Say what you want about this man but he’s made a helluva difference in your life and mine. Twitter had essentially been purged of any conservative thought. For you people who think he’s a CIA hack of sorts I must say “chill the fuck out and quit being retarded.” I really don’t care because it really doesn’t matter. He has helped us either way. The internet had been all but stifled aside from substack and obscure websites. All of which were scared to mess up and get pulled. Queue up the “I think Elon is going to save us shit.” 🙄

That worry of getting your site pulled has gone down a few decibels at least. Hell i sometimes wonder about substack. A small company out of San Fran letting us bad mouth the “safe and effective.” Whatever they are thank goodness they did. SS kept me from going insane. Was nice to see I wasn’t alone.

Cheers to Elon Musk!

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Yes, Substack is a welcome breath of fresh air. But I'd like to see new, 'subsidiary' substacks out & about specializing on specific areas of concern. Maybe in other countries too.

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Why did he have to explain that? That was obviously what he meant when he first said it.

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I half expected him to walk back:

"I was just kidding.... please come back - I need your munnies... you may even F*ck me if this would sweeten the deal"

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Per: https://www.ft.com/content/67a874e3-42fb-4c69-8d74-212f2fed5d0e

But on Monday, Israeli communications minister Shlomo Karhi posted on X that the entrepreneur had “reach[ed] a principle understanding” with the ministry. “Starlink satellite units can only be operated in Israel with the approval of the Israeli Ministry of Communications, including the Gaza Strip,” Karhi said.

Per Aljeerzeer:Musk also agreed to not provide internet access to Gaza through his satellite company Starlink without Israeli approval.

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Sorry but I don’t buy this guy Elon, the establishment don’t let anyone get this rich without something in return. You can’t even become an actor or pop star without signing up to them.

With his battery cars and brain chips etc. if he was into free speech and on the side of the ‘free man’ he would be exposing the real agenda and control and destruction of the human race.

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Spot on

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Uh, what would people say if he did? Probably "I don't buy this guy".

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Bravo. Excellent reply. The original comment was funny, cool, necessary! But this explains the moral basis for that comment. People are tired of hearing glib advocacy for censorship as 'reasonanble' controls on speech, all while putting out garbage polemics on hatespeech, dis-, mis-, mal-information.

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So why are you now allowing some X posters to BLOCK chosen people from even seeing their posts, let alone commenting on them?

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Why doesn't we get hold of a list of advertisers who demand censorship. We could boycott them! Musk should provide one.

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Maybe there's a cowbird in his nest

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Yes...moral and ethical. That’s where the line cannot be crossed.

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It’s always interesting to hear Elon’s intelligent and insightful point of view!!thank you🌻😊

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No way do I trust this guy who wants to re-invent the human mind and humans, put a gazillion satellites into orbit for spying purposes and panders to the fake global warming scam selling silly EVs.

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Another group in the Migration and Immigration McCarran Walters Act 1952

The Black female that is addressed as Queen in our one class Constitutional republican form of government, speaks with an American dialect. About the Moors. The Moors from Tripoli are Muslim. The Barbary coast. Conquered by the United States Army under General Patton 1942. Who are the Moors that claim a flag and nation with a jurisdiction apart from all of us and our claim? However, lawfully, to be American with our founding documents. History informs us that Moors come in many colors and from more than one location. If you claim founding documents other than our, unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America; the Confederation and perpetual Union's Articles; The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859 and the various Constitutions of the 33 several States you are not one of us with unalienable rights granted by our Creator. That pile of documents is our social compact, bona fides, provenance of freedom, unique on Earth. Also known as a contract in commerce. If you have no God you have no rights. If these documents are not yours as in the case of muslims / islam / koran you have no rights.

I'll unpack that for you.

Our rights are bought and paid for with blood, sweat, tears, words and our actions from our conception. Our conception is based on the Aboriginal’s government located in the area of the 13 original colonies. Probably Algonquin in derivation. That the people are sovereign not that they have a sovereign actually without ruler or subject. An unknown concept to those immigrants in 1620. My family arrived in 1664 from Holland. They were subjects with designations such as freemen, no longer slaves or serfs. But, with a Monarch and subject(s) to/of the Monarch, using English common law. That morphed into American Common Law and brought about, with the help of the Original American’s concepts, the Revolution. Based on the unique, to this day, thought, mindset, with a province men and women with our progeny on the land and soil are without ruler or subject. Sovereign see Bouvier Dictionary 1856. With a written social compact based on American Common law. Based on our founding documents. Based on our Aboriginal concept based on unalienable rights.

The only known place that this social compact occurred as of today is on Oregon. I'll unpack that for you.

You, me, we, all of us must prove your / our status, standing, jurisdiction, law form and venue or the 12 Presumptions of Law (see the video at https://www.orsja.org) are accepted by the powers that should not be. Those that adhere to the British Accreditation Registry, BAR, such as Oregon State Bar, Esquires in some form out of London. There really is an industrial / military / executive/ legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jihadist-Muslim / Communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law / RICO society that should not be. So, we took them out on Oregon. November 2022. I'll explain that.

