This is great, because it makes Ed's large data sets and information easy to share with others. I find people just want the quick takeaway and this is it. Very helpful. Thanks.

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I am glad you found this helpful!

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Indeed! My only wish is that everyone writing substacks/doing videos, had their credentials— (anything remotely impressive) — IN some sort of little

tagline on EVERY SINGLE thing they publish. Seems “bragg-y” but it would save time from all the people coming back at me with,

“Oh, everyone knows RFK, Jr. is an idiot. Even his family says so.” (PLEASE 🙄) I would love to simply fire back, “Have you

bothered to read his credentials? They’re RIGHT under his name!”

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Unless it's on CNNBBC - they will dismiss it... regardless of credentials...

They will say that if it was not fake news CNNBBC would cover it

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They don't like articles that require them to read carefully and think for themselves. "Why think for myself? I spent three years in college being told what to think and to think for myself now might lead me to the conclusion that everything I know is wrong. But that is not possible - because I am on the right side of history." College education has the same effect as did memorisation of Chairman Mao's little red book back in the days of the Cultural Revolution.

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Was it sarcasm RFK you said he was an idiot??

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Absolutely! I adore

the man.

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He is fighting for the truth

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He's fighting to keep the virus theory alive. The Kennedy's are Big Pharma investors and he admitted to that early on in an interview with David Martin.

No one has isolated a virus. No one! This scam has been called out since the mid 1800's. https://christinemasseyfois.substack.com/p/germ-fois-childrens-health-defense

We’ve known for well over 150 years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.And the criminals that pose as our elected officials are in on the take and are raking in millions, and will NEVER stop the madness that is called vaccination.And neither will doctors who are being PAID handsomely for jabbing and lying to their trusting patients.If you’ve been jabbed then your death will be influenced by and/or directly caused by said jab.People should quit thinking it’s coincidence. That’s propaganda talk.And yet the populace of today (being dumbed down by design) have their heads buried in the sand and believe the corrupt media’s story of blaming these deaths on everything else under the sun except the obvious.

The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations https://a.co/d/cfvx9Q6 https://rumble.com/v1wxx5q-nephrologist-dr-suzanne-humphries-vaccines-have-never-been-safe.html

-Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://a.co/d/coVuit4

- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886 https://archive.org/details/64940640R.nlm.nih.gov

- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889 https://archive.org/details/historypathology02crooiala

- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889 https://archive.org/details/b21357067



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Great piece that really drives a compelling argument regarding the current and long-term dangers of the covid jab. Thanks so much! Big fan of Ed Dowd and his research!

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I imagine this is why the progressive left wouldn't let Charlie speak at UC Davis, they are such sadists and masochists they glory in excess deaths for the sake of the health of the earth or something?

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Self hatred lead to such behavior. Delusional and self destructive and these tools want to take everyone who remains sane over the cliff with them. Never thought I'd see a time like this in my lifetime.

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It is like militant jihad

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Very much so.

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You mean like denying that lobbying is bribery, that it affects decision-making, that it even exists, then coming here complaining about how lobbying has caused politicians to enforce lethal mandates upon us?

Yeah: you've been doing that your Entire Life but thought you'd never live to see it? You STILL refuse to see it.

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If you say so. Thanks for telling me what I do and don't do.

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We're on a page of a newsletter reporting about a harmful policy killing children. The Only People Capable Of imposing such mandates are politicians.

Every nation with a constitution has the legal means of blocking, countering or reversing any & all decisions made by their politicians, or failing that, made them Private Citizens such as you & me. Ergo, if it's illegal for US to force, coerce or mandate people to inject products, then it's illegal for them to.

Ergo, the only reason they haven't been blocked, countered or reversed nor have been charged, prosecuted or arrested is that you have not yet done this. No matter how often I offer TO organize so we can save children's lives, no one accepts it.

If y'all WERE open to it, this would have been done. But the only discussions here are about Reporting To politicians the harms being done as if they're Benevolent Protectors living in a cave even though they're the ones who forwarded the very mandate.

That's how I know what you do & haven't done in respect to this.

