It is indeed the crime of the century. There must be a reckoning.

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Will be tough...many layers to this fraud.

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How about EVERY family who lost a loved one and/or now suffer themselves from the vax tell their story in a video. We amass them on one site. The next WEF, UN, Davos etc meeting everyone gets locked down (for their safety of course) and they don't leave until they watch the millions of heartbreaking stories from around the globe...which may take a year. And BTW they don't actually leave in the end...they are led to a world tribunal. Sentencing is decided by voting by the people across the globe on a block chain app that can't be censored, like Bastyon. Justice 2023 style.

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You dont realize the Khazarian Luciferians who plotted this have no conscience. They have been plotting murders, wars , and diseases for centuries

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A strange yet beautiful dream. But alas, I think the future will be more like my latest, a similarly strange "nightmare within a vision," the vision being that a of 2041 where the crime has not yet been admitted. https://pomocon.substack.com/p/the-ten-pretenses-2041

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Yes...agreed. But that isn't the point. The point is to 1) lock them down to listen to each and every story ...which 2) let's them feel the pain of lockdown over extended period of time 3) This lack of freedom along with the stories, even though they very likely won't be moved by them, at least they will hear the anger and see the eyes of the millions of pissed off people, which they need to see 3) then force march them into court 4) Be sentenced for their crimes...not by a rigged jury, lawyer & judge puppets but by the world court of people.

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...and for the truly innocent among them? Let them turn on those that conned them and made them useful idiots...we'll provide the pitch forks.

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Well, I reckon if we all start now we can put a dent in this. We can't ever give up or stop because they aren't going to.

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To start...

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Don't worry, there won't be. Not now, not ever.

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The science is settled, shut up and comply, we are all in this together.

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Correction. We have seen it before, look into AIDS, and how science and serious scientists like Luc Montagnier and Peter Duesberg were reduced to misinformation and kooks by no other than Fauci and NIH.

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I chouse Ivermectin over Vaxx thanks to Dr Korry for awareness about ivermectin and Thanks to ivermectin4sale.uk both save my life.

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And MAGA Inc wants us to forget who proudly (to this day) unleashed this on us. COVID is the litmus test. If you are STILL, TO THIS DAY, wrong on the poison, lockdowns, denial of early treatment aka “murder with malice aforethought”, you are either evil or willfully ignorant. Or both. Wrong on COVID will NEVER get my family’s votes.

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Both Greg Hunter and Ed Dowd are still running cover for Trump. Dowd says that Trump is just too proud to admit he was wrong. Hunter's position is that Trump's contract with Pfizer is his get-out-of-jail-free card because it required Pfizer to produce a safe and effective vaccine.

So why isn't Trump calling Pfizer out on the fact that they did not produce a safe and effective vaccine? Greg Hunter conveniently ignores this. But not only is Trump not calling them out on it, he is still singing its praises, telling the world as recently as last week that it has saved millions and millions of lives and bragging about how quickly he was able to get it distributed.

Meanwhile, Greg Hunter continues to support Trump and says that all will be well if Trump eventually admits he was fooled by Fauci and Pfizer. Ridiculous...

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Assume Trump Biden Obama Fauci Clinton Trudeau etc. alll drop dead tomorrow. There’s an infinite array of greedy narcissists that will immediately step up to enforce the narrative and present themselves to the public as your “leaders “. But where do they get their marching orders from? Ah. If people stay at the middle management office political level, they never reveal who or what is setting the agenda.

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I agree. The front men and women are just tools.

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Also, Greg Hunter actively deletes comments on his sites that are critical of Trump's unwillingness to come out against the jab. And if someone makes several attempts to criticize Trump on this issue, he blocks them altogether. And then he has the nerve to complain about censorship.

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Perhaps he's waiting till he's POTUS and will then expose them all and admit he was fooled, like millions of others, by the safe and effective lie. Although I do worry that he will be assassinated. I'm from UK.

