May 17, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Musk at his best. Candor matters.

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He's great in a debate. All the "Got-cha" questions, he just sent right back at the interviewer.

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He had me at Princess Bride 😂

The good old days when men were men and villains were locked up or hanged

Or so we like to imagine

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It’s not imagination. It’s reality and for some reason we have been TOO CIVILIZED and our survival now is based in responses equal to evil’s destructive nature but for the reason of good (survival) not evil. It’s real and we need to understand that.

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I think some of it is. We tend to glamorize the past when in reality vigilantes, pirates, highwaymen existed, clans/tribes who raped and pillaged entire communities, psychopathic priests and monarchies who took more than their share, starved citizens for power. Was there less pedophilia or were children just silenced more effectively or killed?

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The only time pirates and despots and psychopaths win is if we don’t eliminate them fast enough.

Just imagine a world where the hitlers were still in their thrones destroying anyone they thought weren’t part of their “group”. Just being nice does not work with those monsters.

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Tis time that we all ask why a non-American is buying our prosecutors to undermine our judicial system, buying our secretaries of state to rig our elections, and financing the hoards of immigrants to come across our border (for free health care, cell phones, expense accounts, etc). Does an enemy of the US *have* to be a country, can't a billionaire be considered an enemy?

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Amen!!! Maybe not treason but yes, enemy combatant for sure

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Soros was American since 1961. With 2 witnesses to your actions you can be charged with treason.

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He's been kicked out of about 16 other countries for trying to subvert their governments. He's a "wanted" man in Russia. You'd think the US would've noticed these things.

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Don't know why people are still asking why

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May 17, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

It's a tough call to really understand Musk's ultimate intentions BUT, SO Far So Good! what a reply. & I guess the list of his enemies tripled! Thanks VF

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Concur re what to make of Elon but I’m really glad he said all that! Freedom of speech is paramount 💪🏽

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yeah.... Muscle Indeed!

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

Lol. It is? The billionaire who was made rich by govt grants? He's the king of the new world. He's Elon " carbon credit" Musk. His conpany was the largest carbon credit company in the world last year How is it no one knows what's really going on??? Even fox is snowed. MUSK the tyrannical diaguised free speech cheerleader. Come on.

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May 17, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

But , it’s still better to expose folks like Soros than nothing ! Millions who might not know what you know who like him , will now know what he thinks about soros

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

Anyone who trusts Musk is not that bright or super gullible. Of course hopeful. I read these comments and just laugh. I understand how the elites just think we're a bunch of pawns they move around, and after reading these comments I see it. I see how right they are. People are a bunch of trusting morons. They put a guy up who says "what they want" and "exposes Soros" and the wheels come off. Think for one miniute. EVERYONE WHO CARES TO KNOW ABOUT SOROS DOES. Tucker and various others have outed him. SO WHAT? He broke the bank of England decades ago, everyone knew then too. SO WHAT? Are any of YOU going to anything to SOROS? My gosh people stop believing these people and Elon?? He's a billionnaire made by the Gov't!?!??! He's starlink???? He appointed a WEF person. He sold more CARBON CREDITS than any company on earth last year. WAKE THE F UP PEOPLE>

P.S. Next he's going to say the borders need to be closed and ya'll are going to salivate. You can't make this up.

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Yes that was very revealing ! We’ll have to see what unfolds

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No it 's not, unless you're a completely demoralised person. Klaus Schwab wants to put a chip in everyone's hand and everyone freaks out. Elon Musk wants to put a chip in everyone's brain and everyone's happy about it 'cause he smoked a spliff on Rogan. Those in the latter camp ought to go and splash some cold water in their faces right now.

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Not quite sure about Elon but fershure he should do more interviews with mainstream journalists who will inevitably try to “fix” him to a position. He’s been coming out on top, and he’s making them look very stupid! 🤪

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BTW, I just now listened to the brilliant James Corbett talk about Elon's affiliations. Appreciating this post by VF (and what Elon said) doesn't mean that we don't question Elon's motives. https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/james-corbett-explains-musk-ai-and

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Thought you eere talking about this deep dive:


That one was very thorough.

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As a meme recently said: I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I’m a bullshit analyst.

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So you know Elon is utterly full of shit? Hmmm

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Still analyzing.

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

No need. He's a billionaire. The US govt made him rich. You know about carbon credits right? You know he's the biggest seller. Pleaae help me understand what you're analyzing.

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The US govt = The US taxpayers...