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Human nature is interesting isn't it. Combined with lawlessness, it's a perfect storm for tyranny. The victims of Jan 6th who are still rotting in "jail" (not prison) and are being held illegally as political pawns/prisoners, no one has rescued them. Why are they there why is there corruption at every level of our institutions (not just political) and who has the power to mitigate the corruption and to defeat the lawlessness?

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Well, to attempt to answer this, I delved into the world of Social Psychology to see if there were some underlying mindset determining this. There is. It isn't pretty. So now that I've warned you, don't blame me if you don't like what follows because no one is making you read this.

The Short Version is this: if faced with a choice between saving children's lives at the cost of receiving anything remotely like a constipated-looking Scowl of Discontent from a mere authority FIGURE like Nancy or Mitch http://allaregreen.us/ utter cowards will choose to cease thinking about the consequences & prefer to Only Consider how much they don't like making Mommy & Daddy show their disappointment in them.

The fact that if Nancy or Mitch DDIN'T work in government they would have No Such Power over people does not matter. All that matters to people faced with watching their own children being sacrificed is that THEY don't feel Public Humiliation. Their children's lives aren't worth as much as avoiding All Adult Responsibility.

Because here's the thing: M & N are only SURROGATE Mommies and Daddies, & even then ONLY BECAUSE the cowards first conflate people who work IN politics with "being" 'Government, the Surrogate Parent.'

This is EXACTLY LIKE thinking a janitor who happens to sweep the parliament floor 'is Government' or his broom is. It's a Fantasy Excuse that people build up for themselves IN ORDER TO have an ever-ready excuse to avoid taking on any adult responsibility.

To me, the people here are saying "we can't not inject possibly lethal products into our children. José's Mop told us to do it. So now we're helpless. We can Only Comply. The Mop Hath Spoken."

That's The Excuse EVERYONE HERE is using to say We Can Not Stand Up to mere politicians. Corrupt ones our constitutions gives us the Legal Power to charge, prosecute & arrest.

Because of the janitor's mop. It said so.

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So We Know That the mandates = death AND that these people here http://allaregreen.us/ aren't about to voluntarily reject those amounts of $ to remove the mandates that the majority of the Sheeple accept.

Ergo, we need to do something more than whine AT those people IF we want to save lives.

Yes or no? If I'm wrong, what am I wrong about? ARE those people about to reject lobbying $ for no reason? So, will anyone here discuss how we can organize to end the mandates?

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Not to be a downer, but the mandates won't end. It will take 100 years before all of this crap is gone. All one can do IS NOT COMPLY and DO NOT FORCE OTHERS TO COMPLY. Voting will not end the mandates, organizing will not end the mandates. Just individual action. Don't go to those mandated schools, workplaces, vacations, etc. That's all you can do.

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Michael America is dead. The constitution means nothing any longer. I’m sorry but it’s true. All the levers of power, the courts, the justice system are corrupted. That means that there’s no way to ENFORCE the constitutional protections you speak of. It’s the Wild West out here. There no justice or democratic process that will save us from this now. It’s every man for himself and all we can do is survive and protect our own to the best of our ability.

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See what I mean? We here can organize into a group too large to be blocked or dismissed & you reply with "the Constitution isn't going to Rise Up & do this FOR us."

Your own children's lives are at stake & WOW what excuses you make. Did you think that when others go to court, The Constitution Itself represents them dressed in a cape & cowl & a big 'C' on its chest?

Your own children. Wow.

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"All one can do IS NOT COMPLY and DO NOT FORCE OTHERS TO COMPLY." Really? ALL one can do is that? The Constitution said that? It says that "when Your Politicians Make A Decision all you can do is not comply?"

You are a coward. The Constitution gives us MULTIPLE other legal options. You just don't want to actively think about any of them. Your mainstream media reminded us for TWO FULL YEARS that taking private (corporate) $ while in office was illegal & why & yet you are STILL backing away from contemplating this when children's lives are at stake.

I can think of Three Options here: you either revere Mitch McConnell's illegal retirement fund more than the lives of any children, including your own. 2) You're a coward. 3) Both. Likely, you do 1) because 2) is true.

