“No one told the patients, hey, you’re going to be put on this vent. It’s probably going to kill you, but it may protect the healthcare workers,” testified attorney Tom Renz to the Pennsylvania State Senate earlier this year.

Shit, they suspended patient bill of rights, put patients unconscious with drugs, put them on Remdesivir and vents, then lied to family and used LEO to prevent family from stopping explicit orders to NOT do either of those things.


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Plus family members were not allowed to visit their family members!

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This was the brave man in 2020 when he blew the whistle on Ventilators. First was put out on YouTube. The Dr was then Moved from the ward. Ventilators Doing More Harm. I remember teh NIGHT he put this out. it was very scary to have it confirmed that they were harming people deliberately. REMEMBER THIS WAS 2020...... WE KNEW. THEY KNEW

"Dr Cameron Kyle-Sidell was controversial during the height of the scamdemic in NYC, where he witnessed his own patients suffer and die seemingly due the medical establishment's so-called cures. Dr Kyle-Sidell openly questioned the protocols, and soon left his job (was presumably encouraged to leave)."

NYC Doctor Questions Covid Protocols at Height of Scamdemic https://rumble.com/v19a77v-nyc-doctor-questions-covid-protocols-at-height-of-scamdemic.html

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Every single Doctor that kept ventilating Covid patients after seeing the results is both incapable of practicing medicine and capable of manslaughter.

It is such a huge shock to our illusions to comprehend this information that we tend to choose to deny it, make excuses for it, or just ignore the information despite knowing it.

Really, people, especially those inside the "medical system" and those who utilize the medical system, need to wake the bleep up!

Nazi Doctors have very little on the medical systems of today, worldwide in Formerly Free Democracies, once you really take stock of the entire Covid Affair.

It is murder through and though. Many were made accessories to murder before they knew what exactly was happening. That is true.


the real problem lies in them continuing to follow lethal protocols once they KNEW they were lethal!!

That is wrong. Immoral. Wicked, in fact.

There has been a rise of a great evil in our world. This is the true issue, in my mind, and that evil is now fully institutionalized in our Government, in Academia, in Media, in our Medical Systems and our Corporations.

Good men and women EVERYWHERE must stand up if we are to defeat it. The Peter McCulloughs of the world cannot lift this darkness alone. The rest of us must join them!!

Speak the TRUTH.

Tell everyone you can what has happened.

Reach out to media, to Legislators, to your own communities. Get involved!!

Join a Medical Freedom Group.

Write a sitting Judge about our Constitutional Protections.

Pay cash.

Boycott the Corporations involved.

Support the Legal Efforts for accountability.

Run for office.

Get up, get active, get praying as well.

We need all the help possible to defeat this Darkness that has arisen on our Earth!

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Amen to all of that Katherine.

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Thanks, I really wish those with knowledge of the truth would fight harder to see it spread!

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we were a minority & now are are just a Bigger minority. It'll all be down to the people at the end.

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Absolutely right, imho!

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I love a Truth Teller 🙏🏻💕💕💕

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Incentivized murder turned hospitals into killing fields.

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We need to call it what it is:

Government funded murder for hire.

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will they be held accountable. is there a site that list what hospitals received what $ off these ventilator deaths? How does the public find out how many died at their local hospital?

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Dr. Lee Vliet at Truth for Health is a good resource for that information. I don’t have it at my fingertips but there's a compilation showing the amount per state. The average was nearly $500,000. per DEAD “COVID” patient.

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Here are Dr. Vliet's foundation's reports on hospital protocols and profits


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Oh! The Breggins! I'm a huge fan. So much respect for you. Got your book. We pray for you regularly at our house

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Ginger here Roberta, Thank you so very much!

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Murder for Hire.

That 500K payoff probably saves the Government money in the long run, when you look at Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid expenses, long term for the life expectancy of the majority of the victims of this Covid Operation.

Think about it.

If they had lived, most being elderly and with co-morbidities, it probably would have cost more if they had lived out their lives normally, for the Government.

