Thank you so much - Vigilant Fox . . for all that you do!

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Apr 16Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Yes Spike Support from Wellness Company is helpful

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Valuable info, thanks Fox.

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Sad, though, that the company he represents has been linked to US intelligence agencies.

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yo. if i dont have any signs of adverse effect from vax, is there chance spike proteins or other stuff can still be "in my system?" so that this protocol would work a year or 2 after the vax or infection event?

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British cardiologist Dr. Malhotra giving evidence in Helsinki. Powerful stuff about a cover up of post-jab increased heart attacks in the UK.


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These well-meaning recommendations look frighteningly like the standard medical approach of ladelling yet more drugs into people in an attempt to (POSSIBLY -- it's an experiment) counteract the 'side-effects' of the original drug. And when these new drugs all turn out to have side effects too ....OMG, what a fustercluck. All good news for Big Pharma, though!

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I would add low dose lithium orotate (1-2mg) per Dr. Nehls info. It really helps with brainfog and protects against dementia.

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McCullough can shove the universe up his fake ass and explain what he means by "cases". Far as I can tell he represents the psycho indoctrinated medical community at large. May he and his quack cohort of Malone and Kirsch "experts" wander off under porches and into sewers for good so we can figure things out in their absence. Our chances will improve tremendously.

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What can we do for the babies and children? Can they take these supplements?

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Methylene Blue (per Dr. Anna Mahalcea) will dissolve the fibrous clots.

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NO...if you don't address the GRAPHENE HYDROXIDE nothing will get better

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what are the natural herbal medicines from the wellness company?

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This whole page needs to be disseminated far & wide.

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What degrades spike more? The nattokinase or the more stronger version of NAC? I can’t remember the name of the NAC Lol. I’m old. Covid memory now. Lol.

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