Jul 19, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Yes, God Bless Ed Dowd and the other brave, smart heros all coming to similar conclusions while coming from entirely different directions. Thanks, yet so frightening. Mark me as one of the cardiovascular victims. Myocarditis Feb 2021 from first Moderna. Heart damage still present 2.5 years later sadly.

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Agreed. God bless Ed. He's using his top-tier data analyst skills to benefit humanity.

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But will it?

We can certainly share this solid data, and perhaps help more people to say No! to future pseudo-vaccines, widening the opposition to these monstrous policies; but it still leaves us with the problem of a solid brick-wall of denial from ALL the authorities, the majority of medical professionals, even health charities and professional bodies, all abetted by immovable MSM censorship.

And here in the UK construction is proceeding of a vaxx mega-factory, which will churn out 220m doses of mRNA vaxxes per annum from 2024.

I am not being defeatist by any means, but it is not encouraging.

Medical consultants here, by the way are taking some public action: striking for even higher pay, not to draw attention to all the injured whom they must be seeing in consultations in large numbers! Really quite a disgusting situation.

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We all know Ed is telling the truth and is screaming from the top of his lungs about what this data is telling (smart) people. But, we also probably all know .... this doesn't even matter. As you say, nothing matters until the official sources say it matters. And they're NOT going to say this ... for obvious reasons (they all went "all in" on the narrative and don't want to be humiliated or get strung up in any Nuremberg 2.0 trials).

The real story is how 100-percent of the supposedly "truth-seeking" institutions are 100-percent captured. This means 100 percent of the people who could expose this story ... will not.

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"The real story is how 100-percent of the supposedly "truth-seeking" institutions are 100-percent captured."

How?! It was never "captured," I come across this question so often, but it's the wrong thing to ask. The institutions were always malevolently corrupt! If there have been good. conscientious people working in them doing good work, they were unwittingly part of the deception, because the institutions must represent themselves well in order to win the approval of the people and to sustain the deception. I've said this in my comments multiple times previously but in reference to the government and the bureaucracy. I'm afraid that some key details you think you knew about the world's institutions (government, business, finance, religion, medicine, etc.) were wrong. It's difficult to see and even harder to accept - because your life is so heavily invested in it all - that the government, the institutions, the establishment, and indeed the entire nation, are all elaborate deceptions. They were never intended, as we believe in our naivetΓ©, for the purpose of doing the most good for the most people. To quote Francis Richard Conolly, everything is a rich man's trick. The rich men of today, as those of history before them, are the principal, if not sole recipients of the benefit of all this chicanery. Our toil, our sacrifice, our industry and imagination and art and charity, have all enriched them and propelled them beyond us. Remember this when you pay your taxes! If you have gained anything for yourself in all of this - your career, some financial rewards, some idea of a reasonably stable system into which to propagate a family - that was merely a means to their ends. They've needed us in the past, but now they have little further need for us, so this is what is happening to us.

No, the real story is what are you/we now going to do about it?

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Answer: Expose it. Or try to ... which is what I've been trying to do as a writer/journalist for the past 40 months.

If you think the word "captured" is not descriptive of these institutions, provide another word. Whatever word we use, I think we agree all these institutions are corrupt and should not be trusted .... and a great purge needs to happen ... or people need to recognize all these organizations are evil and not serving society well.

The "deceptions" you reference need to be expose.d Re-stated: The masses need to recognize that they are, in fact, being "deceived." That's Step 1 to possible positive change.

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Exactly! Well said truth. 🀨

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I applaud you and your efforts. I have great appreciation for you, and those who like you have conducted yourselves with integrity and have shown courage when the personal consequences could be so great.

But I won't take back my statement. While we, or most of us still believe in the system, or we may hope that it may somehow, someday be rehabilitated after we've identified and punished those whom we have pinned-down as the culprits, we're on a hiding to nothing.

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Praying for Nuremberg Trials 2.0 N maybe ppl should of done their research bf taking the devil jab!

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Oct 28, 2023Β·edited Oct 28, 2023

Well said! Agree with your discouraged position. My only hope is that folks just flipping refuse to take any more shots! Get'em in the pocketbook. Find and support any independent docs (are there any in the UK?) and pay out of pocket.

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Wishing you well on your journey.

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It’s all of our journey

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Thank you Lioness.