The "Boomer Remover" is what my daughter's generation called Covid!

Of course, maybe not. The Government has proven it's programs usually have huge cost overruns and are terribly inefficient, financially.

So there's that, as well.

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This is old news really….but instead of it being a ‘bomb shell’ moment where the world gasps with horror at these findings, comments are made about how much time Musk must have to ‘meddle’ in things 😕. I notice the diminishing of this kind of horror all the time by MSM and social media users. Dismiss the extraordinary content of the message with some throw away line that insults the author or the ‘flat earthers’ and get on with your day. The truth has been known for some years. That’s not really the issue. The issue is the amount of people who just don’t give a fuck what the truth is …..

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Our doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical agencies and the politicians were in a horrific plan to protect what?? We can only suspect and the thoughts of this thinking can only be described as diabolical.

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Demonic activity, if you ask me, is still the best explanation for the past three years.

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More important than simply being on a ventilator was the commonality of incompetent and/or murderous, ventilation technicians turning the pressure up high enough to cause fatal lung damage.

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When someone says to me that "you're not a doctor!" My reply is always "thank you!" My guess is that going to med school "financed by BIG Pharma" no Virginia, your tuition doesn't cover it ALL and you are not a customer; you're a subject for indocrination. is like being in a religious school. You're highly unlikely to be able to think objectively or critically. After school you have customers you call patients who have been indocrinated to "worship" you and drug sales reps that pander to you, feeding your arrogance so you wind up believing in your omnipotence. I believe that physicians bought in to the COVID 1984/mRNA Scam more than any other groups. Of course the financial incentives helped. The figure I've read was $37,000.00 if you get someone on a ventilator. Hello, you wouldn't prescribe Ivermectin or Hydroxycloroquine but you WOULD cut off a boys penis or a girls breasts and it's not just you doc, the whole western world societies are sick almost beyond comprehension.

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I really, really hope that the WHO does not become the de facto ruler of the world in 2024. It does not have our best interests in mind.

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Don't hope. Fight like hell to see that they don't!!

Hope is apathetic. Get active. Organize. Join a letter writing team. Visit your elected Representatives.

Enumerate the mistakes of the WHO in Covid and tell them that over your dead body you'll take health advise, or dictats from an unelected group of incompetents, at best, and murderous sociopaths at worst!

Vote for people who will stand up for our US Constitution and the God-Given Human Rights of Americans!

If everyone who understands what just happened got active, this shit would end tomorrow.

Sorry to pounce on you but I am driven mad by the number 9f people who know we just lost millions of lives through ignorance and malevolence and yet aren't doing anything to stop it.

Perhaps you already very active; if so I am grateful, because I don't want to live in a world ruled by the Devil Himself, nor do I wish this for anyone!

Nor is it necessary. But if we want the abuse to stop, we must MAKE IT STOP.

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Aand I live in Canada... I heard from a friend who knows an 80 something elderly man who had the temerity to donate $20 to the Freedom Convoy. His bank account was frozen for 5 days. A warning, they said.

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I remember very early on an impassioned plea from an ICU intensivist pulmonologist who was frantically trying to warn his colleagues that the vents were killing patients due to the settings used. For his trouble he was banned from the ICU and transferred to the ER. He saw what was happening and HE CARED, unlike 99% of his first-do-no-harm hypocrite colleagues. I wonder whatever happened to him. His video was of course pulled down immediately but many saw it.

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Never been a better justification to get government out of healthcare

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I'm sorry but your son is going to need stitches.

UK: But don't worry it will cost you nothing, we have an opening in 6 months.

US: Come right in we can get on that today, it will he 80 k.

Canada: Have you considered euthanasia?

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Yeah 3 strikes you’re out. Bring back Babe Ruth(The Free Market)

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Saw a video EARLY IN 2020 where a respiratory therapist said that ventilators were not helping COVID patients but killing them and that respirators should only be use where the patient has a diaphragm issue where they are unable to breathe in their own, but all the STEMS couldn’t figure this out? Since when are healthcare measures carried out in patients FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE STAFF? If they wanted to protect the workers they could have sent the patients home with a prescription of Ivermectin and had a better outcome, but of course them they wouldn’t have gotten all that MONEY FOR FUCKING KILLING THEM!

