We’ve known now for years that the mRNA vaccine was a bioweapon but people just don’t want to believe that research doctors would have done this purposely. Never forget that years ago on a TED talk that Bill Gates said we must lose 20% of the population to sustain our present way of life. He advised vaccines would be one way to affect this end.

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Its unfortunate that Obama legalized propaganda in the USA and of course they have been working overtime on our tax dollars to convince otherwise to counter the “conspiracy theories”.

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This is what he actually said:

"First, we've got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent. But there, we see an increase of about 1.3."


That's not "losing 20% of the population." That's INCREASING it by 1.3%.

I'm not a Gates fan, and I think he has a nefarious agenda, but I don't believe in misquoting anyone.

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There's no misquote of his statement when carefully considering exactly what he said, especially in context with what is actually happening in the world today. He specifically states "we could LOWER that by perhaps 10-15 percent". Then he goes on to say "BUT there, we see an increase of about 1.3" (BTW, that's a factor, not a percentage, but you don't believe in misquoting). That "BUT" is critical to his quote, meaning it's CONTRARY to his previous sentence about LOWERING the population. There is no misquote; his intentions are clear. He indeed has a goal to LOWER the global population by doing a "really good job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive services". Now, one would think "vaccines, health care and reproductive services" would be good for humanity and contribute to population growth not decrease, however what do we see happening? Vaccines that cause increased mortality, sick care (not health care) that is propagated by chemically poisoned food supplies, increased pharmaceutical usage that does not heal or cure disease but rather promotes continued disease or death, by only treating symptoms, and introducing harmful, sometimes fatal, side effects. As a result of all this, mortality rates are increasing and life expectancies are beginning to decrease. And who do you think has his dirty little hands and his vast wealth involved in all of this? Among many other nefarious ventures, he is continuing to fund labs throughout the world, including the US, doing GoF research for new and lethal bioweapons, like he and his cohorts did with covid. Yes, he's not done and there is more to come!! He is indeed weaponizing vaccines, and sick care in the guise of "health care", to LOWER the population as he clearly stated, no misquotes. He has woven an insidious and nefarious web throughout industry and government. He is evil and delusional, and must be stopped and held accountable for the MILLIONS of deaths and debilitating consequences of his evil deeds, he and ALL his accomplices in both industry AND government!!

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So well put, thank you. I couldn't agree more. Working many many years as a nurse, and having a curious mind, I have known him and his foundation exactly for what they are for decades. The 2019 crisis was executed exactly as planned.

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I am in limbo... I can't seem to find a way to continue working under this so-called health care umbrella. I have loved my job and was able to thrive caring for others. But that all changed in the spring of 2019... .

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I'm so sorry you find yourself in this difficult situation, but I'm thankful you realize the truth about the so-called health care system. That's why I call it sick care. IMO true health care does not exist within the confines of the allopathic medical system. It is literally controlled by the pharmaceutical industry, beginning with the medical universities, and medical governance. Perhaps you could find a position in alternative or integrative health care? There are those practitioners that truly believe in health care, as opposed to sick care, and are not under the umbrella of the allopathic system. You obviously have a heart for caring for others, and the education and experience to do so. The non-allopathic system would be very fortunate to have you!!! God bless you and guide you in choosing your path forward! 🙏

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Thank you!

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It's a typically Gatesian mangling of language. Hard to actually know exactly what he means. I can take this phase to mean to reduce population growth or to support growth. But then I can't do the math on my head to compare the ratios of growth mentioned. But I think he either has a very scattered mind, or he likes to speak in contradictions. Either way, its frightening in a person with so much power and influence.

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My husband used to quote Lord Acton: “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." The quote continues, "Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise INFLUENCE and not authority.” [capitalization is mine]. He passed away before all this transpired, so he has not had the misfortune of witnessing this truth evidenced as never before!

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So very sorry for your loss. He sounds like he was a good man.

