I’m sorry, but the truth is it’s all a show is it not? We sit here and watch it do we not? Do any of us actually engage in person? We cant can we? None of us are able to communicate with anyone who is a part of this show are we? Look at what these people are capable of, is it not probable that everything unfolds the way they want to? Is it not probable That everything we see while we sit here and watch is exactly what they want us to sit here and watch? Thesis and antithesis, this evil is better at getting what they want than any of us can even fathom. We see what they want us to see, even here. The technology belongs to them, it was created for the purpose that it is being used for, to keep us busy with scenarios and ultimatums, to confuse us, and trick us out of understanding that we have free will. By voting we are giving our consent to be governed ( what ever the definition of governance may be to our oppressors doesn’t matter we give consent ) , by not voting we are also giving consent. This lie is deeper than any of us can ever hope to understand, the language being used is also something we can not understand unless we understand that it changes with its definitions, and that the creators of this language do not see us as the same species. So who they are addressing shifts to get around free will. I can not prove this, but I believe it is happening. He was a liar and a murder from the beginning, the truth is not in him. What if how we see lying ,even at its worst in our eyes, is nothing compared to how dark and serious it actually is? I think we are missing the true wait of what the commandments forbid us from doing. The seriousness has been dumbed down to a tv sitcom that we all sit back and watch instead of organising in the one and only place true change can be made, in person!!! Even church keeps us divided does it not? Does anyone else see what I see? Or feel what I feel? Those of us that can see it, are still blind to its true nature. Thesis and antithesis, The world is a stage and WE ARE ALL ACTORS!!!! Does the book of revelation explain what happens when we are finally ready to stand together in truth? Musk just said to us, they have not tried to prosecute 1 person on that list. Does it matter who was president we he was found out, and who is president now? Nothing was done? By doing nothing we are giving consent and they are counting on us never looking at the big picture. That’s why they give us so much to watch!!! That is all, I hope I’m wrong!! God Bless

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Ascend from the innermost part of your being. And you will win. That’s the only way out of this madness. I believe that is the ultimate truth

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Can you explain? Only because I feel like it takes a union of understanding rather than only self understanding. Also if you don’t mind me asking? Do you believe in Jesus Christ or are you on a different path?

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Jesus Christ is (a personification of ) your own wonderful human imagination. Man's imagination is the creator of his world. What I'm sure Nick means is to go inside ("Be still and know that you are God") and imagine from your heart center the most peaceful, loving world. Do not become double-minded and keep believing anything from this "outside" world that is contrary to your imagination (the disciple Thomas (all disciples are actually disciplines of mind) was the discipline of mind to deny what you see/hear etc. in this 3d hologram of earth and to stay faithful to your imagination (again, in scripture, imagination is represented by the character of Jesus.)) Mark 11:24: "Whatsoever you pray for, believe you HAVE received it, and you shall." Peace to you.

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Very well put, thank you!

There was a time in my life when i thought this way or maybe similar I should say. The self as the one true God. I believed very much in projection, for the reason that ultimately we get the thing we want if we truly want them. The things you truly want you can actually see your self having prior to obtaining them, when that happened at least for me I noticed a pattern and would eventually get those things weather they be objects, love interests, jobs or things I wanted to learn to do, or even a state of mind. If I could see myself with it and truly feel it, It would eventually find its way into my life. Belief in a sense being the biggest part of reality and reality being as vast as the infinite universe. I believed very much in reincarnation, with the feeling of being alive as taking a breath. I was very into physics and panpsychism seeing the universe as a conscious living organism completely aware of us. I was very very against Christianity and things like tradition, believing that tradition very much hinders progression in humans. I was sure I had it figured out for the most part doing my best to only project and surround myself with good things. I completely stopped watching the news because it’s always negative, and allowing negative thoughts that don’t pertain to you puts you in a dangerous place. Am I somewhat in the ballpark of what you believe???

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I think you are right. Start organising in person!

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I get it, it’s way easier said than done, but what other way is there? We’ve been doing the same thing over and over for centuries while the technology being used against us continues to get better. I believe that the technology is our biggest hurdle, I believe walking away from it to discuss important matters in person is our best hope!! I’m just trying to raise awareness and praying praying praying. God bless!

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Release that list!

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Democrats are evil reptiles

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Talk about tight lips. Look at all the silence in Colorado. What if it's not just Epstein and Diddy...


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Expose and release information to end the cabal and the sex blackmail🤮

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Why would you warn your enemies what you are going to do, before you have a chance to actually do it?

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Yeah not sensible, should have been a DM

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Please.. let’s release this before the election. !!

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I once heard someone say that this is all a movie. It’s a horror show, a drama, a thriller, a crime story and an absurd comedy all in one. We are the characters and it’s essential that we play our parts well. When you realize that the End is coming, it adds a lot of flavor to the sauce.

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great 🌹🌻🌸💐💚💛💜❤️🌼😍🥰

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Great someone came out speaking!🙏🏻

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Will probably be assassinated.

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She is so fake to me I cannot listen. Is there a woman under all that makeup.

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Everybody just have your phone cameras handy in case of rabble rousing or agent provocateurs. Get footage of those people and identify them EARLY.

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