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🚨 Ed Dowd Drops Bombshell Data: Hematological (Blood-Related) Claims Up 522% Above Trend in 2022

β€œThe trends were stable β€” and then this exploded.”

β€œWe were looking for data like this, and we found it in the UK Personal Independence [Payment] (PIP) system,” announced former Blackrock portfolio asset manager Edward Dowd (@DowdEdward) on the Dr. Drew show. β€œWe need the help of the medical community and the regulators to explain what's going on because it's alarming.”

Dowd then presented a slide showing yearly PIP clearances (payments) by body system, using different metrics for 2020, 2021, and 2022.

β€œAnd you can see, I'll point out hematological (blood-related) … that's up 522% in 2022. And I want to say this is versus trend. It's not versus 2021 or 2020. It's versus a trend that we analyzed from 2016 to 2019. So it's a percent increase over trend. And the trends were stable β€” and then this exploded.”

Dowd continued to explain the chart in more detail.

β€œAnd you can see, if you look at this chart, [increased claims in] different body systems started off slowly in 2020, picked up speed in 21, and just exploded in 2022. So something is going on that is detrimental to the population of the UK,” he concluded.

Here are some of the worrisome numbers of increased claims above trend in 2022:

Hematological - up 522%

Auditory - up 121%

Cardiovascular - up 121%

Dermatological - up 138%

Endocrine, metabolic, and thermoregulation - up 156%

Gastrointestinal - up 145%

Genito-urinary - up 143%

Immune - up 115%

Musculoskeletal - up 93%

Neurological - up 107%

Oncology - up 35%

Psychiatric - up 124%

Respiratory - up 93%

Visual - up 80%

β€œThese numbers are just crazy percentage-wise,” Dowd remarked.

β€œWe can convert these things to what’s called Z scores or standard deviations.”

Image via Wikipedia.

Dowd explained how a three-standard deviation happens 0.3% of the time. β€œIn Wall Street, that’s a big deal.” β€œSometimes we see extreme six-standard deviation events, and that’s kooky,” he added. But alarmingly, the increase in hematological (blood-related) claims equates to a 61 standard deviation. β€œThat’s like the probability of a black hole appearing near the earth, and we get sucked in in two years. It’s not something that is likely to occur mistakenly,” Dowd remarked.

Dowd ended by commenting, β€œ61 standard deviations is lights out, black swan event, something’s gone off the rails. It’s so many zeros and so unlikely to happen by accident that it has to be explained. And that’s what we’re calling on the medical community to explain this. That’s it.”

The full interview between Doctors Drew Pinsky, Kelly Victory, and former Blackrock portfolio manager Ed Dowd is available in the video below:

Ed Dowd Reveals New "Bombshell" Data That Looks Like A Cover Up w/ Dr. Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew

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