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Thank you. Yes, one of the best!! He was very selfless, always giving to others and sharing his time and talents, which were many!! He had a "heart of gold", one of his favorite songs. 😉 He lost his battle with leukemia (the allopathic way, and went through HELL!!!) at far too young an age. But I think if he hadn't passed prior to this, these last 4 years would've killed him! His heart was too big to witness these atrocities and not be too adversely affected.

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Gates has a way of saying things, to kinda hide what he really means. It's sort of " read between the lines". Was taught this a long time ago, by my father.

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Did he volunteer to go be at the head of the line?

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You forgot one thing. Looking at how many were injected and the probability of shedding, Fauci and company may have opened a Pandora’s Box on the whole world. Not one nation will be unaffected. I fear for the future of mankind.

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100% agree! I'm almost a year in on Ivermectin, a ridiculous amount of supplements, and a couple thousand dollars due to my blood not only looks vaccinated...but highly vaccinated! 🤬 That's what happens when you spend 4 weeks in VA with your double vax'd and all allocated boosted in-law's while one was dying from turbo Mesothelioma! Which btw turbo Mesothelioma is an oxymoron! There's nothing turbo/fast about Mesothelioma! I also 100% believe it's in all these chemtrails! We already know they are putting it in meat! Apparently it's in lidocaine too! They'll get us one way or the other, but let's give them HELL and not make it as easy as idiots did the last almost 5 years! FIVE LONG DARN YEARS come March! They all deserve 10 years in prison for each year!!! I mean they've murdered HOW MANY between horrible cdc protocols including unnecessary ventilators, people who couldn't take it and committed suicide, people who didn't receive much needed medical attention for other ailments in the beginning, and then onto flat out murder by vaccines!

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I’ll only settle for the death penalty, give them a taste of their own medicine. 10 years on our tax dollars still isn’t fair to us…👊🏻 premeditated murder is what they are all guilty of, government, medical industry, even the media all profited from the death of our family and friends.

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Agreed! 100%

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As difficult as it is to hear this, I have to say it because there is a really good part to it - but it is not the fault of the authorities but in the people's belief in authority. Believing in authority essentially says you don't believe in yourself, so then you lean on authority and abdicate your own due diligence to find out for yourself if vaccines are safe. Usually they would listen to nobody but the news or the "authorities", so it is incumbent on them, regardless of laws, to choose wisely. Some of us didn't take the jabs, if we didn't they didn't have to. That's what belief can do to humanity. It's been on intense hocus pocus trick. But we can stop it. These doctors are true guardians.

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I was very fortunate because I was not forced to get the jab, many were against their will. I never succumbed to the fear. Fear is what they used to get so many to comply. Fear is a very powerful tool.

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It must have been hard for people to resist but resist we must because we can't have one group of people forcing their will on others. I'm glad you avoided it.

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I also want to add to the fact that it is the people, the individuals ourselves who are responsible for all this, that the good news is that we are the ones who hold the power of change also.

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I don't like to use the word "warriors". And they are guardians of the truth.

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Believe in God

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Ventilators were a death sentence

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Are you also on, Aspirin too? High Vit D.

Nattokinase. Vit C of.cpirse. And Jason winters tea.??

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I am sure nature has an antidote for that. But it is up to us to stop these vaccines, not in changing legislation only but in warning everyone we know.

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"Fauci and company MAY have opened a Pandora's Box"? There's no "may" about it; they DID!! The spike protein in this so-called "vaccine" is programmed to self-replicate and there's no known way at this time to turn it off. That in itself is a Pandora's Box, but they're not done! These GoF labs are continuing to engineer more bioweapons to unleash on the world, which of course will be accompanied by more mRNA so-called "vaccines". So yes, Pandora's Box has indeed been opened. But I believe we have the collective power to shut that box, especially with this new administration that is diving deep into the corruption and collusion. Plus people around the world are waking up to the truth, and I believe the quote "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." I don't think many of us will be taking any more mRNA jabs. I also believe in a higher power, and felt uplifted by Ty Bollinger's quote at the end of the "Propaganda Exposed" series. He said, "Spoiler alert. We Win!" Because in the battle against evil, God wins!! AMEN!!! 🙏