Care to tell me why you decided despite reality saying otherwise that we Have No Choice other than to passively accept what's going on when the Constitution makes it clear we CAN prosecute, charge & arrest every member of your congress Right Now just for being on this list http://allaregreen.us/? If there IS some Valid Reason you suggest allowing them to commit murder of children for Fun & Profit that I have NOT listed, you can receive the joy of a Public Apology on social media. In fact, EVERYONE HERE who hasn't discussed organizing into a group large enough that it could not be blocked or dismissed by politicians here on social media would receive a heartfelt apology as I consider EVERYONE who avoids this discussion to be equally complicit in allowing this to continue while they're right nor using the very tool they could use to stop this to instead claim they cannot, while pleading that they can't with nothing but pathetic, weak excuses that are obviously lies.

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Mar 20, 2023
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Good people are more easily fooled than evil people. Deception is the medium of exchange for evil people.

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Not fooled. I consider myself a good person. Quietly keep to myself. I went through my learning curve in the 80s and 90s. Fully awake in the 2000s when the oncologist killed my husband with his chemo drugs. Not fooled in the last 3 years, either. I do not consider progressives good people.

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I have to agree with you on that. Our lives are full of choices that we make, thus far, and here we are without the hate and dogma. The woke are not good people in my opinion either.

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It is not so much good vs bad. It is freedom vs control. There is something in these 'progressives' which MUST CONTROL EVERYTHING. I cannot understand the pathology, but it IS a pathology. They are literally incapable of not wanting to exercise control of everything and everyone else. Somehow, that anyone should NOT agree with them, or should choose different actions profoundly threatens their psyche and they lash out, attempt to control this desire to be 'free' that others have. In some strange way, that others are not 'in their bubble' makes them go crazy. I can only see this as some inadequacy in themselves. They are not adequate or feel this on a primative level. I can only surmise because the need to control others is not in my makeup. Whatever it is this 'need' to control others can be used for evil purposes. For certain it is not about others and protecting them, as they would have you believe, but all about themselves. I pity them.

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I'm sorry to hear about your husband. The cancer industrial complex killed my father in 1994 and sister in 2016. Once you see what chemo drugs and radiation do you can never fall asleep again. The covid me-too-freakout is just an offshoot of the cancer industrial complex. It's all a death factory for money.

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I think it’s because we good people can’t fathom lying like this or doing anything to maim an entire generation, even for trillions of dollars. It’s diabolical. We trust others because we are trustworthy.

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Mar 21, 2023
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I LOVE the bible! I don’t mean just in thought. I mean I actually crave to read & study it. I’ve studied with Pastor Arnold Murray on Shepherd’s Chapel-on tv for 31 yrs. Life changing !

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Dr. Meryl Nass, truth teller extraordinare, has said as much. But it gets worse.

Apparently, Peter Daszak has close ties there and One Health is entrenched.

Yes, you're right. Very nice people who will find themselves on the wrong side of history.

Meanwhile at the Seattle Zoo......


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And, they are producing lousy Vets!

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Probably lining up for their boosters...

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Steve thanks for featuring Ed Dowd’s incredible work. I’m in the insurance industry and have been following the Same Data. We have a pharmaceutical, agricultural, energy and military complex who’s goals are sales and profits. Consumer protection is nonexistent. All causes of death and disease are being ignored only to satisfy Wall Street and Venture Capitalists. Lobbyists, Media, advertising and culture are pushing new untested products every year. Covid19 and the vaccine are the straws that broke the camels back.

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Patent 11553311-B2 - Issued to Bank of America (North Carolina 1/2023)


I am not surprised as my team has identified my state (NC) as ground zero. The only question is how linked is this one to the Vaxes & the Federal Reserve patents below like the Vanderbilt & Rothschild 1s.



Here's a 2022 global vax-linked nano tracking patent that is best read under its US equivalent:


We did interview Gal Ehrlich the inventor/lawyer with CHD on the line and he compared his role in the invention as his job was to just get it passed the patent trade association as there was also an inventor of the electric chair. Disgusting

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The following article/link shows almost a verbatim approach to covid as it did back in 2009. The only difference today is ppl jave been dumbed down even more. They tried the exact same thing ten years ago. They are fckng relentless.