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I want to thank each of you for your kind words. I was very leery about these experimental injections with no long-term studies and fuzzy ingredients. Even their inflated predicted death rate seemed much like flu. Why the crisis and suspension of life? In 2020, I had read every paper I could find about the experimental mRNA Concoctions and understood that basically all the weasels died and they had still not worked out the kinks. My dilemma was my then 95 year old mother Had been stuck in her nursing home room for a year of window visits. These were inhumane. The nursing home announced in February of 2021 that in-person visits would be allowed only to people who had the vaccine. I felt I had no choice. I will say that as soon as I discovered the FLCCC protocols 3 months later, I not only went on them ( and 79 yo husband) but I put my mother and her sitter on once a week FLCCC prophylaxis. Over the next year and a half we watched over 300+ covid cases in her nursing home. Cases all around her and in the staff also. but I'm pleased to say my mother and her sitter stayed completely healthy. I still have a hard time believing the 3 letter agencies and our government and MOST medical personnel censored prophylaxis, and early treatment. And pushed remdesiver, ventilators and dangerous injections. In my mind this is right up there with the holocaust in tragedy and scope. Ironically at the time I obtained the iver and hydroxy..quine from a relative in Honduras. Honduras was using a similar protocol to flccc from the beginning. If someone got sick down there, their public health would give the entire family the correct preventive and early treatment meds. Yet up here we were told to wait until our lips were blue and then go to the hospital to die. Insane

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Jul 20, 2023Β·edited Jul 20, 2023

not insane at all to the psychopaths, useful tools and dupes who are doing this. They want to kill as many people as possible. Until people understand this once and for all, they will keep killing.

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A similar situation in my family too. You did what you we forced to do in order to see your mom. No shame in that AND you were able to help her and her sister. I wish you healing and health.

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My friend was not allowed even window visits of her 98 yr old mother. She and her sisters were ordered off the property. Insane evil. You saved lives!! Bless you.

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That is tragic and cruel to both mother and daughters. I am so sorry. How many millions of times was this travesty repeated? How many lonely deaths? I was lucky because Mom's facility was 1 story and her room accessible ( through a bush which i ultimately flattened!) Did their mother live to the time they were allowed in, I hope?

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Yes, she did. She made it to over 100 and died with her family around her. This horror of people left alone to slowly die without anyone is truly an evil that MUST be punished in some way, but God was watching.

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I am so very sorry to hear that you have suffered, been damaged by the toxic jab. May you be healed one day soon. πŸ™

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Thank you Azra. Adjusting and forging ahead anyway

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Bless you. My heart goes out to you as you forge gently along your healing journey.

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For what it's worth, I'm sorry to hear you have suffered from their experiment. Have you you tried using the help and advice on flccc.net for help with the adverse effects of this crime against humanity ?

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Thank you Derek, I discovered the brave FLCCC docs 3 months ( June 2021) after that jab and have followed and supported them ever since. Unfortunately my heart damage is permanent but their information has been lifesaving to so many. I live busy life normally, just slower. I follow and do their protocols to this day and share with whomever is open.

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I hope you heal as well and fast as possible. God bless.

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May God Bless you

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Thanks Belinda, God bless you and us all! Especially rhe warriors on the front lines of medical freedom and common sense

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I will pray for you

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Me2 πŸ™ŒπŸ»

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Hope you have a speedy recovery πŸ™ never in the history of mankind, were those who forced medical experimentation on their fellow men, the good guys...This should be enough for anyone to make a decision.

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I am so sorry you’re going through this. It should have never happened.

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Sorry! Read this:

Possible Treatment Approach for Management of Post-COVID Vaccination Myocarditis

Author: Howard Tenenbaum DDS, Dip Perio, PhD, FRCD(C)

Date: October 24, 2023

Title: Possible Treatment Approach for Management of Post-COVID Vaccination-Induced Myocarditis

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It’s called a MASS EXTINCTION event! Most will be long gone before they figure out they’ve been slow murdered.

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When a bubble headed Manchurian VP blurts out β€œreduce the population”…She wasn’t lying. The Government wants us dead and enslaved. Lord Christ is truly our only hope. However, I’m not and never will be in taking a knee for the globalists. As far as β€œABBA” goes; ncswic. No matter what the evil is in DC they cannot change what God has ordained!

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Exactly! Jesus is our only hope!

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Mass extinction is most of life. This is humans

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80% reduction in populations is what WEF is going for. Some lots of C19 shots were more poisonous than others. Take a guess as to where the most deadly shots were sent. Red states. And they did not mandate shots for immigrants. Yet they say the rights claim of the "replacement theory" is conspiracy.

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Our planet, and all the life on it, depend and thrive because of the abundance of Co2 .