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I have been giving evidence of the harm of all vaccines for nine years, and warned everybody to NOT accept the covid bioweapons before they were initiated. In my book EXPOSING THE MONEY MACHINE, first published in April 2016, starting the red pill movement, I warned that Gates would depopulate the planet using vaccines. All these late-comers are stating the obvious and well-known information.



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That's great Michael, you have insight. I also warned everyone before the vaccines were issued or even talked about being issued. I warned my friends and family. Well I lost all my friends and my family is barely talking to me. But nonetheless, that's what you do when you know, you tell the people you care about. Oh when they see just how damaging vaccines are and the ambition behind them.

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But pay attention to the other hand because now a bird flu poke has just been approved for chickens...for meat birds and egg layers. You don't want to roll up your sleeve? They are just now going to put it into the food supply. Be ready for constant detox. And they will get it and other substances that will be passed onto us in the beef as well.

I have no trust.

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Correct! They admitted over 2 years ago they were already giving swine MRNA vaccines!

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I’m right there with you, daily detox like nattokinaise are necessity to life.

We would be foolish at this point to trust anything, question everything.

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Viruses do not exist.

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Agree but the psyop continues

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They could simply separate the egg-laying flocks into smaller groups like they do with the so-called broiler chickens people eat. That's why they don't mass-slaughter those when one tests positive. They kill the one flock. Vaxxing them all seems absurd. The broiler chickens only get to live for two months anyway.

Poor birds.

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It’s sad, I’ve got so many eggs my family of 4 can’t keep up with just from 5 hens. It’s amazes me that they only costs $4 per bird, great return on your investment. My HOA banned backyard birds but my neighbors never turned me in since they love the payoff with eggs regularly. Hens are quiet, no roosters needed.

Even if they did I still come out ahead after they get butchered for a neighborhood bbq…

Fight the power, place an order online and the usps will ship them straight to your house!

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I have 4 hens but would like another 4. I am SO enjoying my

hens and lovely, almost

ORANGE yolks, full of vitamin C. Where do you order yours from? I used Murray McMurray hatchery last time I ordered but this batch was partly incubated by me, and partly Tractor Supply end of chick season $1 sale. 🐥🐣🐓

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Personally I went to ducks. They lay as often as chickens only the eggs are larger and more nutritious. You can easily hatch them in an incubator or let them brood. Butcher all your drakes in the fall and replace your breeding drakes every year. They are cold hardy and great foragers.

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We ought to do something in return. Don't just sit passively by. Don't pay interest on loans, go on strike, whatever we decide.

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Amen! Revolution is necessary to reclaim independence from tyranny. They won’t go away quietly…

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Just be careful of that because if there is an outright revolution, we will most likely lose it. The revolution this time, must be in the mind. We are all part of the evil by the way, the ones we see on the big stage are a projection of WHAT WE ARE. So if we change our attitude, that will dissolve the power the ghouls have. What is needed is to start talking with each other and working out alternatives to their systems. That will take the blood supply away. We need to put our energy into building the new.

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It is kind of interesting...that everyone blames the technology...and not the poisonous matter that has been injected into the human bloodstream regularly by the medical profession starting in the 1950s. Is it, because they don't want to shut down the entire industry???

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Just like the Bible teaches about pharmakia…those that have ears to hear…very interesting indeed.

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The word pharmacy stems from a Greek word: pharmakeia , which pertains to witchcraft, magic spells.... Drugs and vaccines both contain toxic matter, which does not belong in the human body. Medical doctors have little nutritional knowledge.....Common sense should have told doctors that the only thing that belongs in the human bloodstream are nutrients from healthy food. Humans existed for thousands of years without the help of the Medical Industry and its toxic remedies.