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It’s a good time to reread ivan illich’s medical nemesis and stay away from medical treatment, which is the real killer

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The tearable thing about all theses revelations, is the one’s that didn’t see or listen to the one’s that knew the truth, payed the ultimate price with their life.

That’s the horrible and evil fact of it. I hope the one’s that made it through will learn the lesson, but I’m afraid most won’t and will fall for the same in the future.

I pray I am wrong.

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Lolol another thing for Trump to be proud of 🤣

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Well actually, Trump told us.

Did you listen to him or the media?

Why would you doctor go along? Maybe he got $$$. Or threatened with loss of license.

HCQ - Trump told us healthcare workers were taking it and it works. What happened? He got blasted. TV doctors came at him from out of nowhere. Deadly drug. Causes heart attacks. Ban it. Ban it. And they did ban it, along with Ivermectin.

But millions have taken HCQ routinely, all ages, and there have never been any safety concerns. Used for decades! Did you catch on to the media propaganda? Why not? Do you blindly take what CNN says you must?

Trump said it usually takes 5 or more years to clear a drug for safety. So, when inquiring minds asked for safety studies, drug companies said they would release studies in 75 years. Did you pick up on that? Trump was trying to say what he couldn’t say outright.

The name of the operation was warp speed. When I hear that I think of the Enterprise blitzing through space in a blur. Not exactly comforting to take a drug created at warp speed.

All red flags. 🚩🚩🚩

And remember, people were begging for a vaccine.

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That was his opportunity to find someone else. Like I said he had his chance and he blew it. Tried to bullshit his way just like he does on everything. He got taken down by a bigger and better bullshitter Fauci. Yes both HCQ and IVM would have saved millions of lives.

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He was already orange Man bad.

What if he had fired King Fauci? Fauchi was adored.

By right and left.

Not as easy as pointing a magic wand.

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Don’t mistake me for a leftist fool Carol. I was one of Trump’s biggest fans for a while. I was eating pony paste before it was cool. Watching this Israel thing unfold has led me to reconsider my position on Trump. That chicken shit doesn’t have the fortitude to mention how both his cabinet and the CDC/fda were stacked with people of dual citizenship. It’s no different for Biden. What was the first thing Ron DeSantis did after announcing his bid for president. He hopped his ass on the first plane to Israel. Something stinks and Trump is not afraid to offend; expect for that and he also will not mention the vaccine.

Listen I have no faith that any of this mess we find ourselves in is getting solved by politicians. Certainly not until we can at least discuss these issues. I’m not even voting i don’t think. It’s kind of funny because the elections are bullshit fraud anyway. I want to know why these people are in such high places of authority. If it was China you would be outraged. Trump calls them out all the time. Let’s have that discussion shall we.


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I don’t think there will be an election.

But bigger.

You are referring to Israel’s 9/11?

The ka-ball Trump inherited has been in place for decades. Watch.

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Reptilian Overlords makes as much sense today as anything, imho.

All kidding aside- I agree with you, something stinks!

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Well, why do you think these Dual nationalistic persons were put in these positions? Try to, fill in these blanks with what your best guess is. It usually helps to do that:

"Dual Citizens were put in these important positions so that they could _______________.

Ron DeSantis, like others, flew to Israel at beginning of his campaign because, like others, he needed to ____________.

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I don’t know Jennifer to be honest. That would hopefully come out if we were allowed to discuss such matters. We are not and that is what concerns me the most. Lol DT usually doesn’t shy away from controversy but I take a 30k view and come to realize he has no stomach for it. None of them seem to want to go anywhere near it.

Lol the nitwits from the Squad are about as close as you get. I suspect those types are probably getting donations from the ADL. It’s seems very similar to how Democrats and Republican parties keep us herded within the boundaries.