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Give me a break. He allowed for the process to work without regulatory interference. It's on the NIH, FDA, and the scientific community to develop a safe and effective product. They didn't. They committed fraud to push the gene therapy to market. You are blaming Trump for their illegal actions?

Severe TDS if you ask me.

The only thing he's guilty of is continuing to support them. He needs to admit they are an absolute failure and should be pulled.

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Karen Kingston (I assume you're familiar with her work) has said in interviews that she sat down with Donald Trump Jr to discuss the issues with the bioweapon (aka the vaccine). She also said that she gave Donald Trump Jr supporting documentation so that he could share the information with his father. Do you honestly believe that Donald Trump doesn't know that the bioweapon is killing and maiming millions of people? And yet he continues to brag about how quickly he was able to get it produced and distributed and how it has saved millions and millions of lives.

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I am very familiar with Karen Kingston and her work from the beginning. She has informed most, if not all, federal and state government officials and law enforcement agency’s along with Doctors in the medical freedom movement as well as others. True hero IMHO risking everything including her life bye revealing it all.

I personally believe that there is only 4 reasons why real truth and justice is not carried out.

They are being bribed, bullied, blackmailed or they are in on it.

As far as Trump, maybe some or all of the above or he is playing 3D chess or he’s playing us.

Just wondering?

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Maybe they're all playing 3D chess? They're all on our side and they're all just playing 3D chess?

I wonder why no one ever uses that excuse to explain anyone else's behavior except Trump's. Perhaps Joe Biden is just pretending to be a moron? But he's actually working in our interests? Just playing dumb and pretending to do dumb things? But ultimately everything he's doing is for our own good? Does that make any sense to anyone?

Why is the whole 3D chess thing a valid excuse for anything Trump does that appears to go against the interests of the American people?

No, I'm gonna have to go with Ed Dowd on this one. Trump is either a complete moron, or he's covering it up (and gaslighting us by continuing to pretend that the bioweapon is a miracle which has saved "millions and millions" of lives). Do you think Trump's a moron?

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No. Trump is no moron.

We can really never know why people do what they do completely or who they really are. What we can do is look at the results of their decisions over time. What organizations they belong to and who they associate with and what their world view is.

I have made poor decision's, associated with the wrong people and been part of shady organizations. Changing directions once you realize your error is key.

One can never know everything. All you can do is gather information and make a decision. Sometimes we get it right and sometimes we don’t.

A person that keeps doing the same thing over and over and expecting to get a different result. That’s a moron.

Just my overall view on things.

Appreciate your input.

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trump doesn't give a shit about anyone but trump

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What does him giving a shit about you have to do with anything? You need Obama, Romney, or McCain types who give a shit about you? Biden must really give a shit about everyone. The greatest gift I've ever seen was the Trump economy. Everyone I knew was doing great. I'd love to have more of him not giving a shit about me.

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hahaha... bingo!

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So the builder is now a scientist who is able to create biological weapons? He's more talented than I thought. They had the gene therapy ready to go long before Trump. Maybe you were playing this 3D chess too much to notice.

Like I said he's guilty of still saying how great they are and not calling for them to be stopped, but if you think he's the mastermind of the biggest scam the world has ever witnessed that's a level of TDS that's off the charts. Enjoy this chess you seem to like so much.

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Who said he created biological weapons? Who said he is the mastermind? What on earth are you talking about?

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"Their silence will tell you all you need to know." "They're dumb, covering it up, or there's systemic fraud." --Ed Dowd

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I vote for fraud.

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Oh, there is definitely systemic fraud. But that can be said about everything the federal government is involved in!

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If you can say that after reading this article that shows everything Trump did before the Rona scam started then you aren’t being honest.


And that he is still taking credit for his beautiful vaccines should have waken people up to who he really is. It’s all there for Trump supporters to see.