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Also includes potions and sorcery which is the root word of pharmacy. Unfortunately the greed of people like Rockefeller supplanted common sense and thousands of years of proven knowledge for their profits at our expense. They are mass murderers that have convinced the industry that, just like you say, nutrition is irrelevant and pharmaceuticals(profits) are preferable.

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Exactly, I'm a naturopath for 15 years and have been saying for years, the pharmaceutical industry is a COMPANY that has NO repercussion to its faulty products. Just let that sink in for a minute. Who in their right mind what's to pay money for that. Everyone has been coerced and controlled, and we're collectively only just realising the bad deal we're been feed for generations. The damage has already been done. The pharmaceutical industrial complex has a lot to answer for, and people need to wake up from the saviour complex because that's another lie we're been brainwashed into believing. We need family and community back. F#$k the elites (Top down) system we need to stand strong for ourselves and community that's where our strength and strategy lie.

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The Pharmaceutical industry. is just another SOULLESS CORPORATION...It has NO CONCERN for the people it's POISONING with its harmful products. Status and money are all important! Its profound ignorance is on display for the world to see...with all the injuries and deaths it has left in its wake!

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Revelations!!! It says the whole world will be deceived by pharma and BOOM— the whole world was deceived by them! Well, except for we purebloods. There have been hundreds of prophecies come

true and the speed is picking up fast, isn’t it?.

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Well said Nicholas Hulcher, in your meager two minutes of time they allowed. How generous of them. Thank you for your care. And Peter McCullough too, he seems to be tirelessly fighting this on every level. And what do they have to say about all these studies and losses of lives? What has the Idaho Senate Health and Services Committee have to say?

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Remember, we’re conspiracy theorists…


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I’m a “things don’t add up and it’s pretty obvious” theorist…no conspiracy here…lol. They are banking on people being too lazy to research and be spoon fed from the propaganda machine.

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Are they really conspiracies if they keep coming true?

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They are still conspiracies, just no longer theories.

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Great answer!

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We all know the CIA came up with the "conspiracy theorist" label to discredit investigations into the JFK assassination. But let's break that term down shall we? "Conspiracy" is an effort or idea between two or more people to perform a negative action or achieve a negative outcome against others. "Theorist" is an investigator. Investigating people colluding for negative outcomes is an honorable badge to wear.

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And here we are almost full circle on the JFK assassination. They can't gaslight us forever...eventually the abused wakes up to the situation and wants it to stop.

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I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and Peter for what you have been doing. As you may know, I have been fighting this fight for well over 25 years and it was lonely.. Yes, I could count on Jeff Bradstreet, Andrew Moulden and Rahshid Buttar. They were all my friends and colleagues and they were all murdered.

From the grave Andrew told me to be careful. I literally went into hiding after I wrote Gain of Function Loss of Sanity. I vanished for over two years until is was safe to reemerge at the end of 2023.

Don't mean to be tangential but I know how much courage it takes to be doing what you are doing.

For what it is worth... my deepest gratitude.

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Thanks for the Doctor's testimony. WHAT IS WRONG with the politicians dysfunction that they have not taken action with all the genocide proof already out there? Big Pharma deep profit pockets corruption adversely affects people doing what's right to protect and serve the Sheeple That's their job to represent best interest of the Sheeple not depopulation agendas

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Genocide is an ugly business.

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Very well done for the TWO MINUTES, FFS, they gave you.

What in the world is holding them back from stopping this madness?

Next up, let the prosecutions commence!

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I am so grateful for people like Nicolas Hulscher, MPH who courageously and unfalteringly state the truth publicly. We need more people like him who are willing to openly declare the facts that reveal the truth of this corrupt agenda of depopulation and transhumanist evolution.

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Great presentation. Kudos Mr. Hulscher. Many Blessings

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Good job, Nic!

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Great Work Nicolas. God bless you.

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