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Elon Musk is nothing but a 100% military industrial complex-created Pied Piper psy-op playing the long game. Starlink "It's not what you think!!!!" Neuralink "It's not what you think!!!!" X-the-omniscient-all-encompassing-all-versatile-omni-everything-app "It's not what you think!!!!" Meet-the-new-WEF-stooge-Twitter-CEO "It's not what you think!!!!" Musk says and does all the right things at all the right times, buys Twitter, scoops up the mediatically disenfranchised, smokes a spliff on Joe Rogan, 'goes after George Soros' on Twitter, etc and all the stupid rebels think "He must be our guy!!!" The man behind the curtain doesn't give a flying one if Musk throws George Soros under a bus. It's a long game and Soros will likely be dead in six months anyway..... "And it could become the foundation for a new kind of religion..." MuskZone videos are getting more and more to resemble cheesy Scientology promos, so I guess once everyone's done a few more hops, skips and jumps down Musk mission creep alley, they've all had their Neuralink implant and are set up with their omni-AI, all-seeing, all-knowing banking, credit and communication X account, they'll be good and ready to receive him fully as their most exalted 'good shepherd'.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiinp__jyJA

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I cannot believe even on this blog people are totally fooled, including Fox. I think I need to Unsubscribe. It's unbelievable that humans still believe these people. Gullible trusting fools. Sorry i dont knoe WTH else to call them. .

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We are not fooled. We are skeptical but happy that he made a few necessary points. (Actually I shouldn't say "we", I can only talk about myself.)

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What? His whole stick is to fool you. Soros? What does it matter? He's 94. He tells some truth and you're all salivating.

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Um, are you reading the actual words that are being written by myself and the other commenters you're berating? NB. This is the last time I'll engage with you.

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Unless I'm not getting emails alerts on them yes. It doesn't matter. Putting Musk up as anything but a snake oil salesman and not just agreeing yes or adding more is a waste of time.

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Are you a bot? What do you mean am I reading what you and other posters are saying? Yeah bot. It's all there. Line and verse. Go read it. If you're human.

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Speak for yourself. I'm just here for The Princess Bride. 😂

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You don't have to be that much of a vigilant fox to work out that Musk is the head groomer of techno-fascism 666.

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

Seems like it you have to be quite a vigilant fox to get it. I cannot believe half these people. It's sad. People are so gullible and hopeful.

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The thing that makes me laugh/puke, is how they all call him by his first name, like he's their friend or something. He is no such thing. The Musk effect is somewhat similar to the Obama effect. The general public are very happy that the guy has a nice smile and that they can wear a HOPE T-shirt and that's all they want to know about. Meanwhile Obama completely destroys Libya for no good reason and hardly anyone bats an eyelid.

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EXACTLY and that's not all. He and that devil HICKEY CLITON helped destroy a lot more than that.

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Yeah. We'd be here all night with that one.

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Who knows BUT he's not with God. Not sure the AC is that old yet. Thinking not yet born or very young. For him to be anti things have to start very soon and get deep soon

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If Elon thinks soros like magneto hates humans, and Elon understands magnetism, frequency and vibration, then why would he hire someone that vibrates a frequency for WEF? And Who?

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Fox... so you think Elon is with us? You think one of the richest men in the world is a free speech advocate? The guy whose gotten more money from the US govt than almost anyone? Omg. LOL. Say it isn't so! See his profile picture on Twitter? That's who he is. He's the exact opposite of who he says he is. Tesla set a new record in carbon credit sales in 2022. Hmm. He's the one whose going to lead us right into the Hunger Games. Hes the king of the new age conteolled by credits. Afriend of the common man??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣😁 Same shit as Trump. They are all players in the game. A mass majority of conservatives would not have taken the death shot if not for the biggest vaccine salesman Trump wasnt at the helm. It's unbelievable how many people are this gullible and believe the good guys in the show. LMFAO. I'm shocked at you fox.

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(posted above too) BTW, I just now listened to the brilliant James Corbett talk about Elon's affiliations. Appreciating this post by TVF (and what Elon said) doesn't mean that we don't question Elon's motives. https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/james-corbett-explains-musk-ai-and

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023

Then stop marginalizing me and question him. This article doesn't question him. It paints him as an ally. Moat of you people are tribal and thus stupid to whats really going on. You dont think for yourselves... Idiots.

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I didn’t even know Soros was Jewish, but even so, how is comparing one man to a supervillain equivalent to antisemitism? Antisemitism is bandied about with far too much abandon these days. Semites are people of middle eastern descent, yet Palestinians are labeled antisemitic for opposing Israeli foreign policy and apartheid laws.

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The "new" meaning for anti-semite is anti-Jewish. If you say anything about any person and they happen to be Jewish, you get the label. Like saying anything about Obama makes you "racist".

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Then you don't know much about him BUT his name.

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Musk says he voted for Biden. He’s more stupid than I thought.

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So did Steve Kirsch. So did Naomi Wolf..

So did a lot of recently red-pilled Americans.

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more and more my hero despite whom he recently hired.

what i don’t get is the continuance of the image that this was all pfizer... etc.. when it was DOD.. w/ regards to shots.

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It's Twatter. I must insist.

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Ha, I call it that too 😬

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Well, I know it's not very Christian, but I've had it with all the platforms spreading misinformation. You can't believe anything anymore. Be Blessed! 😘 from a not so good Christian.

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Mr. Musk has plenty of F*ck You money and he knows how to use it.

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Thanks for the article. There is so much happening in this point & time of the U.S. existence, that is attempting w/ vigor to bring our country down, it is hard to keep up w/ the so many different avenues of attack. Mr Musk is valued for his position & wisdom in defending the principles of the Constitution.

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