"The charges contend that these defendants conspired with each other and others to devise, fund and participate in the final phase of the implementation of a covert international bioweapons program involving the pharmaceutical companies Baxter and Novartis. They did this by bioengineering and then releasing lethal biological agents, specifically the “bird flu” virus and the “swine flu virus” in order to have a pretext to implement a forced mass vaccination program which would be the means of administering a toxic biological agent to cause death and injury to the people of the U.S. This action is in direct violation of the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act."

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Thanks VF Excellent post.

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The only solace in all this evil is that one day these people who created it, knew about it and did nothing, will stand before God. It will be too late for them and I'd like to be able to ask "Was it worth it?"

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God probably doesn't exist: I mean there might be a horse called God running next Saturday at a Racecourse near you, but you would be unwise to put your money on it winning.

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God exists and he always wins. I'll go with the winning side.

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One day you'll see. If you're wrong do you understand what the consequences will be. Please talk to someone who believes and ask them why they do.

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I talk to Jews and Muslims.

I talk to Catholics and Protestants.

I talk to anyone and everyone.

But the only ones intent on murdering each other for ideological reasons seem to be the God-squadders.

Sure, there are some Atheists who are also assholes, but I don't see any empirical evidence that they are less or more murderous than the God-botherers.

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Um, well, there is Mao, Stalin, etc...God-haters to their core that are responsible for millions and millions of dead. In fact, there a really good argument to be made that the God-denyers are responsible for most of our world's death by government.

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Sure there is. But in terms of history, lets not forget that slavery and the Spanish Inquisition were sanctioned by the Pope, or that "Gott Mit Uns" (God with us) was inscribed on most Nazi belts etc.

But I also think there is a difference between 'god haters' and 'god indifferent' folk. Very few fall into the first category. I don't think I have ever met one. Mainly because, .. well how on earth can you hate something that doesn't exist?

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and then there is this

https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/research-shows-that-for-europe-c19 “Vaccines” kill 3-4 times more than C19 Disease

it takes around 885 doses to kill someone?

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So what has Ron Johnson done with this info?

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How reliable is the CDC at this point? Whose statistics can be believed at all?

In August, 2020, I checked mortality rates in Canada, the US, Britain, Hungary, Sweden, and Germany, and fewer-than-usual people died, proving that there was no pandemic. The next month, the CDC started doctoring data retroactively, out of which the most revolting one went back to changing mortalities among American soldiers from 2015.

Calculating VAERS under-reporting suggests that more than 10 million Americans are already dead because of the injections, but the data are certainly not available.

Proving "intent to harm" (a legal term that would take away "vaccine" manufacturers indemnity) was already there last June:


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I think he took is his data sets from many different places. The cdc alone doesn't tell you sh*t.✝️🇺🇸

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But the figures just don't cut it; they are heavily underestimated...

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This important info needs to be spread everywhere. Thank you and God Bless you. Stop the C19 shots now.

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PATRICK LAWRENCE: Trump & the Stormy Deep State -- March 20, 2023


We keep coming face-to-face with the wreckage of the Russiagate years, when the 45th president threatened the national security apparatus for, possibly, the first time since Kennedy fired Allen Dulles as C.I.A. director in 1961.

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I wonder how millions of new people going on disability is affecting the labor market? Yes, it has to be the mRNA injections causing the destruction of humanity in such a gruesome manner.

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I wonder too. Not being in the labor market now since I'm unshotted, I wonder how the shotted calling in sick all the time is affecting productivity. I wonder how the companies' disability premiums are going? I wonder how HR depts have the gall to continue to reject the unshotted when their shotted employees are dropping like flies. Wonders never cease.


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My sister, 60, is a Civil Engineer in SoCal. Since the lockdowns, she's worked CAD from home and now her company is keeping that arrangement. I can tell she's experienced a great deal of brain fog since being vaccinated. Imo she's disabled and on the brink of being fired. Anyone know of a way to prove it's a vax disability? I don't believe there are any doctors left who can be trusted.

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I bought my copy of CAUSE UNKNOWN. When they try to hide the data, I'll point to the hard copy book.

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Look to evidenced-based data in Naomi Wolf’s Pfizer docs book...on dailyclout.io.

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Thanks for the tip.

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Gee whiz, Fox! This type of easy-do-digest presentation just makes the fact--the absolute fact--that no one will be held accountable for those deaths all the more disturbing. #WeAreSoScrewed

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