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Unfortunately this is true

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Heartbreaking, but true

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And the Ostrich Effect will take hold; when a thing is so unthinkably unbelievable so as to cause a visceral/psychological/mental trauma reaction, the best course is to pretend it never happened.....

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Providing solutions (even if only partial) is what is needed to prevent this. Or else it will most definitely happen. Curcumin, melatonin, nattokinase, high dose C (preferably liposomal), B complex every day, kaolin clay, filter the shit out of your tap water and FIND A WAY TO TAKE DOWN the 5G signal towers...

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And stop the spraying.

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Bust off knob. Take to locksmith. Key will fit all. Pour gasoline into the oil. Wait for fireworks after fake emp

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Right - head in the sand while the lions circle deciding which piece of meat they want to devour.

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I agree. This is how people have reacted for 700+ years. It's even documented in the Black Plague of 1340s in Europe, especially among the politicians.

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Yes, but it did and it is πŸ’•

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I had a talk with my hematologist from Yale today for the first time in 3 years since I was in hospital with a hematological disorder. I made a point to ask him if he had seen a jump in my particular blood disorder in his practice recently. He said no, there was a drop in 2020 which he attributed to patients staying away in the early pandemic days. He didn’t have a response to me for 2021-2022, however. I told him I was glad I had avoided the injection since my research indicated a high incidence of blood clotting disorders due to the shot and that I had no intention of putting myself at risk. No comment from the good doctor. He probably has decided to stay mum on all matters vaxx to protect his practice. Just my guess.

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My grown son has for years been in partial remission from an extremely rare blood disorder - no symptoms, no medication, only a specific blood test shows he still β€œhas” it. During the delta wave, my son got paranoid about covid after his friend got it and was sick for a week (sounded like the bad flu I had in 1983) and asked his Mayo hematologist if he should get the covid shot. That hematologist wanted to jab him right there and then. Since when does a hematologist give vaccines? The hematologist told him if he got covid, he’d end up worse and needing one of the only two, hugely expensive medications, for the condition (both come with a black box warning). I found reports in VAERS of people with the same condition having adverse reactions from the jab where they got worse. Fortunately, my son listened to me and didn’t get the poison jab.

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Great job mom! Some things can’t be taken back; you may have saved his life.

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Wow! That took courage!

And look at the lies that doctor told-they had no idea is the experimental gene therapy jab was worse than the actual virus!

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My functional doc told me I probably knew more about the jab then she did.

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A silent coward is a coward

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Find a new doctor.

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One who doesn’t LIE TO PATIENTS to protect his unjustifiable income stream exploiting sick people.

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Amen!! Quickly!

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All doctors had to take the jabs as a condition of accepting Medicaid

Almost all doctors are captured

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Not All.

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Jul 19, 2023Β·edited Jul 19, 2023

I also think that most people in the blue state of Connecticut near Yale, being desirable liberals, received the saline jab as I have not heard of many adverse events except those who got the boosters, so this doc and his patients may indeed not be be much impacted by the MRNA jab. It’s hard not to become totally paranoid. No,I don’t trust any of my doctors, but I can’t see finding any that I might trust by looking around. The devils you know…

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Sounds about right.

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Typical from Yale physicians!! They've been browbeaten into silence. Get out of the Yale system with haste.

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That is tough because Yale is the only hospital within 100 miles that can offer treatment for this disorder: plasmapheresis. Not that I could trust the plasma supply at this point anyway. I’ll just stay informed and pray that my remission holds out

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"No comment from the good doctor. He probably has decided to stay mum on all matters vaxx to protect his practice. Just my guess."

Good guess.

When we review what happens to any practitioner that is caught expressing their honest medical opinion, we do well to remember that a doctor who loses their practice and license cannot do anything to help patients or assist in exposing malpractice that they observe from their insider's vantage point.

There were plenty that, laboring from within what is a pretty insular environment, initially accepted what was being spewed from the "public health" criminals, but began to question it when their own experience told them that things weren't adding up.

It's natural to expect those with integrity to step forward, but how many more doctors can we afford to lose?

Sure, many or most may be complicit, but we don't KNOW the percentages. What we know is that the voices of a relatively small number have been amplified with endless, propagandistic repetition of an official narrative. I've found myself pleasantly surprised to be the recipient of confidences that strongly suggest a greater percentage of practitioners than i'd have guessed, caught on to the deception pretty quickly after it began.