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Well, he wasn't the main "who" by a long shot, and weighing lesser evils will bring me and most defenders of what's left of America to vote for him if he does become the GOP nominee, but yeah, "Maga Inc" and the Donald himself is involved in deep evil, and deep imprudence, in continuing to go along with the Suppression of this, to not apologize and repent. If he doesn't, it may wind up losing him the election and dividing conservatism for good. I'm currently trying to wake my fellow academic conservatives up to the scale of disaster coming at us--see my epic "Adjunct Suppressors" post directed against the leaders of the Claremont Institute, or my more recent stuff on the Ten Pretenses.

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Designed and developed in US lab by CIA and subcontracted to China -- a crime against humanity of the century.

Yet hardly a pip from state media.

Defund the criminals and vote Kennedy-24

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The silence is indeed deafening. Where I live everyday on the news they are talking about rolling out boosters and health authority types are still singing the same old song with ZERO pushback from the media. It is all warm and fuzzy - snuggle up to daddy as he injects you and makes you feel so safe and happy. Excuse me while I go vomit.

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Gee I wonder why there's no pushback from the media........


In 2020, the pharmaceutical industry spent 4.58 billion U.S. dollars on advertising on national TV in the United States, unsurprisingly representing a big shift in spending compared to the 2019 pre-covid market. In 2020 TV ad spending of the pharma industry accounted for 75 percent of the total ad spend.

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Exactly. 🎯

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Yep! Got an email from Rite-Aid the other day advertising “stay healthy” get your psyop jabs here… plus many other jabs! Take a survey to see which ones we recommend!🤮🤯😤😫

Someone needs to DEMAND the shots be STOPPED RIGHT NOW!!!


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I won't let a TV in my house, it's mind poison.

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So... pitchfork time yet? Or will the bayonets suffice, like last time we killed some kings and queens that murdered us for sport?

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Pitchforks?...so 1600's and messy. How about EVERY family who lost a loved one and/or now suffer themselves from the vax tell their story in a video. We amass them on one site. The next WEF, UN, Davos etc meeting everyone gets locked down (for their safety of course) and they don't leave until they watch the millions of heartbreaking stories from around the globe...which may take a year. And BTW they don't actually leave in the end...they are led to a world tribunal. Sentencing is decided by voting by the people across the globe on a block chain app that can't be censored, like Bastyon. Justice 2023 style.

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I am happy to host any such stories on my 'Stack if people want to share them.

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Everyone did suffer one way or another, true.

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As Biden said, your government has F16’s. And much more. This war will require intelligence, and a lot of it.

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Nothing else comes close in terms of fraud and ongoing genocide.

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Probably true, an even bigger fraud than 9/11 was

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Looks like otherwise healthy young people are now dropping from cardiac arrest many months after their last COVID injection. If perpetrators are hoping evidence of their crime will just fade away they may be headed for disappointment.

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In the end, they will say, "nobody forced you to take the vaccine." It reminds me of the Nazi's saying, "But I was just following orders."

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The cowards and the criminals are going to play stupid as this tragedy continues to unfold.

Edward Dowd is such an evidence driven Cassandra. Thank you sir!

Killing people for profit...is that a felony?

P.S. A sincere question: When do the hangings begin?

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People will be defending the jabs right up until it's socially acceptable to question them, then the floodgates will REALLY open.

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This is it. There are many people who died suddenly, had strokes and other health problems. Most people rely upon MSM and government for their news, therefore most people will never even consider that the vax is what caused the problem, until the MSM changes.

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Or, we are at the birth of a new society, and its central pillar will be the Omerta about the jabs.

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so many layers, so many preplans they've made for the "just in case" The People unite and restore.

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He is correct. It is shocking that this has continued and the majority of the public has no clue what has been done to them. I am unjabbed, but most of my friends and family members are jabbed. I am concerned about their health and fear they will die in the next few years from cancer, blood clots, cardiac arrest or one of the plethora of diseases/conditions we're seeing from this kill shot that isn't a vaccine.

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