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DT has stomach for everything so far it seems, except he won't talk about the shot having harmed people. He seems protected under the PREP Act, but if he said shots are hurting people, I guess he might be subjecting pharma to the "fraud exception" to immunity under the Prep Act.

Trump didn't fill his own cabinet with duals,, but he does 100%support Israel. His son in law and his daughter are Jewish. I don't know what else it could be. I am confident he wants the best for his country and its citizens. This subject seems even more taboo than the shot. Now, why would the squad get money from ADL, since ADL is Jewish supporting? I know that non-orthodox US Jewish are very powerful in Hollywood, for example. I think the Orthodox Jews are not very powerful, though, even in Israel. I don't know where the "Zionists" fit in either.

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Trump teed up the ball and Biden hit it.

That's my personal opinion.

No one is without complicity. Except Dr's & nurses, etc., that fought it, medical freedom fighters, free speech supporters, the moms and dads that fought for their kids, the kids that fought for their parent's lives, the alternative media that called the whole shit-show out,

Everyone in MSM is guilty of murder.

Ditto medicine.



Big Tech.







Let's all stand up and take our support for these entities away, ok?

Build something new. Something grass roots. Something honest.

Government by, for and of the people?

What do you say to that idea?

It's been tried before and it's time to try it again!

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Guarantee that any commenter here who doesn’t hold President Trump one iota responsible for OWS, 15 days => 45 days locked down to slow the spread, the Pfizer & Moderna selections for “vaccine” contracts, being the President - the CIC - of the Armed Forces & overseer of the DoD, the man in charge of the Administration that selected Alex Azar for HHS, and Scott Gottlieb for the FDA head, the man who spoke about HCL & Ivermectin for a short time until he just moved on from promoting either and moved into promoting the safety & efficacy of the vaccines, will tell you emphatically “but, but Pence was in charge of the Pandemic response! It’s (implied) all Pence’s fault!” I read it almost every day in Substack comment sections.

President Trump was just the President. He had no real authority or responsibility for oversight of the Pandemic response. It’s all Pence’s fault. 🙄

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It seems a lot of trump's failure was allowing the railroading by the "health experts" that had been built into the "pandemic preparedness " exercises. if he had stood up for small businesses we might not find ourselves here. The religion of "infallible, famous NY businessman " left him wide open for the psyop.

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Where DT really dropped the ball IMO was the aftermath. Its quite strange too. Have seen plenty of clips from his people like Root and even Don Jr talking smack about the vax.

Said the other day the only thing would not offend or mention were the people in high levels of government with dual citizenship. Jeez guess I had forgotten about the vax.

I can accept being caught off guard in that short timeframe early 2020 to the end. However to continue boasting about how he was able to shortchange the trials so he could get a highly experimental drug approved is too much for me to bear.

Granted the entire vax program was a monumental example of logistical success. Of course that was large in-part because the military was fully prepared. That makes sense as it was their brainchild in the first place. Trump was simply the dipshit that got the funding approved.

Looking at it now, it was buckets of stupid. At this point I am unsure why he doesn’t come clean. I think he still could and pull it off…but for some reason he won’t.

Here is the dual citizenship thing I was referring to. Say what you want but this is a HUGE conflict of interest. This doesn’t seem to just stop at Pharma, CDC, FDA. It permeates the cabinets of all the presidents.


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Trump failed in his greatest test. He tried to bill shit his way through Covid-19. Yes he was lied to by the weasel’s Fauci and Birx and Collins. But it’s the President’s job to understand that his advisors had their own agenda and to seek consult from people he could trust. He failed massively in that regard. It’s the one thing that will keep me from voting for him again. He is not up to the challenges because he can’t BS his way out of the Ukrainian and now Israeli mess’s. He allowed big pharma to dictate the terms of the EUA on the MRNA shots that have killed more than Covid-19 itself.

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Imho Trump was either in on it, or blackmailed to stand down and accept the Vax.

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the self proclaimed king of ventilators ...

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