s corruption, brainwashing or incompetence happening here. Probably all three.

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I think you are projecting your moral compass on people without one (it's what is known as "benevolent projection"; if one is going to have a failing, that's an honorable one to have). I think corruption would be the most charitable interpretation. A recent estimate I read for Pharma funding of the CDC & FDA was anywhere from 60-80% of their revenue. That's also true of Mainstream Media & most politicians in Washington. With the PREP Act immunity & all testing being done by Pharma, there is simply NO incentive to produce a safe or effective product and no effective interest in reining them in. It's a breeding ground for pyschopaths at the top of the chain of command and of people seriously deficient in ethics on down that chain. My MS was in Medical Microbiology. When I left college, I interviewed with Pharma companies. I am so relieved I went another direction. I had qualms about working for them even at that time, knowing none of what I've learned since, especially since 2020. But, studying nutrition the past several years to fix my own diet, I saw the corruption in the USDA and Big Ag, but it still took the huge red pill of Covid-19 to see how absolutely evil things have become since I was in med school.

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I get what you’re explaining here. There are many people completely void of any ethical compass. Clearly, there are people happy to depopulate the human species (pushing gene therapy on babies and pregnant women?!) What’s hilarious, ironic, or probably most accurately described as horrific, is that Fauci’s wife is head of ethics at NIAID. (Or maybe NIH). I almost laughed out loud when I found that out.

Having said that, almost the entire medical field is going along with the roll out of mRNA technology. I have friends in the medical field who are not evil. I know them well. They care about people. They are still going along with all this garbage, even with the obvious data showing it’s garbage. All I can say is that medical schools must mostly train their students to have blind, religious-like faith in the CDC and the NIH. I can not explain how good people would otherwise be tricked into supporting such complete nonsense. There is no clinical evidence that they have any benefit.

I still shake my head thinking about the “mask study” featuring two hairdressers. I would have (previous to covid) thought of myself as less intelligent than doctors but now, I can’t make heads or tails of what is going on. Anyone can be fooled for a short time but we are three plus years into this and still the mRNA injections persist.

I’m not surprised by evil people pushing this, but the decent people who can’t escape the narrative are blowing my mind. I think people in the medical community would have an existential crisis to admit that the industry is worse than the mafia. So probably better to just live with cognitive dissonance than face it. I guess?

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I think your last sentence, especially, nails it. It is a very costly decision to question the narrative, especially for those whose careers can be enhanced or ended by those pushing that narrative. The AMA, the corrupt alphabet agencies (with their revolving doors to BigPharm -- even NPR has an episode on that subject, though years ago, when they pretended to be objective), the MSM, the most prestigious universities, & the lead scientific journals, they all are in line with the mRNA Vax narrative. They are not necessarily in lockstep with the "Elite" running this show, it's not so simple. But questioning The Narrative is the shortcut to loss of license, being slimed in the media as a quack, even prosecution by the government. All of those things have happened. I don't know that every doctor who might otherwise question the Safety & Efficacy™ of the jab is calculating the cost; I think it's an implicit threat. I think if you just keep prescribing per your hospital/group/board recommendations, per the ICD10 procedure codes, your life can continue unperturbed. If you, as a doc, have a young family, a thriving practice, why would you question things that your leadership says are Safe & Effective™, The Gold Standard? Why would you even try things like Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, when they are being ridiculed by every news outlet, questioned by pharmacists, banned by state governments?

This is why I hold people like Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, Meryl Nass, & Peter McCullough in such high regard. They DID question the apparently arbitrary orthodoxy and they DID suffer the consequences. I am also aware of how resistant some otherwise good people are to seeing what they have been told is not worth seeing when the cognitive dissonance is severe. We do the best we can.

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Voila...the biodefense guys and the creepy corporates.

What do we get? Autism through the roof, and excess mortality as far as the eye can see.

Do you know every big pharma company was broke before Reagen signed the 1986 act?

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No mention that virus was not isolated or that viruses do not exist. And the PCR test fraud of financial incentives to kill in hospitals. Sorry we bad. Just bad old propaganda.

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True, they all bang on about a virus THEY DONT EXIST AND NEVER HAVE!! all vaccines would have to be destroyed as it’s all fraud!!!

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I'm really sorry, but your point is irrelevant. Malaria, Smallpox, Yellow Fever, Measles and the rest do exist and show very specific characteristics. Sure, if you wish to argue that they are caused by something else such as fungi or being stung by bees, fine, but at least come up with some evidence.

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Agreed, they do exist if the terrain is toxic. Much of that terrain disappeared at the end of the 19th century along with the diseases. Walt Whitman said that the Civil War was 999 parts diarrhea and 1 part glory

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For measles , you dont need a toxic environment, my completely unvaccinated children all caught measles but only 2 got mumps and none caught whooping cough.

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Gosh! As a septuagenarian, I often think that "999 parts diarrhoea and 1 part glory" describes my own life, perfectly!

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Yes, but whether viruses exist or not, authorities still used the idea of viruses to frighten, lockup, and force dangerous injections into people. I think the 'existence of the virus' question is a red herring that makes everyone on the conservative free speech sensible rational side of the discussion look like fringe dwellers, and continually raising this irrelevant question is in fact counterproductive to our push to reform governance systems and deliver compensation for those injured.

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Willing to bet he was testifying to an empty chamber! This is what happens in corrupt governments, much as happens here in the US. ELECTED officials just don’t bother to even attend if it’s something they don’t want to hear or don’t agree with. We’ve seen it over and over, in this country and others. It’s despicable.

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According to Dr. Malone's previous post, there were 12 Members of Parliament and 4 members of the House of Lords present. This is an improvement on the extremely low numbers attending debates on the subject called by Andrew Bridgen MP. There are 650 MPs in the UK House of Commons.

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I guess that tells us everything we need to know about the UK government!

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Election integrity is vital.

Alabama Election Integrity: Uncovering Cheating and How to Fight Back


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Please publish Dr Yeadons and Dr McCullough's presentations too. We saw that they were listed to speak but they were censored for some reason. wt?

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We all saw how Malone's wife praised Fauci and Gates on her LinkedIn until he decided to tell partial truths about the vaccine to appear heroic.

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Malone Red Pilled no one. It was a pissy little meeting in Port Cullis House on Monday which was attended by a couple of MPs. The video was then censored. Dr Yeadon's presentation, the one which said that the vaccines were toxic by design, was conveniently lost, even though parliament confirmed they had a working copy days before.

Democracy is broken, the evidence is the jabs are still available.

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Who listens to the wolf in sheep's clothing anymore...

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The greatest crime in the history of the world.

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Why is he the only person that calls the experimental injections “products”? That’s just weird to me.

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We look forward to all the court proceedings of course, nothing less, and the legal processes leading to punishment for this incomprehensible crime to poison most of humanity, if that is not all of it.

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As Sage Hana says, it ain't dolts botching shit, Mistakes were not made. Every global government is captured by the owners of BIS and offshoots, Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street. The depopulation / technocrats slave agenda has been planned for generations. Plenty of Freedom Movement Thought Leaders are plants.

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This video link is about New Zealand's own government data that was collected regarding the death rate of those who were injected. You will want to listen to this .. and be sure to pass it on.

M.O.A.R. - Mother of all Revelations!


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