They knew that their patients still needed them and they also knew the methods of those promulgating the narrative. As far as those shouting "cowards!" goes, yeah, they have a point. on the other hand, sickness and death from causes other than the injections are a constant, and we already had a shortage of medical practitioners before the injectors made it even worse.

There is zero protection for medical whistleblowers. We're all admiring and grateful to those who have made tremendous sacrifices revealing facts, and we need to do all we can to assist them in surviving the attacks on their livelihood, until they are fully vindicated.

There is and will be a role for all of those others that are presently working to help people with the rest of what ails 'em.

As for those who knowingly engineered all of this; no amnesty.

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Thank-you, Ted, for a very circumspect and thoughtful post. You address the situation from another ethical perspective and that opens up other possibilities. I am always looking for the compassionate angle on these difficult moral battlegrounds. I think it is helpful for all parties to do so in order to keep our sense of humanity first and foremost. There is going to be a huge wave of anger unfolding over the democide, and I hope to remain as cool and objective as possible during this time of turmoil, since I have the advantage of having seen the deception from the beginning. If we can discern carefully, hopefully there WILL be justice. You put it well: "As for those who knowingly engineered all of this; no amnesty." Righteous anger is justified.

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that and he is a moral coward. Or maybe he has always been morally bankrupt and this is the first time you've seen what he really is.

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They won't talk. I've tried with "physicians" I work with. It's amazingly scary.

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'GOOD' doctor? I think not!

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You will not get the truth from the pro-vaccine medical community - the rest stay mum for fear of losing their jobs, or, as in Canada, being fired and having their medical licenses revoked by the Marxist governments - Federal and Provincial.

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God bless you, Ed πŸ™

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Do Pfizer or Moderna already have some new drugs in the pipeline to "help" with blood disorders? I'll bet the answer is yes!

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Ed exemplifies the power of one (for good). It’s astonishing how many have utilized their genius for the goodness of humanity...Pierre Kory, Paul Marik among them.

How can data like this be ignored?

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Look at the area that has the HIGHEST gains in the market right now - healthcare. Look at the number of CONGRESS members who have an interest in this area. Look at the next area of interest - ENERGY - look at the number of CONGRESS members who have an interest in this area. Any questions?

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Dr. Ana Milhacea found here in Substack HAS THE ANSWERS.

Govt. is enemy of 'The People' and is NOT TO BE TRUSTED.


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Love Dr. Ana.

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Former Top Blackrock Fund manager Dowd explains how a three-standard deviation happens 0.3% of the time. β€œIn Wall Street, that’s a big deal.” β€œSometimes we see extreme six-standard deviation events, and that’s kooky,” he added. But alarmingly, the increase in hematological (blood-related) claims equates to a 61 standard deviation. β€œThat’s like the probability of a black hole appearing near the earth, and we get sucked in in two years. It’s not something that is likely to occur mistakenly,” Dowd remarked

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Well I was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in 2021. I refused to have the shots. I finished treatment and I am now in remission. My gut told me to steer clear. I wouldn't have survived I am sure

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The majority of blood tests were already showing elevated D-dimer. And immune cell problems. The spike-proteins causes both problems. The mRNA causes both problems.

Full overview: https://thescienceanalyst.substack.com/p/the-experimental-injections-are-not

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Deployment of 5G (including GIVING AWAY new cell phones), geoengineering and spraying our skies and a deployment of untested and known (all animals in the tests died before) deadly mRNA jabs - what could go wrong?

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I've never heard of free cell phones or cell phone plans in the US except for the Obamaphone for the poor. And I wouldn't qualify for that. But maybe the poor are main targets because they use the most social program resources and social programs are completely unsustainable and slowly falling apart.

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It does not, but you must abandon the presumption of innocence and requirement of mens rea to punish them. That’s a dangerous step to take.

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The 5G situation is a big threat. Agreed. Action plans are difficult when most see it as an β€œentertainment pipe” and not a surveillance/control platform.

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Direct 5g or a carrier wave might be responsible for self-assembling graphene into graphene clots in the blood stream. More info and studies here: https://wordsalad.info/tag-selfassembly.html

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You Hear

All Of This Talk Of Died Suddenly.

I Don't Buy It.

They Didn't So Much "Die Suddenly".

They Were Eliminated.


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suicided by globalists.

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Data analysis is frustrating. A good analyst can detect when data have been acted on by an outside force, but it can’t provide a witness of the wrongdoing, or a victim list, or the perpetrators. No one saw anything, we just know it happened.

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It doesn't take a rocket scientist, or a data analysist, to know who the guilty are.

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