Persons glaze over here. The cognitive dissonance is too much for them. Stockholm syndrome anyone? They are too deeply invested in the de facto (Black's Law 6th edition page 416). Their meal ticket is punched here. They talk the talk but are totally into the de facto. Teaching how to follow them, for $50.00 a month, to live with the de facto. Charlatans!! Our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly aka ARTICLE I Section 1 is the provisional government on Oregon. Assembled as in the 1st Amendment; form a Social compact as in ARTICLE I Section 1; form your Grand Jury pool to create a Grand Jury; form your Civilian common law Court of record; implement ex parte Milligan; nullify martial law / Lieber code / FEMA; form your Article III one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction found in Amendment VII a common law court whose jury verdict has no appeal in fact. The value exceeds 20.00 so no judge involved. There it is unpacked. Our social compact the Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly accomplished that and after 8 Grand Juries and 7 Article III Amendment VII trials, we are the provisional government on Oregon. With full faith and credit we offer it to you. Do the paperwork. All of us will assist you. What we have 6 years doing can be accomplished on paper in 30 days. I yield. – www.orsja.org

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If he was a threat to them they would kill him. He is a controlled pressure relief valve but the valve upstream of him can be shut in an instant if required. While the people who control the advertising remain in charge in the shadows none of us are free not even them.

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Jun 20·edited Oct 20

Individuals have the right to select their own account's audience. If he did not allow a poster to block whoever they wanted on their own account, that would be a sort of censorship on the platform level. I wouldn't call allowing people to have control of who they allow to see or reply to their posts so much as censorship but discretion by an individual which could be equal to the same thing but it's on an individual basis.

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Doesn't he cancel accounts that criticize or appear to criticize him? Aren't there many documented cases of him getting his "feefee" hurt and then kicking the person off? And I know Israel has reigned in his frequent antisemmetic texts.

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I hope you understand or you probably haven't had it happen to you, but I don't post or SHOUT post multiple times on purpose.

This has been happening to me the past day and a half. I try to post and it says it Error Occurred cannot post, I put it down and come back some minutes later to check, same message, several times.

Now I don't shout it, but I'll just not bother posting. Is that okay? Because I'm sure you can't skip the duplicate.

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I did not realize that. What you experienced is typical of someone futzing with the webs. A huge spiderweb.

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Goal: return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year. 2024 !! It must be done in steps. A next step: can be for a Civilian common law Court of record to require their Sheriff and / or the occupant of the Office of Sheriff to acquire for our perusal; their proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and of Nature's God included. This has a protocol involved; in matters of over $20.00 in value a verdict from a jury is required; in common law of Article III and Amendment VII. What you testify must be spoken in open court. With witnesses that do not rebut you and form a Jurat signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published. We use www.orsja.org. On Oregon Sheriffs have 61 days to get all of their bona fides in order. With one exception. That clock is ticking.

Right now! We think. There is no other way another state, commonwealth or territory can join in a Congress Assembled in original jurisdiction. You must be with your states ARTICLE I Section 1 provisional government without rebuttal.

The basic tenets of a Church(s) were / are / have been / will be modified to meet the conditions of the secular state. Now, how can that be??? When a Church takes on a 501 C3 they put the jurisdiction of the state or states ahead of God and the congregation. Let me see; men and women with our progeny make up the congregation. Sovereigns in a social compact with their God. Then people become persons and go ‘pro se” into giving jurisdiction where none should be relinquished by “jura summi imperii.” Unalienable rights are impossible to lose. Please rescind any “contempt for common law.” Amendment VII and stop repeating the lie it is civil only. It is suits in common law that includes criminal also (Bouvier law 1856) “ in suits “ as defined with the proper dictionary of the proper year for The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859. Original Jurisdiction of the one supreme Court claiming Article III, that is not SCOTUS. A jury must have 12!! Article III is found in the county nearest the event / action /crime. Article III is found in Amendment VII and as the value exceeds $20.00 there is no Judge involved and the jury verdict has no appeal in fact. That is a one supreme Court. This Article III Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record is operated by ARTICLE I Section 1 on Oregon. It is our social compact having implemented ex parte Milligan and nullifying martial law / Lieber code / FEMA on Oregon aka the de jure provisional government on Oregon. Our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly has an Article III Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record. All of you are with us and have with full faith and credit a share in our court. Those of us on Oregon may not have something others are deprived of. By the provenance of the only know history of a sovereign man or woman with our progeny from before 1775, forward through 1776 and the 1777 Confederation and perpetual Union’s last article, known as our Constitution 1789. Then states and amendments were added. See, 1819 for the last lawful amendment. Virginia ratified XIII TONA. Then Oregon 1859 is the last lawful state among the several states of our Confederated perpetual Union. Federal is code for after March 1861 with governing law being martial law. Our lawful The United States of America’s in Congress Assembled has not happened since 24 December 1860. When South Carolina seceded and broke the Confederation and perpetual Union, we acquired color of law until March 1861. Then we got martial law. Lincoln’s EO #100 the Lieber Code and it is still in effect in the US Army plan for Martial Law 2018. Except on Oregon as of June 2018.

They, USMC, make the claim it is not them. It is Navy( bullshit the Navy is not on the land and soil) it is DOD bullshit 1775 USMC more ancient responsibility. A de jure, original jurisdiction, responsibility. They take orders from the several states and Oregon is one of those several states and we are the ARTICLE I Section I provisional government on Oregon the land and soil de jure to de jure USMC. That billet must exist!!! With the proper oath to the Proper Constitutions. QUESTION?: who in the USMC is responsible for keeping the part of the oath that covers "Enemies from within?" It cannot be the Federal US Army they are the de facto perpetrators. When the USMC claim, “not me,” is made "to shift responsibility." We deny that claim and demand the USMC support that claim. A preponderance of evidence is in the public domain and published at www.orsja.org.

Until the USMC can support their claim, Not Me. That we deny. A cooperative, non compromising option would be for John Naughton and Robert Graves to meet, communicate and exchange bona fides.

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